Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 768 Big Brother Zhang

Chapter 768 Big Brother Zhang
"Since the Japanese invaded our line of defense on July [-]th, both Zhao and Tong died loyally for the country. As their comrades, how could Zhang do such things that are greedy for life and fear of death? At the same time, Zhang only hoped to fight the Japanese invaders to the death.

But the Japanese invaders are more powerful than we imagined, more than [-] troops came towards Yanjing, Mingxuan secretly ordered me to negotiate with the Japanese invaders on behalf of the mayor of Yanjing, after the military order was issued, I had to be a soldier My lord, in this regard, I am far inferior to your brother's courage in disobeying orders in the Sixing Warehouse.Thinking about it afterwards, I regretted it too much.

Of course, Mingxuan's sentence, "In order to protect the ancient city of Yanjing from being destroyed by the flames of war, so does my personal reputation!" ’ And it’s true that I can’t say no.

But, brother Tang, do you know what is the most painful thing about me, Mr. Zhang? "Mr. Zhang turned his back to Tang Dao, and a faint blue smoke kept rising from in front of him, and his voice was indifferent.

Except for the cold wind outside the window, no one could see his facial expression, but Tang Dao seemed to be able to see the sadness in his eyes.

However, Tang Dao knew that in the face of this question, he didn't need to answer, he just needed to be a quiet listener.

Listening quietly is far more useful than a spiritual mentor who talks endlessly from his own perspective. There has never been a real empathy in this world.

The wounds of the mind are not like the body can be mended, only self-healing!

"The most painful thing for me is not when the whole country knows that I, Zhang, is negotiating with the Japanese invaders. The public opinion is in an uproar, and even the Japanese invaders. Since I have obeyed the order, I am ready to be notorious.

But my old friend who personally ordered me for many years knew the inside story, but refused to come forward to argue for me. I finally became the eternal sinner who caused the fall of Pingjin and the nation on the headlines of major newspapers and periodicals.At that moment, Zhang was really ashamed. "

Talking about the real hidden pain in his heart, Zhang Junzhong's originally broad and strong shoulders shrugged slightly, Tang Dao hardly needed to look at it, but he knew the agitation in his heart at this moment.

Tang Dao can fully understand the feeling of being betrayed by his comrades and friends.In a different place, if his Tang Dao was sold by Lei Xiong, even if it was a knife and an ax, it would not be as painful as his heart!

"I think that after the Central Plains War, the 29th Army was incorporated by the Young Marshal. At that time, the Young Marshal wanted to appoint Zhang as the commander of the army out of various considerations. I couldn't give up. I recommended Mingxuan as the commander of the 29th Army, and I was the commander of the 38th Army." The division commander is his deputy, I treated him like this back then, but I never thought he would treat me like this today!" Commander Zhang looked back at Tang Dao with tears in his eyes. "Brother, tell me, is this me, Zhang, who is blind and misjudged the wrong person? This blindness has lasted for so many years."

Tang Dao could only sigh slightly, he knew these histories.

This patriotic general is really a real person. He not only said the facts, but even downplayed his feat of being courteous to the post of army commander.

You know, China at that time was not only stared at by Japan, but also in chaos within itself. Sichuan Province was at war, the Central Plains was at war, and the warlords of various factions could not stop fighting each other for their own interests. Troubled times are not an exaggeration.

And in this chaotic world where human life is like nothing, if you want to control your own destiny, you can only control your own destiny.How important is the military power of an infantry army with tens of thousands of troops?

Out of 100 people, maybe 99 people will choose to fight for it with all their strength.

But this one is the only one.

You know, if he wanted to, the probability that he could have become No. 1 in the Northland military was higher than 80.00%.

In the Central Plains War in 1930, Commander Zhang, who was then the commander of the 6th Division, participated in the battle. The troops under his command defeated Xu Yuanquan, Zhang Zhizhong and other troops in a row in Henan, and he was known as a tiger general on the Central Plains battlefield.

However, under a series of blows such as the Northeast Army's full support for the principal when the Northeast Army entered the pass, and Shanxi Lao Pao, Feng, etc. went down one after another, the allied forces against him were defeated.

The one who held a high position admired the generals like Commander Zhang, and once made a special call to win him over, and offered him the post of general commander of the 24th Route Army, but he was flatly rejected.

Commander Zhang took the principal's appointment telegram and said to his subordinates: "As soldiers, loyalty is the most important thing. Now that the Northwest Army has failed, many people have betrayed Mr. Feng, but I will not do this."

Afterwards, the patriotic general resolutely led his troops across the Yellow River and retreated into the south of Shanxi. Some friendly and neighboring troops knew his loyalty, and they all moved closer to him and expressed their willingness to be under his command.

The Northwest Army gathered in Shanxi soon spontaneously reorganized into two armies and twelve divisions. However, under the oppression of the situation, they were finally forced to surrender and were reduced into one army and two divisions according to the requirements.

