Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 776 1 Kiss!

Chapter 776 A Kiss!
The Jiangnan area is not a region that is good at drinking alcohol in China, but there is no shortage of people from the wine country.

Especially for a master who needs to have enough empathy to create a picture scroll, alcohol, a liquid that can make people go beyond the usual boundaries to a little madness, is essential.

The handsome middle-aged man who has a certain capacity for alcohol has only one thought for a certain future son-in-law whom he still admires—to overwhelm him!
Perhaps, only in this way can the temporary 'safety' of the little padded jacket be guaranteed!Old fathers who haven't seen the situation clearly often like to do these futile things.

Such self-deception as deceiving one's ears and stealing one's bell has never happened since ancient times.

Why do men have to drink to show their awesomeness?Tantai Mingyue expressed her incomprehension, but this could not conceal the deep worry that flashed in her eyes when she looked at her lover.

'hey-hey!Don't worry, for your sake, dear girl, I won't drink him to death, at most he will be turned into a pile of mud! ', of course Tantai Yunshu could clearly see the worry in her daughter's eyes, and the expression on her face conveyed a signal to her daughter that she would never go too far.

Obviously, he misunderstood.

Tantai Mingyue had seen how Tang Dao drank the two great army's longevity with his strength, and those two, if picked at random, could rival her old father who was good at drinking.

Tang Dao nodded slightly, indicating that he knew how to measure, and would never let the old man lose his helmet and remove his armor too embarrassingly.

Men are so ordinary and confident, and it is so vividly reflected in two men, one old and one young!Tantai Mingyue looked at the two men she loved the most, and felt an urge to cover her head.

. . . . . . . . .

The Four Elements Regiment was expanded from the Independent Battalion, and the organization has been finalized a few days ago. After more than a month of polishing on the battlefield, it is almost like a precision machine, and it is almost run-in. Personal dominance, the military order, everyone performs their duties in their own positions, basically don't need to worry about Tang Dao, the head of the regiment.

Zhuang Shisan also knew that Tantai's father and daughter were here, so some company reports asked for approval, so he simply made his own decision and did not let anyone disturb Tang Dao.

This can be regarded as Tang Dao's leisurely night before the departure of the whole group of the Four Elements, and the time chosen by the handsome middle-aged man is not bad.

Tang Dao hadn't had dinner yet because of the military meeting. The rice and fatty meat prepared by the cooking team was no problem to fill his stomach, but it was too hasty to entertain his future father-in-law, whose name had basically been confirmed.

Tang Dao's original intention was to cook for his future father-in-law by himself, but Tantai Yunshu beckoned his daughter to go.

Even though I love my daughter very much in my heart, this one is an old tradition. The idea of ​​a man being a master outside and a woman being a master inside is deeply rooted. Since a daughter is about to marry someone else, she should be a good wife and mother. Naturally, such trivial things as cooking can’t be done by men. Finish.

However, the little butterfly from the future has no such cognition at all.

In Tang Dao's world, as a husband and wife, they have to bear together both inside and outside, even if it is some small housework.

Chatted a few words with future father-in-law, found an excuse and ran to the kitchen to help Tantai Mingyue.

Although he was a bit of a neglected old man, the handsome middle-aged man who was pacing outside the kitchen and saw the happy smile on his daughter's face felt very comforted. Just because of this point, his good girl didn't choose the wrong person.

In this world, there are many successful and famous men. Money, wealth and power are very attractive to ordinary people, but to Tantai Yunshu, it is like passing clouds. He does not like Tang Dao because he is the leader of the hero group at a young age. It's the most important thing to be full of talent and still love your daughter so much.

Who is Tantai Yunshu?He is a master of painting in his name, but in fact, it can be seen from the fact that he has made friends all over the world and even has deep connections with another political party. He is also a sociologist.

A sociologist who has read thousands of sails knows human nature best.

For the so-called love, it only starts with the value of appearance. The mutual liking and attraction of all human beings starts from the most instinctive desire of human nature. The romantic fantasy of love in various legends and stories is nothing but human beings who are ashamed of themselves. Opened lust is its own disguise.

