Chapter 562

"Tomota Araki of Baga, you didn't set your sights on giving birth to a son!" '

The two Japanese infantry soldiers who had been named held their guns resentfully, stood up from their respective positions, cursed silently in their hearts, but nodded and bowed honestly, and then walked out with their guns in hand.

In this case, anyone would be angry.

From starting at 9:7 p.m. to the present, they have marched at least 10 kilometers for [-] hours, and they have a short rest for [-] minutes in the middle. They finally reached a place where they can rest, drink and eat. Pointing the gun at the darkness, not even daring to blink.

Forget it, who let this be behind the Chinese defense line!Sufficient vigilance is necessary, and it is much better than dying in this wilderness.

But even if we need to do errands, that would be too much, how many of you have long legs?

It's a pity that the strict rank of the Japanese army is destined to keep the dissatisfaction of the two Japanese soldiers in their hearts, and they dare not even float on the surface.

If Lieutenant Araki was dissatisfied, it might not be possible to kill them with one shot, but letting them rush to the front to serve as cannon fodder was just a matter of lip service.

The two Japanese infantrymen who were full of resentment probably never thought about the danger in the middle area tightly surrounded by four infantry groups, and pushed open the courtyard door responsible for boiling water without vigilance.

What's worse, when they strode into the small courtyard with their guns in hand, they didn't even notice the blue smoke coming from behind the simple wooden door.

The unusual silence in the small courtyard made the two Japanese infantrymen vigilant for a moment. They put their hands on the trigger and bowed slightly.

At the same time, there was a strong smell of blood and a faint smell of gunpowder in his nose.

This is also the main reason why Tang Dao left quickly after the deployment. The first Japanese soldier he killed was punctured in the heart, and the blood that flowed out was not much, but the No.2 Japanese soldier bleed at least four liters of blood , that stench can make people's hairs stand on end almost the moment they set foot in the small courtyard.

People who have been in the battlefield are most sensitive to the smell of blood. Tang Dao will not have the luck of "Japanese people have sinusitis", so hide here to kill one by one and kill one by one.

Before the Japanese infantry arrived, it had left.

However, the booby-traps created by the old-fashioned wooden-handled grenade can hang on the loose bolt.

It is true to be vigilant, but the few seconds when the bodies froze, especially when the two of them subconsciously approached, it was over. Tang Dao, who was not here, had almost guessed their reactions almost exactly.

"Boom!" A single-shot grenade less than two meters away from the two Japanese infantrymen exploded.

The simple wooden door did not become an obstacle, but instead became an accomplice. Countless sawdust and shrapnel hit the two Japanese infantrymen. They were not completely killed for a while, but they were completely sent into the abyss.

There were at least [-] scars all over his body, and a piece of wood the length of a chopstick was even deeply inserted into his thigh. This was the miserable scene that Araki Tomodai, who came rushing with people, saw.

"There are enemies!" Tomodai Araki looked at the two subordinates who were writhing on the ground and screaming because of the severe pain, and instantly made the most accurate judgment.

A Japanese infantryman and machine gun shooter who gave up the defense at the east end of the village immediately put the gun on the courtyard wall, and the grenade shooter immediately took one of the three grenades he was carrying in his hand, and hid in the short body. shade.

His deputy shooter is Murakami Toshiki, who was originally in this small courtyard, but now his colleagues are being attacked, Murakami and Kuroki, who are in charge of boiling water, are silent, and with their toes, they all know that the two are in danger.

"Everyone, search here, find the attacker, and kill him. We only have 5 minutes at most." Araki Tomoda yelled outside in pure Kumamoto dialect.

Killing the two of them silently and blowing up the two of them with grenades, this is definitely a terrifying person who is good at assassination. The Japanese second lieutenant's hair stood on end when the strong smell of blood rushed into his nose.

Fortunately, he still has 16 people, and the number of attackers will definitely not be many.

The sky is already white, and although the line of sight is still not good, it is still possible to guarantee a field of view of more than 20 meters. 11 people are shrinking inward in a large arc search state. As long as the attacker is still hiding nearby, he will definitely be found. .

It would be best if they hid in the house and resisted. The light machine guns and grenades already mounted on the wall will completely suppress them in the house, and then they will be killed by the grenades thrown by the imperial infantry.

At this moment, Araki Tomoda showed his level as an infantry second lieutenant. The only mistake may be that he did not expect that there was only one attacker.

It is indeed extremely difficult for one person to silently kill two people in a very short period of time.

It's a pity that Tang Dao is such a character who has completely surpassed his worldview. In the Battle of Sixing Warehouse, he even killed the three people in front of the Japanese trench without a sound, and killed one who was sleeping soundly at the darkest moment before dawn. It is not as difficult as the second lieutenant of the Japanese army imagined to deal with two Japanese soldiers who are restless.

The second lieutenant of the Japanese army, who was vigilant enough but still miscalculated the strength of his opponent, would pay the price for it.

"You guys, go see Amaterasu with peace of mind!" Looking at his colleagues on the ground writhing in pain like two fish being thrown onto the river bank, Araki Tomota made a cold decision.

He knew that although there were no fatal injuries, it was impossible for these two guys who were injured by splinters and shrapnel to live, and the best surgeon could not remove those debris from their bodies, and they died. Because the probability of bacterial infection is 100%, it is better to be more straightforward than to let them die in pain.

But the two wounded Japanese infantry didn't think so, they wanted to live.

Looking at the second lieutenant who pulled out the Nanfang Type [-] pistol with painful and pleading eyes, before he could make a sound, two gunshots were fired, and his body trembled and returned to calm.

Tang Dao, who had already hid more than twenty meters away, frowned slightly. The reason why he only used one grenade instead of two was to only injure but not kill. In this way, the Japanese army had to send soldiers to take care of the two wounded soldiers and weaken them. There was a lot of pressure to face, but the Japanese commander was much more ruthless than he thought, and directly killed the wounded soldiers himself.

However, this is nothing, just a little more effort.

Accompanied by Tomodai Araki's roar, three groups of Japanese troops rushed out of their respective courtyards with guns in their hands, carefully separated by about three or four meters, and staggered to search the small courtyard where their commanders were located.

This is just a small village with more than a dozen families, and each courtyard is scattered along the river. To put it bluntly, the distance between each house will not exceed ten meters, and the length of the village from east to west will not exceed a hundred meters. The north and south are narrower.

The Japanese troops who were forced to come forward staggered forward. If anyone was attacked, the other two would launch a counterattack at any time. The friendly troops tens of meters away could provide fire support without even running over.

There is a small river with a width of more than two meters on the side that is deliberately opened.

Passing by the house, the Japanese infantry didn't even bother to kick open the courtyard door to check in. They threw two grenades in it in a row. The melon-style infantry grenade, which was mainly used for attack, had a killing range of seven or eight square meters. The enemy was killed and wounded.

Then, they swarmed in again, throwing a few more grenades into the house, and hiding them in the house was undoubtedly an extremely stupid act.

The search circle is constantly shrinking, but the imaginary enemy is still not found.

Until, a Japanese soldier was attracted by a fleeting figure and strode forward.

With a kick in cowhide boots, he kicked the black fishing line half a meter above the ground.

After a stagger, 'Boom!boom!boom! 'The continuous violent explosions sounded overhead like a goddess scattering flowers.

2 minutes ago, Tang Dao hung the seized grenade grenades on the branches of the big tree, and added a grenade that shortened the fuse.

(End of this chapter)

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