Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 581 It's too cheap!

Chapter 581 It's too cheap!
Tang Dao has been silently observing the enemy army.

But he also has to admit that the Jing'an Army and the puppet army that will be defeated in one blow in future film and television dramas are completely two-dimensional creatures.

Nearly 300 people were killed in a round of attack, and after a brief rest for less than 5 minutes, the two infantry companies located more than 200 meters in front of the first-line trench position began to move forward, and the rear even replenished two infantry companies.

The distance between the two armies is no longer the previous 200 meters, but only 100 meters.

Apparently, they have a drumbeat attempt.

As long as the first two infantry companies can enter the area where they can throw grenades into the trenches, the two following infantry companies will charge forward at high speed.

At that time, it would not be the 300 people who took the lead in attacking the trenches, but a full 600 people.

Not to mention that there are a total of 400 infantry in the first-line trenches at this time, and there are less than [-] Sichuan troops in the second-line trenches, and the total strength is far inferior to them.

However, the most common tactics used by the Japanese regular army, the artillery attacking the infantry, was not reflected in the well-known puppet army of the Jing'an Army.

Tang Dao's eyes narrowed, but he did not directly issue military orders as usual. This time, Li Jiujin was the first commander. At least before that, he did a good enough job.

It's not that Tang Dao doesn't take the lives of the officers and soldiers of the second company seriously, but that they are just a group of puppet troops. In the future, they will face the more ferocious and powerful Japanese army alone. If they don't even dare to fight in the training match Fight, what will you use to play qualifying in the future?

The Japanese army in the north of China is more terrifying than the Japanese army in the southeast.

. . . . . . . . . . .

The 92 heavy machine guns that had regained their positions began to roar again, and this time, there seemed to be more heavy machine guns than before.

That's because Li Shoushan, an old fox, still saved his hand after all. Although the heavy machine gun company directly under his regiment started to attack, the heavy machine guns assigned to the three infantry battalions did not come out, especially the one that was used as a backup. In the infantry battalion, the 4 heavy machine guns attached to it have been hidden tightly.

In this wave of attack, Li Shoushan finally couldn't hold back his 'bright sword'.

But, that's just what he thought.

In the words of Li Jiujin who has been hiding in the semi-underground fortifications to observe the battlefield: "Hey! The second devil is finally willing to show his cheapness! The heavy machine guns at the bottom of the press box have been taken out."

"Go, tell the support platoon, and let me set fire to kill them again. However, this time, each cannon is only allowed to fire three rounds. After firing, I will immediately move the position." Li Jiujin looked through the binoculars. After seven 800 meters, the heavy machine gun was also moved into the heavy machine gun position of the Jing'an Army in the mountains. After a little thought, he ordered.

Mortar emplacement in the col.

"Did you hear me? Prepare three shells for each cannon. After firing, I will carry the cannon and run away! Whoever refuses to obey orders, don't blame me for not being sympathetic!" The fire support platoon of the second company The platoon leader is not big, but he has a loud voice.

His face was blackened by the gunpowder smoke from the muzzle, and then flushed with hot sweat, he looked like a painted face on a stage. His image was not good, but he was full of spirit. He walked around the artillery position and raised his head shouted.

This should also be the result of dealing with artillery for a long time. The hearing of the artillerymen is actually damaged to varying degrees. If the voice is not louder, it is estimated that few of them can hear his orders clearly.

"Sir, why are you only allowed to fire three shells? Isn't the fight just now very enjoyable, kill those gangsters." A Sichuan Army artillery squad leader was a little confused, so he handed the second lieutenant platoon leader his bong. "Come on, sir, take a sip and make sure you are in good spirits."

This is the most common way of dealing with the Sichuan Army, giving each other cigarettes. However, being able to give someone else to smoke their precious bongs is costly for the veterans of the Sichuan Army who are addicted to cigarettes.

The leader of the support platoon is from the Northwest, and he also smokes, but he likes to smoke that kind of cigarette. He has no interest in the kind of bong that the Sichuan Army likes. I lit the match, took a deep breath, and exhaled the blue smoke.

Then he said: "Brother, you probably think that our mortars are invincible!"

"That cannon! The second devil's cannon can shoot farther than ours, and its power is much greater. We can't match it." The squad leader of the Sichuan Army Artillery quickly shook his head.

The two mortars lost by the mortar company in the regiment were hit by the 92 infantry artillery of the Jing'an Army, and even the people and the artillery were blown to pieces!

"So! Do you think that our shelling just now can kill the Second Devil's artillery?" The second lieutenant of the support platoon turned serious. "Since the infantry of the Second Devil dared to attack, it means that they still have enough firepower to cover."

"What's the matter? Soldiers come to cover the water and soil, and see who can do it better." The squad leader of the Sichuan Army Artillery showed a disapproving look on his face. "The brothers in the trenches can count on us to fight the devil's heavy machine guns."

"We just used their infantry attack to lure out their two heavy machine gun positions, so why don't the second devils use their heavy machine gun positions to lure out our artillery positions now after having tasted our power!

