Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 593 A mouthful of old blood!

Chapter 593 A mouthful of old blood!

The morning sun is very warm.

It was fine weather, and there was a rare wind on the sea.

Thanks to this good weather, the Japanese naval fighter planes took off a few minutes earlier than usual.

Feeling humiliated, Captain Nagano led more than [-] fighter planes to fly at full speed, almost impatient to arrive at the battlefield.

This time, he accepted the lesson from yesterday and focused the bombing on the back of the ridge. After the frontal position was bombed, the dense forest behind the mountain was also destroyed by tons of explosives dropped by more than [-] Japanese fighter planes. up.

This time, no matter where the Chinese hide, they will have to cry under the bomb!

After circling a few laps over the mountain to confirm the results of the battle, more than twenty fighter planes flew away triumphantly with their wings flapping.

But the Army Malu and the First Brigade of the Jing'an Army were still worried, and gathered all the artillery they could use to bombard the position that had become a sea of ​​flames.

They were really afraid of their opponents, and decided to return to the routine of using their own strengths against the enemy's weaknesses.

The whole mountain seemed to tremble under the fire of the mighty Japanese army.

Not to mention people, even steel has to be torn to pieces under this intensity of artillery fire.

It was time for the infantry to attack.

The Major of the Japanese Army, who was about to be beaten into tears yesterday, learned to be smart this time. He didn't even mention that the Imperial Japanese Army is the bravest soldier in the world.

As a result, he missed the glory of planting the imperial standard on the enemy's position.

An infantry company of the Jing'an Army who cursed in his heart that the officers had not set their sights on giving birth to a son entered the first-line trench they had occupied without encountering any resistance.

What the hell are you doing with me?Li Shoushan, who was holding binoculars in the trench in the distance, and a group of officers saw this scene twitching their eyes.

They really don't want to play this kind of purely life-consuming tactics with the Sichuan Army fools anymore!

But do they have a choice?

Don't say it, there really is.

The Chinese got their wish.

Change tactics!

I want a position!What do you say!How would I know if you don't tell me, I'll give you a melon!
I won't play with you for the time being.

Yes, half an hour later, the Jing'an Army with more than a hundred people stood on the top of the mountain and waved the military flag to cheer for victory. The messenger ran to Li Shoushan, the nominal supreme commander, and reported: "There is no one on the Chinese position." , Our soldiers conquered the position without blood!" at that moment.

Li Shoushan is full of old blood!

Dare to love, the Chinese run away!
But, since he was going to run, why didn't Mao not run yesterday, and insisted on killing until the blood flowed like a river?This is what Li Shoushan, who was almost not depressed, hadn't figured it out.

Could it be that it was just to make him feel like a knife cut Li's heart?
Although it feels like being played hard by the Chinese defenders has a strong and lingering sense of humiliation, but in any case, there is no need to lose people, which is still worth celebrating.

It's extremely shameful but still forced to smile, isn't it like a woman from a good family is forced to take a concubine by a landlord bully?Li Shoushan, a big Japanese dog, may feel this way.

He didn't even go to the position that took him two and a half infantry battalions to conquer, and he refused the interview with the Japanese army reporter who ran over excitedly, but gave him the opportunity to appear in the major newspapers on the Japanese island. Appointed his military adviser, Major Ishidu Yingjie.

Major Shi Du Yingjie accepted this honor with pleasure.

This battle was very aggrieved, but the result was good. They opened the east gate of Guangde City. If there is no accident, they will reach Guangde City five kilometers away at noon. If they escape from here If the Chinese army defends the city, they will smash the whole city and the Chinese army into powder.

Therefore, the Japanese Major took great strides to the position full of bomb craters full of confidence.

He will accept the flashing lights of the military reporters at the highest point of the former Chinese defense position, which symbolizes that the imperial army will trample the land of China under its feet, and the beautiful mountains and rivers of China will become the background board of the conqueror.

The sun shines on the temporarily bright collar badge wiped by the Japanese Major.

Holding his command saber in his right hand, Shi Du Yingjie slammed into the ground in front of him with a look of 'I'm coming, I conquer! ', dazzled the Japanese military reporter who was holding a camera ten meters away.

He was not dazzled by the light of the saber under the sun, nor was he dazed by the majestic figure of the Japanese army major.

Instead, it exploded!

It was a land mine!
He was not trampled on by the Japanese major who was wearing long military boots clanging powerfully, but was poked and blasted by the Japanese major who wanted to show his might.

