Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 644 This is in line with temperament

Chapter 644 This is in line with temperament
There are too many Chinese!

This is almost the common thought of Kazuo Yanagawa and the lieutenant of the Third Infantry Battalion who temporarily took over the command after half an hour of fierce fighting between the two sides.

From 10 minutes ago, Yanagawa Kazuo sent all his subordinates with guns to the battlefield.

But I didn't expect that the 'Chinese' came from all directions, not to mention, they even had a large number of grenade launchers.

That may be the first time that the Japanese artillery lieutenant hated the excellent light firearms equipped by his army so much.

In the absence of cannons, this kind of individual grenade can cause too much damage to infantry. At least dozens of people were killed or injured under this kind of firearm that can throw grenades two to 300 meters away. .

The only thing that Yanagawa Kazuo was gratified about was that he had enough men under his command. When one of them died, the guns were freed up, and the firepower could be maintained so that the Chinese would not break through the line of defense.

The Chinese have too many troops. How did they manage to maintain the intensity of firepower under continuous strikes?

In fact, the Japanese captain on the opposite side also had similar doubts.

Until, the Japanese army who was about to start a storm fired more than a dozen flares.

Under the brilliance of the flares, the 'shit yellow' military uniforms of the two warring parties were completely exposed to the vision of both sides.
Yanagawa Kazuo was crying right then.

He was attacked not by the Chinese, but by Imperial infantry.

No wonder the opponent is equipped with so many grenades!All doubts are easily resolved.

"Cease fire, tell them that we are the artillery brigade of the detachment, stop attacking immediately." Yanagawa Kazuo immediately ordered the front to cease fire. .

But the Japanese artillery ceased fire, but the Japanese infantry did not.

The reason is simple. As sneak attackers, it is normal for the Chinese to wear imperial infantry uniforms. This is also a good explanation for why the artillery positions were breached in such a short period of time. It must be these cunning Chinese who used camouflage breached.

"Baga! Hit me, hit me hard, I will hang all these shameless Chinese from the trees." The Japanese captain obviously became more motivated when he saw the same military uniform.

The mentality of Yanagawa Kazuo and the artillerymen really exploded.

For a moment, they even wondered if His Excellency Kunisaki Teng just wanted to kill them, the defeated generals who had lost their positions.

Fortunately, the desire to survive is much higher than the so-called face.

"I'm Private Moriki from Hiroshima Bay!"

"I am Sergeant Inoue from Eta Island!"

At the request of the officers, the artillerymen shouted their positions in their native dialect amidst the flying bullets.

80.00% of the officers and soldiers of the Fifth Division are from the Hiroshima area of ​​Japan. I am afraid that except themselves, no one else is so clear about the division of Hiroshima's subordinate regions, and the authentic Hiroshima accent is also so clearly distinguishable.

The Japanese infantry were also stunned.

Could it be that they really beat their own people for 10 minutes?

If it is true, then they can be said to have accomplished a feat that would shame the Imperial Army!

But it's true.

The moment Kazuo Yanagawa walked out of the dense forest holding a command knife in his hand, the Japanese infantry knew that the serial number of their infantry brigade could be enshrined in the history of the Japanese army.

The group of Japanese artillerymen who lost their artillery and slipped away quickly were not killed by the Chinese, but they killed nearly a hundred people.

What's more, they wasted precious time. The instigator of all this, took advantage of the moment when the two sides were fighting to the death, and slipped away.

Kazuo Yanagawa and the captain of the Japanese army looked at each other in despair, thinking about how to get themselves out of the quagmire of going to court-martial.

The time to catch up with Tang Dao and the Death Squad was delayed again.

The two finally reached a tacit understanding and reported to Kunizaki in their own names: they joined the artillery (infantry) on the way to pursue the pursuit. Due to the dark sky, the troops of both sides did not check for a brief exchange of fire. Now the joint troops continue to pursue the Chinese.

By this time, it was already half an hour later.

Hearing the gunshots became sparse, the death squads who knew that the Japanese finally stopped being stupid had already strode to the side of the mountain with a straight-line distance of at least 1000 meters.

If you chase again, it's not certain who will hit who!

Although the number of casualties was not reported, in fact it was impossible to catch up with the Chinese, and because of the extremely stupid reason for the "short-term" exchange of fire between the two sides without investigation, Kunisaki at the headquarters was stunned to receive this" An understatement' statement, can you not squirt blood?
The loss of more than a dozen artillery pieces was a huge blow to Kunizaki, but the real fatal thing was the lack of food.

