Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 647 Death Oil Painting

Chapter 647 Death Oil Painting
Those who can enter the cave treatment center have no minor injuries, and all of them are seriously injured.

There was no tragic scene of someone holding up their stumped limbs to salute because the chief came to visit him, only moans of pain and pale coma.

Even, there was no pungent smell of disinfectant in the medical center, but the strongest smell was the smell of blood mixed with white wine.

Fortunately, a lot of medicines were seized in the battle to annihilate the Sixth Heavy Artillery Brigade. Otherwise, the more than 100 seriously wounded who could only lie on the cold ground would have been cut in half without waiting for Tang Dao, Lei Xiong and others to come. people.

But even so, when Tang Dao and Lei Xiong walked gently between the wounded soldiers, they still saw two nurses gently covering the faces of two of the wounded soldiers with white sheets.

The two female nurses were sobbing softly, trying to suppress their grief.

This is their job, to save lives, but also to meet death constantly.

Willing to risk life and death, do everything they can, but in vain, medical care in the field is never easier than the front line.

Tang Dao, Lei Xiong and others stood quietly beside the "bed" of the wounded, bowing their heads in silence.

However, in such an atmosphere, Tang Dao saw a few familiar faces that made him happy.

They were all still alive. Although they were seriously injured, they still had breath, which meant there was still hope. That was the happiest thing he felt today besides the night attack on the Japanese artillery positions.

Leaving the cave, the deafening cheers outside gradually stopped. Tang Dao told what he saw to the potato who was still at the entrance of the cave but had already started to munch on canned beef and flatbread, and patted him on the shoulder: "You lead the way, we Go take a look at the positions of your seventh and ninth companies."

Hearing that his brothers are still alive and strong, Tudou's spirit has improved a lot, but when he heard that he was going to No. 3 Heights, tears welled up in his eyes again. .

But soon, the 16-year-old boy soldiers became stronger and led the way to No. 3 Heights with Tang Dao, Lei Xiong and other officers.

Behind them, hundreds of people from the revenge regiment as a reserve team followed.

That's what Tang Dao meant.

The tragic battlefield is certainly heartbreaking, but it is also the classroom that can impact people's hearts the most.

A brave person will not be frightened by sacrifice, but only inspired by sacrifice.

Hundreds of soldiers stood on the top and slopes of the small No. 3 Highland.

Because, under Tang Dao's order, the four infantry companies of the Independent Battalion, the Xuesha Regiment, the Artillery Company, the Secret Service Company, the Supplies Company, and the Fire Support Company, all the battle sequences under Tang Dao's current command, except those who are still performing security tasks, as long as Those with legs are basically around the No. 3 highland.

At the foot of the mountain, there are more people, more than 1000 people, taking each row as a unit, and the entire foot of the mountain is neatly filled.

In fact, there are not so many places to stay on Little No. 3 Highland.

Lieutenant General Rao and Major General Tong, who received the news, also rode horses and led the guards from the station five or six kilometers away.

The two Sichuan infantry companies that were damaged in the battle on the No. 3 high ground can be regarded as their direct subordinates, and they must come.

If the Japanese fired a cannon at this time, they would attack the Chinese who hadn't killed many people in a day, and they could kill hundreds of people.

It's a pity that they don't have 105 howitzers or field artillery now. Even if they know that the Chinese are gathering at risk, they can only stare blankly.

Otherwise, Tang Dao wouldn't do this either.

Except for the sound of digging earth on the top of the mountain, the nearly [-] people on the top, slope, and foot of the mountain were all extremely quiet.

Their quietness is not only because of shock, but also because of respect.

Everyone knows that the fighting on Highland No. 90.00, which was subjected to 3% of the Japanese artillery fire, was horrific, but they didn't know until they set foot on this position during the day that the so-called horrific was still too much compared to what they saw. Mild.

Here, it can be called purgatory on earth!
The Japanese had actually restrained themselves a little last night, but they were obviously unqualified cleaners.

In other words, the situation was too bad and there was nothing they could do.

The entire hillside was almost covered by horse corpses and human corpses, and there was no complete one at all. Remnants of limbs could be seen everywhere, not one by one, but in lumps.

The soil slope facing the Japanese position was black because the trees and shrubs had been cut down and burned, but under the ravages of artillery fire, the fresh soil was dug up and turned yellow, but the blood left by a large number of deaths , and then evaporated by the high temperature formed by the shell explosion or soaked into the soil.

Standing on it, all you see are browns and yellows.

But if you look up from the foot of the mountain, the grayish-yellow hillside looks like an oil painting with a grayish-yellow base but sprayed with an unknown amount of dark brown block ink.

Only the soldiers understand that these almost weird tones represent the struggles of life, and without exception, they all died.

Use blood and various tissues in your own body to smear such a tone on the ground.

Tantai Mingyue recorded all this from a distance with her own camera, and after the war, it became a famous "death oil painting".

It is very strange that after the war, many Japanese families in the Hiroshima area enshrined the printed version of this photo in their homes. Every war anniversary, they would offer sacrifices and offer incense to worship.

Perhaps it is because many of the people who sprayed out this strange 'oil painting' are the children of their family.

After this battle, the Kunisaki detachment had internal statistics. Just here, the Kunisaki detachment killed more than 450 people and wounded more than 300 people. Almost a complete infantry brigade was lost here.

In particular, Cai Yongguan ordered Tudou to call his own artillery to cover it. That move was too ruthless. An infantry squadron that rushed to the position and a cavalry squadron that had already begun to charge had a total of more than 200 people and less than 30 survivors.

Just 20 minutes accounted for one-third of the casualty statistics in an afternoon.

As for Li Shoushan's [-]st Brigade of the Jing'an Army, they were already crippled after noon, and the Guoqi Detachment would never count their casualties in their battle report.

Of course, in that crazy indiscriminate bombardment led by the Chinese themselves, the remaining defenders on the Chinese hilltop position were also wiped out.

However, after several consecutive rounds of attrition battles by the Japanese army, the strength of the remnants of the Chinese army at the top of the mountain has been reduced to less than 20 people, which is the strength of one and a half infantry squads.

With 20 people for 200 people, the battle loss ratio of 1:10 is simply a statistic that shames the entire Japanese Army.

This may also be one of the most disparate battle loss ratios in the offensive and defensive battles between China and Japan since the Japanese army launched the July [-]th Incident and the Battle of Songhu.

One of the reasons why it is said is that during the Battle of Sixing Warehouse, the 36th Infantry Regiment of the Japanese Army also produced more humiliating statistics than this.

But that was mainly because the heavy artillery of the Japanese army did not participate in the war due to the geographical terrain of the Sixing Warehouse, and the Japanese could still find some fig leaf for themselves.

But here, what is it?

Still, being beaten into a dog!
So much so that the Kunisaki Detachment did not send this battle report to the headquarters of the Tenth Army at all, but only sent it to the headquarters of the Fifth Division, which was still in the fierce battle in Shanxi, and then it was sealed by the proud Seishiro Itagaki. He refused to admit it until he died, saying that it was the Chinese side who put gold on their own face, and it was not revealed to the world until after the war.

But at that time, Kunizaki was already dead in battle, Itagaki Seishiro was also sent to the gallows, and the embarrassment of being slapped in the face was gone.

However, for the Chinese soldiers at this time, the tragic situation belonging to the Japanese army will only make their pores dilate and want to cheer.

But everyone is still silent.

Because the top of the 'Death Oil Painting' is so gorgeous, it is the flower of life in the same robe.

(End of this chapter)

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