To put it bluntly, love is not among the necessities of human beings living in this world.

But the word "love" exists, it is a kind of emotion that is higher than all living things in human beings, family affection or friendship, which runs through the short life of human beings.

Only the love that has been whitewashed is the emotion that most needs freshness and is the most fragile.

For this handsome middle-aged man who watched his daughter and son-in-law's happy face reflected by the fire from the stove, what made him most gratified was that love can begin with appearance, but it can end with character.

The man chosen by his little padded jacket has a good character.

The wine is also good!

. . . . . . . .

If you are in a good mood, the wine will go down quickly.

"Little brother, let's go one more time!" The old Tantai who had already drunk his arms around Tang Dao's shoulders was completely confused.

However, the obsession persisted in my heart, "I will be taken care of by your boy in the future. If I don't take good care of you, don't blame my brother for knocking on the door of your Tang family and asking my in-laws to settle accounts!"

Looking at her drunken father, Tantai Mingyue was both amused and touched, but she couldn't say anything about him, she could only slash Tang Dao fiercely with her eyes.

I have already told him to be careful not to let the old man drink too much, why is it still like this?
Tang Dao smiled helplessly. He had already drank two bowls to one bowl, and he never persuaded him to drink it up. Unwilling to be left behind.

Drinking more than a catty of white wine, you can't do this!
The old man who overestimated himself and underestimated his opponent and didn’t get drunk son-in-law finally calmed down. Together with his book boy who had been with him for 40 years, the two old brothers played a duet on Tang Dao’s bed. .

Tantai Mingyue, who dipped a towel in hot water to wash the old father and Uncle Artai's face, walked out of the room, only to see Tang Dao standing in the courtyard with a normal face and smiling.

I panicked for no reason.

Today is different from the past. In the past, the two were just lovers at most. Holding hands or being held by Tang Dao was her limit, but today Tang Dao formally proposed marriage, and his father agreed, and the original gifts between the two have been made. It is a fixed thing.

In this era, they are already unmarried couples, and the distance from officially becoming husband and wife is actually just a wedding ceremony.

Tang Dao laughed so badly, and after drinking again, what did he want to do?
"Why don't you go to rest? It's been a busy day today, and you drank a lot of wine with my father." Panicked, Tantai Mingyue tried to calm down, and stroked her hair on the side of her military cap.

"Hey! Go to sleep! Those two old men can also find a place to lie down for me!" Tang Dao grinned lightly.

"Bah! Those are my father and Uncle Artai, why are they two old men! Don't let them hear you, or they will trouble you again." Tantai Mingyue spat lightly.

But when he woke up, it wasn't that Tang Dao didn't want to sleep, but that there was no resting place for him, the head of the regiment, here.

"Then you go squeeze with Er Ya, let's deal with it tonight." Tantai Mingyue thought for a while, then pointed to the small courtyard next door.

As Tang Dao's personal orderly, Erya originally slept in the same room with Xia Dayu, and Xia Dayu was going to the Special Operations Squadron. The little guy was very anxious. As soon as Tang Dao agreed, he carried his bedding and ran to the Special Operations Squadron. However, it was no problem for Tang Dao to squeeze the vacant berths.

It was the twelfth lunar month at this time, and the weather was extremely cold. It was an easy task for Tang Dao, the chief officer of the regiment, to go to the military supply department to transfer a set of bedding.

"There is no rush to sleep. You have to go back to the medical team station, and I will see you off first." Tang Dao waved his hand.

At this time, the moon is already in the sky. Although the moonlight is bright, there are no street lights in the town, and it is pitch black. Even if you know that the town is heavily guarded, and some key intersections are guarded by sentries, as a woman, Tantai Mingyue is also Still a little terrified of the dark.

In addition to these days, the two of them are both busy. In fact, the time to meet and talk is far less than that of Tang Dao and Lei Xiong. No matter how Tantai Mingyue understands Tang Dao, she still misses her lover after all.

Although seeing Tang Dao's handsome smile, her feminine intuition made her flustered, but she finally nodded in agreement.

