Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 625 I Want You To Be On Top

Chapter 625 I Want You To Be On Top
After receiving the battle report in front of No. 3 Heights, Kunizaki's face flushed with blood.

In order to preserve the strength of the detachment, it is also a tactical plan. Although the No. 1 and No. 2 highlands are equally lively, the real breakthrough point of his army is actually No. 3 highland, which seems to be the most insignificant across the road.

If the No. 3 Highland can be occupied, the Chinese army's seemingly tight triangular formation will be broken, and the army that continues to enter from the No. 3 Highland will surround the other two highlands. The so-called momentum of horns.

For this reason, he deliberately delegated the command of the 105 howitzers carried by his artillery brigade to Takeuchi Yunshan and Li Shoushan, and even supported one of their armored squadrons.

Who knew that these two stupid guys, after bombarding with heavy artillery for such a long time, handed over such an answer --- they attacked aggressively for a long time, and lost hundreds of soldiers but got nothing.

"Bastard! Order Li Shoushan and Takeuchi Yunshan to apologize to His Majesty the Emperor if they fail to conquer the high ground before evening!" Order.

The military orders are cold and ruthless!

Of course, Zhuuchi Yunshan and Li Shoushan, who received this military order, were not too worried about their own lives except for the cold sweat on their foreheads.

Kunizaki was only a major general, but he was not qualified to use such military law to deal with a Japanese army commander and a major general of an 'alliance'. But since he said that, he fully expressed the anger of the supreme commander of the Japanese army's Guangde front. . .

He even started talking nonsense!

Even if Li Shoushan and Takeuchi Yunshan were not afraid of death, they were also afraid of being written down by the major general who looked gentle but not big enough. In less than 3 hours, they even organized three desperate attacks in a row.

Through the battle situation, Takeuchi Yunshan also knew that his existing artillery was of little use to the Chinese defenders hiding behind the mountain, but he still did not change his combat method. Every wave of desperately attacking infantry was accompanied by extended artillery fire. .

It's just that these three times, it was even crazier. When the forward infantry of the Jing'an Army was 80 meters away from the position, there were still at least six infantry artillery firing.

In addition to shells, there are more bullets.

On a small hill 700 meters away, Takeuchi Yunshan has deployed at least 20 heavy machine guns. The 20 heavy machine guns at almost the same height can spit out more than 100 rounds of bullets to the Chinese defenders every second, 1 minute, That's nearly [-] hairs.

Using bullet rain to describe it may not be enough to describe it.

The Chinese soldiers who entered the scene after the war could find a warhead in a handful of dirt, and you can imagine how crazy the Japanese army was.

The frenzied whistles of the two observation posts kept ringing amidst the bombardment of shells, and the soldiers rushed into the position despite the still-exploding artillery fire. Before entering the trench, three of them were overturned by the air waves.

And the red-eyed Jing'an Army almost rushed to the front less than 30 meters away from the position with bayonets in hand.

If they don't charge, the corpses of an infantry platoon lying under the supervisory team will be their future.

Left and right are dead, it is better to die on the battlefield, at least there is a pension, this is the voice of a group of second devils who are forced to die.

At this time, who will save ammunition?
The 10 submachine guns and 20 shell guns almost emptied all the bullets within ten seconds, and the pouring bullets wiped out at least seventy or eighty Jing'an troops.

On the Chinese side, more than ten people were swept down by heavy machine guns, and they were basically veterans with submachine guns and shell guns in their hands.

However, the man fell, but the firepower did not stop. Wei Donglai's successor to the submachine gunman that he had prepared in advance played a role.

The successor picked up the submachine gun dropped by the victim and continued to shoot until he was also knocked down by the heavy machine gun.

The Jing'an Army, which was beaten again, still stubbornly lay on the spot and fired at the defenders, trying to continue the attack under the cover of the almost crazy bullet rain from the heavy machine guns.

The Japanese army is crazy, but the Chinese soldiers are not vegetarian either.

