Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 560 Hunting Prelude

Chapter 560 Hunting Prelude
This is really annoying!

Tang Dao was crouching in the field 400 meters away from this deserted small village, watching the Japanese army of up to 20 people sink into the darkness.

Because of the Japanese army's attack, this is the place where the Japanese army must pass through. The villagers have already packed up their bags and were forced to leave their homes. They either hid in the farther countryside on both sides, or fled in the direction of Guangde and Wuhu. There may be only chickens, ducks and mice that are too late to gather.

This place is about five kilometers away from the front line. The Japanese army could reach here and avoid the right-wing defense line. Obviously, they had to go around at least seventeen or eighteen kilometers. After running all night and marching during the day, their physical fitness should also be exhausted to the extreme. .

If you let it rest here for two hours and then clean them up, you don't know what price you will pay.

Tang Dao, wearing a camouflage garment woven with withered grass, stared coldly through the binoculars after the blurred figures of the Japanese army completely disappeared into the village in the dim light of dawn, and whistled softly to his side.

A pile of weeds slowly moved towards this side, until 2 minutes later, Xia Dayu's nervous face appeared behind the weeds, "Sir, should we inform the second company commander now, let me go, I can run faster than Erya Hurry up bro."

Just looking at Xia Dayu's cautious attitude when he heard Tang Dao's whistle, he knew how much stronger he was now than the characteristic youthful recklessness before. Tang Dao was obviously also very satisfied with the growth of this little messenger who had been by his side all the time.

"No matter how fast you run, can there be a Japanese panting fast?" Tang Dao shook his head. "If I'm not mistaken, the Japanese will not stay in this village for long. The goal of the village is too obvious. They will leave at most until dawn. When you call Li Jiujin and the others, they will probably run away long ago."

"Then what should we do?" Xia Dayu's face was full of anxiety.

The 20 Japanese soldiers are not too many, but they are also quite a few. With the three of them alone, to be exact, with one Tang Dao, they will definitely be defeated, but if they watch them leave like this, it will be absolutely impossible for Xia Dayu Not reconciled.

His Uncle Crow was besieged by such a small group of Japanese troops, and in the end he had to jump off the pagoda that could have held on a little longer in order to protect him.Originally, only need to persist for another 5 minutes, both of them can live.

For Xia Dayu, countless nights dreamed of Uncle Crow's body being smashed to pieces, and when he woke up, his face was covered in tears. How could he be willing to just watch the Japanese leave like this?

"What should I do? Get rid of them? This hits me with a gun, and I can't do without them!" Tang Dao grinned, showing a mouthful of white teeth.

"Sir, before leaving, Deputy Battalion Commander Guo, Chief of Staff Zhuang, and the company commanders all said that you can be Japanese, but you can't do the same thing as before." Erya who also crept over from the other side suddenly Anxious.

"Are you listening to them or to me?" Tang Dao's face sank. "You can't use less against more. Didn't we use less against more that time? According to what they said, we can still play ball! Wash your own neck and wait for the Japanese to kill it."

"But, you agreed at the time." Er Ya was unable to refute what Tang Dao said, but she always felt that something was wrong, so she could only make a final resistance.

"The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly at this time. You two, follow my command in all actions." Tang Dao's face was serious, and the tone was set.

When Tang Dao said this, the two communication soldiers, Erya and Xia Dayu, naturally had no room to resist and could only nod.

"The two of you, one on one side, guard the east and west of the village. No matter what happens in the village, don't worry about it. But if someone wants to escape from the direction you are guarding, immediately shoot with a pistol. You don't need to be too accurate. Kill the devil Just shrink back, everyone pay attention to protect yourself." Tang Dao picked up the bayonet, drew a simple map on the ground, and arranged the battle positions for the two signal soldiers.

Both of them nodded, and a nervous expression appeared on their faces involuntarily.

Although both of them have participated in many battles, there are basically people by their side. It is the first time for both of them to face the Japanese army that may rush over by themselves like now. That is impossible.

"You two don't need to be too nervous. The situation I'm talking about is only if, with the devil's stubborn personality, if you know that there is only one enemy, the possibility of them escaping is very small." Tang Dao felt the tension of the two, and smiled lightly . "Besides, Gu Xishui and Niu Er are just 1.5 kilometers away. If they hear gunfire from here, they will rush to support within 5 minutes."