There were too many monks, and many commanders of divisions, brigades, and regiments were dismissed because of this. Under such circumstances, Commander Zhang gained support instead, and was once expected to become the commander of the army.However, he declined and took the initiative to support Song Zheyuan, another veteran general of the Northwest Army, as the commander of the newly established Third Army of the Northeast Frontier Army.

Since then, the 3rd Army was renamed the 29th Army, and he was the commander of the 38th Division of the Army, becoming the second person in the 29th Army.

No one dared to underestimate this transfer of talents. Facts have proved that the transfer of talents by Commander Zhang, who has no love for power at all, is very important to the cohesion of the 29th Army in the future.

Although the troops of the 29th Army are all from the remnants of the Northwest Army, these troops belong to different systems. If they cannot be united, the 29th Army will not have combat effectiveness. In the battle of Xifengkou, the glory of the battle of Xifengkou was played.

Under the leadership of Brigadier Zhao, the Broadsword Team of the 29th Army killed the Japanese army head-to-head with one thousand against one thousand. In the end, the famous "Broad Sword March" was born because of this battle.

It can be said that Zhang Junchang can become the most outstanding patriotic general in China in the future, not only because of his burning of his own life, but also because of his speechless noble character.

The formation of the 29th Army is like a Republic of China version of "Taoyuan Jieyi". The eldest brother Song, the second brother Zhang, and the third brother Feng...

History will not lie. The "courage", "loyalty" and "righteousness" shown in this war of warlords in China are definitely patriotic generals with few noble characters in that era. In general, Zhang Junchang behaved just like the second brother Guan worshiped by the people, he was extremely loyal and brave, until finally he died for the country.

How can such a person not be admired by Tang Dao is inexplicable.

Because after all, he is still a young man whose two lifetimes combined cannot match this Commander Zhang. Although his thinking is more sophisticated than most people in his age group, he still has the inherent characteristics of young people. Completely cold, yet to learn to ruthlessly put self-interest above friendship.

Commander Zhang never said that Tang Dao was not afraid of the power of the 20th Legion and faced dozens of submachine guns to pick up Mingxin, which moved him, but he didn't need to say it, Tang Dao, who knew him more and more, understood.

Because they are the same kind of people.

They can be cruel and ruthless to their enemies, but to their most valued lovers and friends, they will do it even if there are thousands of people!
But then again, this may also be one of the reasons why Commander Zhang is unwilling to serve as the commander of the 29th Army.

To become No. 1 in China's northern military, if the mind is not cruel and ruthless, how can it subdue those arrogant soldiers, and how can it resist the wolves, tigers and leopards of the Japanese?
However, as Commander Zhang himself said, he still misjudged the person. That person was not only ruthless, but also pushed him out to take the blame for North China's defeat in vain for some personal interests. .

It is no wonder that this famous anti-Japanese general is so disappointed. He has been going all the way south since he escaped from Yanjing. He would rather come to Jinling alone to plead guilty than return to the 29th Army to serve as a military officer. The commander has repeatedly invited him out of the mountain. I am afraid that he is still serving as a lieutenant general counselor in the military and political department at the moment!
However, seeing Zhang Junchang, an iron-blooded man bursting into tears when he talked about his sad past, Tang Dao knew that he still refused to truly face his injury after all.

This is also the most normal behavior of a person who has suffered a heartbreak.

Romain Rolland said: A real hero is one who still loves life after seeing the essence of life!
But how many people in this world can really do this, and who is not entangled with life and unable to extricate themselves?
After all, there are more ordinary people in this world!

Being tricked by his boss and comrade-in-arms made him feel ashamed, but what really made him feel hard to let go was probably the overwhelming criticism from all over the country. , Restoring China, establishing the Republic of China, and equalizing land rights" For Zhang Junchang, the vigorous democratic revolution, it was definitely the biggest blow in his 20 years of life.

That almost meant that the ideals I pursued were filled into the cesspit, and there was also my own help in it.

And Tang Dao, who knows this period of history, knows better that the involvement behind this is actually more complicated than what this person said.

After the July 29th Incident, most of the [-]th Army, which was not ready for war, withdrew from Yanjing under the leadership of Song, but the headmaster still had a fluke heart, hoping to save the crisis in the north through negotiations.

Under the turbulent anti-Japanese wave across the country, a secret order from Jinling to the north arrived at Song Dynasty. Originally, the biggest blame man could only be the Northern Military No. 1 that the headmaster didn't like. As a result, Song came to a trick. Cited, throw the pot on his good brother.

The main force of the 29th Army has retreated, and Commander Zhang, who has only two brigades and five regiments under him, is surrounded by Japanese troops who have increased to hundreds of thousands. What can he do?Apart from maintaining the law and order in Beiping with that pitiful force, he may not be able to do anything.

