Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 66 Is the victory lost?

Chapter 66 Is the victory lost?

The traffic trenches of the front-line trenches were repaired all the way to the wall of the building, and even two and a half-person-high gaps were dug for this purpose.

If you look up, you can't see the activities of the soldiers in the trenches, but the Japanese can at least judge the opponent's actions by the degree of resistance in the trenches.

Several waves of grenades were fired in a row, and the tank guns and heavy machine guns also attacked the trenches several times. Even the infantrymen began to advance cautiously in the rubble, and the Chinese soldiers who were still risking their death just now shot not even a single shot. bullet.

No matter how stupid the Japanese army was, they should have known that the Chinese defenders who stood out from the warehouse for front-line defense chose to retreat.

Otherwise they wouldn't be hiding in the trenches and waiting to be bombed without firing a shot, they weren't enduring the turtles, oh no, they were ninjas.

"Kill it!" Kurokawa Weaving roared sharply, accompanied by a tuft of heart-protecting hair and goose bumps all over his body.

The forward infantry, who slid across the ruins, began to speed up.

In the distance, in addition to the Type 100 heavy machine guns in the fortifications, they also raised their muzzles to suppress the fire points on the second and third floors of the warehouse. The infantry artillery had stopped shelling, and the four tanks stopped completely [-] meters away from the warehouse.

The poor 94mm heavy machine gun of the 7.7-type tank is actually a threat to the infantry, and it is not terrible for the fortifications, but two 57mm tank guns are not good things.

When a shot passed, even two layers of sandbags could not stop it, and they often blew up together with the sandbag fortifications and the soldiers behind them.

With a range of only 100 meters, it is not too easy for the gunners of two tanks.

The fortifications on the first floor were destroyed by two tank guns one by one as if they were named, and the terrifying big holes were like the ferocious wounds on the giant of the Sixing Warehouse Building.

The firepower on the first floor was almost completely stagnant.No one even stopped in the lobby on the first floor, and Tang Dao's third row had already withdrawn to the cannon-proof areas on the first floor under his order.

Under the mighty power of the two tank guns, except for the Mark Qin heavy machine guns on the third floor, which were shot after the shooting holes dug in the walls, they were still desperately shooting to suppress the infantry that had already started to speed up and were about to enter a state of charge. The firepower of the light machine guns was basically Mute.

You can save yourself by hiding behind the shooting hole, but that means that the shooting field is also limited. The Japanese army has already observed the positions of several heavy machine gun fire points before. After entering the charge mode, it is natural to avoid the shooting field of the heavy machine gun.

The heavy machine gunners were also helpless.

The rifles of the infantrymen on the second and third floors never stopped firing, but the thick gunpowder and smoke bombs seriously obstructed the line of sight, resulting in a far lower level of shooting than normal.

A full two infantry squads plus two squads of nearly 130 devils were only shot down at the stage of speeding up and starting the charge.

The officers and soldiers in the warehouse just watched as the yellowish Japanese army rushed over like locusts and stepped over 100 meters, 80 meters, and 50 meters.
Even when the hair on the chest of the leading Japanese army was clearly visible, the supreme commander still did not make effective tactical adjustments.

The much-anticipated two cannons still did not appear.

The most terrible thing is that, with the approach of the Japanese front, several mortars that had been fired before were completely useless by the Japanese. The distance of only tens of meters has exceeded the nearest firing range of 82.

Both are battle-hardened men, and they certainly know what that means.

Even if the gang of devils only rushed over halfway, as long as these dozens of devils can entangle the warehouse defenders for 10 minutes, no, maybe it only takes 5 minutes, and the main force of the two infantry squadrons with nearly 400 people behind them will swarm in.

400 vs 400, it doesn't seem to be scary, but there are at least hundreds of Japanese troops on both flanks. When they take advantage of the chaos to rush over to blast the walls on the two wings, the battle will basically be over.

More than 70.00% of the Chinese officers and soldiers showed anxiety and panic on their faces.

