Chapter 547
If we talk about the battlefield one day ago, the soldiers really knew the reason why their squad leaders, deputy and even platoon leaders could become grassroots officers.

They have the determination to execute tactics firmly, they also have the same fearless bravery as themselves, and they also have a calm enough mind.

They are among the best soldiers on the battlefield.

The extremely fast march of more than 20 kilometers at night made the soldiers realize that the choice of their company commander was not wrong.

Almost all squad leaders have become the group of people who actively carry the heaviest weight in their respective battle sequences.

Or, not only the squad leaders and deputy officers, but also the lieutenants, captains, major company commanders, lieutenant colonel battalion deputy, and even their colonel and battalion commander in the independent battalion, all of them carry more weight than ordinary soldiers.

This kind of behavior cultivated in the crisis will eventually become an unwritten practice in the years to come.

In the words of Tang Dao, the higher the position, the greater the responsibility. Bearing weight is naturally a kind of responsibility.

The lower, middle and upper ranks of the Independence Battalion must lead by example, just like on the battlefield.

Because, this time it is not a light march, but a relocation-style heavy march. All the current belongings of the newly established independent battalion must be removed.

Maybe it’s not just family belongings. In this battle, the three infantry companies of the Independent Battalion had more than 40 wounded, and the entire army had lightly and seriously wounded waiting to be transported. Naturally, the Independent Battalion could not just throw the wounded to the field hospital, so they had to find their own way take away.

Each infantry company first figured out its own way, and if there was really no way, the supply company with the heaviest task of transporting materials would help transport them.

Don't think that the baggage company has more than 50 pack horses captured from the Japanese army and more than a dozen carts, so it has ample capacity, but the baggage company with more than 150 people needs to transport enough food and various ammunition for more than a thousand people to eat for more than half a month. There are medicines that Tang Dao tried his best to dig out.

These three types of materials are life-saving gadgets for soldiers on the battlefield, and none of them should be lost.

In addition, there are some iron picks, hardwoods, iron plates and other materials seized from the Sixth Heavy Artillery Brigade for building fortifications.

These materials seem to be of little use when they are on the road, but if the Japanese army chases them and needs to rebuild the defense line, they will be of great use.

Just relying on digging trenches on the ground can only block bullets. How is the Japanese army better than the Chinese army?It's not that the training time for individual soldiers is long enough. The stabbing and marksmanship are superior to the Chinese soldiers. The soldiers of the independent battalion who have been honed over and over again on the battlefield of the Flesh Mill are worthy of them in this regard.

Just like the encounter in the previous night, where did the independent camp win?It's not because there are submachine guns and shell guns that the Japanese army doesn't have. Those light firearms are powerful in hand-to-hand combat, but the Japanese army is not a fool. They can't do it by rushing to kill you.

The main factor that determines the outcome of the battlefield is that the three infantry companies have six mortars, and the six mortars destroyed 70.00% of the firepower points of the Japanese army, plus more than a dozen infantry class precision shooters and marksmen like Niu Er and Tang Dao To help out, the Japanese army's light and heavy machine guns and grenade launchers were exhausted, and the infantry were able to crawl forward, and solved the Japanese army with short-range automatic burst light firearms such as hand grenades, submachine guns, and shell guns.

If the vanguard of the Japanese army also carried infantry artillery, it would be hard to say the final outcome, but it is impossible to think about resolving the battle within 40 minutes.

The biggest factor that the Japanese army could overwhelm the Chinese army was artillery.

The title of God of War is definitely not for nothing.

Before the two warring parties could see each other's figure clearly, a row of deadly shells had already blown up the Chinese position into a mess. Shrapnel and air waves fell outside the trenches, which made people dare not even show their heads. Here, more than ten meters on both sides of the point of impact, no matter what posture you use, you are basically dead.

Therefore, if you want to survive the Japanese army's covering artillery attack, individual-level and squad-level anti-gun holes are must-have options.

Just dig a hole in the side of the trench and hide yourself in?A 6.5kg mountain cannon shell falling on it can easily collapse this simple anti-blasting hole. It can't kill you, but can also bury you alive.

Tools and materials such as steel plates and hardwoods, as well as iron picks for non-individual soldiers, are necessary for the construction of such artillery fortifications.