The only thing that can be done is not to surrender after the Japanese army captures Yanjing, either die or escape.It's just that Commander Zhang, who doesn't want to be a prisoner, may not have thought that sometimes, death is easier.

After escaping from Yanjing alive, he was attacked like never before.The national and large media, from senior government officials to ordinary people, seemed to have found a punching bag for the defeat of the North, and they all took pride in scolding him.

Various news media criticized him and gave him the four words "self-confident!" On September 9, Shanghai's "Ta Kung Pao" published an article titled "Encouraging Northern Soldiers", "Don't learn from the honest and shameless Yin Rugeng, and pretend to be smart." Zhang!" The Jinling Daily, which represents the mainstream, even wrote: "Zhang Ni!".

Even when he went to Jinling to confess the crime, when the train passed by the big city in northern Jiangsu where they are now, as soon as it arrived at the station, there were thirty or forty young students holding high the slogans "Condemn the traitor Zhang" and "Zhang is the second of Wu Sangui" They flocked to the door of the carriage and asked to board the carriage to search for "traitors".

In the end, another general of the Northwest Army who went to Jinling together in the car hid him in a secret room. The students wished they could not even find the bathroom, so they got out of the car and left.

When seeing these words, Tang Dao can fully imagine the mood of this famous anti-Japanese general at that time. I am afraid that the embarrassment is the second. The most painful thing is that the upright soldier who once devoted himself to expelling the Tartars has become a terrible person who everyone calls traitors. The accident!
In fact, Commander Zhang, who bears the name of a "traitor" on his back, rushed to Jinling with the idea of ​​going to death. If he was really guilty of losing his teacher and land, it is not impossible to lose his head, at least he would have to go to jail.But what kind of political figure is that on stage?

On the one hand, the army division commander who knew in his heart that the Yanjing matter was not to blame, he was just the No.1 northern military and his own scapegoat, if he were to be killed, it would not be worth the loss if his grief and indignation came to an end;

On the other hand, he was also very upset with Lao Song, who had never listened to his command. It would definitely not hurt to leave an army commander who was already discouraged by him; When the whole nation is fighting against Japan, it is better to have a general who can lead troops than not to have one.

Based on various considerations, the Commander Zhang who took the initiative to plead guilty in Jinling did not punish him, but under the pressure of public opinion, he temporarily canceled his position as the commander of the 38th Division and placed him under house arrest. I took a job as a member of the military and political department to send him to the military and political department to spend his days.

Until more than a month ago, seeing that the battle situation was so rotten that even Jinling was about to be lost, the commander of the Fifth War Zone personally came to the door and invited the unemployed Commander Zhang to come out of the mountain. He took the fight against Japanese pirates as his righteousness, and promised to take the post of commander of the 38th Army, which was reorganized from the original 59th Division. Only then did Commander Zhang, who was ashamed of his heart, return to serve as the chief military officer and came here.

Needless to say, Tang Dao also knew his determination to fight the Japanese invaders to the death and avenge his shame.

"Brother Zhang, the ancients said: Zhou Gong was afraid of the day of rumors, and when Wang Mang was humble and humble, Xiang Shi died at the beginning of his life. Who knows if he will be true or false in his life!" Tang Dao sighed with emotion.

"And to put it bluntly, there are so many black and white distinctions in the real world. Just like a philosopher once said: "There are no good people and bad people in the world, only people who do good things and people who do bad things." "If you draw conclusions about someone or something too early, you are likely to be deceived by the appearance of things, wrong good people, and indulge evil people. When judging people and things, don't just focus on the present, let the bullets fly for a while, time always Reveal the final answer.

Brother Zhang, believe it or not, one day your name will shine in this time and space and become a symbol of this era! "

"Brother, you think too highly of your elder brother and me. I have never hoped to become a national hero like Zheng Chenggong. If I can, I only hope to wash away that stigma with my blood!" Commander Zhang smiled wryly. Reply. "However, I don't know how much I have lightened by saying what happened in my heart. I have to thank you, brother, for listening to me about these unbearable things!"

"Brother Zhang, how do you get along with that Army Commander Song now?" Tang Dao asked.

This is also a hidden worry in Tang Dao's heart. The wheel of history is very stubborn. If Tang Dao remembers correctly, the commander of the First Group Army has already arrived in Yu Province, and he will soon lead the Four Elements Regiment Through his defense zone, it is inevitable to deal with that person. If the two of them are in the same situation, I am afraid this journey will be difficult.

Although Tang Dao had no connection with Commander Zhang before, but today's incident with the 20th Legion is not a small one. For those big figures who are concerned about the troubles, the relationship between the two may not be long. desk.

"He Mingxuan treats me like this, so the brotherhood is over!" Commander Zhang said resolutely with anger flashing in his eyes.

