Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 664 What kind of crooked thoughts can a small child have!

Chapter 664 What kind of crooked thoughts can a small child have!
The ewe who fought back in despair is tragic enough!
Amidst the stone's howls, facing more than a dozen fully armed Japanese infantrymen, they still lowered their sheep's heads and charged with their small sheep's horns, which were only seven or eight centimeters long.

Perhaps, it is for the little master, or it may be the biological instinct of the rabbit to bite people in a hurry. The real reason is impossible to verify.

But this is obviously hitting the stone with the egg!
If there is no accident, the Japanese infantry who are good at stabbing only need to dodge the ewe with a sliding step, which is not a fast charge, and then they can easily stab the [-]-style bayonet into the sheep's body, completely killing the sheep. It becomes the raw material of roast whole lamb.

Miyamoto Tane prevented this 'bloody murder' from happening.

"What a spiritual creature! Don't kill it! Catch it!" Miyamoto Tane took the initiative to slow down and ordered the three soldiers at the front loudly.

The senior soldier Chi Zaosi was his fellow countryman, and he obeyed his orders the most. He immediately put away his gun, slipped his footsteps, jumped to the side of the ewe, reached out and grabbed the two small horns of the furious ewe, blushing and struggling desperately. The ewes played a game of wrestling.

The angry ewe blew 'baa-baa', while Chi Zaosi uttered a strange syllable "Hoo! Hey!". The picture of one person and one sheep entangled on the hillside was quite comical.

Enduring the pain, Shi Shi stood up and looked at the slowly approaching Japanese army, but he seemed to be petrified, and even stopped crying.

"Put away your guns! China and Japan will prosper together, and he will soon be a citizen of the empire!" Seeing all this, Miyamoto Tane smiled and gave orders to the soldiers under his command who were still holding guns.

Seeing that the Chinese children were frightened and stopped running away, the soldiers relaxed and knew that Cao Chang was going to take the foolish route, so they all smiled knowingly, and stopped pointing their guns at the rocks, but each looked for a warning position , to conduct a vigilant observation of the surroundings.

With a deeper smile on his face, Miyamoto Tane strode forward, tried his best to soften his tone, manipulating his half-baked Chinese: "My child, yours, is your home in Nani?"

Stone closed his mouth and said nothing.

"Then your parents are in Nani?" Miyamoto Tane looked around. Except for the mountains and trees, there was no shadow of the village at all, so he had to change the question again.

Stone still pursed his lips. .

"Look, your lamb is so cute. You dare to attack our army because of you. Look, how kind my soldier is, and I don't want to hurt it at all. But if you don't speak, the soldier uncle may be very upset Yes." Miyamoto Tane didn't worry about it, but looked at the scene where he was still "circling around with magic power" with the private.

With a smile on his face, his tone is very gentle, but even a child can understand what he means.

"Dead!" Stone replied in a low voice with red eye circles in silence.

"Both parents are dead, what a poor child!" Miyamoto Tane was slightly taken aback, but a more intense smile appeared on his face.

An orphan from a lonely background is more likely to be seduced, isn't it?
Stretched out his hand and gently touched Shi Shi's small head. Although Shi Shi dodged stubbornly, the Japanese Army Commander Cao didn't care at all. , child, take this, sugar, very sweet."

Shi Shi wanted to refuse, but he looked up at Da Hei who had no strength to toss around, and could only silently hold the toffee with colorful and green candy wrappers in his palm.

This is a good start, Miyamoto Tane is very satisfied with the little boy's performance.

Although the little boy hadn't said anything useful yet, his nervousness and silence said a lot.

First of all, he was very nervous, and Miyamoto Tane could even guess through his nervousness that he must know the existence of the imperial army.

For a mountain village with no information, it is undoubtedly from the outside world that the existence of the imperial army is still known.That can only show one thing, the mountain village where he lives has been stationed by Chinese soldiers.

This possibility is as high as 80.00%.

Of course, this possibility became [-]% when a soldier showed him a piece of brown paper that fell from the child's previous hiding place.

It is Chinese toffee wrapping paper. Because of the lack of light industry, kraft paper is far less exquisite than Japanese toffee wrapping paper, but it is the most powerful evidence that Chinese children have been in contact with Chinese soldiers.

Secondly, the little boy is very concerned about his sheep, perhaps using this as a breakthrough to find the mountain village, and thus know the approximate location of the Chinese army.

