Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 652 The harassment is endless!

Chapter 652 The harassment is endless!

Perhaps, the only thing that comforted Kunizaki was that the Chinese probably didn't have much ammunition and did not lay mines along the road.

The biggest damage was to use the most primitive tools to cut off the simple road leading to the plain in more than a dozen places.

But this is not a problem for the Kunizaki detachment.

The reason why the Kunizaki detachment is called a detachment is that it has cavalry, artillery, engineering, supply, medical treatment, and communications. It is a more complete force than a mixed brigade. It is not a small division. Too much.

Although there are not as many engineers as a 600-strong engineer regiment, there are nearly 200 engineers, and such "small damages" can be repaired soon.

The Japanese engineers were definitely professional. Although they did not have any industrial machinery, they only relied on manpower to fill in the pits and build bridges when they encountered water, so that the carts that were closely guarded by the infantry could pass smoothly.

It's just that along the way, the Japanese army was also worried.

The simple road basically runs through the mountains, and the mountains and dense forests on both sides are dense. If hundreds of people are hiding, they will not be seen at all.

In order to prevent being ambushed by the unwilling Chinese, Kunizaki had to adopt the method of marching in stages.

That is, an infantry brigade is the vanguard in the front, followed by another infantry brigade one kilometer behind. After walking for five kilometers, the infantry will conduct fire reconnaissance or manual survey of the mountains on both sides. After confirming that there is no danger, send a signal to the main force behind. Only the main force will march.

Doing so, of course, can avoid unnecessary risks, but the disadvantages are not small, seriously delaying the marching time.

In addition, the first brigade of the Jing'an Army, which had already been half buried in the soil, and the Guoqi detachment with more than 15 troops spent a day's time before walking less than 40 kilometers. This is far less than the Japanese army's [-] kilometers of field combat. marching speed.

Moreover, even with such strict precautions, something happened at night. .

A train team protected by two infantry squadrons was bombarded from the forest more than 700 meters away.

The Chinese should have determined the location of the train as early as evening, but they waited patiently until 10 o'clock in the evening. Shortly after the exhausted train fell asleep, two mortars poured down on the train. Minimum 8 shells.

Of course the Japanese army had infantry artillery, but the Chinese were simply shameless. The artillerymen who were forced to set up infantry artillery in the dark were still looking for the position of the attackers with the help of flares. As a result, the flares failed to find the previous group of attackers. , but exposed their own position, another wave of attackers smashed a dozen shells, blowing up an infantry gun and artillery to pieces.

It turned out that shelling was also fishing.

The opponent not only wanted to make the Japanese army unable to eat canned food, but also wanted to hug grass and beat rabbits.

The point is that they succeeded.

The infantry squad leader who ordered the flares to be fired was almost hacked alive by the exasperated squadron leader.

As a guard, watching the snow-white rice being blown up like snowflakes, it is inevitable that I will think of the miserable situation of being so hungry two days ago that I even cleaned the rice covered with feces and put it in the pot.

The frightened pack horses dragged the carts and ran wildly. If it wasn't for an infantry squadron leader who immediately ordered to shoot and kill them, there might be fresh human hair left under the wheels of those carts.

A large number of pack horses died, and the fact that they could eat fresh meat was not particularly attractive to the Japanese infantry who did not lack meat, but when they thought that the rice and luggage would have to be carried by manpower, the Japanese infantry felt a sense of responsibility on their shoulders. It hurts.

The assistant officers can only give orders, and the lieutenants will execute them. It is obvious who will be the fate of "moving bricks".

In other words, the 20 rounds of artillery shells may not have caused many casualties, but the psychological shadow caused by the Japanese army was not small.

If we stop here, maybe today's Chinese attack will cause a total of 16 deaths, [-] people were injured, [-] pack horses died, and [-] carts were damaged.

It seems miserable, but compared to the tough battles of the previous few days, it is nothing.

The Chinese are in the mountains and forests, and they still carry artillery weighing tens of kilograms. They must not run fast. Only by catching them or killing them can the hatred in their hearts be relieved.

Of course, whether it is important to solve the hatred in the heart, catching the murderer can relieve the rage of the boss, this is the simplest idea of ​​​​the Japanese infantry.

