Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 649 There is a miracle

Chapter 649 There is a miracle

Decades later, there is only one person in the painting.

But at this moment, he could wait for his comrades to return after all.

Yes, the reason why Tang Dao rushed to the cave to visit the wounded at the first time was that he received good news when he returned victorious.

Wei Donglai, the commander of the Seventh Company, survived by being placed in the tunnel in a coma due to serious injuries, while Cai Yongguan, the commander of the Ninth Company, had been fighting on the top of the mountain, and was with his soldiers when he finally ordered Tudou to call for shelling.

Everyone, including Tang Dao, thought he was bound to die.

But he miraculously survived.

After nightfall, Lei Xiong led hundreds of people to the high ground to search, and dug him out in a bomb crater with a lot of flesh and blood.

Yes, although this infantry company commander with a strong body and outstanding sword skills is covered with wounds all over his body, his internal organs were also injured by the air wave, and he is dying, but he is still alive.

According to the on-site survey, Lei Xiong concluded that Cai Guanyong's survival had nothing to do with his strong body, and it was not even luck, but because of his soldiers.

Countless cannonballs fell from the sky, not to mention the human body, even steel would be torn to pieces, but some people still chose to use themselves as shields, even though human shields were extremely fragile under the power of the cannonballs.

The commander chose to go to Huangquan together with his soldiers, but at the last moment of his life, his soldiers resolutely rushed to his commander, layer upon layer, guarding it with flesh and blood.

This should also be the reason why Lei Xiong found a lot of flesh and blood in that area.

The shells shattered those layers of shields, and a large amount of soil buried Cai Yongguan, who had already entered a deep coma. The seriously wounded, whose body functions had almost stopped, only needed a small amount of oxygen, so he did not suffocate to death due to lack of oxygen. He was good at observing the battlefield environment Lei Xiong excavated in time, and several factors jointly created this incredible miracle. .

Although the two infantry company commanders who performed well on the high ground were seriously injured, Cai Yongguan was sadly determined by the medical staff that he would not survive a night, but when Tang Dao went to the cave medical center, Cai Yongguan, the young lieutenant who miraculously survived , still breathing.

These two can be regarded as one of Tang Dao's biggest gains in the blocking battle at Mouse Mountain.

Tang Dao didn't have time to declare their military exploits with Lieutenant General Rao. The lieutenant general who walked down the hill had already told Tang Dao that Wei Donglai and Cai Yongguan would be promoted to captains, and the 23rd Army Command had signed a promotion order. .

In addition, the Group Army Command had already submitted a commendation order to the Jinling City Defense Command for several days in a row because of the Jiepai Village blockade and the Mouse Mountain blockade, which blocked the Japanese army's advance. It is estimated that it will not take a few days. The award order came down.

Facing the rhetoric of the lieutenant general, Tang Dao could only smile wryly.

If any commendation orders could be exchanged for cash rewards, he, the supreme commander of the blockade war, would choose to exchange them without hesitation. What the soldiers who died in the battle were not useless paper or medals signed by those big bosses, but to support an old family. A small amount of money to survive the troubled times was their simplest wish before carrying out the military orders.

What's more, the general of the Jinling City Defense Command is already in a state of desperation!How could he have time to reward the two motley troops who were separated from Jinling City by a hundred kilometers in a mountainous area!Even if they fight fearlessly.

Maybe, even the reward order for painting cakes to satisfy one's hunger will end up being nothing but flowers in the mirror.

"Commander Tang, what are you going to do next? Are you still here to stop the Japanese invaders? It's just that the No. 3 highland has become a piece of scorched earth, and when the Japanese army comes again, it may be more ferocious than the day before. Don't forget, the Guozaki detachment After that, there will be the 18th Division of the Japanese Army!" The lieutenant general looked at Tang Dao and asked worriedly.

Tang Dao used the 145th Division to block at all costs in Jiepai Village and won two days. He built an amazing defensive position with almost miraculous efficiency on several high grounds in Mouse Mountain, and severely damaged the Japanese Jing'an Army's first brigade and a mixed army. Brigade, this achievement has been completely recognized by the lieutenant general, basically treating Tang Dao as a colleague of the same level.

Otherwise, based on his military common sense, the Mouse Mountain Highland has become a serious problem for the Japanese army. If they attack again, not only will there be more cannons, but the Japanese Navy will also increase the number of bombings.

Under such a judgment, even if it is not in the tone of an order, he will definitely make a suggestion for Tang Dao to lead his troops to retreat, not just in a questioning tone.

"Mr. Rao, does the 145th Division still have the strength to fight again?" Tang Dao didn't answer directly, but asked rhetorically.

"My 145th division came here with an order, so of course we want to fight!" Tang Dao, who was the war supervisor, asked this rhetorically.

However, facing Tang Dao's extremely sincere eyes, the Lieutenant General finally sat down again with a long sigh, and his face was full of helplessness: "I can't fight anymore. Because of the urgent military order, only the infantry brigade and the guard company of the division headquarters rushed to the battlefield. Not to mention that our army has been reduced by half in the two battles of Sihong and Jiepai Village, and the ammunition and food cannot last for three days, but the supply promised by Jinling has not arrived for a long time.”

Looking at this lieutenant general who wanted to kill the thief but was unable to recover, Tang Dao also felt sorry for him. Of course he knew that this man was speaking the truth.

In the past time and space, he led only one brigade to the battlefield, and encountered the Liu Ruzhai Infantry Regiment who retreated without a fight. In the end, he fought fiercely with the first division of the Japanese invaders with only one regiment and a guard company for several days. The reinforcements finally killed themselves in anger, and went to the national calamity together as a lieutenant general.

If he is given enough military aid, he will definitely fight the Japanese invaders to the end, and will never retreat lightly.

However, by this time, he had basically completed the military order to resist the Japanese aggressors in the Guangde area for a week. Naturally, he didn't want to make unnecessary sacrifices for his soldiers who were already short of food and clothing.

"Mr. Rao, if you still trust me, please send the shame regiment, no, they have proved themselves now, they should be renamed the tiger regiment, please give me the command of the tiger regiment, I will lead them to rely on Guang Germany's complex terrain will compete with the Guoqi detachment again, and you and your colleagues from the 145th Division will help our army defend these important points, and don't let the Japanese invaders encircle our army from other places." Tang Dao pointed to the map There are several important places in the mountains and plains of Guangde.

"You are?" The lieutenant general adjusted his glasses and couldn't help but gasp.

He somewhat understood the meaning of Tang Dao. Tang Dao would no longer fight the Japanese invaders with the highlands of Mouse Mountain, but it didn't mean that he retreated cleanly as he thought, and went to Wuhu or Ma'anshan to defend the city according to the city. , but to continue to entangle with the Japanese army in the mountainous area.

"Yes, after leaving the mountains of Guangde, there is a plain before Wuhu, and there is no danger to defend. If I don't beat up the Guoqi detachment here, I will be worthy of the brothers who died on the No. 3 highland!
I have told each of them that if I kill one of my brothers, I will make them pay back ten times over! "

There was a dangerous light in Tang Dao's eyes.

The murderous intent was so strong that even the lieutenant general who had experienced battles couldn't help but feel chills in his chest.

In terms of the seriousness of killing intent, Tang Dao is the No. 1 he has seen in his life.

But, he really likes it.

No matter how much you kill a foreign race like the Japanese invaders, you can't overdo it.

However, the lieutenant general still shook his head with a wry smile.

(End of this chapter)

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