"Yes!" Both Erya and Xia Dayu nodded lightly, expressing that they would stick to their positions.

"Okay, let's act separately!" Tang Dao waved his hand, bowed up, and was ready to go.


Tang Dao turned his head and looked behind him. It was Er Ya's shining eyes.

"Reporter Tantai is still waiting for you at the station, be careful." Erya's voice was very soft.

"I know!" Tang Dao smiled slightly, turned his back and lowered his back, trotted all the way, and disappeared into the increasingly light night.

He is a messenger who is good at everything, and he is very organized. He carries all kinds of information that Tang Dao needs with him, and he will never miss it. Even Tang Dao's life is well managed, and he can devote himself to the battle. It's too sentimental.

With such a personality, it is not suitable to be the chief officer of a front-line combat force when he grows up in the future. If he is an instructor in charge of ideology or the chief officer of a technical department, it is still possible.

On the contrary, Xia Dayu, despite his young age, has shown enough potential for the battle.

Tang Dao didn't deliberately teach him, and he could imitate Tang Dao and make a camouflage suit by himself. If he didn't get closer to five meters, it would be difficult to find the human body hidden in the withered grass.

Even when he moved after hearing Tang Dao's order, he was cautious. Even if the Japanese army was staring at this side now, they would not find the slightest clue.

Maybe even Tang Dao didn't realize that when he started to think about the future development of the people around him, he was no longer the future special commander with at most a dozen people, he had completely integrated into this era and his current role as an army colonel.

Tang Dao is not a saint, and he has never thought about being a saint. If he doesn't even consider the future of his brothers who are born and died with him, the saint will be whoever he loves.

In the final analysis, Tang Dao is just a soldier with sufficient battlefield experience and an ordinary person with strong national feelings.

But isn't this world made up of ordinary people?Just like those digital characters who died in the war, they died, they were forgotten, but would they regret it?
No one knows!But there is no doubt that when they choose to die, ordinary people like them are great.

Tang Dao chose to be a part of such ordinary people.

Therefore, even though he knew that there were 20 Japanese soldiers in the village, it would be extremely difficult for him to deal with them alone, but he still did so.

Otherwise, someone would die for his brother.

It is much less difficult to assassinate the Japanese soldiers hiding in the village than to hunt them down in the wilderness.

. . . . . . . .

Private First Class Kuroki Rokuro was very sad at the moment.

A day ago, he had already learned that three fellow villagers from the same village who joined the army at the same time as him had all died in battle.There are a total of four people in the entire mountain village who have joined the army, and now he is the only one left.

From then on, no one drank sake with him, debated who the most beautiful woman in the village was, and no one sang with him to recall the cherry tree at the entrance of the village when its petals fell in spring. beautiful.

When he boards the boat to go home, there will be three small wooden boxes hanging on his chest!Then how should he face those three mothers!Whenever he thought of this, Kuroki Rokuro's heart almost broke.

Therefore, when he learned that he was transferred to be a member of the reconnaissance team, Kuroki Taro was not afraid at all. For him who fell into deep sorrow, death was actually not that terrible.

What is terrible is the loneliness after losing a fellow countryman.

Entering this ordinary small village in China, where a house-to-house search did not find a single living person, although it was necessary to maintain a stealth state and not light a warm bonfire to dissipate the cold winter night, Second Lieutenant Miyamoto, who led the team, thoughtfully arranged for people to be there. A fire was lit in the simple kitchen of the Chinese, and the ice-cold rice balls for 20 people were heated up, giving everyone a warm breakfast.

After all, it is still before Buddha's dawn, and no one will notice the thin smoke coming out through the chimney.

Kuroki Taro is the one who is in charge of making the fire and hot food. The others either set up defenses according to the terrain of the small village, or take the time to rest. They have to leave the village before the sky is bright.

Kuroki Taro mechanically added firewood to the stove, his mind still immersed in grief.

Until the sound of "cuckoo cluck" sounded, reminding Senior Private Kuroki Taro, who was a little blinded by the smoke, that the water had boiled.

"Murakami-kun!" Kuroki Taro turned his head to greet his fellow privates leaning against the door.

"Huh?" Toshiki Murakami answered him with a low voice, and his face looked a little hideous in the thin smoke.

From Kuroki Taro's point of view, his eyes were indeed too wide open.

(End of this chapter)

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