Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 552 Thunderbolt

Chapter 552 Thunderbolt
The Independent Battalion was almost exhausted in order to transport a series of supplies to the Jiaxing defense line. Naturally, at this moment, they slept soundly in the fortifications while the Japanese army was still chasing them.

Although Tantai Mingyue is not like the officers and soldiers who have to carry a load of more than ten kilograms and walk more than twenty kilometers, all the pack horses and carriages have to haul supplies and the wounded. Marching on foot, the stubborn reporter Tantai gritted his teeth and helped the female nurses in the medical platoon carry the medicine boxes on the way.

No matter how strong she was mentally, the moment she arrived at the fortification, her body couldn't take it anymore, and she fell asleep directly on the quilt Tang Dao had laid out for her. Even the hot rice prepared by the headquarters for the independent battalion I didn't take a sip of the porridge.

But Tang Dao, the chief officer of the independent battalion, was not as lucky as the officers and soldiers of the independent battalion. He was notified by the 43rd Army to go to a meeting just before he arrived in the atmosphere.

Although there are several lieutenant generals and deputy commanders, major generals and brigade commanders, and there are also many colonels and regiment commanders, but he is the colonel of the army, and he is the chief officer with the largest number of soldiers in the 43rd army. If he doesn't go to the meeting, the generals will probably think that Something is missing.

What's more, Commander Tang Daying has always spoken outrageously, never out of the ordinary, and what's even more amazing is that the facts have proved that his shocking words are ultimately correct.

This meeting lasted from 10 am to noon, from Jiaxing's combat strategy to what to do in the future of the 43rd Army. Where is the knife yawning, absent-minded, and only echoed occasionally.

Because only he knows best in his heart that it is meaningless to just discuss it with the 43rd Army headquarters!Even these do not depend on the wishes of the headquarters, but on the results of the secret struggles of those superstructures.

Judging from the status of Lieutenant General Guo and the 43rd Army in the heart of the seriously ill King of Sichuan Province, nine out of ten they can win the qualification to retreat. After all, in Dachang Town, they can withstand the bloody attack of an infantry regiment of the Japanese army. The record of not retreating for seven days is also the most honorable honor of the Sichuan Army.

Sure enough, in the afternoon, Guo Junzuo, who returned to the military headquarters, made a final decision. The next step was to arrange for those troops to retreat first and those troops to retreat. This time it was not a retreat of 20 kilometers from Jiashan to Jiaxing, but a direct retreat Withdraw to Wuhu and cross the river from there. Then we will see whether to go to Pengcheng or go directly to Jiujiang on the upper reaches of the Yangtze River.

For these, the generals are better than Tang Dao, and Tang Dao only made one suggestion: "If you want the whole army to go well, you must go all out to kill the small-scale Japanese infiltration troops in the rear, and kill as many as you come, until the Japanese army no longer kills them.

Although the reinforcements of the Japanese army were coming from Taihu Lake to Jiaxing, it was a distance of 200 kilometers. Even if they marched 100 miles a day, it would take at least three to four days. Jiaxing's entire army still had enough time.

Of course, this opinion was adopted by Guo Junzuo and Commander Liu. There is no doubt that this combat mission naturally fell on his independent battalion. What a wonderful battalion commander!


However, Lieutenant General Wu thoughtfully sent his cavalry battalion to be dispatched by Tang Dao in order to increase the mobility of the Japanese special forces behind Tang Dao's suppression.

Jiaxing, like Jiashan, is a plain, and the infantry may not be able to find people even if they run to death with their two legs, right?But the Japanese can completely hide in the dark, just to observe whether the Chinese side wants to run away again.

After all this work, the dazed Tang Dao just wanted to go back to the station and sleep peacefully for two hours. He still had a lot of things to do next.

As a result, when they walked to the station, they saw two sentries fighting with a middle-aged man in a long robe with a long beard on his face.

Tantai Yunshu was very angry!
Excitedly ran to see his daughter, the guards next to the commander of the 67th Army were not covered, they were simply a pass for walking around, and when a dozen checkpoints heard that he was a guest of Wu Junzuo, they all respectfully gave way, and it turned out that they were only a few meters away from his daughter. One step away, the living pass is not easy to use, no matter what the guard Xiaochong says, the two sentries will not let in, saying that the battalion commander has an order, the whole battalion is being repaired, and no one is allowed to enter.

If you want to find Tantai reporter, you can wait for them to notify her to come out to greet her.

Naturally, Tantai Yunshu can understand the military situation, at least from the side, it proves that the infantry battalion commander who claims to be directly under the independent battalion of the 43rd Army is still very strict in military discipline.

But Jiangnan Dacai didn't expect that he had been waiting outside the sentry card for more than half an hour, and his daughter didn't show her head, and the sentry who went to call didn't answer his constant inquiries in a hurry.

It's okay to see others, but it's so difficult to see the girl I've been worrying about for months, how can she not be angry if she's as arrogant as Tantai Yunshu?
As for the soldiers of the supply company who were on duty at the checkpoint at this time, almost all the combat troops were asleep. Their supply company received the task of guarding the entire battalion for the first time, and the company commander and deputy issued a death order. At that time, who special mother made a mistake, the serious one is naturally a death penalty, and the minor one has to be fed to the horse for a month.

