Chapter 746 Three Little Ones

It was just a leisurely shopping, but he accidentally caught Mr. Xiao He, a "big fish", which made Tang Dao feel extremely comfortable.

After walking out of the teahouse, he ran into the old servant who brought Yue Yiman and Shitou to go shopping, and the usually cold and arrogant Hammer was by his side.

Seeing Tang Dao, Hammer might be a little surprised, even the high tail hangs down. When Tang Dao went out, it wanted to follow, but Tang Dao drove him back to watch the door. Does this count as a violation of military orders?

But the three little kids ran over and bowed to Tang Dao respectfully, and then let Tang Dao play with them, especially the three-year-old Ximei, who rushed over to hold Tang Dao's thigh .

"Uncle, Ximei wants to eat pancakes!" Tang Dao hugged Ximei with a laugh and put her fingers in her mouth, staring at the shops on the street, her mouth drooling.

Ximei was originally dark and skinny due to malnutrition, but she has followed the independent camp for a month. In addition to drinking goat milk from big black sheep every day, she also has white rice porridge and minced meat to nourish her body. Although she is not much white , but that small face was bulging visible to the naked eye.

It turned out that the tattered padded clothes I wore when I was with the army had been thrown away long ago, and the padded clothes I bought temporarily in passing market towns were a bit too big. Later, after Yue Yiman's mother and son arrived, the ingenious woman spent two nights turning the little girl to the wrong place. The big cotton padded clothes were changed to fit, and she was given two shofar braids every day, with a pair of big watery eyes, let alone a few female nurses who saw her and couldn't help but want to kiss her. The old men couldn't help pinching her little cheeks when they saw her. The little girl is definitely the favorite of the entire Four Elements Group now.

Otherwise, why would that guy Hammer not even look at the gate of the regiment headquarters, and just follow this little guy.

As for the fact that she hugged Tang Dao's thigh and wanted to buy pancakes, I'm afraid the poor little girl was hungry and scared, and she wanted to eat when she smelled the fragrance, even though she already had a lot of toffee in the small pocket on her chest.

That was a ration that many soldiers themselves were not willing to eat, so they stuffed it into her hand willingly because of the little girl's milky cry of thanking 'Uncle'.

Although Tang Dao was always strict with the officers and soldiers, he had a very gentle temper in private. He loved the three children who marched with the army even more. The battalion headquarters, and also specially asked the logistics company to set aside a cart to transport the three children and Yue Yiman's mother. The cart was covered with quilts, and the three children and a little lamb were on the marching road in the cold winter months. But it wasn't freezing at all.

Even Lei Xiong said that if Tang Dao got married in the future, he must be a gentle and incompetent father. He said that he, a former father, was not as careful as Tang Dao, so Tantai Mingyue blushed and went straight to Tang Dao glanced there.

So that at night, the two of them had a private conversation by the woods behind everyone's backs. The reporter from Tantai asked shyly, "Do you prefer a son or a daughter?" Tang Dao said casually, "It is best if a daughter is as cute as you." , my son is a rascal like me!", and then, the pure love of head Tang took a step closer.

From pulling hands to hugging waist.

That waist is so thin!For several nights when Tang Datuan closed his eyes, he felt the first touch of his arms around his slender waist, and then, the 22-year-old young man woke up in the morning to a tragedy.

The firepower of a young body really doesn't mean that an old soul can control it.

The three children who have become playmates are already very familiar with Tang Dao who often sees each other. Except for Shitou who was a little afraid because he saw Tang Dao's ruthlessness that night with his own eyes, Yue Yiman, a five-year-old boy and a three-year-old Duo Ximei is very close to Tang Dao who often gives them toffee.

"Haha, good! Just ask Uncle Erya to buy it for you." Tang Dao smiled broadly. "Erya, go, use my military salary to buy some delicious food for the three little guys. However, you can't compete with the big guys. It's best to have some braised pork. Call Tantai at night, and our regiment will have extra meals."

"Okay!" Erya agreed, and stepped forward to pinch Ximei's chubby little cheek. "Ximei, Uncle Erya bought you delicious food, why don't you thank Uncle Erya?"