No matter how much capacity is not enough, it is necessary to create capacity.

For this reason, not only the infantry had to help deliver food and other supplies, but the entire cavalry platoon was transformed into a transportation platoon. Not only were the sides of the horses hung with ammunition boxes and grain bags, but even the cavalry carried them on their backs.

Lu Sanjiang, the new cavalry platoon leader, in addition to his own equipment, even hung two grain bags weighing 30 catties one after the other. The rest of the soldiers also followed suit. It is still possible to reduce the burden on your war horse by 10 catties.

It's not that Tang Dao, the commander, is black-hearted, and wants to exhaust the cavalry he has finally dug out.

It was Lu Sanjiang who felt sorry for his maroon horse.

According to the precise calculation of the data master Zhuang Shisan in the afternoon, each horse in the cavalry platoon can carry 280 catties of food and ammunition, and it can be sustained by the cavalry for more than 20 kilometers without running.

As a result, Lu Sanjiang was so distressed that he forcibly lifted a 30-jin bag of grain from the horse on the march and carried it on his back.

According to what he said later, if Gu Xishui could walk ten kilometers with Yaomeier on his back, I must be able to do the same.

Facts have proved that although they are the most important things in life, friendship and love can be benchmarked, but the food bag before the end of the mountain cannot reach this height.

Lu Sanjiang, an excellent cavalry soldier that Tang Dao valued very much, almost died of exhaustion on the way, if his bay red horse hadn't stopped stubbornly when he saw him crumbling.

The horse is also an extremely psychic animal, looking at his companion who was already sweating profusely and pale but extremely stubborn, he forced Lu Sanjiang to stop with his mouth on the grain bag.

Only then did the cavalry realize that their platoon leader was exhausted, so they quickly fed him water and sugar.

Thanks to Tang Dao's preparations, before retreating, he distributed the few toffees seized from the Japanese army as an important supplement. Although there were not many toffees, there were three per person regardless of rank or rank.

But these three toffees have become one of the key factors in this retreat that many military historians will look extremely incredible in the future.

When many soldiers who survived the war recalled this period of retreat that was even more difficult than the battlefield, they all mentioned these three toffees without exception.

"As soon as the sweet toffee is in the mouth, not only the sweet taste makes people feel less tired, but also instantly feels a little more strength in the body, which is really good."

This is certainly not their illusion, just like injecting glucose into the human body that needs energy in the future.Sugar provides 70.00% of the calories needed by the human body. Sugar is not only the main source of calories for the human body, but also maintains the normal metabolism of the human body.

After a person does strenuous exercise, as long as the sugar is added in time, it will be of great help to relieve fatigue and prevent collapse.

In the battle of the Five Sacred Mountains on the northern ice sheet in the future, a single soldier in China did not even find a single frozen potato, but relied on the five guns left by his comrades to repel 6 attacks by American soldiers. The time span is long up to 24 hours.

What can support him to fight for such a long time is not only enough ammunition, but more importantly, a few fruit candies given to the soldiers in front by the condolence team.It was these candies that gave this hero soldier enough calories to fight with high intensity.

Otherwise, hunger alone would have crushed the soldier.

Three toffees saved Lu Sanjiang's life. The food bags on his chest and back were put back on the back of the bay red horse. One man and one horse helped each other to make the impossible possible, and abruptly surpassed 300 It took only seven hours to transport 25 catties of materials back to the JX defense line [-] kilometers away.

And such stories of helping each other, of course, not only in the cavalry platoon, but also in the infantry company, artillery company, and even the supply company, it happened everywhere.

You are tired, I carry your burden on my back, keep walking, and keep moving forward.

When you fall down, the entire infantry squad will share your load, and I will support you and carry you on my back, even if I move or lift, I will also bring you forward.

Forward, forward, the independent battalion carrying all the military supplies finally rushed back to the front of the defense line at the moment when the sun rose and the sky was full of glory.

At that time, the Japanese reconnaissance plane had already flown over its head for more than half an hour.

The main force that has arrived first has already deployed anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft machine guns on various fortifications.

If the Japanese bomber formation dares to come, then fight him for a shit.

No one will back down.

Because, two kilometers ahead of them, the Heroic Independence Battalion was marching to the rear of them.

(End of this chapter)

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