Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 725 There is no shortage!

Chapter 725 There is no shortage!

Strictly speaking, it was two gunshots.

It's just that the time interval is too short, so short that it's almost impossible to tell them apart.

Niu Er and the sharpshooters of the second team were looking for a suitable position to target the two light machine gunners of the Japanese army as early as 5 minutes ago.

Because the villagers blocked the front, the other sharpshooter had to choose to go around to avoid the villagers, so the time was wasted.

In a few minutes, three innocent villagers were killed. Niu Er's eyes were full of murderous intent.

Seeing from the scope that the leading Japanese army was alert, he immediately growled and reminded Xia Dayu, who was acting as a temporary observer for him, "Order No. 2, shoot!"

Xia Dayu, who was sent by Tang Dao to the special operations team to exercise, immediately shook the small mirror in his hand to the left. The rising sun refracted the light into the distance, and the sharpshooter who had already aimed at the Japanese machine gun shooter did not hesitate to shoot.

"Enemy attack! Cover up! Machine gunner, shoot all the Chinese." The moment Okamoto Tomohiro heard the gunshot, he quickly rolled down on the spot, screaming desperately, and moved to the side closest to him. Roll away at the millstone.

There, not only machine guns, but also bunkers.

The Japanese Army Chief Cao, who was still arrogant just now, instinctively chose to save his life. This is also a sequela after being beaten too much by Tang Dao.

If it was changed to before, with the toughness of the "strongest on the surface" division, Okamoto Asohiro's most appropriate choice is to immediately approach the Chinese villagers in the rice field. He can use the human body as a shield and kill those running around The villagers relieved their hatred, and then took advantage of the gap that the enemy did not dare to shoot at will to observe the general position of the enemy and redeploy the defense point.

It's a pity that the "strongest on the surface" division's once brave coat has long been stripped off by stronger people. The Japanese Army Chief Cao, who spent more than half a month in caution, almost habitually chose the dog's head to save his life.

Of course, he didn’t mean that he didn’t try to use Chinese villagers as cover. He ordered the machine gunners to shoot and kill the Chinese villagers in front of him not to vent their anger after being attacked, but to cause confusion or to make the enemies who were about to attack use them to be wary. .

Asahiro Okamoto has actually worked very hard, trying very hard to show the decision-making level of an acting team leader in the face of danger.

But later proved that his choice was wrong.

The Heavy is the first player to die.

Because it was just to suppress a group of unarmed villagers, one Japanese machine gun shooter set the machine gun on a low wall beside the rice field, and the other put the machine gun directly on a large millstone.

Except for the steel helmets on their heads, the two Japanese shooters had nothing to hide. For two sharpshooters who can hit the target 400 meters away, it is simply a bonus.

The bullets fired by the two well-known independent battalions were never more than 0.1 second apart, and they hit the two Japanese machine gunners who had already lowered the muzzle of their machine guns one after the other.

A bullet was shot from under the brim of the Japanese steel helmet, just a little bit above the bridge of the nose. The hard bridge of the nose did not stop the pointed bullet from penetrating, but deformed the bullet, and the bullet that was tumbling desperately was released by the bullet. This entered the brain cavity and knocked out a bloody path.

I don't know what happened to the brain, but there was a hole in the bridge of the nose suddenly, and he fell to the side suddenly, his limbs twitched like a flayed frog, and he knew that he was not feeling well. .

Another Japanese shooter was no better.

In pursuit of a one-shot kill, the two sharpshooters did not choose the more secure chest, but chose the head by coincidence. The shooters in the second group were not treated as well as Niu Er, and they also had a sniper rifle with a scope.

So, he crooked a little bit.

The bullet that should have been fired into the center of the helmet hit the Japanese shooter in the eye socket.

But then, the damage caused is obviously greater.

The Japanese soldier who was supposed to be killed by a single shot could not die for a while. The severe pain made him instinctively drop the machine gun in his hand and fall to the ground to roll desperately, as if he was using practical actions to prove that "life lies in movement".

"Send a signal to No. 2! Lock the positions of the two machine guns, and kill whoever dares to take the guns!" Niu Er calmly gave Xia Dayu an order, and then moved the muzzle of the gun to search for the targets he had already set.

