Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 596 Pre-War Deployment

Chapter 596 Pre-War Deployment
Li Shoushan, who had no sense of achievement in occupying a county without encountering any resistance, received a message from a reconnaissance force a few kilometers away.

The Chinese army that had just left Jiepai Village set up defenses in the Mouse Mountain area again.
To be honest, Li Shoushan, who had just received this information, was absolutely evil. That Sichuan army really went to the latrine with a lantern in the middle of the night—proactively looking for death.

Previously in Jiepai Village, they had positions and trenches, so they were able to block his forward army for two days, but they just sneaked away last night and started to deploy defenses on the mountain again?How many trenches would they dig in this night?
"Zhengchou couldn't find them, so they took the initiative to send them to the door to destroy them!" Li Shoushan waved his hand domineeringly, and set off with thousands of troops under his command. None of them went in.

The Major Commander of the Infantry Brigade sent by the Guoqi Detachment to cooperate with him saw the situation. Although he was not very happy to let the soldiers go into battle again, Li Shoushan was also a major general, a high-ranking dog who could talk to his immediate superior. The boss's reluctance can only keep up.

However, when they arrived at the scene, the two of them were stunned by the mountains that appeared in the telescope.

What stood before their eyes was not some imaginary simple position, but several almost bare hills, and the trenches on the hills were visible to the naked eye.

That kind of chilling density is far from what the previous two trenches on the hilltop of Jiepai Village could match.

How did the Chinese army do it?
"Damn it! How can we fight this?" Li Shoushan and the Japanese Army Major collectively groaned in pain in their hearts!

If I knew this was the case, why are the two of them rushing here in such a hurry!It's better to wait for Kunizaki to make a decision in the future.

This cliff is a hard bone!No, it's three yuan!
. . . . . . .

Not to mention that the big traitors and Japanese invaders didn't expect it, even in the early morning, when the lieutenant general and major general of the Sichuan Army who had withdrawn from Jiepai Village climbed to the highest altitude No. 1 for a lookout, their eyes widened involuntarily.

In their vision, it would be good if Tang Dao's independent battalion could build a field defense position comparable to that of Jiepai Village.

Unexpectedly, in just over 30 hours, the Independence Battalion turned three hills into three fortresses with trenches.

The number of trenches dug may not be the most surprising thing. The tunnel behind the mountain that can hide more than a hundred soldiers is the most jaw-dropping existence.

In one night, more than 2000 soldiers and civilians in charge of excavating the tunnel used the simplest and most brutal way to blow up a large pit at the location selected behind the mountain by means of blasting explosives, and then used the demolished old wood as a The beam is supported by enough wood below, and the top is covered with two-meter-thick earthwork and sandbags, and several exits are dug outward to form an artificial tunnel that can resist heavy aerial bombs.

There are two such interconnected tunnels on each hill, and two infantry companies can be hidden in an emergency.

Around these tunnels, there are also trenches connected.

Needless to say try it yourself, just look at it, and you can feel that these three hills are three strong men armed to the teeth. Any enemy who wants to come here for a stroll will inevitably be mercilessly attacked.

Of course, apart from the carefully constructed trenches and tunnel fortifications on the top of the mountain, the three highlands selected by Tang Dao are also very particular.

The orientation of the three hills is roughly a flat triangle. Highland No. 1 is the most prominent and is closest to the road. It can protect the road and the flank of No. 2 Highland.

Highland No. 3 is located on the right rear wing of Highland No. 1, and the straight-line distance is shorter, but at about 200 meters, heavy machine guns can also be used to protect the road and the right wing of Highland No. 1.

This is a very typical triangular defensive formation. The No. 1 highland is the most prominent position, which is of course the main position. The No. 2 and No. 3 highlands are divided into two wings, which are the flank positions.

But the particularity of this triangular defensive position is that they are not the usual left and right wings to protect the flanks of the main position, but the positions on both wings can provide fire cover for the main position.

Any enemy who wants to attack Height No. 1 will be hit by fire from at least two Heights, no matter which direction he comes from.

And behind this triangular defensive position, there is also a carefully constructed mortar position, which can provide artillery support to all three high grounds.

The formation of the positions is very good, and the headache for the Lieutenant General and Major General of the Sichuan Army is which troops should be stationed in the three highlands.

According to common sense, as the main infantry to defend Guangde County, this is his responsibility for the 145rd Brigade of the 433th Division.But in order to buy time for the Tangdao Independent Battalion to build a position, Lieutenant General of the Sichuan Army raised his gun with red eyes and went into battle in person. The 433rd Brigade was almost disabled in World War I.

Of the Wuqianchuan Army that arrived on the battlefield, there are less than 2000 who can still go to the battlefield with guns. Several infantry battalions can't even make up an infantry company.

With such a huge battle damage rate, if it is not repaired for a few days, the officers and soldiers will not be able to slow down.

"You two officers don't have to worry. The brothers of the 145th Division in the First Battle of Jiepai Village set an example for us. In this battle, let me come to the Independence Battalion and the Xuesha Regiment!" , Take the initiative to stand up and take responsibility.

"Brother Tang started with a helping hand, and someone Tong will be rewarded in the future!" The major general of the Sichuan Army is also a straightforward person. He stopped being hypocritical and polite, and expressed his gratitude to Tang Dao who took the initiative to ask for a fight.

