Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 778 Secret Armory

Chapter 778 Secret Armory
The main force of the Four Elements Group fell into an incomprehensible carnival after receiving the news of the engagement of the head of the group.

However, the marching speed of the whole army did not slow down because of this. On the contrary, it was like a shot in the arm. In one morning, they ran for nearly 20 kilometers and arrived near another market.

Afterwards, the whole army buried pots for cooking, and each person got another big bowl of meat, but this was not a daily meal, but Tantai Mingyue's treat, Mr. Tantai paid the bill.

It is said that when the middle-aged handsome guy went to pay the military supply department, he repeatedly sighed and sighed that the girl was extroverted!
It's just that the handsome old man showed no reluctance on his face, and was always smiling.That's why the old man frowned, the master didn't know, but he knew, the two of them had a total of one hundred dollars on their hands, and they paid it off, so the two old men begged and went back to Jiangxia?
It stands to reason that Tang Dao and Tantai Mingyue's engagement is their private matter, even if the whole army of the Four Elements Regiment sincerely wishes for their official's finally winning the return of a beauty, they will not be so happy, and can't wait for a three-day feast.

Ordinary officers and soldiers cheered slogans aside, even veterans like Lei Xiong and Li Jiujin, who had been through battles for a long time, were very happy. He took it out, and bought five sheep from a passing village and sent them to the medical team, saying that this was a congratulatory gift from all the officers and soldiers of his third battalion and company to the chief and Captain Tantai for their eternal unity.

The last time the Japanese artillery battalion was attacked at night, the veterans who escaped from the dead were not so willing, so they added an extra white flour bun to one person in the whole company for dinner!

In fact, this has a great relationship with the background of this era. At this time, China has just transformed from the feudal era, especially for these veterans who have stayed in the Sichuan Army and the Northeast Army. The fate of the officer is bound together.

As long as the military chiefs don't overturn their cars, they will follow suit. That's simply the inherent pattern of the old army.

Tang Dao's amazing performance on the battlefield before almost made people ignore that he is only in his early 20s, but that is an objective fact after all.

Age is an advantage, but it can also be a disadvantage.

In the eyes of the traditional Chinese, being hairless on the lips is not enough to do things well, and prudence is what they value most. All the characteristics of Tang Dao are excellent, except that they are too young, and there is a high chance of making mistakes when they are young. It's over, this is the hidden worry in the hearts of most mature soldiers.

But now, this worry has been completely eliminated.

Although the age is still that age, once a person gets married and becomes a husband, he changes from a boy to a man.

People are still the same person, but men and boys are fundamentally different, and they are more responsible and responsible.These may confuse the little butterflies from the future, but in this era, it is the most normal understanding.

It is not uncommon for the whole group to be jubilant because of this.

However, Tang Dao and Tantai Mingyue's engagement winners this time are not limited to Tang Dao and Tantai Mingyue.

Li Jiujin, for example, also gained a lot of fame.

The five sheep he sent were only worth five oceans.

The gift was neither luxurious nor fancy, but it was extremely real. The fresh mutton soup was definitely a great tonic for the wounded who had been ill for a long time. Not only Tantai Mingyue received his favor, but even hundreds of wounded soldiers loved the bold and unrestrained Captain Li Dalian. With admiration.

Many wounded soldiers who had been reorganized and dispersed from the old army were thinking about whether they would go to the compassionate and righteous Company Commander Li after recovering from their injuries in ten days.

Tang Dao's arrangements for the wounded soldiers after their recovery have long been publicly promised in the medical team. These wounded soldiers are elite soldiers and the wealth of the Four Elements Regiment. In view of their dedication, Tang Dao specially gave these wounded soldiers A privilege, they can go to any company they want to go to, if there is no position, then expand the company's establishment, and no officer can stop it.

Even if the hands and feet are disabled due to injuries, the Four Elements Regiment will never abandon them, they can no longer shoot, and some simple tasks can still be done by the supply company and the regiment headquarters.If it is severely disabled, without legs, feet or eyes, the Four Elements Group will definitely be responsible to the end, and will never send a pension easily and let them go back to their hometown.

