Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 694 Chief's Crisis Awareness!

Chapter 694 Chief's Crisis Awareness!
In particular, where the three infantry companies of Zhao Daqiang's department were about to rush down the mountain, 25 oil barrels were placed every 3 meters, and 25 oil barrels crashed down on the nearly [-]-meter-wide mountain.

The mountains in southern Anhui are not like the beautiful south of the Yangtze River. The mountains are very gentle, especially the mountains on both sides of the valley named Laojinkeng, which have a slope of [-] to [-] degrees. People have to be careful when walking on them.

The slopes are basically shrubs and miscellaneous trees. Even if some trees are thicker, the oil barrels filled with sand and gravel with a total weight of nearly 200 jins will be like wild horses galloping on the grassland after the acceleration of the height drop of more than ten meters.

No matter if it was a shrub or a tree, it would be broken in the face of such violent energy.The only thing that can hinder these big guys rolling down is the stone, but that will not completely hinder the direction of the rolling log, but will throw it high or change a certain direction.

There were even two high-bouncing oil drums colliding in the air, making a tooth-piercing crash, and then falling on the hillside respectively, and then rushed into the valley with a more violent attitude.

The sound of "rumbling" is like thunder. Looking up from the bottom of the valley, the lush mountains seem to have been planed by a giant rake. The shrubs and bushes are desperately separated to the two sides, and there are big trees with thick thighs. It also broke at the first impact, and even loosened a lot of rocks because of this, and then rolled down the mountain together.

Don't talk about hitting him with this thing, I'm afraid if he rolls off his body, this person is almost like a cake!

The Japanese soldiers who had been hiding behind the bushes and rocks were all terrified. I don’t know how many people ran to both sides or down with their hands and feet. The embarrassment was completely comparable to that of their colleagues who were hiding explosives in the river valley.

Fuck!I really don't know, but there are still so many Japanese devils hiding!Zhao Daqiang wiped off his cold sweat involuntarily.

It's really thanks to Li Jiujin's good head, he didn't want to use oil barrels to pack sand and gravel as fortifications. I'm afraid the three infantry companies under his command will have to pay a big price just for the way down the mountain. .

The Chinese commanders on the mountain were secretly calling for luck, but the fleeing Japanese troops below the mountain suffered disaster.

Not to mention that this was originally only used to throw 'equipment', and the scary rolling log will turn into a pile of meat paste once it hits someone. The Chinese soldiers of several companies on the two wings of the mountain will not sit idle and watch the fun. How many guns were aimed at the 'groundhogs' who came out of the cracks in the barley rocks!
If you run and dodge with two short legs, you will be killed by rifles and machine guns less than 94 meters away, but if you want to bet on your luck not to run, you can learn from that [-] little Douding to resist.
It's a pity, after all, no one has the thick skin of Xiaodouding. Few people dare to bet when they see those logs that are more irregular than dynamite packs rushing towards them.

Those who dare to bet, basically died, either being run over by the oil drum from the body, breaking the bones, or being hit or hung by the bouncing oil drum.

Regardless of whether Sanqi 21 was the Japanese army who ran away, at least half of them fell on the bullets.

Of course, luck is still good, both bullets and oil barrels have been dodged, but this is only the first wave, the second wave of 25 oil barrels was quickly pushed up the mountain by the soldiers along their 'senior 'The broken road rolled down again.

Compared with the Japanese army on the hillside, there are actually more unlucky ones.

That was the Japanese army in the valley.

Accelerated by the potential energy of nearly 80 meters high, the oil barrel is completely out of control wild horse. After rolling down the hillside, it rolled seven or [-] meters toward the bottom of the valley before stopping.

In the face of the huge kinetic energy of potential energy conversion, everything is in vain.

No matter what the oil drum hits, it will be smashed, even if it is a stone.Even the people behind the stone were smashed into pieces.Many of the barrels were covered with fresh hair and flesh.

The difference between hot weapons and cold weapons is the range and energy level, which is why cold weapons are completely replaced by hot weapons, but there is one thing, the blood and tragedy caused by cold weapons is by no means comparable to hot weapons that can evaporate the human body in situ .

For example, just like now, the road where the oil barrels roll down can be called a road paved with flesh and blood.

Pools of flat, jet-shaped minced meat spread all over the battlefield, and it looked like the kind that had to be scooped up with a military shovel.