This one is not afraid of war, but his infantry brigade has only had more than a thousand soldiers so far. If the fight continues, I am afraid that the skeleton will be broken. Without this group of veterans, no matter how to replenish troops in the future, it will not recover in half a year. No fighting power.

"Battalion Commander Tang, I believe in the combat effectiveness of your independent battalion, but the Lieutenant General of the Sichuan Army frowned.

Liu Ruzhai's regiment has always been an independent kingdom that can't be penetrated by needles or splashed by water. Even the Lieutenant General and Major General of the Sichuan Army and the two chief officers don't know how much combat power it has. It is estimated that this combat power is not much stronger.

And these three highlands are interdependent, if any one is missing, the other two will be in danger of being smashed one by one.

"Please rest assured, sir, there may be a few bad generals like Liu Ruzhai in our Sichuan Army, but there are absolutely no Xiong Bing. Ever since they chose to return to the battlefield with me, I have chosen to trust them. They will definitely use battles to cleanse themselves It's a shame." Tang Dao replied.

"Okay! I almost forgot that you Tangdao, Battalion Commander Tang, is also a soldier of our Sichuan Army. I like the saying that the Sichuan Army has no bear soldiers. In this battle, I will hand over all the mortars of my 145th Division to Tang Ying You can arrange it! Also, if you need the grenades and landmines attached to our army, no matter how much you need, you can ask me to sign and get it.” The lieutenant general of the Sichuan Army nodded, ignoring the pain of the subordinates on the side, his face was full of joy promised.

"Thank you, Chief Rao, for your support!" Tang Dao also smiled.

Don't look at the fact that no troops were sent, but this one also paid for it.

The use of mortars is not important, what is important is the mortar shells. The 145 mortars owned by the entire 10th Division have more than 300 shells left in total after the battle of Jiepai. This is already considered the bottom of the 145th Division equipped.

In addition, the only "heavy weapon" grenade equipped by the individual soldiers of the Sichuan Army was added. Without this, the 145th Division would really only have millet and rifles left in the entire army. No wonder the major general of the Sichuan Army was in pain.

Tang Dao was not too greedy. All 10 mortars, 330 rounds of shells and gunners were transferred to the artillery company of Pang Dahai under his command. In this way, he had 16 mortars and nearly a thousand rounds of shells in his hand, which was considered huge. Hai, the old artilleryman, had the most peak moment in his life.

Hand grenades, which are also relatively scarce supplies for the independent battalion. After several consecutive wars, the 67th Army only had more than 10,000 grenades, and the average was less than one per person. The independent battalion, for an independent battalion with a total strength of 2000 people, only two bullets per person.

Lieutenant General of the Sichuan Army made a big deal, Tang Dao directly asked for 4500 pieces, and allocated 1500 pieces to each of the three highlands. If it is not enough, the supply company will use the night time to resupply.

Landmines must also be fixed, and it may be used at some point. Tang Dao asked for 200 mines in one go, which made the face of the lieutenant general of the Sichuan Army almost blush.

Not angry, but this, really not so much.

The entire supply inventory of the 145th Division was searched, and it was less than 120, and it was finally handed over to the supply company of the Independent Battalion.

The company commander of the 145th division directly under the supply company felt distressed, and almost wanted to apply to go to the battlefield by himself, if these munitions stocks could be kept.

Of course, nearly 2000 people from the Independence Battalion and the Punishment Regiment were going to face the Japanese army at Mouse Mountain, and the rest of the 145th Division didn't just hide behind and watch the show.

They will deploy defenses at several mountain passes behind the mouse mountain position to prevent the Japanese army from making a strong attack, and send a small group of lightly armed troops across the mountains to attack the rear of the position.

As for the deployment of troops on the three highlands in Mouse Mountain, the trio headed by Lei Xiong had given Tang Dao a draft when he returned, and Tang Dao rejected it after a glance.

It didn't mean that in the plan they came up with, Leng Feng's first company was stationed on the No. 1 highland, Qian Dazhu's third company was stationed on the No. 2 highland, Zhao Daqiang's fourth company was stationed on the No. 3 highland, and Li Jiujin's second company could not serve as the reserve team.

Instead, they also made the same mistake as the Lieutenant General of the Sichuan Army. They also did not believe in the combat power of the Xuesha Regiment, and even the logistics company was in the reserve team, but they were not ranked.

Now that they are fighting side by side, they don't even have a basic sense of trust. This is a huge blow to the soldiers.

People with strong willpower may become more and more courageous in frustration, but most people are ordinary people, and they will only gradually sink in the constant mistrust.

This is inconsistent with Tang Dao's philosophy.

What he wants is a Chinese who can pick up a gun and shoot his wrath at the invaders.

Therefore, after discussing the basic deployment with the two generals of the Sichuan Army, when the sun shone on the mountains in the early morning, Tang Dao summoned his entire army to speak to such a large number of people for the first time in this era.

It can also be regarded as pre-war mobilization.

. . . . . . . . . .

PS: Fengyue caught a cold and felt dizzy. After writing for more than three hours, I only wrote these [-] words. I drank some medicine and rested before writing at night. If I didn’t post it at night, it would be too uncomfortable. Take a break!Being an author really is all year round!

(End of this chapter)

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