Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 539 Calling 'Dad' doesn't work either!

Chapter 539 Calling 'Dad' doesn't work either!

Or Yang Bicheng.

Because he rushed to the forefront, only the deputy Wang Changshou of the veteran squad followed him closely.

So, they're not a trio, they're a duo.

In front of them stood three Japanese soldiers holding rifles.

Faced with this thin Chinese soldier who had just stabbed his own powerful sergeant to death with a rifle, and a wrinkled Chinese "veteran" with a vicissitudes of life, the faces of the three Japanese infantrymen were full of ferocity.

These two Chinese have only one rifle, and they only need one rifle to block, and the other two rifles to stab straight. Kneeling and howling after being stabbed.

They have even seen the deep fear in the eyes of young Chinese soldiers and the already stiff facial muscles of Chinese 'veteran' soldiers.

Yes, Wang Changshou was even more afraid than Yang Bicheng.

Because, he had seen death more than Yang Bicheng.

Colleagues killed by bullets, brothers stabbed to death by bayonets, officers killed by shells, comrades killed by gas bombs
Without exception, their eyes were all gray, their complexions were as sallow as fire paper, and their bodies became a little light because they lost a lot of blood or lost their souls.

Death is never heroic, but ferocious!

He wanted to live, and he didn't want to be like that, and he didn't want to be buried alone in this field, and then it would stink little by little, becoming food for ants and bugs.

He also wants to see the beautiful mountains and rivers in his hometown, he wants to see his wife's not-so-beautiful but warm face, he wants to see the smile of his daughter in coarse clothes looking at him with surprises and surprises, and he even wants to buy his daughter the most beautiful clothes with military pay. The wedding dress, watching her walk towards that handsome and simple young man, from now on someone will take care of her instead of him!
He doesn't want to die, he wants to live!
But in the face of such three Japanese soldiers, his comrades-in-arms were only ten meters away from him, and they also had to face the Japanese bayonets. No one would come to help him for at least ten seconds.

Ten seconds is enough for him and Yang Bicheng, that stinky boy, to die several times.

Wang Changshou was desperate and terrified, but he didn't retreat.

"Hide behind me!" Wang Changshou's voice was even a little hoarse because of fear.

His legs trembled slightly, but his hands gripped the gun more tightly.

Until this moment, he has not forgotten his responsibility, no matter how much he fears death, he cannot let that melon skin die before him.This is what the company commander told him when he entrusted Yang Bicheng to him.

Guapi is the only seedling in his family.

Two Chinese soldiers are trembling in the face of imminent death, but the Japanese army has already secured their victory. They have already taken a big step, with their arms stretched forward, and they are about to shout "Kill the dick!"

It's a pity that they only saw the scene of the emaciated Chinese soldier holding a rifle and stabbing the American Sergeant on the bed, but they didn't see how their Sergeant collapsed in frustration.

And that, all because of a semi-automatic Browning 1911 pistol.

The most terrible thing is that there are still four bullets in the seven-round magazine.

Therefore, Yang Bicheng raised his gun and fired without hesitation.

Regardless, he raised his gun and pulled the trigger continuously.

Facing the three gleaming bayonets, the cowardly Yang Bicheng uncontrollably felt deep fear and returned to the 'coward' state.

At that moment, he completely forgot the hatred of his cousins ​​who died in battle, forgot his desire to avenge them, and even forgot that he originally wanted to die.

fear!After all, it aroused the most primitive instinct of his life --- survival.

So, he pulled the trigger desperately, as fast as he could.

Whether it can hit the target and kill the Japanese army may not be the most important thing.

The most important thing is that he must empty all the bullets before he is stabbed by the bayonet, and he cannot waste the good gun given to him by the battalion commander before leaving.

The brain was blank, only the biological instinct remained, but this 'new recruit' who had almost no battlefield experience because of his brother's protection accidentally entered the realm of the unity of man and gun.

The speed was astonishingly fast, and none of the four guns that were aimed at all missed, and all fell on the Japanese infantry less than 3 meters in front of him.

The most amazing thing is that the rain and dew were all covered, and not a single Japanese soldier was left behind.

Even the Japanese soldier who was shot at the end tried his best to avoid bullets, roared and rushed to the grass on the left, tried his best to shrink his already short body and even rolled over continuously.

Extremely excellent individual skills and tactics, the shrunken body reduces the bullet-proof area, the grass can cover his figure, and the high-speed roll can keep him away from the "veteran" soldier with the rifle, avoiding being chased by him stab down.

This Japanese infantryman has actually achieved the ultimate in excellence.

Unfortunately, this is life, it is so full of drama, if everything goes according to the script, maybe many people will suffer from depression!

More likely because of the protection of the five elder brothers, the excellence of the Japanese was defeated by the 'fear' of the Chinese.

Even if he had been scurrying and rolling and was five or six meters away from Yang Bicheng in less than two seconds, at that speed, even Tang Dao had to be given a thumbs up.

"Bang!" Yang Bicheng emptied the magazine.

The last bullet accurately hit the rear of the Japanese army, which was more sensitive and coquettish than a deer being chased by a cheetah.

"Aw!" A pitch-changing scream went straight into the sky.

There is definitely the most fragile place in the human body, there is no one, the soft end of the rectum is densely covered with rich neurons, even if the stool is slightly harder, it can make people grin their teeth in pain.

