Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 685 Not a good bird!

Chapter 685 Not a good bird!

In fact, it is better to say that Captain Ozawa is too good than Amaterasu.

The sergeant who went to the mountains to negotiate with the Chinese was obviously negotiating, but in fact his main purpose was to secretly observe the Chinese's position layout and the strength of the Chinese army.

Sergeant's mission was accomplished very well.

The information brought back by the Sergeant Cao to the Japanese Army Captain, although the supreme commander of the Chinese army did not wear a military rank and did not reveal any information about himself, his military position was exposed through the almost unhesitating address of his subordinates.

This is the military job!In fact, it is somewhat different from Ozawa Risheng's imagination.

company commander!It turned out to be just a captain and company commander with a military rank similar to his, which made Rio Ozawa almost unbelievable when he heard the news.

Did the Chinese rely on an infantry company with more than 100 troops to defeat him, a reorganized infantry squadron and nearly a hundred soldiers?
Obviously, this made the Japanese army captain feel a deep sense of frustration.

However, the almost humiliating frustration did not occupy the mainstream at this time. For the Japanese army captain, it was more of an indescribable joy. The fewer the opponent's troops, the more likely he was to succeed.

Of course, the most important thing is that he learned the location of the commander of the Chinese army.

If the artillery unit could kill the commander of the Chinese army with five shells, the Chinese army would be at least in a panic for a while. At that time, it was naturally the time when he led the remnants of the army to escape from the stone peak.

As for the heavy trucks loaded with shells and bullets, it is Rio Ozawa's plan to stop the Chinese army's trump card. He will leave a death squad, detonate the shells, and turn the entire mountain road into a hell.

Even, if you are lucky, it will give a big surprise to the Chinese who catch up.

The super big explosion caused by 200 shells loaded with two vehicles can kill people 200 meters away.

It can only be said that Lieutenant Ozawa Risheng's wishful thinking is really playing tricks. If it is another opponent, in this situation where everything is almost guaranteed to win, if you don't pay attention, you may be in his way. .

It's a pity that his opponent is not only an iron-blooded soldier who has experienced several bloody battles, but also a die-hard fan who has subconsciously learned a lot from Tang Dao in the heresy.

From Sixing to Songjiang to Guangde, Tang Dao fought defensive battles with the Japanese almost every time, but in fact he still did not break away from his old profession after all, and special operations were almost inevitable throughout the entire battlefield.

In Sixing, he took the initiative to attack at night; in Songjiang, he used his special skills to the peak, first single-handedly killed the highest commander of the Japanese army, and then took the huge risk to send the Japanese army into street fighting in the city; In the defensive battle, the death squad went around the enemy's rear to attack the logistics and artillery positions.

All of them are the top battle cases that can be written into special operations textbooks.

As the saying goes, "Those who are close to vermilion are red and those who are close to ink are black", Zhao Daqiang, the guard platoon leader who has never lacked shirtless and opponents of hard steel, has also learned the "fancy job" of Tang Dao with a sack in one hand and a machete in the other. '.

Just like at this moment, Ozawa Risheng was thinking about his little calculations, but he never really thought that the Japanese would surrender.

He gave the Japanese 3 minutes, and he didn't mind exposing his military rank and position. In fact, he was telling the Japanese: Hurry up, get angry, or the day lily will be cold.

Originally, he planned to strike back, but the Japanese dared not move, so he could only artificially help them.

He needs to look at the Japanese hole cards, and his hole cards have basically been deployed.

"Order, the company headquarters immediately moved to the Shifeng area, and the whole company entered a combat state. After receiving the attack order, the two mortars of the fire support platoon immediately bombarded the area of ​​​​the Japanese army's delivery vehicles, except for the vicinity of No. 13 and No. 8 carts. Attacks are not allowed within 30 meters, and the rest of the area is bombarded at will, and I will drive the little devil into the Shifeng area. The whole company will attack the Japanese troops who entered the Shifeng area according to the pre-war arrangement." Zhao Daqiang squinted his eyes and looked at the Japanese army Cao Cao who had completed the negotiation Once inside their hiding place, order immediately.

Although it has entered the end of the battlefield, around more than 20 vehicles, the commanders of China and Japan racked their brains to think of countermeasures to kill each other.And it's the kind of skillful killing.

