Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 585 Perfect Blockade

Chapter 585 Perfect Blockade
Tactics change as the battle situation changes.

Hearing the sound of gunfire from the most remote highland 500 meters away, Lao Hei made an instant judgment that most of the Second Devil's troops must have gathered there, and there was no need to hoard so many troops on the other highlands.

Immediately blew the iron whistle to notify the soldiers of the two nearest highland guard platoons to join him, leaving only the Sichuan army to guard the highland.

It is difficult to go up the mountain, but easy to go down the mountain. The guard platoon soldiers who received the message from their platoon leader raised their submachine guns and ran all the way. A total of 13 people only took 3 minutes to complete the assembly, and then it took 15 minutes to reach the vicinity of the battlefield.

At this time, the Jing'an army was holding on to the grenades that were constantly thrown from the top of the mountain.

Lao Hei did not immediately lead his troops into the battlefield, but ordered everyone to rest for 3 minutes, and then quietly walked around to the side of the highland in the forest.

In order not to alarm the Jing'an Army, Lao Hei didn't even blow the iron whistle to notify his own people on the high ground. He believed that his subordinates would understand his tactical intentions if they saw their dark blue figures.

Since these two devils are so stubborn, he will let them stay here as much as possible this time.

The mountains in southern Anhui are still not as fertile as those in the south of the Yangtze River, and the mountains and forests are not as dense as those there. These guys can just be used to fertilize the land.

Lao Hei waited until the moment when the Jing'an army threw a grenade and a large group of people started to attack straight up, and then he personally led the twelve guard platoon soldiers under his command to shoot.

For the Jing'an Army, that was bad.

The density of bullets ejected from the concentrated fire of the thirteen submachine guns is not the same as that of the four shots on the high ground, and it is also their flanks that are caught off guard.

Because on the flank, the twelve guards led by Lao Hei were actually 50 meters away from the Jing'an Army, and there were more or less dense forests and shrubs to cover them. , and only in this way can they withstand such a terrifying firepower.

There were even quite a few soldiers of the Jing'an Army who raised their rifles and started shooting towards the flanks. The bullets also sent pieces of wood flying across Lao Hei's side.

The 12 people led by Lao Hei didn't have such perfect fortifications on the high ground. Immediately, one of them was hit by a bullet and fell to the ground with a miserable grunt.

One can imagine the ferocity of the Jing'an army and the gang of two devils.

However, the counterattack on the high ground also arrived, and more than a dozen grenades were dropped.The soldiers of the Sichuan army, who had become more and more proficient at playing the time-delayed grenade, never gave the Jing'an army any chance to roll and dodge. The grenade either exploded on the ground or exploded in the air. There was a burst of ghostly crying and wolf howling.

But this is not their last nightmare.

The Chinese who just beat them into dogs with submachine guns were able to throw grenades.

But, it's more than 50 meters away!Even if it is because of the condescending height, judging by the point of impact when thrown in the middle of the pawn line, the distance is almost 90 meters.

But, it's true.

This is Lao Hei's unique skill for making a living.

On flat ground, his best throw can reach 70 meters. In this condescending environment, it is normal for Lao Hei to throw eight 90 meters with all his strength.

It is not terrible to throw the grenade far or accurately. After all, Lao Hei is the only one who has this ability. Can a grenade kill an enemy?

But it happened that the grenade thrown by Lao Hei from afar blew up the last tenacity of the Jing'an army to pieces, or more precisely, it was the six-second delay of the grenade that became the last straw that crushed Jing'an's camel's back. .

The speed of the grenade flying in the air was only a dozen meters per second, and six seconds was just enough time for these black bumps made of wooden handles, iron body and 400 grams of explosives to fly over the heads of the Jing'an Army.

Before they had time to break the branches, the black lumps were laughing and blooming their last brilliance in the air.

One, two, three air-burst bombs that can cheerfully pierce shrapnel into the body regardless of any crawling posture on the top of the head are still tolerable. After all, it is a matter of probability to fall on one's own head, but almost everyone If everyone is like this, the human mind will no longer be able to bear it.

After ten balls of gunpowder smoke exploded in the air, the Jing'an Army's psychological defense completely collapsed, and they scrambled downwards, even if their captain and company commander kept roaring in the rear, they didn't care.

