Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 558 Get Support!

Chapter 558 Get Support!

After receiving the military order, the entire army of the Independent Battalion began to operate like a precision machine.

Tang Dao, who received the second secret order from the headquarters again, found Lei Xiong, and the two had a long and frank talk.

"Brother Lei, I don't know what you think of me?" Tang Dao sat opposite Lei Xiong and asked seriously after passing a cigarette.

Since Songjiang, Lei Xiong, the number two figure in the Four Elements Battalion, and Tang Dao have been together less often, and even if they are together, it is because of the urgency of the battle.

But Tang Dao knew that this task of escorting the students to the north, especially after reaching the big mountain, when the entire independent camp needed to choose that path, without the support of Lei Xiong, the No. [-] person, it was absolutely impossible.

He is now the backbone of the Independent Battalion, but Lei Xiong also has a very high reputation. Among other things, most of the old units of the Four Elements Battalion have become squad and platoon-level officers. If Lei Xiong raises objections, Those low-level officers who have followed him for months or even years must have changed their minds.

This has nothing to do with whether Tang Dao's leadership is strong or not. China is a society that emphasizes human relationships, and it has been like this for thousands of years.

The dialogue between the two is a matter of time, so it is better to use the opportunity of the secret military order to speak out. In case Lei Xiong disagrees, Tang Dao still has a chance to correct his mistakes.The worst outcome is that Lei Xiong took some of them back to his Imperial Forest Army, and Tang Dao took Tie Xin with him and went all the way north.

Although Lei Xiong looks like a fierce Zhang Fei, only those who are familiar with him know that he has a very clear mind and is a very wise person.

The reason why he hasn't been promoted in the Yulin Army for several years is that he is too angular, almost like a hexagonal warrior, and it hurts the brains of the officers.It's not that he doesn't understand tact, but that he disdains tact.

However, his ability is extremely strong, he is not suitable for the officialdom, but he is very suitable for the battlefield. Naturally, a commander of a fire support company is the most suitable position for him.If he hadn't chosen to follow Tang Dao back to the horse and shoot out of the Sixing Warehouse to stay away from those who have adapted to the so-called official rules, a major in the army might be his highest military position.

Although Tang Dao's question was not so straightforward, Lei Xiong had already heard a lot of meaning. He narrowed his eyes slightly, and after a moment of silence, he also answered seriously: "You are so strong, so strong that I They all have a sense of powerlessness. But, do you know, sir? The division headquarters initially ordered the establishment of the Four-Element Battalion, and when you were the commander of the Four-Element Battalion, I was actually a little unconvinced at first."

"Well! Brother Lei, you are a veteran officer, and you are above me in terms of qualifications and experience." Tang Dao nodded.

"Hi! I admit that my qualifications are higher than yours, but this battlefield experience!" Lei Xiong smiled instead. "Sir, don't comfort me. I can tell that you may have been in the army less than me, but you have much more battlefield experience than me. Although I don't know where your battlefield experience comes from."

"As one battle after another was fought, I realized that I was wrong." Lei Xiong sighed. "If I were the battalion commander of the Four Elements Battalion, I might be able to escape with my brothers, but it is absolutely impossible for me to do what you did. It would be miraculous to take my brothers to kill more than a dozen fighter planes of the Japanese invaders." Annihilation of a heavy artillery brigade.

Ha ha!In the future, as long as I think that I can show off in front of my big fat boy what a great battle he fought back then, I will laugh in my dreams! "

Lei Xiong is laughing.

Tang Dao was inexplicably sour in his heart.

Because he knew that this was the most simple wish buried in the bottom of his heart by the usually strong lieutenant colonel in front of him.After fighting this battle, he went back alive and hugged his son.The photo he had shown to himself should still be kept in his chest pocket!
"Brother Lei, believe me, no matter how long this battle lasts, we will definitely win!" Tang Dao said seriously.

"Hey! I believe in you, but I don't know if I can live to see that day, but that's not a big deal, as long as my baby can be filial to his mother, I will save enough for him to marry a wife while I am alive. The money will be enough. I can’t be a father for nothing.” Lei Xiong looked relaxed.

Then, he took a deep puff of cigarette, and looked at Tang Dao with the same serious eyes: "Sir, if you have anything to say, just say it. Since I choose to follow you, I won't have any second-guessing. Or go to Sichuan Army, I will follow you."

"This is the military order given to me by the two generals Wu and Guo of the headquarters. You can read it first." Tang Dao took out the warrant sent to him by Xiao Chong, the personal guard of the Wu army seat.

"My independent battalion will go to Pengcheng after this battle to receive a batch of ordnance and send it to the 22nd Army?" Lei Xiong glanced at the warrant and was completely stunned.