Seeing Tantai Mingyue nodding shyly, the so-called beauty like jade is nothing more than that!Thinking that such a woman would become his wife in the near future, Tang Dao couldn't help being very excited. He strode forward and grabbed Tantai Mingyue's little hand.

Tantai Mingyue instinctively wanted to hide, but Tang Dao's big hand was warm and firm.

Of course, the more important thing is that Tang Dao made a 'shh' gesture, which meant not to disturb the guard squad on duty in another small courtyard and Erya who was still asleep.

'Let's go out quietly!Take no one. Tang Dao's expression was clear.

Very scary but very tempting. The world for two that a young man and woman should enjoy is an extravagant hope on the battlefield.

Tang Dao was not an ordinary soldier. He had become the chief officer of a party since the Battle of Songjiang, and was responsible for commanding thousands of people. No matter where he went, there would be at least one squad of guards behind him.

Even if Tang Dao wanted to travel alone, his subordinates would try their best to send someone to follow him.His life and death, from the moment he became a commander, is no longer his own. No matter how high the position is, the responsibility is great.

So even if the two of them go out for a walk occasionally, they will be followed by several highly vigilant guards. It's fine to talk about what's on their minds, but if they want to do something else, let alone Tantai Mingyue can't do it, Tang Dao Not that kind of guy either.

But at this time, at least in the garrison, and not a battlefield, Tang Dao's suggestion that there were only two people who got rid of the guards and sneaked out was very tempting.

Even though a woman's intuition told Tantai Mingyue that it was very dangerous, a certain colonel's eyes were very warm.

The old lady has something in her hand, let alone a pervert, even a pervert is not afraid, Tantai Mingyue gave herself a safety that was not comforting, and bit her lips lightly: "Then you have to promise me, send me to the station and hurry back to the regiment headquarters rest!"

"That's natural, otherwise I would hide under the wall in this cold weather! Don't be killed by those guys as spies." Tang Dao chuckled.

Of course, Tang Dao, the head of the regiment, would not say that he would take Tantai Mingyue over the wall if he said it was sneaking away. It was not because he was afraid of being laughed at, but because there were about a dozen guards around the regiment headquarters. There are no dead ends to surround the small regiment.

What's more, Tang Dao personally arranged these arrangements for the guard company. If Tang Dao sneaked away without alarming the guards, there might still be a chance or two, but if he brought Tantai Mingyue without being discovered, it was almost impossible. possibility.

A flare was fired, and the embarrassing scene of the colonel and his betrothed fiancee jumping over the wall was just a trivial matter in front of everyone, but it would be a lot of fun to meet such a stubborn person who fired a shot.

Tang Dao pulled Tantai Mingyue out of the courtyard, and confessed to the sergeant and security squad leader who led the team to send Tantai Mingyue back to the station.

The squad leader of the sergeant is not allowed to lead troops to follow, although he looks embarrassed, firstly, the regiment has orders; secondly, this is a garrison after all, but there is a sentry post at 50 meters, which is safe enough; thirdly, the sergeant is not a fool, the regiment If you want to take a walk under the moonlight with the big reporter Tantai, wouldn't it be a shame for them to follow you!

What's more, the head of the regiment didn't hide the matter from the sentry outside the gate when he proposed to Tantai Yunshu in the courtyard before. The guards were the first members of the Four Elements Group to know that the big reporter Tantai had become the fiancée of the head of the regiment. The group seat will notify the whole group tomorrow morning.

What's wrong with the group leader and his fiancée wanting to be alone?
The squad leader of the sergeant and the guard was very discerning. Not only did he not send anyone to follow him, but he also sent two soldiers to notify all the guard posts along the way to the medical team in advance. When you don't see it, no one should bother you.

The regiment headquarters is in the east of the town, and the medical team is in the west of the town, with a distance of no more than 400 meters between them.

Due to the presence of the Four Elements Regiment, the residents of the town were not allowed to go out once it was dark, and the soldiers would not move around at will unless they had something to do.

At this time, the night was dark, except for the bonfires lit by fixed sentries at the street entrance, which were crackling and burning, there was no sound!

