Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 576 The 1st Brigade of the Jing'an Army

Chapter 576 The First Brigade of the Jing'an Army

Yes, for the dozens of Sichuan soldiers who had been completely desperate, the sudden influx of hundreds of people is definitely a miracle!
The trench, nearly a kilometer wide, originally had only more than 30 people, and it was extremely deserted.

Suddenly, teams of black and dark blue uniforms bent over and entered from the rear, and the two trenches seemed to be filled in an instant.

In the words of the second lieutenant platoon leader named Zhou Dafa in his later memoirs: "If I hadn't heard the familiar accent, I would have almost shot at them. But the moment I knew they were my own people , I couldn't hold back, my crotch was wet.

It's not because I'm scared to pee, but because I like to pee. That's definitely the first time in my life.

Don't laugh at me!You can finally live without dying, do you know what it feels like?No, those who haven't experienced that kind of battlefield, you won't understand. "

Regardless of comforting the group of Sichuan soldiers who were "happy to urinate", all of them bent down and entered the trenches in the posture of the enemy as much as possible, not only to avoid being injured by the infantry artillery and heavy machine guns that the Japanese army was about to fire, but also to In order to give a big surprise to the Japanese army who is about to pounce.

Originally, the First Battalion of the Xuesha Regiment took the initiative to ask for a battle to enter the front-line trenches.

The first one to stand up and express his support for Tang Dao already shows that he has a flexible mind. He is very smart. He knows that since he is going to fight, he might as well be active and brave. It's also good to leave a good impression on the division commander and brigade commander.

Of course, the excellent equipment of the infantry company under Tang Dao's command and the marching qualities displayed by the officers and soldiers are also the main reasons why the battalion commander is so brave.

It's just that he didn't qualify to enter the first-line trenches.

Tang Dao personally led the guard platoon and Li Jiujin's two infantry platoons into the first-line trenches. The two heavy machine guns and mortars of the fire support platoon were looking for positions in the rear fortifications.

It's not that Tang Dao looked down on the first battalion of the Sichuan Army who took the initiative to fight. Although the infantry battalion had only one old-fashioned heavy machine gun and six light machine guns in total, there were more than 300 people after all, and hundreds of old sleeves crackled and fired , Just listening to the movement can scare people.

However, this firepower is still too weak.

In this wave, Tang Dao wants to teach the group of 'second devils' who have already started to attack a harsh lesson.

Before entering the battlefield, Tang Dao observed through binoculars. The military uniform style in front of him was different from that of the regular Japanese army. This should be the legendary "Puppet Manchuria Jing'an Army".

In the past time and space, the 18th Division used this army as the vanguard to attack Guangde from the direction of Huzhou and Changxing. In this time and space, they appeared to live up to expectations.

As far as Tang Dao is concerned, whether it is Sixing Warehouse, Songshan, or Jiashan Jiaxing, he is facing the original short-legged people. The gang in front of him are dressed in the same 'shit yellow', but the military uniforms are different. Recruited from the three eastern provinces This is the first time Tang Dao met in this time and space.

For any future person, most of the inherent impressions of creatures like the puppet army come from various TV dramas, and among them, the puppet army, which has forgotten its ancestors, is extremely demeaning, saying that they lick a Bilian Working for the Japanese is just to dabble in military pay, and the most common thing is 'when the gun is fired, turn around and rush to the battlefield'.

But Tang Dao knew that maybe this kind of situation happened, and most of it should be on the battlefield behind the enemy in North China in the next two years.

At that time, in order to maintain sufficient deterrence against the vast land they occupied, the Japanese army recruited millions of puppet troops, but they were afraid of betrayal, so the equipment was naturally not good enough, and the training was insufficient. For Bilian's guys, it's natural that if the boss doesn't do his best, I'll just mess around.

Moreover, as the war progressed, the guerrilla forces in the enemy's rear became stronger and stronger, and the Japanese army, which constantly deployed the main force to the Pacific battlefield, became weaker and weaker.

You are a normal person, you have to leave a way out for yourself, don't you?
But that definitely does not include these second devils from the so-called puppet Manchuria.