"That's Uncle Tang's money!" Ximei blinked and answered in a childish voice.

This little girl is a ghost, Tang Dao and Erya both laughed.

"Teacher Tang, congratulations on being promoted!" The old servant who was following the three little dolls came over and congratulated Tang Dao with a smile.

"Uncle Han helped take care of Shitou and Ximei during this time, and Tang Dao hasn't thanked you for the opportunity yet!" Tang Dao looked at the old servant, his eyes flickering, and his face was full of smiles.

"It's okay, it's okay, Shitou is honest, Ximei is cute, Young Master Yue is a lot happier getting along with them, and this old servant is very comforted!" The old servant surnamed Han waved his hand, and looked at the Shitou brothers and sisters with great eyes. It is kind and gentle.

What he said was the real truth.

Although Yue Yiman is only five years old, he may have been taught very strictly since he was a child, and he has just experienced the pain of losing his father not long ago. Everyone he sees is very polite and well-behaved. Compared to his age, he is a bit too old-fashioned , lost the innocence and liveliness that many five-year-old children should have.

When Shitou and Ximei saw Tang Dao, they hurried over and bowed to him with Yue Yiman. I'm afraid it was taught by this little guy, otherwise the two little guys who grew up in the mountains would know this.

However, the effect is always mutual. The two "wild children" from the village have been with the child who grew up in the scholarly family for half a month, but Yue Yiman has also become younger than when Tang Dao first met him. A bit naughty.

Once, after a military garrison in the field, Yue Yiman was instigated by Shi Shi to go with him to catch fish in a small river ditch outside the garrison, in order to cook a bowl of fish soup for his frail mother.

Catching fish in cold weather, even if it’s a small ditch that’s no more than knee-deep, is definitely not a good idea. It’s fine if you don’t get a few fish, but the hands, feet, and faces of the two little guys are all bruised. It turned red from the cold, and the next day he suffered from a cold. The military doctor of the Independent Battalion provided such medicines. This kind of medicine was scarce. It was the old servant Han who found some herbs in the mountains and boiled them to heal the two naughty guys. .

For this reason, the woman punished her son according to the family law after he recovered from his illness. The reason was that he did not know how to cause trouble for the army during the march. It was the old servant surnamed Han who found Tantai Mingyue and moved the Tang saber because of it. Dao came forward and said that children's naughtiness is what they should have at their age, and five-year-old children were saved from a fried shredded pork with bamboo sticks.

"Uncle Tang, the weather is so good today, can I take Brother Man to hunt rabbits in the wild? Hammer and Uncle Han will follow us, we will definitely be able to catch them. In the evening, Brother Man and I will treat the uncles to eat rabbit meat." Standing on one side Seeing that Tang Dao was in a good mood today, Shitou leaned over to ask for it.

"Is there any meat to eat?" The little girl who was drooling just now looking at all kinds of food in the surrounding shops involuntarily put another finger into her mouth.

That gluttonous little appearance is not only cute, but also makes people feel distressed.

If you put it in the future, if you hear that rabbits are going to be eaten at this age, you are more likely to say: "The rabbit is so cute, why do you want to eat it?"

But in this era, as long as they can fill their stomachs, young children will never have such useless thinking.

"Hit the rabbit!" Tang Dao looked up at the sky, it was still early in the evening, and then looked at Yue Yiman, who was silent but full of anticipation, and the little girl who had started to drool imagining the delicious rabbit meat, and couldn't help laughing. "Okay! Anyway, Uncle Tang and I have nothing to do today, so I will go hunting with you guys!"

Seeing that Tang Dao not only agreed, but even went with them, the little guys couldn't help cheering.

Shitou is from the mountains, and it is not a whim to take Yue Yiman to hunt rabbits in the wild, but it is indeed a good time to hunt rabbits.

Winter is the season with the least food. In order to survive the winter safely, hares usually use the fat they eat in autumn to be strong. Therefore, the hares in winter are the fattest and the fur is the thickest.

"Wait a minute, I'll make arrangements and ask them to bring some horses. Since we're going to hunt, let's hunt a few more. Let's have a tooth festival together tonight." Tang Dao put down Ximei and patted her Little face, motioned him to go to his brothers first.