He probably never dreamed that the combat mission that the Independence Battalion was about to accept would require marching thousands of miles.

Of course, Lei Xiong of the 22nd Group Army knew that the 200,000 troops of the Sichuan Army came out of Sichuan to fight against the Japanese, and they were divided into two group armies in total.

One is the 23rd Army led by the chairman of Sichuan Province. The 43rd Army they are in now belongs to this army, starting from the east of Sichuan and going down the river to the Songhu battlefield.

The 22nd Group Army set out from northern Sichuan and headed for Shanxi along the Sichuan-Shanxi Highway, led by another leader named Deng from the Sichuan Army.

This is for the independent battalion to traverse east and west, with a journey of nearly 2000 miles.

However, since they are both in the Sichuan Army, it is a normal operation to send them ordnance.When I met the 43rd Army for the first time, looking at the old sleeves and the old Hanyang made in their hands, and the straw sandals with their toes exposed under their feet, Lei Xiong, who has become accustomed to German weapons, couldn't bear to look directly at them.

However, with the fighting strength of the independent battalion, although the task of transporting ordnance is arduous, it will not make Tang Dao, the chief officer, have to talk to himself specifically. Soldiers take obeying orders as their bounden duty, and this truth has been deeply rooted in Lei Xiong's bone marrow.

"And then! After the task of transporting ordnance is over." Lei Xiong cut to the chase.

"The journey is far away, and as the battlefield changes, our independent battalion will no longer be able to return, so we will stay in the north to fight against the Japanese invaders, and fight independently behind the enemy's rear." Tang Dao's answer was also very clear.

"What do you mean?" Lei Xiong, such a smart person, immediately understood Tang Dao's meaning.

The independent battalion will not belong to the 22nd Group, and the so-called battlefield behind the enemy is the main battlefield of that army.

"We will unite all friendly forces that can be united." Tang Dao was not too straightforward this time, but he knew that with Lei Xiong's wisdom, he would definitely be able to hear his slightly cautious wording.

Lei Xiong didn't reply quickly, but fell into silence.

Tang Dao didn't force him to express his opinion immediately.

After all, these are two lineups. Even if both sides are wearing the same military uniforms and hat badges, everyone in both lineups knows that if there is no Japanese invaders, the common enemy of the entire nation, the two tigers with different political views , there must be a struggle.

After a long time, Lei Xiong's somewhat confused eyes gradually became firm. He threw the cigarette butt between his fingers that was almost burned to the ground, crushed it with his foot, and looked at Tang Dao: "I am a soldier, and a soldier is a soldier. Take obeying orders as your bounden duty, as long as you are fighting devils and not surrendering troops, sir, you say where to fight and how to fight, you only need to give orders, and Lei Xiong promises to carry out the orders."

"Okay! With your words, Brother Lei, I feel relieved." Tang Dao stretched out his hand to Lei Xiong. "Believe me, we will all live well. When the war is over, I will accompany you to see your sister-in-law and elder nephew. When the elder nephew gets married, I promise to bring you a big gift."

Lei Xiong also stretched out his hand and shook Tang Dao's hand fiercely, but his face was not so happy, but rather frowning, "Sir, you are a little out of touch."


"You seem to be reminding me that when you marry Reporter Tantai, you must remember to bring a big gift! I'm ugly to say, at most 20 oceans, no more, I will give you the rest My nephew's wife book."

"Haha! 20 is 20, but you, Brother Lei, can give you a warm-up for this standard." Tang Dao laughed.

It was as if he could marry a beautiful reporter at any time.

Tang Dao on the battlefield of love is as confident as Tang Dao on the real battlefield.

Tang Dao, who gained enough support through exchanges with Lei Xiong, forgot his 'difficult' future father-in-law at the moment.

Fortunately, he had a cavalry platoon leader who memorized the poems he recited when he was 13.

That guy, when he got on the horse, he was still reciting 'Dark Night' silently, much more serious than recording military orders.

However, Comrade Lu Sanjiang's hard work was not in vain.

In the dead of night, Lu Sanjiang, who was sitting around the bonfire, wanted to get close to the chief, Future Taishan. As a result, the "handsome uncle" told a few historical stories arrogantly out of displeasure with a brat who coveted his daughter And by the way, he recited a poem describing the night, to show off his talent as a great talent in the south of the Yangtze River, and told a group of big soldiers that you are just like your chief, in this respect, you are just scumbags, are you surprised by Lao Tzu's talent? shocked?
Lu Sanjiang raised his head to stare at the night, and assumed the same calm posture as a certain officer.

The vicissitudes of the face and slightly deep and sad voice are matched with the phrase "The night gave me black eyes, but I use them to find the light!"


Handsome uncle, in the dark night, the whole body is solidified into a stone statue!
(End of this chapter)

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