If you want to beat yourself up, I won't lie around and get bombed any more.God knows how many grenades those Sichuanese still have?This may be the most simple psychological activity of the soldiers of the Jing'an Army who were fleeing.

"Kill!" Lao Hei and the sergeant on the high ground ordered to pursue at the same time.

The intensity of firepower far surpassing that of the enemy and the momentum of attacking with victory like a tiger descending the mountain are destined to be a victory without any suspense.

Along the mountain, he chased the remnants of the Jing'an Army for more than 150 meters in one breath, and Lao Hei blew his iron whistle to call the soldiers back.

At this point in the battle, the ammunition was exhausted, and the soldiers' physical strength was also on the verge of limit. If there were soldiers who were shot, they needed to be treated. Old Hei seemed to be very familiar with the control of this small battlefield.

At the post-war battle summary meeting, Tang Dao also specifically named the old black guard platoon to praise the forest blocking battle.

Not because of his strong record, relying on a high ground with only 12 people, Lao Hei led half of the guards to line up and kill more than 90 people from the Jing'an Army, while only 6 people were slightly injured and two of them were seriously injured.

It's not how ingenious its tactics are used. First, it disperses and blocks the attack, and then deploys troops to quickly support it according to the situation. In the middle, it also leaves traps to kill more than ten grenadier soldiers.

Rather, Lao Hei didn't rush forward greedily, trying to kill the retreating infantry company of the Jing'an Army.

The Jing'an Army is really not that bad. It turned out afterwards that the iron-headed company commander of the department actually left a way for himself. He only dispatched 6 of the 4 light machine guns owned by his infantry company from the beginning to the end. , and two light machine guns remained about 300 meters behind him, and the last infantry squad was sent to guard the foot of the mountain.

One is to prevent people from stealing the rear, and the other is to cover myself. In case the battle situation is unfavorable and retreats, if the enemy comes to chase, the two light machine guns ambushed at the foot of the mountain can at least stop the enemy. The pace of the army's pursuit.

Obviously, if Old Hei was a little greedy, two light machine guns and an infantry squad that had already taken cover would definitely make him pay the price in blood.

Fortunately, he is wise enough.

After this battle, no one dissatisfied with Lao Hei, the guard platoon leader.

In any other battlefield, no one fought a battle with nearly zero casualties like him, and it was still a one-to-two comparison.

Compared with the right-wing blockade led by Lao Hei who fought for almost an hour, the left-wing side was much more relaxed.

With a submachine gun suppressed and a grenade thrown wildly, the Jing'an army fired a symbolic random shot, and then voluntarily withdrew.

Unlike the right wing, where as many as 90 corpses of the Second Devils could be used for fertile land, the less aggressive Jing'an Army took away all the wounded and remains, and there was no way to count their military exploits, but they successfully completed their tactical goals.

After this battle, the entire guard platoon lost only one person, and the two Sichuan Army platoons lost one person in total, and 6 people were scratched by shrapnel, and even the medicine packs were not wasted. to make.

The victory of the pure light infantry on the two wings of the Chinese main position was even more amazing than the corpses in front of the main position.

This news almost shocked the Sichuan Army in the central main position, and dare to say, the most powerful of these brothers is not here yet!With a group of guys who are about the same level as himself, he can achieve such a brash record, how awesome!
But for the Jing'an Army, who were staring at the front of the main formation, this was bad news.

The two-wing detour plan went bankrupt. If you want to conquer the position in front of you, you can only rely on human lives.

"Order the front line, retreat first!" Li Shoushan, who was livid after receiving news from the front line, finally issued the military order.

The Jing'an army breathed a sigh of relief, even the pure Japanese Ishidu Hidekai couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

He is the master. The Jing'an Army, including Li Shoushan, is just a vicious dog raised by the empire. He doesn't care how many Jing'an troops die, but he is the military adviser of the first brigade of the Jing'an Army. Can he break through the Chinese army? Position, but his duty.

Ten kilometers away, His Excellency Kunisaki Teng, who was waiting for them to conquer the position with all their might, was still waiting for his good news!

A hard-headed attack like this has no other effect except to increase casualties in vain. The first brigade of the Jing'an Army must change its strategy.

(End of this chapter)

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