Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 621 Specially dug pit

Chapter 621 Specially dug pit

The combat experience of the Jing'an Army is rich enough.

They soon felt that the firepower of the counterattack on the Chinese position was weak, and the hand-cranked siren at the rear issued a piercing long sound, which was an order from the front-line commander to strengthen the attack.

The densely packed infantry of the Jing'an Army started crawling forward with hands and feet together.

The ten submachine guns on the Chinese position, which had been silent for a long time, began to shoot wildly at the same time, slowing down the advance speed of the infantry of the Jing'an Army who were about to move.

After dozens of people were killed and injured by this kind of continuous-fire firearm, even if the infantry of the Jing'an Army were eager to make contributions, few of them were willing to compete with the rain of bullets.

What's more, the current situation is that it is about to attack the opponent's position. It is obviously a bit silly to play life at this time, so it is more reliable to play steadily.

A few minutes later, after covering the last infantry squad, the soldiers retreated to the second-line position through the traffic trench, and the ten submachine guns also stopped firing.

No way, it's very enjoyable to fight like this, but the amount of bullets consumed is also astronomical. After half an hour of fighting, the 9mm submachine gun bullets consumed on the high ground are as high as 3000 rounds, and each submachine gun shoots out 300 bullets on average. In the past, it was a battle-level bullet consumption. . .

Not to mention that the commander Wei Donglai's eyes were bloodshot watching the ammunition being consumed, even the veterans with submachine guns felt distressed every time they pulled the trigger.

Losing the continuous output fire suppression of submachine guns, the Jing'an Army, which had rushed to the first 30 meters of the front line, began to change from a prostrate state to a stooped trot.

Most of the Jing'an Army are natives of the Northeast, and only some squad leaders are Japanese who came to the Northeast from Japan to pan for gold. They are generally tall and long-legged, and their charging speed is definitely higher than that of the regular Japanese army. rushed into the position.

The long [-] rifles had already been inserted with shiny bayonets, and a group of burly men cheered themselves up and rushed to the battlefield amidst a burst of yelling, waiting to imagine the hand-to-hand battle between the Zhongchuan Army and them, but they were dumbfounded to find that the trenches in front of them No one was there.

Chuan Jun, run away!
Only one trench with relatively perfect functions and high defense was left.

Can it be high?Most of the Jing'an army is over 1.7 meters tall, but they can't even stick their heads out in this trench. I don't know what those Sichuanese who are ten centimeters shorter than them think, digging so deep with so much effort. trenches.

There was no time for them to think about the reasons. The gunshots sounded like bursting beans more than 30 meters away. The Jing'an army jumped into the trench in a hurry. The slow reaction was either knocked down by rifle bullets, or five Czechs who fired wildly. The continuous fire of the type light machine gun gave the sweeper a knee.

Of course, the machine gunners and grenadiers of the Jing'an Army in the rear desperately launched a counter-suppression to cover their infantry and quickly entered the occupied trenches.

The trenches were not only deep enough, but also clean enough inside. Except for the large bloodstains that showed their killing and wounding of the Sichuan army here, there was no other material left.

Obviously, this was not because of losing the enemy and fleeing in a hurry, but an organized retreat.

Lieutenant Momotaro gasped.

Yes, Lieutenant Momotaro, who bears the same name as the protagonist of traditional Japanese stories, is a legend among Japanese ronin in the Northeast.

Momotaro, who sneaked around in Japan and was disliked by the whole village, is just like the legendary village slipper in the future world.

Such a person, not to mention being single in China, is the same in Japan.

In the end, the village liuzi, who even his parents disliked him, decided to go to the Northeast to pan for gold.

Nihonmura Liuzi, who has no sense of pride and consciousness as a citizen of the Japanese Empire, succeeded. Not only did he get mixed up with the Jing'an Army, a first-class powerful army serving Manchukuo, but also because he took the initiative to put down his body and mingle with the middle and high-level officers of the Jing'an Army, and finally became a An infantry lieutenant company commander.

In just three years, he went from a villager who was abandoned by everyone to a military officer who was paid by the army. He was even personally interviewed by His Excellency Liuzang, the highest official stationed in Manchuria, because he promoted the friendship between Japan and Manchuria.

This is not to mention the only one among the large number of Japanese ronin groups who rely on bullying Chinese for profit in Manchuria and the three eastern provinces!And definitely a standout.

