Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 574 An Angel Comes?

Chapter 574 An Angel Comes?
The second lieutenant's face was bitter, and he opened his mouth, but he was speechless to refute.

"I'm also from Sichuan, and I'll tell you the truth. The entire army of my supervisory team arrived here is only a part of it. There are no more than 300 people in total. If you insist on going your own way, you can attack with the whole army. Kill us and wait for the entire army to retreat. Xiang Shanzhong, at least one-fifth of you can escape the pursuit of the Japanese invaders and save your life!" Tang Dao's voice rose again.

"But from now on, you will not be allowed to return to your hometown for life, and your wives and children will have to live as family members of deserters!"

"Sir, do we have any other options?" The second lieutenant raised his head.

"Of course, if you want to get rid of the name of cowardly deserter, then come back to the battlefield with me. Now the culprit has been punished, as long as the rest can fight the enemy bravely with Tang Dao, today's incident will be forgotten!" Tang Dao pointed his finger A battlefield that continuously billows black smoke ahead.

"Sir, are you serious?" A major in the army pushed aside the crowd and walked out of the queue.

"I promise in the name of the war supervisor." Tang Dao jumped off the rock and replied seriously. "Even if your regiment commander was dealt with by military law, I can still report the name of a dead person, and all the actions of your regiment today will be treated as if they never happened.

Moreover, I can ask your Master Rao to temporarily place your department under my personal command. I think he will agree to me. "

As soon as Tang Dao said this, the eyes of the major of the Sichuan Army, who is already the highest rank here, lit up. No one of the Sichuan Army infantry who was still holding a gun pointed their guns at Tang Dao and the guard platoon who was aiming at them with a submachine gun. soldiers.

"Sir, you are worthy of being a sir. Brothers, turn off the insurance, and you don't have to fight those cowards." Li Jiujin wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and finally felt relieved.

"Company commander, what will they do if they are so stupid?" A soldier asked curiously.

"You think they are all idiots! The officer said very clearly before that if they insist on going their own way and become deserters, they will be able to pass this test. They will not be cleared of the crime of desertion in this life. To be implicated, life is worse than death.

Besides, the officer didn't even pursue the leader of the dead ghost, why do you think they are still resisting?Both left and right are dead, it would be better to fight the Japanese and leave a hero's name.

And let's go!The best move of the officer is to put them under his command. The deserters know best how much their lieutenant general and major general brigade commander hate them as deserters and continue to fight under their command. They must be the first to bear the brunt of the cannon fodder, and now, this worry is gone. "Li Jiujin laughed. "You said that our chief's ability to persuade thousands of people with just a single mouth is amazing!" "

"What the officer said just now, if they are so tough, will we shoot?" The soldier continued to be curious enough.

Because, the one who has followed Tang Dao for the longest time here is none other than the veteran with more than ten years of military experience in front of him.

"What do you think?" Li Jiujin had a half-smile on his face. "Do you think the purpose of the officer jumping on that rock is to stand taller and let those cowards hear better? That rock is enough to serve as a temporary shelter for the officer. Didn't you see Xia Dayu and Er Ya took the opportunity to both Looking around? You thought it was a treasure hunt! It was looking for the nearest ditch, as long as you can avoid the first wave of bullets!"

"Fortunately, those cowards don't have the guts!" The soldier looked rejoicing.

He was not thankful that his officer and the two smart messengers had a great chance of escaping the first wave of attacks from the 'deserters', but he was glad that he finally didn't have to shoot bullets at his compatriots.

What the company commander Li Jiujin said just now couldn't be more clear, as long as they dare to agree with their dead commander, then this road will be full of blood and flesh.The Independence Battalion was ruthless to the Japanese, and they would not be merciless to traitors and deserters.

However, even if they knew that they were determined to be deserters, the soldiers who killed them would definitely feel unhappy.

That's just a bunch of poor people trying to survive.

But, on the battlefield, there is no mercy.

"Sir, my first battalion is willing!" The major of the Sichuan Army made the first decision. "As long as you are still the brother of Lao Tzu Liu Dengkui, go over there and stand up with the two little brothers!"