Some soldiers of the 4th company who had just eaten canned beef regretted eating it, because this extremely bloody scene caused many people to spit out the beef directly.

What a waste!

Devils are the same, so they can't stand up and be killed by bullets and die cleanly, they have to be so bloody.

On Zhao Daqiang's side, the 50 oil barrels were divided into two groups and threw at least thirty or forty unlucky people, but Li Jiujin threw all the 30 oil barrels allocated to him in one go.

Obviously, the coverage area is wider, and the destructive power is greater. The number of dead devils killed can form an infantry squad.

The veteran didn't even have time to show off his intelligence, he gasped and exclaimed: "My mother, I knew it would work if I knew it, so why bother making explosives, the whole army will just bring a few Thousands of oil barrels, pushing them down can smash these bastards to pieces."

Yang Xiaoshan couldn't help laughing at the side: "Company commander, don't talk about whether you can find so many oil barrels, even if there are, it depends on the strength of our two thousand people."

Li Jiujin threw a big roll of his eyes: "Only your son knows this. It is said that your son's wings are stiff now, and he always sings against me. I was such an honest child before, and my old Li will do whatever he says, even Mr. Tang dares to do it." beat."

"What?" Several Sichuan Army officers beside Lao Li were stunned.

They could tell that Lao Li was a typical hob meat, but they didn't realize that this young platoon leader was so awesome!Even beat the officer?
They haven't seen how fierce Chief Tang is, but they can't resist someone saying it!

Soldiers like to brag about how awesome they are other than how awesome they are, but how awesome they are with their officers.In the Battle of the Four Elements and One, Chief Tang killed four Japanese soldiers with a single shot. At least half of the officers in the Independence Battalion witnessed it with their own eyes.

However, no one really dared to believe that that scene was published in the newspaper by the big reporter Tantai, but he didn't call the name at that time, so he didn't expect Tang Dao to do it.

The Sichuan soldiers could only prove their admiration for their new chief by being dumbfounded.They have seen the Japanese army's powerful stabbing skills, let alone one against four, even four against one, they also feel that they may not be able to win.

But for such an awesome person, he was beaten up by this honest and honest little platoon leader?
Several platoon leaders of the Sichuan Army looked at Yang Xiaoshan's eyeballs, almost protruding.

"Brothers, don't listen to the company commander's fooling around. Just what I did, Commander Tang can kill me with one hand, that is, I am not familiar with the first meeting. I was just a private at that time. When I was in charge of patrolling the battlefield, I took He just pointed a gun at him as a deserter." After all, Yang Xiaoshan had a simple temperament, and hurriedly blushed and waved his hands to explain.

That's awesome, isn't it?At least it shows that this small platoon leader is brave enough, several Sichuan Army officers laughed, but no one really underestimated Yang Xiaoshan because of this explanation.

It's not that Yang Xiaoshan is really good, but a senior soldier was promoted to second lieutenant so quickly, but it shows that Tang Dao appreciates him very much. Moreover, they have fought in the four lines together and fought their lives. People should never be easily offended.

This was the result that Lao Li, who was laughing like a toothache, wanted it.

This group of Sichuan troops may obey Tang Dao and dare not disobey the military orders, but they are all troops of the same level, so why should they listen to you, Li Jiujin?

What are you really doing when Li Jiujin is holding a military meeting with a shy face?That was to tell the company commanders of the Sichuan Army with Tang Dao's attitude that I am Chief Tang's confidant and a hardcore. If you follow me, even if you are a company commander at the same level, you have to obey me.

The other three infantry company commanders of the Independent Battalion have their own advantages when dealing with this group of Sichuan troops.

Like company commander Leng Feng, without saying a word, other people have helped him to say it. He is the company commander of the strongest infantry company of the Independent Battalion. Even the deputy battalion commander Guo Shouzhi and the chief of staff Zhuang Shisan have to give him enough face , I usually call him Company Commander Leng instead of calling him by his first name.

Such a person, only a fool would dare to stab him.

As for Qian Dazhu and Zhao Daqiang, one is young and easy to get along with, the other looks simple on the surface but is actually cunning in heart. The most important thing is that they are both from the Sichuan Army, which makes it easier for the company commanders of the Sichuan Army to accept.