Then I looked around and saw Tudou squeezed out of a shop profusely sweating profusely with a lot of bags hanging on his body, said to the old servant surnamed Han: "Uncle Han, wait a moment!", and then strode over .

The old servant surnamed Han nodded and didn't say much.

This is normal. For a colonel like Tang Dao who commanded more than 2000 troops, it would be abnormal to leave the army and take a few children to hunt without explaining anything.Moreover, there may be firearms used!There are more than [-] people from the Four Elements Regiment stationed around the town. If the sentries are alarmed, hundreds of people rush over and see that their leader is playing with rabbits, isn't it a joke?
Naturally, the potatoes came to purchase, but he was probably the only soldier who didn't have to say goodbye.

The infantry company he was in was basically still on the hospital bed of the medical team as long as he could breathe!

It has been almost a month since the Battle of Mouse Mountain, and most of the brothers who were seriously injured in that battle have recovered. He can eat, sleep, and scold his mother. Tudou, who received a part of the bonus, thought about taking this opportunity to buy some delicious food, and went to the medical team to satisfy these old brothers. He even secretly bought a small jar of wine. Just wait until the evening to give those greedy old brothers a bite each.

Unexpectedly, just after violating military discipline, he was stopped by a person in the street, and he took a closer look, and it turned out to be Tang Dao in civilian clothes, which almost scared the poor Tudou's little face into a potato-colored one.

It wasn't until Tang Dao grabbed him and asked him to help go to the regiment headquarters to inform the matter that he slowed down.

"Do you remember what I said?" Tang Dao confessed more than Tudou imagined, desperately repeated what Tang Dao said several times in his mind, and then nodded fiercely.

"Okay, let's go quickly! Also, remember to ask Lu Sanjiang to bring me two carbine guns when he sends the three horses over." Tang Dao patted Tudou's shoulder, sniffling slightly. "Also, the wine your son bought is not good, tell your brothers, when you get to Xuzhou, watch me buy good wine for your brothers to drink."

Tudou ran away without looking back.

If he didn't run away, he was afraid of being whipped, but that was the ruthless captain who even whipped himself.It doesn't matter if he gets whipped, the gang of big brothers and uncles who are still half lying down will die if they are hit.

Tudou, who was eager to escape Tang Dao's sight, reported the message very quickly. Within a quarter of an hour, Lu Sanjiang and two cavalry trotted over each on a horse, dismounted and gave Tang Dao a military salute, and handed the reins to Tang Dao, " Commander, do you want a cavalry company guard?"

"There are no Japanese here. I have to hunt a rabbit and have to guard an egg! Why, there are tigers here!" Tang Dao waved his hand.

Lu Sanjiang glanced at the old servant surnamed Han who took the reins from the other side, "But."

Obviously, Lu Sanjiang, the cavalry company commander, felt that the old man surnamed Han was an outsider, and it didn't matter if he was in the garrison, but he was still worried about Tang Dao's going out of the garrison.

"But what's the matter, I will do as I say!" Tang Dao glared.

Lu Sanjiang could only move his legs together: "Yes!"

He turned around and left with his two soldiers.

"Don't blame Uncle Han, these soldiers under me are straightforward." Tang Dao smiled at the old servant surnamed Han who was suspected by the cavalry company commander.

"Regimental Commander Tang is serious. I can only say that Commander Tang is loved by officers and soldiers in the army. With such a unity of officers and soldiers, no wonder he can make great achievements repeatedly!" The old servant surnamed Han looked warm and showed no sign of surprise.

"Then is there any problem with Uncle Han riding a horse?"

"When I was young, I used to ride all over the country, but I haven't ridden a war horse very much!" The old servant surnamed Han replied.

"Then let's go!" Tang Dao bent down and hugged Ximei, put one hand on the saddle, one foot on the stirrup, and with a little effort, sat on the horse.

Putting Ximei in front of him, pinching her legs slightly, the war horse walked along the long street to the outside of the town with small steps.

"Riding a horse! Brother, Brother Man, come quickly!" Ximei, who was riding a horse for the first time, clapped her hands happily.