A group of soldiers of about 400 people, including the captain and second lieutenant who stood up first, all ran towards Xia Dayu and the other two.

"Sir, my second battalion is also willing!"

"Sanying is also willing!"

The other two infantry battalion commanders could only bite the bullet and stand up when they saw that the matter had come to this.

"Okay! Then your previous numbers will be canceled temporarily, and the whole regiment will be renamed the 145th Division Xuesha Regiment. They will be the [-]st Battalion of the Xuexu Regiment, the [-]nd Battalion of the Xuexu Regiment, and the [-]rd Battalion of the Xuexu Regiment. When will your military exploits be enough to offset your shameful behavior today? At that time, you will regain your previous number." Tang Dao nodded and announced the adaptation plan directly.

. . . . . . . . . .

Three kilometers away, Jiepai Village!

"Liu Ruzhai should be killed!" A soldier with a square face and thick eyebrows slammed his helmet on the wooden table of the temporary headquarters built of wood.

Half an hour ago, the Liu Ruzhai Regiment on the right-wing position two kilometers away lost contact. He thought it was because the telephone line was blown up. As the division commander, he immediately sent a communication soldier to inform his subordinates that the Japanese army would attack after the artillery fire ceased. Therefore, he needed Liu Ruzhai to stick to the right-wing position and not take a step back, so that he could invest enough infantry on the left to counterattack the puppet Manchurian Jing'an army in the lead.

Unexpectedly, man is not as good as God, he has calculated the focus of the next round of Japanese attack, the timing of the Japanese attack, and even the Japanese army will only dispatch the Jing'an Army, but he has not counted his right wing. question.

The communications soldier ran out of breath and reported to him that in the entire right-wing position, there was only one infantry platoon guarding dozens of wounded soldiers who could not move, and thousands of others fled without fighting.

After questioning, it was Liu Ruzhai's regiment commander who personally ordered the retreat. The infantry platoon leader really couldn't bear the sight of those dozens of severely wounded soldiers who could not move and were slaughtered by the Japanese army. That guy is regarded as the broken one.

Hearing the bad news, the lieutenant general of the army almost fainted in the dark before his eyes. It took more than a minute to recover, and he quickly redeployed his troops. The central position was the focus of the Japanese attack and could not draw troops. An infantry company is going around the mountain to give the Japanese flank a hard blow, and the only one that can be used is his division guard company.

After all these arrangements were made, only then would there be time to yell at the commander under his command that he deserved to be killed.

And immediately ordered the communications platoon of the division headquarters to send the news that this person fled the battlefield in fear of fighting to the group army headquarters.

Although the lieutenant general also knew that this was basically useless, Liu Ruzhai dared to disobey the military order and escape because of the support of that person, otherwise, he would definitely not be the commander of the regiment.

"Master's seat! Master's seat!" The lieutenant general who was furious heard the reputation and looked, and his guard company commander was running towards this side frantically.

There were still tens of meters away, but the voice came first, showing his eagerness.

The army lieutenant general who was spitting blood suddenly had an awe-inspiring look. Could it be that the right-wing position has been breached?

"Everyone, take your guns and listen to my orders!" The lieutenant general who reached out for his pistol had the worst plan in mind.

At worst, he took dozens of people from the division headquarters to fill in the right-wing position, and confessed the more than 100 catties.

"Master, they're back!" The guard company commander, who ran for three or four miles in one breath, was sweating profusely on his face.

"Who's back?"

"Liu Ruzhai's regiment!"

"What?" This is definitely the most bizarre news that the lieutenant general has heard today, bar none.

He has been a soldier all his life, and he has never seen a deserter return to the battlefield.

But soon, the most bizarre definition was overturned.

Because, the infantry regiment under his command is back, but the commander has changed, and the bastard he wanted to kill was really killed, just half an hour ago.

The face of the Lieutenant General of the Sichuan Army at this moment can completely be compared with the future sentence "Heaven, earth! It was that angel who helped me out!"

(End of this chapter)

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