Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 728 Recruiting new soldiers

Chapter 728 Recruiting new soldiers

The 23 Japanese soldiers who came to Xiaozhuang Village to wreak havoc, including a wolfhound, all died in Xiaozhuang Village.

But Xiaozhuang Village did not fare well. Of the ten people hit by Japanese bullets, six died on the spot, and four were also seriously injured. Seven or eight people were slightly injured in the desperate struggle with the Japanese army.

Fortunately, the guards had first aid kits with them, which managed to stop the bleeding of the six seriously injured villagers.

But that's it, plus the three members of the family of the old village head who died earlier, 17 people died in Xiaozhuang Village, almost one in each family.

There was a lot of crying in the rice field, especially the girl who killed the Japanese infantry leader with a bayonet at the end, but after killing her enemy, she threw herself in front of two old and middle-aged men and cried heartbreakingly.

After asking, Lao Hei found out that they were her grandparents and father. No wonder she took the risk to stand with a few big men to surround the Japanese soldiers holding samurai swords, and finally slaughtered them in front of the talented man without fear. the Japanese.

The deep hatred made this simple and kind girl forget her fear.

War does not believe in tears.

This is still a battlefield, and crying alone cannot solve the aftermath problem. The dead are already dead, but the living must live tenaciously.

This is an infantry squad of the Japanese army. It disappeared for no reason. The Japanese army will definitely organize more people to come and search. The guard platoon can pat their ass and leave, but Xiaozhuang Village can't. Once the Japanese army finds this place, everyone may flee. Not escape the fate of being massacred.

Lao Hei found a few people who could talk in the village, and told them the situation. They were silent after hearing this, and called a dozen strong men to discuss it for a while, and found Lao Hei again.

"Boss, we have made up our minds. The whole village, old and young, fled to the south, but the Japanese killed seventeen people in our village. This blood feud cannot be left alone. Most of the men, women, and children in our village have practiced martial arts since childhood, and there are still people under their command." Some young people want to kill devils with the bosses, do you think it will work?" said a strong man in his forties.

"It's okay, but there are still many old people and children. If there are no young people to take care of them." Lao Hei looked at the old people and women who were still crying beside the villagers' bodies, and couldn't help but hesitate.

"Then please rest assured, the bosses. When young people go to fight devils, we people will help them take care of their families. Our Xiaozhuang village used to be relatives to each other. Now after this catastrophe, it is a family, and the family has something to do. I won’t let the family who beat devils drink water.” Seeing that Lao Hei was moved, the middle-aged man immediately promised.

"Well, how many people want to go to the army? Sign up to that little boy's signal soldier. I'll arrange someone to take them to chase after our big army later." Seeing this situation, Lao Hei didn't hesitate any more, and agreed right away. up.

The matter of recruiting recruits was actually brought up by the company commanders long before the independent battalion was about to withdraw to Jiangbei.

In several consecutive battles in the mountainous area of ​​southern Anhui, except for the [-]th and [-]th companies that retained their designations, which suffered heavy losses, the rest of the infantry companies suffered losses. Quickly replenishing recruits to complete the establishment is what every infantry company commander most desires.

The reason is very simple. No one knows when this war will end. Only when the organization is complete can the strongest combat effectiveness be guaranteed, and the sooner recruits are recruited, the more recruits can quickly improve their combat effectiveness with the old and the new. Wait until they enter the battlefield before going to exercise Well, the recruits are basically cannon fodder, and they might drag down their comrades.

It's just that the situation in the war deteriorated faster than everyone expected, and Tang Dao, the backbone of the independent battalion, was in a coma again, so the recruiting of recruits was delayed.

The villagers in Xiaozhuang Village proved their bloodiness with blood and the corpses of Japanese soldiers. Hatred can make them firm enough, and it is a good material for soldiers. Of course, Lao Hei will not miss it. He even secretly took aim at a few bodies Young men with strong eyes and quick eyes are used to supplement his guard platoon. Of course, whoever recruits soldiers has the priority of selection. This is an unwritten rule in the army.

There were more young villagers who signed up to join the army on the spot than Lao Hei imagined. There were 18 people, all of whom were between 18 and 26 years old. A woman named Sister Zhuang.

Originally, Lao Hei wanted to refuse, but the woman not only insisted on herself, but her mother also expressed her support. Thinking of the lack of female nurses in the army, Lao Hei finally accepted this brave enough female soldier.