Didn't you see that the faces of the two infantry squadron leaders who were responsible for the defense were all green under the moonlight?

The frantic Japanese infantry rushed towards the depths of the jungle at an unprecedented speed.

The result is obvious, the distance of 700 meters is only a few seconds for the mortar, but it really takes a long time for the infantry.

The most terrible thing is that the Chinese gave the Japanese infantry another lesson on what is called "no entry into the forest", especially at this time of night.

Even if the Japanese infantry who suffered from the Chinese people's serial thunderstorms were already very cautious, the fishing line that was blackened with ink by the damn Chinese, let alone illuminated with a flashlight, even if they stared at it with big eyes in broad daylight, would not Must see clearly.

Chinese imitation German-made grenades generally have a delay of five or six seconds. If the grenade is pulled by a pull wire, the Japanese infantry will have a buffer of five or six seconds at least. Land is always possible!

But this time the Chinese did not use grenades, but incendiary bombs that were more vicious than explosive grenades.

Yes, during the night attack on the Japanese army's transport team in the east of Guangde City, Gu Xishui and others not only blew up the Japanese army's fuel, but also carried a barrel of gasoline to escape according to Tang Dao's request.

Dozens of big men took turns carrying it, and forced to move nearly [-] kilograms of gasoline back to the headquarters.

The point is, there is gasoline, but the independent camp does not have any objects that can drink oil, that is, things like warming up by the fire.

Therefore, Tang Dao used the time during the day to personally teach the special operations team and the guard platoon how to make Molotov cocktails.

The sparks from the friction of the iron sheets pulled by the wires are enough to ignite gasoline with an extremely low melting point, and the explosion power of a gasoline bottle infused with rubber particles is enough to cover a space of three square meters, which is no less powerful than a grenade.

The Japanese soldiers who were covered in burning gasoline were like moving candles, illuminating the dark forest, and the smell of burning oil became the Japanese soldiers frantically putting their clothes on the fire but burning more and more. A soldier's nightmare.

At least four Japanese infantry soldiers were burned alive in the dense forest, and the other three were still alive, but judging by the way their skin fell off in large chunks and smelled like barbecue, it is estimated that they would not survive tomorrow morning.

The heavy loss made the Japanese second lieutenant who led the team give up the idea of ​​continuing to search and track in the forest.

But they don't follow up, it doesn't mean the Chinese people give up.

Do you really think it’s so good to eat and sleep in the wind in winter?

The two mortar squads, accompanied by two special operations teams and two guard platoons, launched a total of six shellings that night.

Its coordinates are all determined according to the selected gun positions before the sun goes down. Not to mention the accuracy of the launch, there is always a difference.

Nearly ten thousand Japanese soldiers never fell asleep after ten o'clock that night.

Compared to dying in a daze in sleep, waiting until dawn with eyes wide open is the choice any normal person would make.

Even if it's as expensive as Kunisaki's, his field tent is not made of steel.

Your Excellency, Major General Tangtang, had no choice but to hide in the field trenches dug deeper by the soldiers. Wrapped in a thin blanket, he shivered all night in the cold winter night.

Obviously, the night attack artillery squad that fired more than 40 rounds of shells all night may not have directly gained much results, but it made nearly ten thousand Japanese troops wear black eyes.

Kunizaki was stunned to let the infantry speed up and get out of the mountainous area earlier, but the Japanese infantry who hadn't had much rest all day and night, even after eating a full breakfast, their legs were still limp.

But after walking two kilometers, Kunisaki felt the urge to lie down on the ground and take a deep sleep.

Yes, in order to prevent being attacked by the Chinese, Kunizaki, who always liked to ride his green horse to march, was forced to give his beloved horse a break and choose to walk.

As the supreme commander, he could get into a Type 94 armored vehicle or 89 tank with steel plate protection, but the deafening engine sound and unpleasant diesel smell inside were not something ordinary people could bear.

As for the truck, that thing has a conspicuous target and is the easiest target for sneak attackers, and Kunisaki Teng would not have that idea.

The Japanese major general is very wise.

As the terrain became more and more complex, the Chinese could not wait for the night to come, and began attacks during the day.

Thirty consecutive shells were fired from one kilometer away, and the three trucks were blown to pieces, together with the people inside.

(End of this chapter)

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