Momotaro also suffered hardships in the recruit training camp, otherwise he would not have been quickly promoted to the position of lieutenant company commander. Looking at the situation, he felt sorry for the several commanders who ordered them to switch from offense to defense and wait for fire support. Guan Da is admired.

Momotaro knew, of course, how difficult it would be for pure infantry to attack a staunch enemy who had retreated in an orderly manner and regained the advantage of fortifications, and he could no longer afford to lose any more soldiers.

Looking back at the earth-yellow figures who are still lying on the road ahead and have stopped moving, the former Japanese village Liuzi almost burst into tears.

His infantry company lost a lot during the battle of Jiepai Village, and in the battle just now, it was basically only half left. They are all veterans who have experienced many battles!Even if the quota is replenished again, the combat power will not be the same as before.

It's not that he, the Japanese, has a deep relationship with this group of Chinese, but you have to understand the positive heart of a village slipper who has been single for more than [-] years and has been despised by all the village girls.

He wanted to be not only a company commander but also a battalion commander. In the end, he might be able to use this as a springboard to join the imperial army and become a second officer or even a general.

His dream is that when he returns home, all the uncles and aunts with daughters in the village will step on the threshold of their homes with gifts.

'Your Excellency Momotaro is now well-off! 'This is the label that Yoshiko Murura wants to have.

To put it bluntly, whether it is China or Japan, the dreams of young people in the lower class are actually similar, hoping to be recognized by those who once looked down on them.

And the infantry company under his command, but the family property of his rising military salary, was almost wiped out.

"Damn Chinese, I, Momotaro, will definitely dig out your hearts and make them food for Daqing." Momotaro raised his neck and looked at another Chinese position tens of meters away, swearing through gritted teeth.

Daqing is a wolf and green dog he raised. Whenever he catches deserters or rebels, there will always be fresh meat to eat. Human heart is his favorite.

But obviously, Lieutenant Momotaro, who was ruthless with his neck raised, has not realized at this moment that the trench in front of him is a little bit deeper for him.

Of course, it may also be because he is too short.

Momotaro, who is only 1.58 meters tall, probably sees that many objects are tall versions, so he casually ignores the trench that has reached a depth of 2 meters.

That is one of the greatest achievements of thousands of soldiers and civilians working hard for more than 30 hours.In order to complete this massive amount of work within a limited time, the soldiers who were ordered to die by Tang Dao even used explosives to explode.

The huge amount of earth excavated was not wasted. The entire Guangde County was searched, and all the fabrics were collected and sewn into coarse cloth bags, and the soil was packed in them to form a large number of earthen sandbags, which were used for digging on rocks that could not be excavated. Fortification construction.

Perhaps the only thing that the officers and soldiers could not understand was that Tang Dao ordered all the sandbags installed in the trenches to be placed in the direction facing his second-line positions, and all excess sandbags were required to be piled to the rear.

Perhaps, it was because they were afraid that the Japanese grenade would blow up to the rear, so they could also protect the trenches!

Most of the officers and soldiers thought so. Anyway, enough soil was dug out, and sandbags, which were simple but capable of preventing bullets and shell fragments, were not lacking.

But at this moment, seeing the tall Jing'an army trying to put their guns on the trenches, but they can only see their arms and small hands but not their heads, most people understand the meaning of the officer to some extent.

This is to make it difficult for the second devils to shoot!

If they want to see the other side, unless they are jumping or carrying sandbags for their feet, they don't even think about it.

"Bastard, the Chinese who are afraid of death have dug the trench so deep!" Lieutenant Momotaro couldn't help complaining angrily after the defense mission was given.

He wanted to quietly observe the Chinese defense line retreating to the second line of defense, but he had to quietly drag two sandbags to step on his feet, no, maybe three.

Fortunately, no one noticed his embarrassment.

Because almost everyone is busy moving sandbags for their feet.

Of course, it’s not that no one tried to challenge the depth of the trench because they didn’t admit their height disadvantage. A sergeant squad leader who had always been fierce and had only joined the army for a year in the same county as Momotaro, was similar in size to Lieutenant Momotaro, which was also very impressive to Momotaro. favorite point.

He is short but has a high heart and a strong body. Relying on his strong legs, the Japanese squad leader stepped up to the edge of the trench with a kick.

In other words, the strength used was a bit too much, and the head was raised a bit too high.

(End of this chapter)

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