During the war between warlords, the miserable figures of some veterans who lost their limbs and were forced to beg for work on the street are the most chilling images for soldiers. No one wants to be a part of them.

This kind of commitment not only comforts the wounded soldiers, but also stabilizes the morale of the whole regiment.

Although the big guys didn't know how their regiment leader would take care of those seriously injured people who lost both legs and feet, they all firmly believed that their regiment leader could do it.

This kind of trust began when Tang Dao led them to defeat the Japanese Sixth Heavy Artillery Brigade.

Standing on the battlefield full of steel fragments and the corpses of the Japanese invaders, the surviving soldiers firmly believed from that moment that their commander was the kind of magical person who could make the impossible possible.

And this idea, along with the word of mouth of the veterans, made the soldiers who joined later gradually believe in it, and it was deeply rooted in the bone marrow with the victories on the battlefield again and again.

The gloomy mood of the wounded soldiers was healed by Tang Dao's promise!They are also eager to return to the army and go to the battlefield, and the first-line troops are their best choice.

At this moment, the three newly established infantry battalions are still short of more than 100 people each. These veterans who have been injured but survived the catastrophe and are about to regain their health are definitely the most popular existence of the chief officers of the battalions and companies.

I didn't see that after the reorganization a few days ago, the three major infantry battalion commanders and the main infantry company commanders, including several directly subordinate company commanders, have all visited the medical team to visit the wounded. It's nothing, the battalion commanders and company commanders are all well-known figures in the Four Elements Regiment, who can ignore them?
After a long time, the wounded soldiers also came back to it, dare to say, the officers are recruiting manpower!
Originally, there was no pressure for the wounded soldiers who had their old company to return, and the wounded soldiers who learned that their company had been reorganized were still thinking about their future.

The buyer's market has become a seller's market, and the wounded soldiers still have the right to choose freely. The five veterans, Youzi, have unexpectedly won the approval of many wounded soldiers, which is also a surprise.

Of course, compared to Li Jiujin who was unexpectedly recognized, the two company commanders Wei Donglai and Cai Yongguan had the most advantage among these company commanders.

These two have been lying in the medical team since they became famous in the battle of Mouse Mountain. Hundreds of wounded soldiers watched with their own eyes how these two struggled to survive from the life and death line.

Leaving aside the military exploits, just being able to save a life from Lord Yan is a hero!
You know, the entire medical team has received hundreds of seriously wounded, and it's not even half of the big guys who can get here in the end.

Almost every morning, there are pictures of brothers who were still talking softly to everyone last night, and when the sun came, the brothers whose cold faces were covered with white sheets were quietly carried away.

That kind of cruelty is even better than a bloody battlefield.

Because of the wound infection caused by bacteria, there is no medicine for symptomatic treatment. If you want to survive, good luck and strong willpower to defeat bacteria are the only two factors.

The two infantry company commanders were not only scarred externally, because the internal injuries caused by the shell shock wave were also serious. Even the military doctors thought they would die, but they miraculously survived.

As the two highest-ranking members of the wounded soldiers in the medical team, since they woke up, they learned from Tudou that their two infantry companies would be rebuilt. The two infantry company commanders looked at Little Tudou and wanted to cry. There were dozens of seriously wounded lying down like them, and the only soldier who could move when the two infantry joined together was one soldier.

But both of them are also people with enough brains. After hearing Tang Dao's promise, they directly aimed at their wounded brothers. Later, he joined his own infantry company. With these veterans, the infantry company's shelves can also be set up.

Especially a few days ago when the battalion was expanded and the news came that many companies had been reorganized, many wounded soldiers were naturally moved. They returned to the old company to be familiar with each other, but the positions did not wait for anyone. The position has already been occupied, it is better to go to two new companies that will definitely be valued for development.

There are 300 wounded soldiers who are willing to go to the two infantry companies of Wei Donglai and Cai Yongguan. In addition to the original company’s wounded soldiers, there are about 100 people. The remaining 200 people, more than half of them were persuaded by the old chief to return to the old company, but it is enough More than 30 people were moved by the wounded soldiers of Li Jiujin's original infantry company and wanted to go to the third battalion and the first company.