Don't think that we are safe in this small mountain depression. The 92 infantry artillery is not only good at fortifications, but also can be projected by increasing the elevation angle of the muzzle. Seeing that the artillery squad leader of the Sichuan Army didn't take it seriously, the second lieutenant of the support platoon had no choice but to continue explaining.

"Also, do you think there are just those cannons on the opposite side?"

"Could it be possible, them?" The artillery squad leader of the Sichuan Army gasped.

"According to our experience in dealing with the Japanese devils, a Japanese infantry regiment is equipped with 10 infantry cannons and 4 mountain cannons, and the equipment of this wave of second devils is no worse than that of the regular Japanese army. Then they are not only these infantry cannons, The number will only increase, and there are even mountain cannons waiting for us in the distance!
They can afford to lose, but like you said, the infantry depend on us for heavy machine guns, we can't afford to lose a single gun. "The second lieutenant of the support platoon said slowly.

"Understood! We will withdraw after firing three artillery pieces!" The artillery squad leader of the Sichuan Army nodded repeatedly.

The col is less than [-] square meters. If, as the second lieutenant said, the Jing'an Army has more infantry artillery and even mountain artillery that can be used as curved artillery, it will be a disaster.

The fact is indeed true, Li Shoushan is actually more than just one trick, the reason why he continues to invest in extremely resolute fighting is that he has not yet brought out his real trump card.

His first brigade of the Jing'an Army not only had infantry artillery, but before attacking Changxing and Huzhou, his Japanese master specially adjusted four 75 mountain artillery to him to strengthen the firepower in order to cheer him up.

During the Battle of Si'an, because of the navy's fighter formations helping to bomb, it was never his turn to show his trump card, but now he can.

The four 75 mountain guns on standby are just 2000 meters away, and the artillery observers are near the headquarters. As long as the general area of ​​the Chinese mortar positions is found, the four mountain guns and six 92 infantry guns on standby will cover the bombardment.

After all, the most tragic thing was the Jingan Army infantry in the field. In the eyes of the Chinese soldiers, they were bait, and in the mind of their major general and brigade commander, they were also bait.

As for the final outcome of the bait, no matter whether the fish is caught or not, it will disappear.

In this way, devils who are counted by both sides at the same time will eventually become ghosts, regardless of their incompatibility.

After being silent for 10 minutes, the Chinese mortars finally counterattacked, and dozens of shells fired at the heavy machine gun positions of the Jing'an Army.

Another mess all over the place.

After only 5 minutes, the Japanese artillery fire began to counterattack.

In this era when there was no anti-artillery radar, the Japanese artillery retaliation was fast enough.

'Boom boom boom! 'The fireball that kept exploding flashed on the mountainside.

The intensity of this wave of artillery fire can far exceed the firepower of the previous infantry artillery aimed at the heavy machine guns on the Chinese position.

Not to mention that the general area of ​​the small col was blown up with thick smoke, even on the ground a few hundred meters away, the ground felt slightly trembling.

The Japanese artillery fired continuously for nearly 10 minutes, throwing more than [-] shells in one breath.

Staring dumbfounded at the thick smoke in the distance, Sweet Potatoes suddenly felt blessed, "Platoon Leader, I know, they don't kill Guizi's wounded soldiers, they use them as a shield! Without those guys, these shells would just smash We're on the edge of the trench!"

"Huh! You're a quick learner!" The second lieutenant of the Sichuan Army stretched out his hand to rub the small head of his signal soldier, but shook his head slightly. "However, those brothers are more powerful than we thought. Letting the wounded lie on the battlefield and not killing them is just one of them to avoid the Japanese shelling the trenches."

"What else is there to do?"

"You'll know when Ha Zi sees it. It's no wonder they had to push us to the front line. Their brains are really good."

on the battlefield.

The first wave of soldiers who re-entered the battlefield crawled forward at least more than 100 meters when their own artillery bombarded desperately and the heavy machine guns roared again, and they were already close to the area that had been bombed by grenades and swept by machine guns before.

It was a hell of Senra full of corpses and mutilated bodies, and wounded soldiers who wailed or didn't move much.

The Jing'an army was not busy attacking.

Instead, many people held the rope and used a loop to wrap the wounded soldier's feet or the neck of the corpse, and then pulled it back.

Don't tell me, this trick is quite clever, and it minimizes the possibility of being shot on the ground.

It's a pity that the soldiers on the ground may have already guarded against this move.

"Bang bang bang!" Gunshots continued.

It was mainly the precision shooters of each infantry squad. They all hid in the corners of the outermost edge of the position, staring at the wounded soldiers of the Jing'an Army who were still moving.

Just don't move those guys who can bleed to death. Whoever wants to move them, then kill the person who wants to move.

Help around the point!

The remaining wounded soldiers are the point of incomparable cruelty.

With cruelty and cruelty, Chinese soldiers trained by war will also make people feel frightened.

(End of this chapter)

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