Erya has never ridden a horse before, but since she became Tang Dao's orderly, she has ridden a lot of horses. Although she can't charge at full speed like the cavalry, it doesn't matter if she rides a horse and advances at a medium speed. Put the stone on the saddle, and then sit on it by yourself. As soon as you let go of the rein, the two men, one on the horse, ran after Tang Dao.

"Grandpa Han, you should hurry up! Brother Shitou and Meixi have both run away." Seeing that the two horses had already run more than [-] meters away, Yue Yiman, who hadn't mounted yet, couldn't help urging anxiously.

The old servant surnamed Han smiled slightly, held the child in his arms, put his feet in the stirrups, and with a little effort, he sat on the horse. The lightheartedness did not match his age of fifty or sixty at all.

If you look closely at his body undulating with the trotting horse, you should also know that his horsemanship is by no means just riding when he was young, as he said.

At least, he was stronger than Erya, who was half a bucket of water in front of him, and even Tang Dao, who was proficient in equestrian skills.

However, Tang Dao, who was leading the ride, seemed to turn a blind eye to this phenomenon.

The landform of Lingbi County is commonly known as "big flat and small uneven", which means that the overall landform is plain. In fact, there are many lonely hills and slopes in the interior. The famous Battle of Haixia took place here.

This place has not been affected by the war, and the grain in the fields has been harvested, so it looks empty and desolate.But only when you get close to these fairly fertile lands, you will know that there will be a green hope in the spring.

However, Tang Dao knew better that the front of the Japanese army would soon point to this place, and within a month, this place would become a battlefield, and another battle would start here.

The flames of war will sweep most of China's most fertile land in the past two years.

After all, the three children had no experience in riding horses, so Tang Dao and the other three pressed the speed of the horses and advanced in the field at medium and low speeds. I don't feel cold anymore.

Hammer also seemed very excited, jumping into the field for a while, and jumping up the ridge again. Since joining the army, Hammer probably seldom has such a relaxing moment!
After running all the way for nearly 40 minutes, Tang Dao stopped at the foot of a small hill.

It was said that they were hunting, but in fact they were just watching Hammer perform. Hammer, who had hunting experience in the mountains, quickly found a rabbit hole in a piece of grass. He started to pull hay, light the fire and pour smoke into the two rabbit holes he had found, while Hammer watched from the sidelines.

Sure enough, within a quarter of an hour, a fat rabbit jumped out of another hole more than ten meters away, and the hammer, which was already in full swing, chased after it.

The hammer that can kill a wolf and green dog is not only physically strong enough, but its running ability is also amazing. It bit the rabbit before chasing 30 meters, and came back to ask for credit to the three children.

"The hammer is awesome!"

"Long live the hammer!"

"Reward rabbit legs at night!"

The three children happily jumped up to praise the hammer, and Ximei even rubbed the hammer's neck with her little hand.

The hammer is too beautiful, with a dog's mouth open and a long tongue sticking out.

Tang Dao couldn't help laughing.

No wonder Hammer gets along so well with these three little ones. No matter how awesome a dog is, it needs someone to lick it!
The four-element regiment is full of iron-blooded troops, and the way to express their love is to give them food. At most, they rub the dog's head fiercely like Li Jiujin. How can it be like these three little ones, who not only praise wildly, but also desperately use their little hands If you lick the dog, I am afraid that Tibetan mastiffs will become gentle in front of them!
The first trophy was obtained in less than a quarter of an hour, and the three children were naturally more confident. After hanging the dead hare on the horse's back, they followed the hammer to look for it further afield.

Tang Dao was naturally not worried as Erya followed and the hammer was there. He led the three war horses to a grassy slope and let them graze on the hillside. : "Uncle Han, don't worry, let them play here for a while, and you can take a rest too."

The old servant surnamed Han smiled slightly when he heard the words, and Cong Yuanyuan looked back at Tang Dao with a half-smile on his face.

"Head Tang, what do you want to know? Let's just say it, it's pretty quiet here."

. . . . . . . . .

ps: The two chapters are still 5000 words in one, so those who haven't subscribed should hurry up and subscribe!Fengyue's subscriptions have been sluggish recently, and she feels a little depressed.

(End of this chapter)

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