'A good sniper must learn to observe the environment of the target, even if the target is alarmed, he can determine his trajectory and launch a second attack. 'This is what Tang Dao taught him.

Niu Er's target originally included Okamoto Asahiro, the leading figure, but unfortunately he judged that the Japanese army would inevitably roll to the rear of the millstone, which was only three meters away, which happened to be the blind spot for shooting in his direction. With his current ability, he couldn't make it Shooting two shots in a second, the kind of "blind spy" with almost no time to aim may only be able to be done by Tang Dao.

Therefore, he set his target on the dog trainer and killed him. The wolf dog that could not accept the command would fall into chaos in a short time, and he would not be afraid that the wolf dog, which was much faster than humans, would run away.

How could the Chinese soldiers be soft when the Japanese wanted to kill and burn and rob them?Their answer is the same, no dog stays.

Obviously, the Japanese military dog ​​trainer in a more open position wanted to hide in the bunker farther away, and he was still 10 meters away from the nearest big locust tree that was as thick as two people's waists.

So, he is dead!
The moment Okamoto Asohiro hid in the stone mill, the second bullet fired by Niu Er knocked down the Japanese dog trainer who was running towards the big locust tree with his waist bent.

The frightened wolf and blue dog had already run away, but when it saw its owner lying in a pool of blood, it ran over again, whimpering around the dying owner.

Between the rise and fall of the rabbit, the Japanese army had already killed three people, but in fact only three seconds had passed.

A distant shout also came: "Fellows, get down, get down!"

It was Lao Hei and the soldiers of the guard platoon who were approaching quickly, shouting at the same time, only in this way can the losses of the villagers be reduced as much as possible.

It wasn't until this time that the villagers in the rice field realized that it was their own army that had killed them.

"Baga! They came to save the Chinese untouchables, and they are all dead." Okamoto Asohiro, who also heard a loud voice, gritted his teeth and roared.

Just as he couldn't understand why these villagers risked their lives to hide the wounded Chinese soldiers, he also couldn't understand why the Chinese soldiers in the field who were about to charge from more than 100 meters away wanted to rescue these useless villagers.

Regardless of the seemingly large number of Chinese, there are dozens of them, but as long as they dare to charge at this distance, the 20 infantry under his command will easily shoot them to death.

Although the Chinese are very powerful sharpshooters, with this group of Chinese in their hands, he may not necessarily lose in this encounter.

However, both Japanese soldiers and Chinese soldiers were wrong.

China is a magical land, there is no lack of cowards, and there has never been a lack of warriors.

Xiaozhuang Village is a small village, where the sun rises and the sunset rests. Everyone lives a normal life, but no one knows that because of the meritorious service of his ancestors in the battle to conquer the capital of the Kingdom of Heaven more than 80 years ago, the governor-general made the surrounding area of ​​Xiaozhuang Village He was rewarded with a hundred acres of fertile land.

Not really the queen of generals, but almost every family in Xiaozhuang village practices martial arts, but they strictly follow the ancestral precepts and don't show it easily.

Perhaps until now, the villagers don't know why the ancestor who has passed away for many years left his last words. advent.

With this skill, there is a chance of survival.

This is the wisdom of the ancestors.

They are also descendants of soldiers.

Years of hard work and exercise have made them strong enough, and more importantly, the blood of soldiers is still in their bones.

"Fight with the Japanese devils!" The men who were already planning to do their best roared.

The Chinese who were slaughtered like little sheep just now rushed over brazenly.

Teenagers and half-children, youths in their twenties, adults in their thirties and forties, more than 50 or even older than [-], as long as they are men, they all roar, even with bare hands , all jumped up.

No, maybe not only men, but also women.

Except for the old woman who protected the child and fled into the field, the older girls, younger daughters-in-law and older aunts all followed behind the men and rushed over with fists clenched.

There are at least six 70 people.

'idiot! The Japanese who had just set up their rifles and were about to shoot into the distance were stunned.

"Put the bayonet on and charge me!" Lao Hei roared wildly as the veins popped on his forehead.

Those villagers were trying their best to buy him time to charge.

That should also be one of the most unforgettable images of the Chinese soldiers who completely straightened up and entered the charging state.

A group of unarmed Chinese villagers rushed to the heavily armed Japanese army.

(End of this chapter)

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