Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 76 Killing a few Japanese pirates as paper money

Chapter 76 Killing a few Japanese pirates as paper money

500 meters away, at least five Type 92 heavy machine guns were firing at the open space in front of the warehouse.

The Japanese army officer who turned his head and ran away didn't have time to react at all, and fell to the ground like a log felled by a chainsaw.

At least seven or eight machine gun bullets pierced him.

No one knew what kind of mood the fallen military officer died with, just like the Japanese army chief who ordered the shooting with a gloomy face, no one knew how he was feeling at the moment.

But the extremes are certain.

Even the shameless sneak attack that put the honor of the Imperial Army on the ground did not leave behind the Chinese soldier who had just killed the three of his own.


"Shameless Jap!"

The people on the south bank of the Suzhou River cheered.

Of course, they were more concerned about the safety of the heroic and almost reckless Chinese soldier just now than greeting the female relatives of the Japanese.

Obviously, their worries are superfluous.

Tang Dao, who made tactical moves in advance, was like a blown-up cat, and it got into the trenches with one jump.

Although the appearance of dodging bullets is a little embarrassing, which is not comparable to the heroic appearance of the three people who have come down to earth, but they have avoided the five heavy machine guns almost unpredictably.

That is simply more powerful than a hand-to-hand battle with three people.

This is secondary, the important thing is to prove from the side that people have long been on guard against such a shameless move by their opponents.

To put it bluntly, even knowing that you are shameless, we dare to come out, that is, we have the ability to deal with shameless.



Although most people couldn't see the final appearance of Tang Dao who rolled down the trenches, there were already condescending people shouting that he was okay, and the cheers of the Chinese people who heard the news rose higher and higher, with enthusiasm. No less than the big win just now.

Although individual heroism is very small on the battlefield, it is definitely the most eye-catching and inspiring.

Otherwise, each country needs to establish its own heroes and monuments!

Even in every fairy tale, there must be a hero who defeats the dragon and rescues the princess.

The Chinese who have failed too many times are naturally eager for heroes, eager for a hero to lead them to defeat the invaders and rebuild their homes.

Tang Dao's action is undoubtedly in line with the deep desire of the people.

Not to mention ordinary people, they are the defenders in the warehouse. Seeing Tang Dao single-handedly challenge three Japanese soldiers, the fear of hand-to-hand combat with the Japanese army has been reduced a lot since then.

"The devils are nothing, and some of us will win with one to three", which is the mantra of this group of soldiers in the future.

"The devil has a guilty conscience!" This is the headline of the battlefield news sent by Tantai Mingyue to the declaration.

There is no strong description in the news how the Chinese soldiers who can't see the appearance of her is how to kill three people and scare away a Japanese army with one to four, but the Japanese army saw that the situation was not right and immediately used machine guns to shoot, and the result was no loss of stealing chickens. The ugly face of Mi killing his own people is vividly described.

Fortunately, this is not a novel, and Tantai Mingyue didn’t give a shit and listen to the next breakdown. At the end of the news, according to the descriptions of people standing at a high place, it was written that the Chinese soldier successfully escaped the machine gun fire of the angry Japanese army and returned from the traffic trench. storehouse.

It is said that all newspapers that reprint this news start to be released in major cities in the evening, and they are all in seconds. Many people even went to the newspaper office to protest because they could not buy the newspaper, so that the major newspaper offices were not allowed to put Tantai Mingyue in October. On the 10th, a special issue was made on the one-day field record, and it was published overnight, so as to avoid the bad luck of being thrown a stone and smashed into a glass.

In addition to the excitement, the curiosity of the people was also lifted. Who is the name of the Chinese soldier who killed the three Japanese aggressors and successfully avoided the bullets of the machine gun?
Although people also know that separated by a river is the difference between heaven and hell, Tantai Mingyue, who is standing on the edge of the battlefield, can't interview at close range as usual, and naturally he does not know who he is.

Even, not to mention the name of the soldier, under the government's deliberate concealment on the grounds of military secrets, not many people know which army this defender came from, and what its size and strength are.