"Go on the bayonet!" With a roar from Leng Feng.

The soldiers in the first row on the second floor took out the bayonet pinned to the waist from the scabbard and inserted it into the rifle.

If the Japanese army rushed into the building and faced each other, if the bullets were empty, the white knives would go in and the red knives would go out.

Hand-to-hand combat and hand-to-hand combat, although the most tragic, are also the fastest way to resolve the battle. They must completely wipe out the approaching Japanese forwards before the main Japanese army comes to support them.

"Stop as soon as you go, fearless." Based on this alone, Leng Feng's row is worthy of the title of his sharp knife even the middle sharp knife row.

"All, attack!" Toyoda Hide watched all this through the binoculars, and finally gave the order to attack the whole army.

Two squadrons of infantry, from more than 300 meters away, began to trot with their rifles, like a pack of wolves that found food and began to hunt.

But this is only the first card played by Toyota Show.

700 meters away.

The Japanese Colonel put down the binoculars in his hand, and ordered to the Army Major who was standing in the entrance of the tank: "Tokugawa-kun, you can go out. Today, we will go down in one go."

The Japanese Colonel nodded and gave a military salute to the Japanese Colonel. Without waiting for the Japanese Colonel to return the salute, he got into the tank and covered the top of the tank heavily.

The roar of the huge diesel engine of the 89 tank sounded.

Two Type 89 tanks smashed through the dirt wall in front and rushed out of the cabin that covered the tanks. On the two wings of the tanks, at least one infantry squadron was accompanying the action. That was the last infantryman of the 1st Infantry Brigade of Toyota Hideo. squadron.

It also means that in the frontal battlefield alone, the Japanese army invested 3 and a half infantry squadrons of 700 people, as well as 4 main battle tanks and 2 reconnaissance tanks.

This is not the end, there are also two Type 94 tanks on the left and right wings of the warehouse building. While advancing, they aimed at the front with heavy machine guns.

A Japanese army carrying explosive packs followed behind the tank and moved forward resolutely.

At this point, all ten tanks owned by the 36th Infantry Wing appeared on the battlefield, and the roar of the huge engine even overshadowed the intense gunfire at this time.

According to the battle situation, the Japanese Colonel who was on the front line directly started the decisive battle mode.

The front is the main attack, but the two flanks will never be overlooked.

If either side cannot resist, the warehouse will be captured.

The voices of the people who were still chanting on the banks of the Suzhou River involuntarily became much smaller. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that the Japanese army was in full swing.

Only the middle-aged man's drums kept beating, and the blue veins on his forehead burst out, showing that he was doing his best.

But at this time, it seemed a little lonely.

The victory of the battlefield is tilting towards the enemy.

On the other hand, on the side of the Sixing Warehouse, the four mortars finally began to roar, blowing the Japanese infantry sequence hundreds of meters away to avoid them.

The sound of gunfire on the front and two wings also became fierce, and many Japanese troops fell into the smoke.

However, in the face of such a fierce Japanese offensive, these are still not enough.

In particular, the 130 Japanese forwards, after paying the price of nearly 40 people, finally rushed through the first trench.

The front-line trenches extending out of the warehouse finally showed their due role at this moment. The trenches up to 2 meters wide became the 'tripping rope' of the Japanese army. The rifle shot mercilessly into the trenches.

2 meters is not too wide, but it is still a bit difficult for a fully armed soldier, especially for the Japanese army with short legs.

There are as many as 20 Japanese soldiers, in fact, all died here.

The Japanese tanks still wanted to provide artillery cover, but unfortunately, because the distance was too close, the elevation angle of the tank guns was extremely limited, so it was difficult.

They could only watch the guards upstairs frantically shoot downstairs with guns and throw grenades, staring blankly.

However, this still cannot prevent the fact that the Japanese forwards are about to attack the warehouse building.

The four-line warehouse is about to fall.

(End of this chapter)

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