Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 678 The Last Hope

Chapter 678 Last Hope (Ask for a monthly pass at the beginning of the month!)
Takeuchi Yunshan's small face was actually pale when the mortars began to hit the infantry in the valley.

With his pale face and the blackness left by the gunpowder smoke, he looked like a clown on a stage. It was a bit funny, but it wasn't funny.

Because the Japanese officers who are trying to occupy the back section of the valley understand that if there is no foreign aid and the colleagues in the valley alone work hard, I am afraid that they will never be able to break out of this valley of death.

But the field radio station of the regiment headquarters has been declared dead, and when foreign aid will arrive has become an unknown. Compared with this, it is better to pray that the Chinese will not have so many shells.

Unfortunately, as the Japanese heavy machine guns began to fire, the screams of shells piercing the sky buried the last hopes of the Japanese officers.

That is the unique sound of the [-]-type mountain artillery shells running in the air.

Two 75-caliber mountain guns, the last trump card of the Independence Battalion finally came on the scene.

Even if Pang Dahai was called a dog by Tang Dao, he was not willing to use these two big killers. It is really that the shells of the two mountain cannons are too few compared to the shells of the mortar.

There are only 60 rounds in total, and every shot is one less.

Good steel must be used on the blade. Finally, when the heavy machine guns of the Japanese army were exposed, the two mountain cannons placed on the ridge 800 meters away from the valley could speak.

In order to be able to report the shelling area of ​​​​the mountain artillery as quickly as possible, several artillery observers even took risks and stood on the unobstructed mountain ridge to report to the distance with semaphore.

So much so that three artillery observers were wounded by grenade fragments, but luckily none of them were fatal.

However, their bravery allowed the mountain artillery squad in the distance to obtain the shelling coordinates in the shortest time and launched an attack.

A small howitzer with a caliber of 75mm can only be a small artillery on a large battlefield, but here, it is the largest caliber artillery, and because of the geographical location, they don't have to worry about the Japanese army's artillery counter-suppression in the valley.

First of all, the Japanese army had to have artillery observers who could see their artillery positions; secondly, the Japanese artillery had to dare to fire on this battlefield that was completely within the range of the Chinese soldiers.

Not to mention that the [-]-[-] kg mountain cannon fired was too loud, even if a mountain cannon was surrounded by more than a dozen people, it was clearly pointing out the target for the Chinese.

Except for the more flexible and convenient infantry artillery, the Japanese mountain artillery basically did not show up.

Groups of artillery fire exploded in the valley, and the simple temporary fortifications could not provide any protection at all. Whether it was a heavy machine gun or a human body, as long as they were hit by a round of artillery fire, they basically became parts of the ground.

In the battle situation in the valley, with the artillery company of the independent battalion fully fired, the balance of victory has gradually tilted towards the Chinese side.

The consumption is very large, almost bankrupt, but in Tang Dao's view, as long as enough Japanese infantry can be killed, everything is worth it.

Because Tang Dao knows best that after this battle, the Independent Battalion may not have the opportunity to fight the Japanese army again for a long time in the future.

With the fall of Jinling, he will lead his troops to the mountain in the north, where the Independent Battalion will completely become a mountain field force.

The pale-faced Takeuchi Yunshan was in great pain, but he was still not in despair, because he made a wise choice and divided the two infantry brigades under his command into three divisions, with a vanguard infantry squadron leading one kilometer ahead of the main force as one division, and the middle division as the whole army The main force is one, and there is an infantry squadron carrying more than a dozen carriages as one, which is not only the protection of supplies, but also the rear of the whole army.

In other words, although the main force of nearly [-] infantry was besieged in the valley, the Japanese army still had two infantry squadrons, one head and one tail, plus a train team remaining outside the valley.

The last hope of Takeuchi Yunshan lies in these two infantry squadrons. However, he did not even pin his hopes on the vanguard infantry squadron before the whole army.

Although the vanguard infantry squadron is the elite of the elite under his command, in front of them is a Chinese infantry battalion with hundreds of troops. Thinking with his ass, Takeuchi Yunshan also knows that they are very difficult, and the returning army launches an attack on the ridges on both sides of the valley , is what they should do most.

The hope of the commander of the Japanese army is that the infantry squadron and the baggage unit at the end of the army are not under heavy siege. They don't need them to attack the Chinese. As long as they run away and run out of this mountainous area to send an alarm to the main force of the detachment, they will There is hope to break through the siege.

