Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 61 The reason for fear of death!

Chapter 61 The reason for fear of death!
"Company commander! I asked me to form a death squad in a row, and wait for the devil's tank to get closer and blow him up."

Leng Feng trotted all the way to Shangguan Yun in the command post on the first floor to ask for a fight.

According to the layout of the first company's battle positions, the first row guards the shooting point on the second floor, the second row guards the third floor, and the first floor is handed over to the third row. Seeing that the Japanese army is so powerful, as the second person of the company, Leng Feng is still a little worried after all.

"When it's not the end, what kind of death squad do you want?" Shangguan Yun glared at the bravest platoon leader under his command: "On your side, don't let the devil infantry approach the dead corner easily."

Glancing at the three platoons of two infantry squads led by Tang Dao who were still hiding in the first trench outside the warehouse, he said decisively: "On the first floor, leave it to the third platoon! I believe in Tang Dao."

Tang Dao led two infantry squad cats from the first and second squads to the first trench 20 meters away from the warehouse gate. There were three traffic trenches leading to the inside of the building.

This is the first line of defense of the Sixing warehouse, to prevent the Japanese infantry from entering the dead ends of the shooting points in the warehouse too easily.

The best part of this trench designed by Tang Dao is not the auxiliary attack, but it is never afraid that the Japanese army can use it to threaten the warehouse after occupying this trench.

The firepower on the second and third floors of the warehouse is just right to have a clear view of the trenches.
That is to say, Tang Dao, who has just entered this place, also experienced the uncomfortable feeling of the two sides in the Songhu Battle for the past three months.

The southeastern part of China does live up to its name as a water town, but it is too humid.

The trench was no more than 1.5 meters deep, but it looked like a well was dug. Not only did the bottom of the ditch leak water that could submerge the ankles, but the walls of the ditch were also slippery.

Hiding in it is like a fish stranded in a mud pond, covered in mud, cold to the bone and struggling to survive in the hail of bullets, it is really very uncomfortable.

"Brothers, are you afraid?" Tang Dao suddenly asked with his back against the wet and muddy trench wall.

"Hehe, I'm not afraid it's fake." Before anyone could answer, Tang Dao pointed to the direction of the Japanese army that was slowly advancing, and answered himself. "My darling, the tanks are all out. It's a big battle, and I can't help but shake my heart!"

"Sir, you are also afraid of being in love!" Some soldiers were amused by the metaphor of Tang Dao being careful, and they answered boldly. "I originally thought you were a tough guy of steel, the kind that doesn't even blink with a bloody face?"

"Haha! Why are you giving Lao Tzu a bloody face and staring at him without blinking? That's unless your eyes are scared and closed." Tang Dao laughed.

The soldiers responded and laughed.

Isn't that the reason?

"Yeah! Of course I'm afraid, I'm only 22 years old, I'm still young, I haven't married and have children yet, and there are still fathers and mothers at home, hoping that I will be a general and return to my hometown!" Tang Dao suddenly sighed. "I'm afraid that I will die, and there will be no livelihood in my family; I'm afraid that I will die, and no one will send my parents to die! How can I not be afraid?"

"Sir." Some young soldiers choked.

Obviously, what Tang Dao said was exactly what they were worried about.

If I throw more than 100 catties here, I will throw it here, but no one is born born, no one in the family has a high house, some are older, and there are wives and children who need to be raised. Thinking about this, who would dare Talk about death?

"However, how can I be afraid? Now that Japanese pirates invade my rivers and mountains, they are not like ordinary pirates and bandits, who just grab a vote and leave.

This time, they were fully prepared. They invaded Pingjin in the north and Songhu in the south. The two-pronged plan was to completely occupy our Huaxia Heshan.

If we are afraid and we don't dare to die, then not only will your brother's parents, wives and children have no way to live from now on, but thousands of Chinese parents, wives and children will also have no way to live, and my Chinese family may be gone. way to live. "Tang Dao's voice gradually became lower, and he questioned in an almost murmured voice.

"If you retire, you will die, if you don't retire, you will die! What do you guys think?"

"Sir, since there is no choice, what else do you say? It's just dead eggs!" Liu Datou responded loudly.