More than a dozen infantry companies competed for the veterans who were only swinging around a hundred numbers, but the veterans only paid five sheep and won the hearts of one-third of the wounded soldiers. Do you think the veterans are overjoyed? .

Of course, it's hard to say whether this effect can last until the wounded return to the team. Everything depends on the final result, but at least a good impression is left.

The main force of the Four Elements Regiment was laughing and laughing. Tang Dao and Zhuang Shisan brought cavalry platoons, guard companies, and supply companies with thousands of recruits and veterans, plus hundreds of pack horses and hundreds of carts. , stretching for nearly five miles.

In that situation, a whole infantry regiment was marching.

When it was fifty miles away from the outskirts of Xuzhou, Gong Shaoxun led hundreds of cavalry all the way to meet Tang Dao.

"Report sir, Gong Shaoxun is here to report with a cavalry company of the Four Elements Regiment!" Gong Shaoxun jumped off his horse and saluted Tang Dao.

Tang Dao and Gong Shaoxun are very familiar, and they have fought side by side for half a month. However, the two belonged to the friendly army before, and they were only temporarily placed under Tang Dao's command to fight, so there is still a bit of politeness between the two.

But a few days ago, Tang Dao asked Comrade Lao Wu to transfer Gong Shaoxun to be the deputy of the second regiment of the Four Elements Regiment, and after receiving the transfer order from the Ministry of Military Affairs two days ago, the two officially became colleagues in the same infantry regiment.

Gong Shaoxun's attitude at this time is completely based on the attitude of seeing the superior officer under his post. This is more like a statement, showing that he will use Tang Dao to look after the leader in the future. It's not that he brought a cavalry company to report, but he didn't mean to ignore the cavalry platoon with only 21 members of the Four Elements Regiment, even though those cavalry were originally his old troops.

A smile appeared on Tang Dao's face.

"Cavalry company, report to the officer!" The cavalry lined up neatly by the roadside jumped off their horses one after another after Gong Shaoxun paid the military salute, held the reins with one hand, and saluted with the other.

Tang Dao was more satisfied with Gong Shaoxun's performance.

This is not the so-called slickness, but an extremely intelligent performance, and it is also the second regiment lieutenant he needs. Externally, he has strong enough combat capabilities, and internally, he can unite everyone and not engage in small groups.

"Brother Shaoxun, I've been waiting for you for a long time!" Tang Dao also jumped off his horse, and saluted Gong Shaoxun and the soldiers of the cavalry company who were still holding their right hands.

Then he clasped hands with Gong Shaoxun. "On behalf of the Four Elements Regiment, I welcome you, Brother Shaoxun, to take up the post. Your division of labor has already been studied. As the deputy of the regiment, you will be responsible for assisting me in commanding and coordinating the battalions and companies in the future. But consider Seeing that you are good at cavalry combat, so, brother Shaoxun, you have to work harder, and you have to personally command the cavalry company to fight! Sanjiang is still young and needs your guidance!"

"Yes! Gong Shaoxun takes orders!" Gong Shaoxun nodded solemnly.

The lieutenant colonel finally let go of a stone in his heart. He is also a newcomer. Although his position and rank have been promoted, he is familiar with the internal personnel of the Four Elements Regiment. It is not impossible to directly turn a person with a domineering command style into a dispensable mascot-style deputy of the second regiment.

But Tang Dao's words completely reassured him. Giving him the command of the most elite cavalry unit was both trust and approval.

"Then, where are we going?" Tang Dao asked.

This is the meeting point agreed upon by the Four Elements Regiment and the 67th Army, but looking at the surrounding wilderness, it doesn't look like a place where a large amount of ammunition can be hidden.

"Tuan Zuo, the arsenal is only ten miles away from here, please just follow me." Gong Shaoxun smiled slightly.

Lu Sanjiang's cavalry platoon over there also took the initiative to join the cavalry unit brought by Gong Shaoxun. They are old comrades in arms, and they haven't seen each other for a month.

Although Lu Sanjiang is still a little stunned, but after more than a month of training on the battlefield, the cavalry second lieutenant who lost his old squad leader has grown rapidly. After such a cavalry company was added due to an accident at the regiment headquarters three days ago, Lu Sanjiang Given the opportunity of Tang Dao's march, he took the initiative to resign as the acting cavalry company commander.