Zhuang Damei's mother, a more than 40-year-old middle-aged woman, stood in front of the three corpses and cried tears all over her face, but she did not stop her son and daughter from choosing.

Looking at the pair of children kneeling next to her husband's body, the middle-aged woman reluctantly touched her son's head, gently wiped away the tears from her daughter's face, and looked at the woman standing aside with a solemn face Old Hei and several soldiers respectfully bowed deeply to Old Hei and several soldiers.

Lao Hei and the soldiers in the guard platoon are all tough guys who have gone through a fierce battle. They have seen countless deaths of comrades-in-arms. They think they can face everything calmly. .

But they were wrong. When the mother bowed deeply to them, the tears in their eyes flashed uncontrollably.

This is undoubtedly a strong and distressing woman. When the Japanese army killed her father-in-law and husband, she tried her best to hold her children. She simply hoped that they would live, not that the meaningless family would die.

But when there is hope for revenge, a son and a daughter choose to join the army, and they will be far away from her, and they will never see each other again. She will be alone, perhaps for the rest of her life.

But she let go.

The mother didn't say anything, but Lao Hei and the soldiers understood that she hoped that these elder brothers could take care of them, that's all.

"Return the gift!" Lao Hei growled.

All the soldiers present solemnly saluted this strong woman.

Even Niu Er, who was looking at this place through the scope from a distance, moved his right hand on the trigger to the tip of his eyebrows even though he was in a prostrate posture.

Perhaps, Niu Er also thought of his mother!He had a dream the night before, and he also dreamed of his mother. He was dressed in a neat military uniform and gave his mother a standard military salute. Her smile was like a bright azalea.

At this time, Fang Shiheng, whose expression had always been a little numb, finally burst into tears.

When the proud son of heaven watched the woman who was struggling to kill the Japanese army with blood splattered all over her body just now, she felt disgusted for no reason. Among them, there was both the disgust that women shouldn't be so cruel, and the jealousy of a man who was stronger than him. An extremely complex and intertwined dark emotion that cannot be expressed in words.

But when the woman knelt in front of her mother and wanted to join the army to avenge her father, while the mother bowed deeply to the soldiers leading the team, the so-called bottom line in her heart, which was built by reading countless sage books, was severely impacted by this scene .

He is not as good as these villagers who don't know a single word, far worse.

His so-called death is only based on the self-movement of the stories in the books he has read, and when the cruel death is in front of his eyes, he is terrified and at a loss.

On the contrary, the thinking of the villagers is much simpler than that of a scholar who has read sage books for more than ten years. If you kill my relatives, then I will kill you, even if I risk my own life.

Sons, daughters, wives, parents!
In the battle to subjugate the country, the so-called mercy and humanity are the reasons for the enemy to continue to kill wantonly.

Weak meat can only be eaten by the strong.

"Brother, it's not too late to understand now! It's useless to study a lot, and you have to dare to kill little devils to be a good man." A veteran grinned, patted Fang Shiheng, who was in tears, and showed his mouth because he hadn't brushed his teeth for a long time. And look yellow teeth.

Although Lao Hei disdained Fang Shiheng who hesitated to kill the enemy, in fact, just in case this young man did something irrational, he specially sent a veteran squad leader to watch him nearby.

In the past, Fang Shiheng would have stayed far away from such a guy who didn't even pay attention to personal hygiene, let alone being taught by him like a teacher, but at this moment, he just nodded fiercely.

Fight against Japanese pirates, that's it!
Perhaps not only Fang Shiheng, but when the other 9 students were called to help carry the corpses of the Japanese soldiers, all of them turned pale from the bloody corpses.

At least four or five people spit it out on the spot, not as good as Fang Shiheng.

It wasn't until this time that they remembered the half-smile on that battalion commander Tang's face when he ordered them to send 10 people to fight.

Nothing else, just saying: Anyone can beep beep, go to the battlefield to see the real chapter, and then tell me.

This is the real chapter!
Lao Hei was more ruthless than Tang Dao, and the task of carrying 23 Japanese soldiers' corpses was handed over to 10 student soldiers.

However, their performance was better than what Lao Hei expected. After vomiting, under the leadership of Fang Shiheng, who touched him the most, 10 students wrapped their mouths and noses with towels and completed the task of carrying 23 corpses.

That's not just training them. After the battle in Xiaozhuang Village, there are many things that need to be dealt with later.

Excluding the 18 young people who joined the army, there are still more than 60 people in Xiaozhuang Village, old and young.

(End of this chapter)

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