The artillery company that has been dormant for a long time has always only used mortars to bombard the firepower points of the Jing'an Army on the hillside. It is not that their range is not enough.

Instead, the artillery observers hiding on the high ground have been unable to find the exact coordinates of the heavy firepower of the Japanese army.

The trees and shrubs on the slopes of the Japanese army in front of the three highlands have been cleared, but the mountains on the opposite side are full of trees and grass.

The Japanese artillery positions also have solid fortifications and forest camouflage. As for the gunpowder smoke from the muzzle, the Japanese have already made camouflage. .

But the Japanese army also forgot one thing, they can send people to sneak into the mountains and forests to infiltrate the two wings of the Chinese position, and of course the Chinese can do it too.

After a short encounter with the Japanese army, the three members of the second team of the special operations team did not adopt the tactics of the Wagyu Second Class to hunt and kill the Japanese army in the dense forest. Instead, they handed over the defense task to Lao Hei and his two men. The security squad and the third company of Qian Dazhu who came up to support him quietly groped towards the forest on the No. 2 highland, which spewed out firepower.

Of course, Kunisaki is not a fool. With the example of the 6th Heavy Artillery Brigade being attacked by the Chinese in a roundabout way, he made a careful deployment of all artillery units of his side before the war.

On the hill where 12 infantry guns and 20 heavy machine guns are stationed, there is a Japanese infantry squadron stationed.

When a small group of Chinese troops came to attack, an infantry squadron would naturally not be afraid. If there were enough troops to attack, Kunizaki would be even more delighted.

This place is far away from the Chinese position, but it is very close to the Japanese army's main position.

Of course, Kunizaki and the generals of the Japanese army are right to think so, but that's because they don't know what special operations are.

The biggest role of the special forces is not to take the head of the general from the army, but to guide them in reconnaissance.

In the future, special forces can guide their own aircraft and missiles to accurately hit the target through wireless signals or laser signals.

In this era, there is no convenient mobile signal source, but the distance from the local side is not that far, as long as it can be seen by the naked eye.

A Japanese heavy machine gun position that was struggling to shoot was found by three junior special forces who touched it.

Just less than 50 meters away from the flank of the heavy machine gun position, a bright red signal flare was fired into the sky.

"Quickly, inform the company commander, the coordinates are 18 degrees southeast, the firing range is 1500 meters, and each gun is quick-firing five rounds!" The artillery observer who had been hiding on the high ground and had been waiting for this signal quickly reported to the rear.

All preparations took no more than 1 minutes, and 10 mortars fired wildly.

The coordinates reported by the artillery observers naturally have an offset value of tens of meters. Otherwise, if they hit the coordinates of the signal flares, they would not hit the heavy fire positions of the Japanese army but their own scouts.

More than 50 of the 30 mortar shells fell into the heavy machine gun position of the Japanese army, and the hit rate was as high as 70.00%. Of the 10 heavy machine guns on the position, five of them were blown into pieces together with the machine gun shooter. The four were blown away by the air waves and turned into twists, leaving only one seedling.

The shooter, deputy shooter, and ammunition man who hadn't had time to escape were even more dead, and the most important heavy firepower of a well-equipped infantry regiment was basically wiped out.

Li Shoushan, who stared blankly at the sound of gunfire on the mountain behind him, was almost sent away on the spot. He exhausted all the brain cells in his body, and he couldn't figure out how the Chinese found the heavy machine gun position he had carefully deployed.

But the fact is so cruel. The Chinese not only found his heavy firepower, but also bombarded him unscrupulously.

Unfortunately, he hasn't been able to fight back yet.

Because, I don't even know where the opponent's artillery positions are.

"Damn it, I'll fight with you!" Li Shoushan, who was a little bit above him, rushed to the front line with his command knife in his hand, as if he wanted to go into battle himself.

Obviously, he was held back by the panicked school officers around him.

Those who dare not embrace it, it is estimated that the next wave will inevitably be sent to the battlefield.

Everyone is familiar with such things as acting on occasion.

(End of this chapter)

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