But now, it is an 11.43mm warhead rampaging in it, and red, green, yellow, black substances burst out from the thick wound at the mouth of the cup.

Not to mention the personal experience, just by looking at it, you can know how much pain the Japanese army will have.

However, there is never any empathy in this world. Everyone is an independent individual, whether it is spirit or body, they are all different.

No one knows how much pain he will have. Perhaps, at the moment of life and death, he prefers that he has never been so good, just like his colleagues, being shot in the head.

The large-caliber bullet shot from the nasal bone blasted his face into a bloody flower and shattered his brain at the same time. It looked cruel and terrifying, but at least he died quickly!

"Guawazi, change the magazine, and continue to kill!" Wang Changshou reacted quickly, and under great surprise, he strode forward and stabbed another Japanese soldier who was still struggling for his life to death, shouting frantically.

Yang Bicheng had a total of two loaded magazines. The state of his adrenal glands was under rapid secretion and he was not as happy with his own results. He replaced the last magazine almost mechanically. Under the leadership of Wang Changshou, he sent Yang Xiaoshan Wait for someone to get closer.

When meeting the yellow figure, Yang Bicheng, who had basically fallen into a state of 'chaos', raised his hand and shot.

The unruly style of play instantly broke the balance of the battlefield. After the Japanese army fell two more in a row, facing the strict defense of the Chinese soldiers, they could only be forced to launch a "suicide" attack.

Just, 'Cheetah' has arrived.

The Tang Dao rushing at high speed was even one step faster than the Japanese soldiers who were about to risk their lives to attack. Facing the bayonet that was startled and forced to stab at him, he made a sudden block with both arms, and pushed the bayonet of the Japanese Sergeant Cao away. , However, they did not turn their guns back to face the front as imagined by another Japanese soldier on the side.

On the contrary, Tang Dao went against common sense and sped forward again. In an instant, an afterimage seemed to flash from his body, but he narrowly escaped the fierce bayonet stabbed by the Japanese army.

Then, with a turn of the body, the body bowed slightly, and slammed into the Japanese Sergeant Cao who was caught off guard by Nakamiya Dakai.

Tie Shan Kao, one of the most fierce boxing methods in China, Bajiquan.

"Boom! Kacha!" Two almost consecutive voices sounded, and the Japanese soldier Cao screamed and was knocked nearly three meters away.

What's even more unfortunate is that a Japanese soldier must have been stunned by such a brutal scene. While facing this side, he forgot that the gun in his hand seemed to be pointing at Sergeant Cao who was being hit and flew towards him.

So, his nearly thirty centimeter long bayonet pierced through the fresh meat skewers.

"Eight-eight." The Japanese Army Sergeant Cao, who had been hit hard in succession, held his breath and honked twice in a row, but he didn't finish what he wanted to say.

Although both the Chinese and Japanese armies knew that he wanted to call 'Ba Ga'.

But the truth is, he was beaten up and called Dad!
"Calling Dad, it's too late! Kill!" Tang Dao smiled and threw the spear in his hand, directly piercing the Japanese soldier who had accidentally stabbed him to death and fell into a daze on the spot.

With just one face-to-face meeting and killing two Japanese invaders in a row, Battalion Commander Tang's appearance completely raised the morale of the Chinese side to its peak.

And Li Jiujin also led more than 20 people to rush over fiercely.

"Kill!" The collective roar of dozens of Chinese soldiers became the last straw that broke the camel's back.

The last ten or so Japanese soldiers did not know who ran first. In short, when one person ran first, almost all the Japanese soldiers turned around and ran away.

At this time, it is no longer a question of who can outrun the Chinese, but that outrunning one's own companions is victory.

The ugliness of human nature is fully exposed at this moment.

Facts have proved that it is not that the Japanese army is tough, but that they have not encountered anyone who is tougher than them.

In the face of cotton, egg shells are hard substances.

'kill! Yang Bicheng, who had already fallen into madness, looked at the Japanese soldiers who suddenly turned around and fled. He took a pistol and took great strides to chase after them.

"Grandpa, can you be my grandfather! Save some bullets, and there will be wars later." Wang Changshou was taken aback, and grabbed the obviously dazed young soldier.

It wasn't that he was too timid to hunt down the Japanese army, but that he was sure that all the Japanese army would be dead.

The Japanese infantry ran very fast, although their legs were short, but the frequency was very fast. Those two small bandy legs were like stepping on a pair of hot wheels.

However, the Japanese infantry who were driven out of the slope and into the wilderness by dozens of Chinese soldiers with killing intent were all dead.

What killed them was several light and heavy machine guns mounted on the top of the slope.

Hunters usually only need to drive their prey into hunting grounds or traps to complete their tasks.

The dozens of running figures without any cover were so helpless in front of the flames of light and heavy machine guns.

So far, except for the Japanese troops who were still resisting on the two wings, there was not a single Japanese soldier left on the frontal battlefield of the Second Company.

The Japanese army's triangular position, which was originally stable and could support for an hour, was interrupted by a corner.

All the light and heavy machine guns on the top of the slope were all turned around.

The several bullets fired from the side and rear made dust everywhere. The Japanese soldiers on the battlefield really wanted to call Dad.

(End of this chapter)

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