Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 783 Mysterious Gift!

Chapter 783 Mysterious Gift!

Faced with the confident challenge of this big brother, Tang Dao couldn't refuse!

Of course, since Tang Dao agreed to the challenge, he would not spare any effort.

The way to respect your opponent is to go all out!

Besides, the confident colonel of the Northeast Army will never be bad.

Tang Dao could smell the smell of a strong soldier from this middle-aged soldier. When he was young, this man must have been a desperate Saburo-type character.

Gu Huize is worthy of being the battalion commander of the guard battalion who once had the best marksmanship in the entire army division. The ZH-29 semi-automatic rifle should be no stranger to him.

After obtaining Tang Dao's consent, the wooden target was extended by another 50 meters to reach a range of 200 meters.

Holding the gun, there is no need to crawl, stand directly on the shooting position, hold the gun in both hands, and in a standing posture, "Bang! Bang! Bang!."

After shooting five shots, squat down again, kneel down on one leg, and shoot five more shots in a kneeling position, and shoot 10 rounds of magazines in a very rhythmic manner. The whole process is like flowing water in one go, from the first shot to the end , without any pause, and never for more than 15 seconds.

This time, the brothers who were still immersed in the first class of guards just now said, "I am convinced you are a sixth child!" ' Shen Laoliu was dumbfounded.

He fired 20 rounds of bullets in 10 seconds is actually very fast, which is the fastest fire rate that he thinks can guarantee the accuracy of shooting.

In his understanding, if he shoots like this colonel, can he still see his shooting results?Moreover, the shooting distance has been extended to 200 meters. The target paper is only the size of a watermelon from a distance, and the difficulty is doubled.

Anyway, with his long experience as a machine gunner, it would be good if all the bullets hit the target.

"Squad leader, we didn't come here to mess things up, did we? Head Gu is going to make it difficult for us? If you don't dare to look at those with poor grades, what can you do? If I had known, I wouldn't have scored so high." Shen Laoliu said lowly He muttered to Zhen Laya.

"You know a chicken! Head Gu is the real master of archery." Zhen Laya, whose shooting performance is lower than that of the machine gunner in his class, now has a serious expression on his face, and softly snorts: "Let's not talk about it yet. What accuracy? Just because the move played by Captain Gu is much better than you and my brothers. He is not a shooter like us. He uses two shooting positions and maintains a high rate of fire. We will only use it in actual combat.

After all, on the real battlefield, the enemy's bullets will not give us so much time to aim. The only thing we can do is to shoot the bullets out in the shortest time, and under such circumstances, we can maintain sufficient accuracy to It's really amazing.

Do you think that as the leader of the regiment, he is a fool, just to make a pose just to make a fool of himself?
Let me ask you, you Shen Laoliu just hit 150 rings in 97 meters, how many rings do you think you can hit in 200 meters? "

"About 80 rings!"

"Then let you increase the rate of fire, for example, keep it the same as Captain Gu, how much can you shoot?"

"Sixty rings is amazing, or only forty or fifty rings!" Shen Laoliu thought for a while, and for the first time gave an answer that he was not very confident about.

"Hey, Jiang Datou, tell Shen Laoliu how much you can shoot!" Zhen Laya grinned and asked the sergeant's precision shooter who only scored 80 points just now.

"After the round of gun testing just now, I estimate that I can reach 200 rings in 85 meters. If I maintain a high rate of fire, it will be about 60 to 70!" The accurate shooter pondered for a while and gave his own answer.

The meaning of this veteran is also very clear. The reason why his grades are not as good as others just now is mainly because he is not familiar with this kind of semi-automatic rifle. speed.

"Dark Jiang Datou, you will die if you make me laugh too much? I just took advantage of being familiar with Czech rifles! But anyway, I beat you this time, wait a minute I received the bonus and treated my brothers to dinner." Shen Laoliu bared his teeth and complained about his old comrade-in-arms.

"I'm telling the truth!" The veteran who had lost his hair at a young age and had a big bald head shook his head quite speechlessly.

The first guard squad is the sharp knife squad of the Leng Feng Company, and it has four veterans from the original Four Elements Battalion. While the four veterans rely on each other on the battlefield to support the strongest infantry squad of the company, the brotherhood is even more inseparable. Also know each other's temper.

Zhen Laya's noodles are cold and hot, and Leng Feng is somewhat similar. Jiang Datou is a real person, but Shen Laoliu is naturally out of touch, and the deputy squad leader, who is also a sergeant, is taciturn and doesn't say much all day long. So far, the three brothers have been discussing enthusiastically, but the deputy squad leader has not interrupted a word.

But they all know that if there is an emergency, the sergeant and deputy squad leader who is the most silent must be No. 1 who rushes forward.

It's not that the three of Zhen Laya don't have the courage, but that the division of responsibilities is different.