"Yes! Another hero after 18 years!" Old Hei's voice came from not far away.

"That's right, since you can't live, then why don't you drag a few more devilish devils to go with you!"

"Right, that is it!"

"Take a few more devil heads to honor your parents!"

Following the soldiers' expressions, the trembling body gradually became calmer, and the eyes became firmer.

Tang Dao looked up and looked into the distance. The Japanese army was still about 350 meters away. If nothing else happened, the firepower points on the second floor, third floor, and fourth floor were about to start speaking in ten seconds, and try to do as much as possible to the infantry before they approached the warehouse. blow.

The Japanese army will also start to speed up at that time, until the charge is launched at about 200 meters, the minefields that have been laid have been plowed back and forth by the Japanese infantry artillery and mountain artillery in the morning, basically losing the role of hindering the Japanese infantry. , and that's when the front-line trenches go to war.

As Tang Dao expected, ten seconds later, the light and heavy machine guns in front of the warehouse, including the mortars, began to roar.

The light and heavy machine guns were mainly aimed at the two infantry squadrons scattered in the ruins behind the Japanese tanks, and the mortars were mainly aimed at the small group of Japanese forward troops closely following the tanks.

The firepower network composed of four heavy machine guns and six light machine guns is naturally not to be underestimated. The main force of the Japanese army quickly fell on the spot to avoid the terrible ballistics. Although at least ten soldiers could not react enough to be swept down, most of the Japanese army But it was because the formation was scattered to escape the rain of bullets.

However, the Japanese army behind the four tanks was extremely determined. Even if mortar shells fell around, the flying shrapnel would sometimes take away a few people. They still walked tenaciously behind the tanks. .

The direct-aiming guns placed in the semi-permanent fortifications built by the Japanese army were naturally not vegetarians. They started shooting at the firepower point on the warehouse side, and they immediately counterattacked.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" There was a burst of fire on the building in front of the warehouse.

Two 57mm tank guns also fired recklessly, firing at the window full of sandbags.

The front of the Sixing Warehouse is different from the walls on both sides, because it is densely covered with large windows, and the walls are built thicker, which also makes the shooting holes far more difficult to dig than the sides. The hole is not big enough. In order to obtain a larger shooting field and a better field of vision, many machine gunners simply use sandbags to build firepower fortifications.

The same is true of infantry, their battle positions are mainly on the window sandbag fortifications.

However, while the defenders gained a better field of vision and shooting range, they also left opportunities for the Japanese army. They could not beat the thick walls, but they could do the sandbags piled up at the window.

The direct-sighted artillery located in the distance may be better, and it is not a sniper gun. The Japanese gunners are not so good at shooting anywhere. If you want to hit the window directly, you have to rely on probability.

The two 350mm tank guns on the 89 tank, which can be no more than 57 meters away from the warehouse, are accurate enough.

After several shots were fired, the sandbag fortification at a window on the second floor was directly hit by the shells, blowing up a black hole, and the firepower of a light machine gun was misfired.

In the warehouse, a light machine gun has been completely twisted and deformed, and two soldiers fell on the ground seven or eight meters away from the window.

No matter how Leng Feng rushed over to shout, they just vomited blood, with terrifying black lumps in the blood, but it was hard to say a word.

Leng Feng hugged his soldiers, his heart was like a knife, he knew that his soldiers had lost their way.

Black, not blood, but fragments of internal organs

Those were the front and back shooters of his platoon of light machine guns. Although they were not directly hit by the cannonball, the blast of the cannonball that was no more than three meters away from them was still too terrifying. Hit them hard.

This is also the first time that the warehouse has sacrificed, and it is two people at a time.

"Order all firepower points not to fight recklessly with Japanese artillery!" Yang Ruifu hissed and ordered.

Facing the fierce flames of Japanese artillery fire, the firepower in the warehouse was instantly weakened.

"Yoshi!" Wakiita Jiro, who was watching the battle with a telescope in the distance, showed a long-lost smile on his face.

The Chinese people on the banks of the Suzhou River in the distance looked at the Sixing warehouse building trembling under the fire of Japanese invaders from both sides.

His expression was solemn and silent.

(End of this chapter)

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