In the eyes of caring people, they naturally understand that this is a trick used by some big people. They are just waiting for the ferment of public opinion to ferment until it finally boils, and get the greatest political benefits from it, so as to cover up the defeat in the Battle of Songhu. ugly.

The last piece of fig leaf must be used in the most critical place, right?
The big people have the unpredictable thoughts of the big people, and the little people have the considerations of the little people.

For those who live in and on the battlefield, the Tang Dao battle was undoubtedly the sharpest knife on the day of October 10. It stabbed another knife in the heart of the Japanese army who had been hammered into a pig's head by a sledgehammer.

Chinese people are excited just like the New Year. For the Japanese who were beaten and inserted, the mood is really
how to say?It's not just bad enough to describe.

The proud hand-to-hand combat was scared away by three people with one to four consecutive kills. It has already lost the face of the Imperial Japanese Army in the Pacific Ocean, and now even the Pacific Ocean cannot tolerate it.

Looking at the desperate roar of the heavy machine guns, the wounded soldiers who could squirm a few times on the front of the warehouse were completely motionless. For the first time, I felt that my Lord Chief Colonel was in vain to be a villain.

To put it bluntly, he has lost enough trust in his commander.

Even Jiro Wakiban, who hadn't spoken for a long time, knew in his heart that no matter whether the battle was won or lost, he had to personally explain to His Excellency the division commander in response to the humiliating order of "losing my wife and breaking the army".

It's just that I don't know if anyone listened to his explanation.

"Fuck, Tang Dao, how do you know when the little devil will shoot?" Lei Xiong put his arms around Tang Dao, who was returning from the traffic trench, with a look of surprise.

He was not surprised that Tang Dao killed three Japanese soldiers fiercely by himself, because he could also do it.

But Tang Dao was a prophet, and he started tactical evasion before the heavy machine guns were fired, which was a bit beyond imagination.

The faces of the surrounding soldiers were also full of curiosity.

"Intuition!" Tang Dao thought for a while and answered very seriously.

Most of the expectant soldiers wanted to vomit blood, what's the explanation?Too ethereal.

Perhaps, only Lei Xiong, whose face gradually became serious and gave Tang Dao a thumbs up, and a few thoughtful veterans recognized Tang Dao's almost fantasy explanation.

The so-called battlefield intuition is mysterious and mysterious, but it really exists. However, it is really not a talent, but the product of the final evolution after countless times of wandering on the line of life and death, and countless times of high-speed operation of brain nerves.

It's just like Tang Dao, who is hundreds of meters away and has killing intent on him, he can feel it and make corresponding tactical actions immediately, which is really beyond human imagination.

Even Lei Xiong, who is as proud as Lei Xiong, has to admit at this moment that the young man in front of him is really the No.1 in individual tactics he has ever seen in his life.

Because he was judging that the Japanese army would definitely kill those who rubbed their pride on the ground at all costs, but he never sensed when the Japanese army would shoot.

Tang Dao, who was so strong that everyone wanted to look up, walked in front of Lao Hei, who was still crying silently with his cousin's body in his arms, and pointed to the outside of the warehouse: "Lao Hei, see if you don't, tears can't relieve the pain. But the enemy's life is okay. If one of my brothers is injured, then kill ten or a hundred of him."

Watching all the wounded in the Japanese army return to silence under the torrent of bullets from their own people, the soldiers suddenly realized that they finally knew the purpose of Tang Dao leaving the warehouse.

He did that not to trample on the so-called pride of the Japanese army, but to slaughter all the Japanese pirates in his sight, so as to make up enough interest for the brothers who died in battle.

Undoubtedly, such a Tang Dao won their hearts more than the radiant Tang Dao they imagined.

Lao Tzu is dead, don't cry, help me kill a few more Japanese pirates as paper money, Lao Tzu will be happy.

This is the current voice of the soldiers.

The lieutenant colonel who was walking over stopped at the corner of the stairs on the first floor at that moment.

There is a gleam in the eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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