The most deadly thing was the burning of all the luggage in the east of Guangde City.

Kunizaki was very rational, knowing that if he fought hard at this time, according to the fighting power shown by the Chinese during the day yesterday, he would definitely suffer heavy losses, and he would vomit blood and die in the end.

Temporary retreat is the only option.

To say that Kunizaki Zhen is really a smart man, able to bend and stretch, he has ordered the whole army to pack up before receiving the report from the pursuers.

Before the light of dawn shone, the front-line Japanese troops began to evacuate in an orderly manner carrying equipment and wounded.

The commanders on the high ground watched silently, but did not order to shoot and beat the dog in the water. It was not that they didn't want to, but that precious bullets should not be wasted like this.

The hit rate under this line of sight is appallingly low.

For Kunizaki, of course, it's not that he stopped fighting, but that he has to accumulate strength again.

After replenishing the supplies and artillery, let's fight again!
There are still people behind us, Kunizaki was stunned.

Kunizaki took the initiative to put down his body and reported to Ushishima Sadao of the 18th Division that the battlefield in the Mouse Mountain area was frustrated and that artillery support was urgently needed.

"Flowers are not popular in every way, and the battlefield situation is changeable. Occasional small setbacks are unavoidable. Kunisaki-kun does not need to worry about small losses. He will surely win a big victory in future battles!" Ushijima Ushijima, who has successively lost in Jiashan and Jiaxing's defense lines At this time, Xiong didn't laugh at fifty steps, and gave Kunizaki comfortingly very warmly.

In fact, it’s not that Ushishima Sadao understands Kunizaki’s unlucky boy, but from another perspective, if the Kunisaki detachment is too aggressive, it’s an alternative among the tens of thousands of troops ordered to outflank Jinling’s back road, which doesn’t fit its temperament.

To put it bluntly, the more Kunizaki was stunned, the more he was stunned, so Ushishima Sadao, a lieutenant general who was destined to be abandoned, would not appear so incompetent.

Now, it's good, isn't it?

The 36th Infantry Brigade, to which the 'Strongest Division on the Surface' belongs, has long since lost its vigor, and is just following the side of the army to fight soy sauce.

The 18th Division pursued wildly all the way, without even chasing a bird feather, and their morale was low.

Didn't the awesome Kunisaki detachment also suffer a blow?Not to mention how much it was damaged and how much it was lost. Even the howitzers, mountain artillery, and field artillery were blown up by the Chinese as a firecracker, and even food was almost gone.

Let's all carry it together!

"I'll let the 36th Infantry Brigade reinforce your department!" Ushishima Sadao, with a frosty face but a secret smile in his heart, turned around and sold the most unlucky child.

It's just that the 36th Infantry Brigade has already broken its cans and broken its cans at this moment, and dare not do such things as disobeying military orders, but it has already played a full game of the trick of making the puppet army yin and yang.

"Thank you, Your Majesty Niu Dao, for your trust. Our brigade will definitely fight the enemy bravely to repay the empire!" The reply telegram was full of pride, but the army moved slowly like a snail.

In two days, the infantry did not run twenty miles, but the artillery brigade assigned to them by the Sixth Division first arrived at Guangde County, where the Guoqi Detachment was located.

Are you out of guns?Then give you the guns!Let Lao Tzu be taken advantage of, and I will never do it.

The top and bottom of the 36th Infantry Brigade expressed their thoughts with almost unanimous actions.

Almost fainted from the hunger of thousands of Japanese soldiers who were waiting for food supplies.

The Chinese are too bad. They burned the oil, but they poured the oil into the grain bag and lit it together.

If there is no time to pour oil, they will pour manure
This is disgusting.

But people are iron and rice are steel, so hungry, feces, it seems that they can be eaten after washing.

But that is not enough for seven 8000 people.

As for Guangde County, which is said to be empty, except for the dilapidated houses, the Chinese who fled have left nothing behind. Some clear water wells even have a foul smell. The dead cats and dogs were still thrown into the feces again. Not to mention the food, even the water was carried by the Japanese soldiers themselves from the river.

If the luggage is not delivered, those pack horses that were originally used to carry them will probably become His Excellency Guo Qizheng's dinner.

For three whole days, the Guoqi detachment was heavily guarded around Guangde County, and did not move a single step, even if it added 12 mountain cannons.

(End of this chapter)

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