"It's just that this is the time of the national war of resistance. I, Zhang, will never delay military affairs because of personal feelings. Even if I am transferred to the 59th Army to serve under his command, I will not refuse, but the friendship will stop at the top and bottom from now on!

If I completely cut off contact with it that day, it must be the time when I won the war of resistance! "

"Brother Zhang really deserves to be a true soldier of our country!" Tang Dao gave a thumbs up sincerely.

This is not Tang Dao's deliberate compliment, but a person like this patriotic general who can temporarily put aside personal grievances under the premise of the whole people's war of resistance. He talks a lot, but he can really do very little.

But this one really did it.

In the past time and space, the 59th Army was expanded into the 33rd Army due to the bloody battle of LY, and this patriotic general was also promoted. His military status has been comparable to that of his former boss who retired to the second line, but he died in battle throughout his life. Never said a bad word about that person.

It's a pity that at that time, there were still five years before the victory of the Anti-Japanese War that he expected, and the one who betrayed the friendship of comrades for many years died a month earlier than him. I don't know if he regretted what he did at that time before he passed away. for.

"Brother Tang, you are afraid that when your four-element group passes through his jurisdiction, Mingxuan will deliberately keep you in trouble because of the relationship between you and me!" Commander Zhang is such a smart person, he can see the hidden worries in Tang Dao's heart at a glance, smile slightly. "Don't worry about that. Although Mingxuan pushed me into the target of public criticism because he didn't bear the courage to lose Pingjin, his temperament is definitely not limited to this! Not only that, maybe because of guilt, he will take good care of your four-element group! When I repair a book, you help me take it to him, and you can pass through the Yuxing road to ensure that you are unimpeded!"

"Thank you, Brother Zhang!" Hearing this, Tang Dao couldn't help expressing his gratitude, and got up to refill some boiling water in Commander Zhang's teacup. : "Brother Zhang, I wonder where your 59th Army will be stationed this time?"

"The matter of the garrison has not yet been finalized, but I prefer LY. I, Zhang, lost to Beidi. If I want to be humiliated, I will have a match with his Banyuan Division. Now that Qingdao is lost, The Banyuan division is sharpening their swords and rushing towards Xuzhou, and LY is an important place he must conquer." Hearing Tang Dao's question, Commander Zhang turned his attention to the map and replied firmly.

Tang Dao admired it deeply. This is the strategic vision and pattern.

Although the LY battle belonging to the 59th Army in time and space was not as famous as the Taierzhuang battle, in fact its importance was no less than there.

If the Battle of LY hadn't been fought too hard, the Itagaki Division had no choice but to give up LY and focus on Fuji County, which would eventually lead to a lone army going deep, and I'm afraid Taierzhuang's glory would be greatly reduced.

On this point, the person in front of him is a bit better than Old Comrade Wu.

"Hey! Brother Zhang, I'm afraid it's too late for you." Tang Dao smiled awkwardly. "Officer Wu is as interested in it as you are. He hurried to the theater headquarters, 80.00% of the time he asked the commander for this task."

It's his idea to grab the job of the 59th Army, but it's okay to change it to before, but now that I have such a speculative chat with this man, Tang Dao, the instigator, is finally a little embarrassed.

"Oh! I fell for Wu Jingshan's trap!" Commander Zhang slapped his thigh, stood up and complained angrily in the reception room: "Wu Jingshan is so disrespectful, no wonder you let me drink! Daring, yes We want to grab the garrison land that our 59th Army has long been optimistic about."

However, this famous general, who can be regarded as one of the few in the country at this time, quickly calmed down.

After turning around twice, a smile appeared on his face, "However, LY is so important. Even if Wu Jingshan wants it, it depends on whether Chief Li will join him or not. After two consecutive hard battles in Songjiang and Jiashan, I remember him 67 More than half of the army has been lost, and they are powerless against the Banyuan division! He Wu Jingshan has a good idea, maybe he will be ashamed!
"Ahem! Brother Zhang, you don't know. This time, the 67th Army used four infantry regiments to replace the reserve soldiers of two infantry regiments from the 43rd Army. They set off from the mountain city a month ago, and they should be on their way now. It's on the way from Xiakou to Xuzhou." Tang Dao could only use reality to extinguish this beautiful fantasy.

Equip four infantry regiments for 5000 soldiers?

Lieutenant General Zhang was dumbfounded.

This is the legendary smashing people with equipment?The rustic and bold style really makes people speechless!
That is, is it so enviable?

. . . . . . . . . . .

Ps: There was a class reunion in Fengyue yesterday. I originally thought that I would come back at 9 o'clock and update the code words for two hours, but I accidentally drank too much, and it was already early in the morning when I got dizzy. The 6000-word chapter will be added today.

In addition, recommend the new book "Bright Sword: Death Camp" just released by the same group of military authors!
(End of this chapter)

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