Naturally, according to the military order issued by Tang Dao before his departure, not to mention the guards next to the commander of the 67th Army, even the commander of the 67th Army came in person. A handsome bearded old man entered.

What's more, I'm still looking for reporter Tantai, what the hell, robbing our battalion commander of a woman!It's not for the sake of having allies accompanying you to search, brothers, why don't you put a sack on this old thing and give you a sap!

For the few soldiers from the security regiment, this kind of work is easy to handle, not too easy.

The so-called notification was actually nothing more than the fact that the first class soldier of the supply company wandered around the fortifications knowingly under the command of his squad leader's eyes, and came back without calling anyone.

Of course, the main reason why these few have this kind of mentality is that the great talents in the south of the Yangtze River are really handsome. They are in their forties and fifties. The soldier with the beard looks so rough, on the contrary, it adds a bit of ecstasy, and his figure is quite tall. Wherever he stands, a middle-aged and elegant uncle with a handsome appearance rushes towards his face.

Not to mention women, the soldiers of the former security regiment who have seen some worldly things in Songjiang City feel that the pressure is great. The battalion commander is very handsome, but in terms of being handsome, really, there is still a bit of a gap with this one. .

Tang Dao is a MAN, but that kind of tough-guy heroism is quite common in the army, and the soldiers are more or less used to it, but Tantai Yunshu is an elegant bookish style that soldiers rarely come into contact with, which creates psychological pressure Nature is normal.

The bastards in the Independent Battalion did it on purpose, and the guard Xiao Chong was also furious, so he confessed to Old Tantai and rushed to the 67th Army to rescue the soldiers.

Old Tantai persisted for a few more minutes, and finally realized that these gangsters were completely fooling him, and they didn't even want to let him in.

The so-called 'rituals first, then soldiers'!Tantai Yunshu is a literati, but his bones are very hard. It would be strange if he didn't yell at these soldiers who were unhappy with him.

The sentries did not dare to fight, but the mentality of the soldiers who "let him do whatever he wants, and the bright moon shines on the river" is very strong, and he stands upright with a gun and just ignores the old man!
Especially after seeing Tang Dao approaching.

So, Tang Dao, who frowned and walked forward quickly, saw such a scene, an old man who looked like a dog was spraying wildly at his soldiers, how would he feel good?
Who are you!Lao Tzu's soldiers can only be scolded by Lao Tzu, which onion do you count?
"Sir!" Several soldiers hurriedly saluted.

Tang Dao simply returned the salute, and glanced at Tantai Yunshu, who was so angry that his beard was raised, his brows were knitted into a ball.

"This old man, this is an important place for the military camp. You are making loud noises here to disturb our soldiers' recuperation. In terms of military discipline, I have the right to take measures. Please leave, and I will give you ten seconds." Tired It is very rare for a certain colonel who held a military meeting overnight and for a long time to expel people based on what he saw without asking the cause and effect.

Facts have proved that seeing is not necessarily believing. A certain protagonist who has been covered by God also fell into a big pit because of his own negligence.

"Is this independent battalion of yours so arrogant and arrogant? I..." Tantai Yunshu didn't come up in a breath, and almost passed out out of breath.

No wonder the soldiers below are prostitutes!Dare to love this officer is also like a bird!Judging by his age, he should be a small platoon leader. Such a small officer has his nostrils upturned. How can his daughter follow such a unit?
Also, grandma's, who is the old man?I'm clearly not yet at the age of knowing destiny, okay?
"No matter what you think, old man, please leave now and don't disturb our officers and soldiers to repair." Tang Dao waved his hand angrily, as if chasing flies.

No matter in the past life or in this life, he can't see those literati who think they are superior after reading a little book.You thought you were Tantai Mingyue!

I am an old man now!Old Tantai was so angry that he almost snatched the saber stuck in the leggings of the little platoon leader in front of him.

Not to stab him, but to shave off the beautiful beard that I have kept for several years, let him have a good look, I am not old, not old, okay!
"Okay, wait for me, kid!" A certain old man turned around and left.

If he didn't leave again, he was worried that his heart attack would be pissed off by the little platoon leader.

Within two steps, a female soldier with slightly disheveled hair walked out from a fortification more than 30 meters away, holding a bowl in one hand and a potato in the other.

The old man and the female soldier stared affectionately across more than 20 meters.

Tang Dao standing behind was slightly stunned.

"Ninny!" The old man was stunned for a few seconds, tears were about to come down.

"Father! Why are you here?" Tantai Mingyue was surprised.

Fuck!Tang Dao seemed to be hit by a bolt from the blue.

Several soldiers of the supply company wanted to cry at that moment, replacing their own officers for themselves.

. . . . . . . . . .

PS: Let me start with a chapter of 3000 words. Fengyue is going to participate in the middle-aged football match in the afternoon. If you come back early in the evening, there should be Chapter 2!

(End of this chapter)

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