Children don't understand, but those adults must know.

Do you dare not say it?Then he will use bayonets and blood to let the lowly Chinese know what fear is, and he believes they will say it.

This is a great achievement.

The Japanese Army Chief Cao, who originally paid more attention to survival than to the need for military exploits, finally became greedy when faced with the upcoming military exploits at his fingertips.

In fact, with this military exploit, he can cross the threshold from non-commissioned officer to officer and become a second lieutenant.

As for military officers, it is not only the promotion of status and status, but also the great increase in the chances of saving their lives.

In battle, commanding dozens of people or leading a dozen people, which one has a better chance of survival?You can figure it out with your ass.

Even at this moment, Miyamoto Tanai had no intention of firing a gun to notify the captain of the one-mile-away team to lead his troops to meet up.

This is his military achievement, and he doesn't want to be awarded points by that greedy captain of the second lieutenant.

The Japanese Army Commander Cao has sufficient observation and insight, but he underestimated the tenacity and wisdom of a Chinese child who has been the light of hope for a family since he was five or six years old.

From the moment the Japanese infantry surrounded him, Stone already knew what the Japanese bandits wanted.

They want to find the group of uncles whose faces are still full of gunpowder, find them, and kill them.

The uncle Leng who gave him toffee will also be killed by them.

Shi Shi tried his best to calm himself in his heart, but his fear kept making him tremble.

Because he, after all, is just a child who is only seven or eight years old!Even at a young age, he once faced jackals alone with a hatchet in hand.

Relying on desperately opening his mouth wide and shouting angrily, staring at the cold eyes of the jackal with round eyes, he finally won the 1-minute confrontation and returned home alive.

But now what he has to face are Japanese bandits who are more vicious and cunning than jackals. Shi Shi, who has fought against jackals, can't think of a way to deal with them.

Until Miyamoto asked again: "Child, is your home in Nani? Don't worry, our Imperial Japanese Army came to China this time for the common prosperity of China and Japan. The sheep are so friendly, my soldiers are wrestling with it!"

"Haha!" The Japanese infantry all laughed.

The hillside was full of joy and peace, and the atmosphere seemed very harmonious.

Stone finally made a decision.

They cannot be allowed to find the village hidden by green trees on the top of the mountain, where there are grandfathers and younger sisters, and they cannot be allowed to find the uncles. Even, he wants to use his own way to inform the uncles that the Japanese bandits are coming, let them run.

As for himself, Shishi didn't have time to think so much.

"There!" Stone lowered his eyelids, but raised his finger to the other side of the hillside.

"Yoshi! Kid, yours has won the friendship of the Great Japanese Empire! I will tell our reporter the story of your cute lamb, and it may become a symbol of the common prosperity of China and Japan." Miyamoto Tane said with a smile praised.

Then he turned his head and shouted to the first class soldier who was still fighting with the sheep: "Let go of that cute lamb and let it return to its owner!"

"Dahei!" Shito staggered towards the big black sheep with his short legs.

The big black sheep, which finally broke free from the shackles, also turned around and ran towards the stone when it heard the call from the little master.

Shitou hugged the big black sheep that called 'baa-baa', with tears streaming from his eyes.

"Look, what a touching picture this is, Chi Zaojun, you must record this scene in your diary. Maybe one day you can become a writer of war literature!" Miyamoto Tane smiled. emotion'.

The Japanese infantry laughed again.

The Japanese infantrymen laughed so brightly, of course, not because of their witty and witty language, but because it seemed that their search mission was coming to an end.

As long as this terrified Chinese kid takes them to find a Chinese village, and then informs the squad or even the squadron to come, the previous danger will be completely transformed into military exploits, Master Cao Chang will be promoted to a second lieutenant, and the big guys will also advance step by step.

I'm about to be promoted to a non-commissioned officer, and the first class soldier who was teased by my own chief Cao also showed a happy smile.

Therefore, they all ignored the sad tears of the stone.

In fact, even if they notice, they probably don't think much deeper.

How could a seven or eight-year-old child have any wrong thoughts?
The reason why the always strong stone cried was not because of fear, but because Daheihui was dead, the little lamb was gone, grandpa's new clothes and little sister's headband were gone.

More importantly, how would grandpa and younger sister live without him in the future!
But he really had no choice.

Therefore, the stone quickly wiped away the tears.

(End of this chapter)

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