However, Gu Xishui's special operations team followed the Japanese army in the mountains for more than two hours, and naturally informed Tang Dao of the Japanese army's arrangement.

Tang Dao had also made corresponding tactical adjustments according to the formation of the Japanese army. It was Zhao Daqiang's fourth company that was responsible for blocking the rear of the Japanese army.

Their combat mission is to annihilate this group of enemy bandits at the shortest possible time and at the lowest cost. If possible, it is best to capture some supplies.

Maybe there won't be much equipment, but there is a lot to eat, which is what the independent battalion needs most now.

Therefore, as soon as the battle in the valley ahead started, Zhao Daqiang gave the order to attack with red eyes.

Zhao Daqiang's anger did not come from the Japanese army who reacted quickly in front of him, but that his fourth company was originally scheduled to take on the task of luring the enemy, but before dawn, it became Leng Feng's first company.

Yes, he admitted that Leng Feng's [-]st company was the best in the battalion in terms of combat effectiveness, but the [-]st company took away the combat missions that belonged to him and the [-]th company.

This cannot be blamed on Tang Dao who is in charge of coordinating the overall situation, nor Leng Feng. Naturally, this anger can only be vented on the Japanese army in front of him.

The battlefield that Silian faced was 800 meters away from the valley, which was a mountain road.

There is a deep ditch on one side and a high mountain on the other, and the mountain road is narrow. It is a good place to fight a sap, but it is a bit difficult for an infantry company's ambush position.

Because the formation of the Japanese army was too long, if the Japanese army took a chance to counterattack up the mountain, the casualties would be greatly increased.Or escape into the mountains to alert the main force of the Japanese army several kilometers away, which is extremely dangerous for the entire army.

More than 200 Japanese infantry escorted nearly 800 Japanese soldiers and a dozen fully loaded carriages. The entire queue was nearly [-] meters long.

So Zhao Daqiang spread his three infantry platoons plus one fire support platoon at various attack points up to 1000 meters long.

There are 10 infantry squads, and each infantry squad is responsible for a front of nearly 100 meters.The two heavy machine guns specially strengthened for the fire support platoon of the fourth company were guarded at the front and rear ends of the front, and the two mortars were located behind the ridge. Zhao Daqiang personally commanded to attack the stubborn Japanese firepower.

After the order to attack was given, bullets rained down on the Japanese columns three and forty meters away, along with hand grenades.

It's just that in order to prevent the carriage from being blown up, the grenades generally did not greet the Japanese army's baggage team.

But the other Japanese troops were out of luck.

Especially for the two leading infantry squads, 60.00% of the four companies' attacks were aimed at them.

Submachine guns, shell guns, light machine guns, rifles, all the firearms that can be fired, plus dozens of grenades, greeted the Japanese infantry who responded quickly tactically.

To use a modern phrase, the Fourth Company of the Independent Battalion, who was feeling aggrieved, used the "Eight Fist" at the moment, aiming at the opponent, throwing all his strength, and smashing indiscriminately.

Faced with such a sudden blow, the Japanese army would not be able to respond no matter how sensitive it was.

If you want to avoid these, in addition to climbing up the mountain, the other option is to jump into a deep ditch. If you jump into a ditch of more than ten or twenty meters, you may not fall well with your butt.

However, there are quite a few Japanese soldiers who chose to jump into the deep ditch. Although many Japanese soldiers did not want to jump down by themselves, they were squeezed down by their panicked companions.

Those who don't have the courage to jump down can only climb up the mountain crazily, even if the bullets shot down from the mountain are so dense that it makes the scalp numb.

Hooked up and holding guns, the Japanese soldiers climbed up the mountain like cutting rice, and were swept down by the submachine guns and shell guns equipped to each squad. The charge didn't stop at all, as if he didn't know what the fear of death was.

It’s not that the Japanese soldiers are so brave that they don’t even know what death is, but the reality in front of them tells them that staying on the narrow mountain road, no matter whether you are hiding under the rocks or not, no matter whether you can escape the Chinese grenade bullets, The final outcome must be to be killed on the mountain road.

Rushing up the mountain, forcing the Chinese to leave the ridge or shoot at each other to share the pressure on the mountain road is their only way of survival.

Because, in addition to conventional bullets and grenades, the Chinese even used creepy incendiary bombs, although they were thrown manually.

. . . . . . .

PS: I have had six classes today, I am exhausted, I only have one chapter today, sorry!Also, I would like to recommend the new book "Lonely Is Not the Last King" by the author of the same group. I heard that it is well written.

(End of this chapter)

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