He, Li Jiujin, did not have the advantages of those three, so he could only find another way to make the company commander of the Sichuan Army obey orders in a proper manner, otherwise, if something went wrong during the battle, it would cost his life.

This is the wisdom of a veteran who has been in the army for more than ten years. He knows all too well what those officers are thinking about.

Now, he just used a joke to make the company platoon leaders of the Sichuan Army feel more deeply what a confidant is. Not only the company commander, but even the small platoon leader has a life-threatening friendship with Chief Tang.

Of course Tang Dao knew about Li Jiujin's careful thoughts, but no matter what method he used, if he commanded the troops entrusted to him as if they were one, he would be an excellent commander.

As a great man once said, "It doesn't matter whether the cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice, it's a good cat!"

Besides, even if Tang Dao wanted to remove factionalization from his subordinates, would he really be able to remove it?Together with the newly joined 9 Sichuan Army companies, everyone in the whole battalion knows that even if everyone is a direct descendant, the direct descendants of the direct descendants under Commander Tang's command are the first company, the second company and the fire support company.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes!Even if there are only a few people, they will each calculate their relatives in their hearts, let alone an army of more than 2000 people!

No matter what size of troops Tang Dao can command in the future, Lei Xiong, Leng Feng, Li Jiujin, Cheng Tieshou and others will all have the label of Tang Dao's direct lineage on their foreheads.

While Li Jiujin lamented the flexibility of his mind, he "united" with the friendly forces under his command, and Zhu Nei Yunshan in the valley was also trying his best to use his little mind.

Poor Japanese Army Colonel's mind was already on the verge of shutting down, but it was the loud noise of the oil drum rolling down 500 meters away that forced him to wake up.

The soldier's intuition kept reminding him that the crisis was coming, but he really couldn't guess what the Chinese would do next.

Judging by the intensity of the counterattack gunfire in the valley, there are at least 2000 to [-] imperial infantry in the valley. Although this number made the Japanese Army Chief feel heartbroken, there were nearly [-] imperial soldiers entering the valley!How long has it been since there are only so few people left?

However, this also gave Takeuchi Yunshan a little confidence.

The Chinese occupy the dominant terrain and have enough heavy weapons to surround him. He missed the ball and scored a goal, but as long as the remaining infantry is no less than 800, he is confident that he will not be killed by the Chinese so quickly.

That's right, the Chinese's heavy firepower surpassed his infantry wing, but it is an impossible task to kill nearly a thousand Imperial Japanese Army with these heavy weapons.

Facts have also proved his judgment. The Chinese heavy firearms have actually been exhausted, and the magical weapons that throw explosive packets have basically stopped firing. Mountain artillery and mortars are certainly terrible, but the density of artillery fire is also weakening visible to the naked eye. .

The Chinese wanted to eat them, so they had to throw their infantry into the valley and attack the imperial infantry hiding everywhere in the valley.

Everyone uses guns but not cannons. Takeuchi Yunshan is confident that his "steel army" can make one worth three, and the Chinese can't eat them without [-] infantry.

This is still the ratio that the Japanese Army Colonel took the initiative to lower in the case of continuous setbacks. If it was changed to the North China Plain, he even dared to say that his subordinates could defeat ten with one.

After all, on the North China battlefield, he commanded his infantry wing to chase and fight a Chinese infantry division.

It stands to reason that the Chinese would never take such a big risk to rush down the mountain to fight after they arranged such a big situation to trap him, but his instinct told him that the crisis was already approaching.

Stimulated by the intuition of danger, the slightly more sober Japanese army chief chose to sneak in a deep ditch and observe the distance with a telescope to observe the movements of the Chinese side.

In this battlefield, not sneaking around is completely courting death.

10 minutes ago, the lieutenant of the Major Alliance, who had been extremely careful with the binoculars to check the enemy's situation, was shot at the binoculars. The bullet shattered the binocular lens and penetrated into his right eye. Shards of broken glass still glisten in the winter sun on blurred faces.

That kind of creepy cruelty made Takeuchi Yunshan understand that there are Chinese sharpshooters around him, sharpshooters with extremely accurate marksmanship, and they should have killed the signal soldiers of the regiment headquarters carrying the field radio on their backs.