In fact, many of the cavalry companies who came were his old officers and superiors, and he, a young cavalryman, suddenly became their officer. Those cavalry lieutenants and captains who were much older than him inevitably felt uncomfortable.

This is the biggest problem with the newly formed troops. They have already been appointed, but they have officers with older qualifications and good abilities. It is inevitable that they will have to adjust their mentality. If the adjustment is good, there is no problem. Not rising but falling.

After careful consideration, Tang Dao decided that Lu Sanjiang's lieutenant company rank would remain unchanged, but he would no longer serve as acting cavalry company commander, but would be transferred to the special squadron as deputy captain and riding instructor, and as deputy captain and Like Niu Er, who is an archery instructor, he will focus on training soldiers for at least three months.

The cavalry company commander will continue to be the original cavalry company commander of the newly joined cavalry of the 67th Army. This not only shows respect for Gong Shaoxun, a group of newly joined cavalry, but also does not treat Lu Sanjiang badly.

As we all know, the special squadron is a combat unit that Tang Dao attaches great importance to. It has not yet announced the recruitment plan and details. There are 60 reserve personnel places, and no one knows who will be officially selected except for a few officers who have already been selected.

Looking at Gu Xishui, Niu Er, and Heizi, you can see that when you enter a special squadron, your rank is promoted faster than in ordinary troops. Being a deputy captain there is no worse than being a chief officer in a cavalry company.

Moreover, according to the information from the staff department, Tang Dao will adjust the salaries of the various units under his command after arriving at the destination, and the combat allowance of the front-line combat troops will be greatly increased. Naturally, this is also divided into levels, and the elite army of the special squadron , properly the first file.

After completing this mission, Lu Sanjiang will take a cavalry squad to report to the special squadron and become a special soldier on horseback!
And all special forces must also learn to ride a horse, ride a fast horse!

The team went straight ten miles away under the leadership of the cavalry.

It was a village called Dalinzhuang, which is now the base of an infantry regiment of the 49th Army, which is also part of the Northeast Army.

After Gong Shaoxun's introduction along the way, Tang Dao knew how the arsenal, which had been secretly operated by the Northeast Army for 8 years, kept its secrets.

The entire village was actually created by immigrants from the families of the Northeast Army.

There is a lot of land in northern Jiangsu, but it is barren. Many places are saline-alkali land that is not suitable for farming, so a lot of land was abandoned. The Northeast Army sent a wealthy businessman to buy a lot of land from the local county government. After a few years, residents continued to migrate from the northeast to this place. Build a village with a population of over 1000 people.

When the September 8th Incident broke out, hundreds of thousands of Northeast troops lost their original bases and were forced to garrison the Northwest. This secret arsenal, which was originally just a rainy day and placed a small amount of arms, was highly valued. After several years of continuous filling, the village built The large granary actually stored ordnance up to [-] infantry divisions.

Tang Dao can only say that this group of warlords are really rich and frantic, but it is really good steel used on the blade.

At this time, it was the battle of Xuzhou, and the Northeast Army gathered up to 3 infantry corps and 6 infantry divisions, and they all changed their outfits. There were still up to 10 infantry regiments left, which happened to be divided into the 59th and 43rd armies. .

As for the Four Elements Regiment, even if you try your best, you can swallow the equipment of two infantry regiments. However, it depends on the inventory of the Northeast Army. If it is not as good as the existing equipment of the Four Elements Regiment, Tang Dao intends to Equip an infantry regiment and hurry.

Obviously, Tang Dao underestimated the money-saving ability of Lao Zhang, a small farming expert, and also underestimated the weapon manufacturing strength of the largest arsenal in China at that time.

At this time, the Shanxi arsenal under the rule of Yan Laoxier, who is known as the top three arsenal in China, is awesome. Three hundred cannons were pulled out in a big battle, and the fifth division was beaten to death. The Northeast was occupied, and they barely squeezed into the top three.

To put it bluntly, the first is gone, and the second, third and fourth are added.

In China at that time, if you want to ask the gun maker, you have to ask Lao Zhang and Xiao Zhang in the Northeast!
(End of this chapter)

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