First, they no longer regard themselves as Chinese in terms of mentality, and have long planned to go all the way to the dark with the Japanese; second, their equipment is exactly the same as that of the Japanese army; third, their training is even more formal than that of the Japanese. The Army was even harsher and crueler.

If the ten-month recruit training of the Japanese regular army fails to meet the standards, at most they will be eliminated and sent back to their original places, but if these 'two devils' fail to meet the standards, they will die.They themselves regard themselves as Japanese, but the Japanese don't think so, just like the infantry drawn from Taiwan Island, they are just their servants.

Moreover, from a mentality point of view, the face and ancestors are gone anyway, and they want to kill all the real Chinese. Only in this way can they prove that their choice is correct, and no one will point to their backbone and scold them .

Therefore, they fought even more ferociously than the regular Japanese army, and treated Chinese civilians more brutally.

Especially the guys in this so-called Jing'an Army are the elite of the puppet Manchurian army. Although most of them are hardcore traitors, the Japanese are basically responsible for their platoon leaders, and the senior officers are all iron. The heart wants to work for the Japanese, and the infantry are all tall and powerful, and the overall combat effectiveness is even comparable to several Japanese ace regiments.

In this southeast battle, they not only helped the Japanese army siege cities and land, but also caused several tragic tragedies.

Correspondingly, the Chinese hate these bastards even more. After the victory in the war, they basically killed them all, and none of them escaped.

Isn't it vicious and cruel?Tang Dao wanted to use the sharpest sword in his hand to stab the heart of these two devils, stabbing him to the core.

. . . . . . . .

"General, what kind of tricks are the Chinese playing?" A Japanese major was looking at the Chinese position hidden in the mountains and forests with a telescope, with a cautious expression on his face.

As the military advisor of the First Brigade of the Jing'an Army, Major Shi Duyingjie faithfully performed his combat duties.

According to intelligence, the Chinese army in front of them was the infantry division that had suffered heavy losses in a battle in Si'an two days ago. Even if its strength was not sufficient, it was not enough for dozens of people to shoot.

"Mr. Shi Du, you worry too much." A middle-aged man with the rank of major general showed confidence on his face. "The Chinese thought that I would focus on the central position for breakthroughs. There must be heavy defenses over there, and the troops here are destined not to be deployed too much, and"

The middle-aged major general showed cunning in his eyes, "I didn't hesitate to spend a lot of shells to prepare for the attack. In fact, I just knocked the mountain and told the Chinese commander that they are dead. Guess what he will do?"

"The general means that they will be scared away?" Shi Duyingjie was slightly surprised.

"I don't know if they will all be scared away, but I know that this army from Sichuan Province, which hastily entered the battle, is extremely short of supplies and armaments. After the tentative attack in the morning, their counterattack is not like the other The two positions are so resolute, otherwise, I would not focus on the breakthrough here.

I judged that the high-level commanders should have been frightened, otherwise, the resistance just now would not have been so weak. "The middle-aged man looked confident. "Shidu-jun, you just wait to receive the Imperial Medal with me!"In this battle, our Jing'an Army Brigade will surely win! "

"Hi! General Li is very clever!" Shi Duyingjie put his legs together and lowered his head in an extremely polite posture, while giving a thumbs up to the middle-aged soldier.

He has both the duty of being a subordinate and the unique arrogance of the Japanese, even though the Manchurian major general in front of him is three ranks higher than his rank.

"Haha! Mr. Shidu praised you!" However, Li Shoushan, who is a major general and brigade commander, was very happy about the behavior of the Japanese Army Major.

No matter how expensive a dog is, it only deserves to be patted on the head in front of its owner.

A dog's mind is so simple.

"Order the first battalion and the second battalion of the second regiment to attack!" Li Shoushan waved his hand and officially issued an attack order.

The investment of nearly a thousand infantry at one time also showed the determination of this famous traitor.

The battle between Tang Dao and the Independent Battalion in Jiepai Village, the first battle with the puppet army, is about to start.

. . . . . . . . . .

PS: Brothers, double monthly tickets on the first day of the new year!Vote guys!
(End of this chapter)

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