It was Sun Tzu who showed his head again. The Japanese Army Chief who was the number one in life-saving never showed his head from the hidden position he chose, even when his subordinates continued to launch a desperate charge towards that hill.

In the field of vision of the telescope, he was fortunate enough to see the second wave of oil barrels thrown by Zhao Daqiang's troops, and he also saw the extremely heroic imperial infantry under his command fleeing like groundhogs, and then were swept down by Chinese bullets, and then were The oil drum that was jumping forward frantically smashed into a meat paste.

But this is not the key.The number of imperial officers and soldiers who died in battle is already enough, and dozens of more deaths can be regarded as calm for the Japanese army commander.

What was reflected on the lens of the telescope was the overwhelming Chinese artillery fire, which beat the infantry more than [-] meters around the oil barrel to flee wildly.

Then, row after row of Chinese soldiers in gray-black military uniforms and dark blue military uniforms moved down at high speed along the road opened by crazy oil barrels, and the eyes of the Japanese Army Colonel suddenly froze.

The Chinese have actually begun to enter the river valley to fight. Is this the final decisive battle?
Takeuchi Yunshan, who was originally confident, did not have the slightest joy of being able to kill a large number of Chinese soldiers, but was more desperate.

Because he knew that his ambition to wait until dark had completely disappeared.

The Chinese would rather pay huge casualties than let them go alone.

"Send my military order, sound the siren, notify the whole army to mount bayonets, and prepare to fight the Chinese to the death." Takeuchi Yunshan, who had lost all hope, ordered with his red eyes.

No matter how you don't want to die, at this time, you can only fight to the death.

In the entire infantry regiment, anyone can surrender but he can't. If he doesn't fight to the death, I'm afraid, his mother will live on the street, his gentle and beautiful wife will become the plaything of the powerful, and his lovely children will not have enough to eat.

In fact, without his issuing a military order, the Japanese infantry who were driven into a desperate situation watched the Chinese soldiers rushing down the mountain and reacted one after another, putting the bayonet hanging on their waists on their guns with murderous intent.

They were also cowardly and fled under the fire of the Chinese, but when the Chinese chose to meet them at close range and completely kill them, this group of Japanese infantry, known as the "Steel Army" on the Japanese island After all, there is still a bit of "steel army" toughness.

If Tang Dao really launched the whole army to charge, I am afraid that the 800 Japanese remnants who were aroused to be fierce will make the officers of the independent battalion feel heartbroken.

Just like the battle at the pass in Shanxi a few months ago, a Japanese convoy of thousands of people was ambushed but fought to the death. It even fought an almost one-to-one battle loss ratio with the Chinese soldiers who had an absolute advantage in strength. Many of them are elite soldiers who have been transferred thousands of miles away.

The Chinese commander who won the final victory was so gloomy that he could almost drip water, and his inner pain may be known even to those who don't know him well enough.

However, both Takeuchi Yunshan and the Japanese infantry were wrong.

The scene they imagined that the Chinese soldiers rushing down the mountain would charge towards them and fire fiercely did not appear.

The Chinese soldiers rushing down the hillside shot and smashed all the resistance around them, while building fortifications according to the mountain, and some even carried the dark objects that rushed down the hill and put them on the river valley, waving the Japanese style guns they carried with them. Individual engineer shovels dug up the bunker.

What are they doing?A trace of doubt flashed in the nimble mind of the Japanese Army Colonel for only a second.

The next moment, Takeuchi Yunshan, who was covered in ice, shouted hoarsely: "The whole army turns around, charge to the death, and kill them all."

The freezing fear made Takeuchi Yunshan even forget about the possible existence of Chinese sharpshooters, and the sound of roaring could be transmitted hundreds of meters away on such a battlefield.

Yes, Takeuchi Yunshan finally knew where the crisis in his intuition came from.

At this moment, the Japanese army commander even hated his incomparably sensitive sense of crisis. If he really wanted it, he had it!

The Chinese, this is to divide the cake into several parts, and then concentrate firepower and troops to swallow one mouthful.

So poisonous!
It's really effective!

Once this situation is formed, he and his infantry regiment will die without a place to die, and the Chinese will not have to suffer huge battle losses.

. . . . . . . . . .

PS: Today is still two chapters into one chapter, mainly because I feel that it is not appropriate to divide the chapters, and it is still a 5000-word chapter!

(End of this chapter)

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