It was buried with sweet potatoes.

The infantry platoon where Sweet Potato was located was also transferred to the central position to fight back. Fortunately, it was after [-] pm when they entered the position. As firm as noon.

Therefore, the battle damage of the infantry platoon was not that great, and both the second lieutenant platoon leader and sweet potatoes survived, that is, the infantry platoon changed from the original 30 people to an infantry squad with 15 troops.

Before entering the position, the Lieutenant General of the Sichuan Army did not have much combat supplies in hand, so he had to supplement each infantry company with ten boxes of grenades and fifteen anti-infantry mines.

This kind of landmine was supplemented by the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs before the 145th Division rushed to the Guangde battlefield. There was no heavy equipment, and only iron lumps such as grenades and landmines were used to make up for it.

Landmines are not to say that they are useless, but they are mainly placed in front of the positions to block enemy infantry or buried on the retreat road to block pursuers when retreating. Does anyone say that they are directly used on their own positions?

The lieutenant general of the Sichuan Army is also a clever woman who can't cook without rice. His soldiers need bullets and grenades, and he, a lieutenant general, can't change them, so he simply gave the soldiers all the materials such as landmines.

Needless to say, this thing played an unexpected role in this kind of trench warfare.

Surrounded by the Japanese army, the Sichuan soldiers who knew they were going to die were putting mines in the trenches where they were. Anyway, the soil had been blown soft by aerial bombs and artillery shells. With a few simple digs, they could dig a small pit and cover it again. Shangtu is the easiest.

Even if the attacking Japanese army and Jing'an army had been bombed by landmines, they couldn't take mine detectors to check whether there were landmines on the ground at this time.

At least one or two hundred of the more than a thousand Japanese troops lost in the "Hot Pot War" suffered casualties from such landmines that even they themselves would not let go.

The infantry who entered in the afternoon basically did not have the danger of being completely surrounded and divided, and naturally they would not desperately bury landmines in the trenches that they might pass through at any time.

Sweet Potato is the soldier assigned to watch over the landmines. Watching the brothers fall under the flying shrapnel of hand grenades and hand grenades thrown at each other, the 15-year-old boy is powerless, just like watching the veteran die. What kind of unwillingness?
So, when the whole army was retreating, Tiangua secretly planted a landmine where he peed.

The young soldier's thoughts are very simple. If there are devils or two devils passing by, the landmine will explode, and Zhagouri will be covered in piss.

Maybe Sweet Potato himself didn't expect that the location he subconsciously chose was the most conspicuous area on the top of the mountain.

Only by standing here can you see all the mountains and small mountains.

Once someone comes here, they will inevitably stand here, it is almost an instinctive choice of human beings.

Human beings have been conquering since ancient times.

Conquering nature shows the majesty of the spirit of all things.

So, Major Shi Du Yingjie did just that.

Standing on the piss of a 15-year-old Sichuan Army boy soldier, he stabbed the infantry mine with a knife and was blown into a firework!
Sweet Potato's unintentional move contains amazing psychological analysis ability. If someone can teach him how to lay booby traps, he may have the potential to be better than blue.

However, no one knows at this time.

The Japanese Army reporter who was covered in blood and urine would naturally not send the miserable appearance of the Japanese Major who had broken his legs and was carried to the field hospital for emergency treatment and still died a day later to the country.

Not to mention that Li Shoushan was really spouting old blood, even Kunizaki was stupefied when he heard about it.

He even issued a secret military order not to leave a single soldier in Guangde City.

It's a pity that the Japanese soldiers who arrived in Guangde didn't even see a single Chinese soldier. The whole town felt like it was about to be demolished.

It's okay to take away all the belongings, and even the solid doors and windows were stripped away.

Is this a thief?
Who else is more like a thief than the Imperial Japanese Army?
Both the Jing'an Army and the Japanese Army expressed their incomprehension.

. . . . . . . .

PS: It's almost 600 chapters, brothers who raise books, stop raising them, let's kill them!Remember to come to the Qidian Chinese website to support Fengyue when you see the children's boots.In addition, thanks to the support of book friends, 156 million words, Fengyue is finally a boutique, it is not easy, thank you!Compared with the old book "Return My River and Mountain", it is 30 words ahead of schedule!By the way, speaking of old books, the website has already organized manpower to revise, and it should be released in a few months.

(End of this chapter)

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