The moonlight in the sky is like water, and the small streets on the ground are quiet!
Holding the soft little hand of the woman he loves, walking down the side street, Tang Dao feels unreal.

Is this happiness?
This is a sense of happiness that Tang Dao has never experienced.

In the previous life, Tang Dao was 16 years old and entered the military camp. He was either training or on his way to the training ground every day.

When his strength gradually improved and he became the strongest recruit in the entire infantry battalion, he was named by the head of the regiment to participate in the individual subject competition of the group army. After winning the prize, he was favored by the special brigade. Formal special forces, training, missions, retraining, and then missions
Tang Dao's military career is actually very monotonous. He climbs the road of gradually becoming stronger every day. Without such ten years of daily training, he would not be able to achieve the reputation and strength of the strongest individual soldier in the frontier military region.

In Tang Dao's emotions, apart from his parents far away, his comrade-in-arms almost occupied all of his life.

The friendship of life and death that can be entrusted to each other is simply repeated in this life, and Tang Dao can quickly integrate into it.

And love, for Tang Dao who has lived in two lives, is definitely the first time in history.

Is the beautiful woman next to me who seems to be breathing sweetly his future wife?The mind is as tough as a Tang knife, and there is a feeling of stepping on the clouds. The ancient bluestone road seems to be soft under the feet.

Is he drunk today?
Not drunk, but intoxicated!

For the first time in Tang Dao's life, he didn't perceive whether there was danger in the surrounding darkness. All his mind was on the person beside him, as if there were only two people in the whole world.

"You asked my father today, is it because of my father's pressure?" Tantai Mingyue suddenly asked in a low voice.

Tang Dao stood still and looked at Tantai Mingyue seriously, unprecedentedly serious: "God threw me into this cruel battlefield, and I am very grateful to him, because I was able to fulfill my long-cherished wish. Being favored by you is another gift from God, I have to thank him!"

"Me too, I am very grateful to God for allowing me to meet you on the battlefield!" Tantai Mingyue has always been brave, facing Tang Dao's sincerity, she is also not stingy with her own sincerity.

Under the moonlight, a young man and woman looked at each other with firm and gentle eyes.

They are firm about the war initiated by the Japanese invaders, and they are also firm about love.

Tantai Mingyue was dressed in a cotton military uniform, and her face was also plain, far less gorgeous than those urban beauties with exquisite makeup that Tang Dao had seen, but as the saying goes, beauty is in the eye of a beholder, and what is more exciting is the beauty in the eyes. Love like the sea.

Seeing Tang Dao staring at his eyes so straightly, with a heroic spirit like Tantai Mingyue, he couldn't help being extremely shy for a while, his eyelids drooped subconsciously, it was a woman's instinctive self-protection, just like covering her eyes before encountering panic .

The slightly trembling long eyelashes seem to send out an irresistible signal to a young man who is full of hormones.

With both arms closed, he embraced the beautiful woman in front of him, lowered his head, and kissed the cherry lips that fluttered slightly due to nervousness.

The moon in the sky also seemed to be hiding in the clouds because of shyness.

For Tang Dao at this moment, there is nothing else in this world except him and his fiancée in his arms.

This may also be one of the happy moments in Tang Dao's life.

And the middle-aged handsome guy who was chattering might not know that what he was most worried about happened after all.

Happened a little half!

Don't say that "Qiandian Chinese Website" won't let it happen, Tang Dao is not a big idiot, not to mention the coldness of this winter, when the sentries tens of meters away are idiots!

The time that belongs to them is still long, don't rush this day and night!
Sending the weak and shy Tantai Mingyue back to the gate of the medical team's station, Tang Dao turned and strode away.

In his heart, he is unprecedentedly heroic and determined. He must join all Chinese troops to win this war and survive.

When the war is over, he still wants to have a lot of children with the woman in his arms for fun!

This is the power of love to make a boy a man!

From then on, he was not one person, but two people, two lives.

He gave birth, she gave birth!
If he dies, she will not live alone!
That kiss, without any words, both of them knew each other's affection!
(End of this chapter)

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