In the words of Japanese military historians decades after the war who commented on this inconspicuous small-scale battle in which the two sides invested a total of more than 400 troops, they said: The cunning of the Lieutenant and Company Commander of the Independent Battalion of the enemy's 43rd Army is shameless!
Instead, the original words of the Chinese military historians are: The captain of the Japanese army captain is sinister and vicious, and he deserves his death.

On the battlefield through the ages, it is common for soldiers not to tire of cheating.

However, Zhao Daqiang and Ozawa Risheng, who were calculating each other, did not expect that the battle did not proceed according to their respective expectations.

All this changed because of the appearance of a small soldier.

Zhao Daqiang's 4th company had not been full before participating in this battle, so after applying to Tang Dao, he temporarily added 10 infantry soldiers to the supply company last night.

Because the entire infantry company was wiped out, Tudou, who was the only one left, was in the medical team to take care of his seriously injured brothers. The medical team basically came from the Sichuan Army, and he felt pity for this little brother who was the only one left in the battle. Not only did they keep him in the medical team, but they also let him pick up any supplements, without treating the young soldier as an outsider at all.

Tudou learned the news that the 4th company was going to the battlefield and was short of personnel when he went to the supply company to collect supplies.

As soon as he heard that he could go and fight the devils, Tudou's heart full of flames of revenge for the Quanlian brothers surged violently.

In fact, for Tudou who stayed in the medical team, the pain in his heart was no less than that on the battlefield.

Because, although there is no gunpowder and war in the medical team, germs are more cruel than bullets.

Seriously wounded died almost every day, holding his brother's body and watching him exhale his last breath. The pain and suffering made the extremely young Tudou hover on the verge of psychological collapse every day.

He also knew that the captain of the medical team often 'drives' him out of the medical team by receiving supplies or other reasons, because he doesn't want him to see the seriously injured die.

But can he really see it?It was fine before I left, but when I came back, I found that the stretcher was empty.

That kind of grief and helplessness made the young soldier feel that the abyss was nothing more than that.

The only thing that can heal his heartache is to go back to the front line and kill the devils. Every time he kills a devil, the pain in his heart will heal a little.

Potato signed up.

However, he is now the only one of the two Sichuan Army companies destined to be rebuilt. Not to mention the second lieutenant platoon leader who is going to recruit people, he dare not make a decision lightly, even Zhao Daqiang may not be able to make the decision.

In the end, the report that Tudou was actively going to the battlefield was sent to Tang Dao. Tang Dao frowned and thought for a while, but unexpectedly approved it.

In his words: Potato is the only seedling, but he should not be a symbol. Since he is willing to go to the battlefield to become a strong fighter like his brother, then give him such an opportunity. This is what the two infantry companies should inherit. Spirit, as long as this spirit is there, the two infantry companies will always be there.

In this way, Tudou became a member of Zhao Daqiang's 4th company. However, Tang Dao also said that this was only a temporary establishment during the war. When the two infantry companies from Cai Yongguan and Wei Donglai were rebuilt, Tudou had to go back.

To put it bluntly, it is better for Tudou to be alive, and the officers of the 4th company can still understand this meaning.

Therefore, Tudou's infantry squad was sent to the rear to conduct roundabout operations this time, and was responsible for killing the stragglers who fled to the rear and in the mountains. Compared with the mountain positions, the combat mission was somewhat easier.

The squad leader of Tudou's infantry squad is a veteran of the former Four Lines Battalion, and his rich combat experience is second to none in the entire 4th company.

However, the officers and soldiers of the 4th company who knew the inside story did not have any complaints. Heroes deserve preferential treatment. Not many people can bear the pain of losing a brother in the whole company, but the 16-year-old soldier endured it abruptly.

Moreover, Tudou is not someone who sits on the halo of a hero's honor and waits to die. He is more active than many people.

Just like now, Tudou rushed to the forefront of the entire infantry squad, and led the climb up the mountain for the entire infantry squad.

Under some oversized steel helmets, several long bloodstains were drawn on the slightly green face by thorns, and the squad leader who followed behind persuaded him several times so that he would not listen to the back.

(End of this chapter)

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