Once the squad leader takes the lead in the charge, it will be time for the final decisive battle, and if even Shen Laoliu, the machine gunner, rushes to the forefront, it means that the squad is almost dead.

"That's why I say that Captain Gu is a master! If he can score above 80 rings, there will be few people in our four-element regiment who can match him." Zhen Laya sighed.

"I don't know how the commander of the regiment is. Although we have seen his marksmanship, he is well-deserved as the number one sharpshooter of our regiment, but I know that because it is automatically loaded and ejected, the recoil of this gun is not as strong as I am used to. The Czech light machine gun is almost the same, and that head Gu must have used this gun a lot, otherwise he would definitely not be able to shoot at such a rate of fire." Shen Laoliu looked over there and checked the gun and held it quietly. Tang Dao, who was waiting, had worry in his eyes.

"Old Six, you are just worrying! When the head of the regiment first arrived at the warehouse, your son was in charge of guarding outside the warehouse building. I didn't see the pistol technique performed by the head of the regiment before he went to the battlefield, but I saw it with my own eyes. What I saw." The sergeant and deputy squad leader who seldom spoke suddenly spoke, his eyes full of fascination.

"That is the sharpest marksmanship that I have seen in the army for so many years. It is simply not possessed by human beings. And his subsequent achievements prove that his marksmanship is not for show, but for killing people. Thank you, sir. Li Jiujin, who was following behind him, told how he killed the Japanese soldiers one by one in the dark. Among the 15 people, they were all dead in less than 20 minutes. Whenever I think of this, Lao Tzu I feel a chill down my back."

At this moment, Tang Dao, who was holding a gun, moved.

Tang Dao didn't use Gu Huize's two shooting postures. He started to move sideways with his waist bent, and the ZH-29 semi-automatic rifle with both hands flat began to emit flames from the first step of his movement.

"Bang bang bang!" The sound of gunfire resounded through the empty fields.

Both the Four Elements Group and the 622 Group were dumbfounded.

If it was said that Gu Huize used two shooting postures in a row and the speed of fire in less than fifteen seconds was already dazzling enough, then Tang Dao was even more awesome.

Because not only has he been moving laterally, but his trigger hand has never stopped.

Ten rounds of bullets took less than ten seconds, and all the bullets were completely emptied in one go.

"How long did it take Commander Tang to empty the bullet?" Gu Huize was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at his captain, the spy company commander.

He looked at his pocket watch blankly, and the captain and company commander's eyes were blank, "It should be about ten seconds, or less than ten seconds!"

"Hiss!" Gu Huize gasped.

There was a wry smile on his face, no wonder Tang Dao had a strange look on his face when he tried to interfere with Tang Dao with his first place in the division shooting competition.

Dare to say that it didn't scare him, but that this head Tang is better at this job.

Leaving aside how many rings he will be able to hit in the end, Gu Huize has an intuition that he is going to lose, and he will lose badly.

Some people may say, isn't it just the rate of fire!Anyway, just pull the trigger desperately, maybe the magazine can be emptied in five or six seconds, but it’s a few shots, and the strong recoil will make the shooter find the North by himself, let alone The shooting accuracy of bullets has improved.

But Tang Dao is absolutely not. He has always held the gun very firmly. From the perspective of others, Gu Huize can even feel that every time he shoots, it is precisely at the moment when his moving steps are stopping, the whole The body maintains a moment of strange balance.

In other words, all of Tang Dao's tactical movements are naturally integrated as one. The constantly moving footsteps not only allow him to avoid attacks from opponents, but also become the kinetic energy balance for him to maintain a straight high-speed trajectory.

This kind of performance alone already makes people feel that he has won, regardless of the outcome of the bullet marks left on the final target paper.

"Brother Tang, this time Brother Yu knows what it means to be someone who is beyond others and someone who is beyond the sky, I admire you!" Gu Huize smiled wryly. "Originally, brother, I meant humility when I said laughing, but I didn't expect it to be a literal meaning!"

"Haha! I didn't expect it. Brother Gu is really an interesting person. Fortunately, Tang Dao didn't make a routine insult afterwards. Otherwise, Brother Gu, if you literally mean it, Tang Dao wouldn't be able to answer." Tang Dao laughed.

"Haha, maybe Gu hasn't met such an interesting person as my brother for a long time. It seems that today I will spend money if I don't want to." After a slight pause, Gu Huize couldn't help laughing out loud.

The two commander-level officers didn't wait for the target paper to be brought over there. One thought he had lost, and the other thought it was unnecessary, so he handed out the rewards.

Gu Huize kept his word, the 100 oceans had already been brought by the Military Supply Department, and Shen Laoliu had received 50 oceans, which was heavy in his hand, smiling like a chrysanthemum full of wrinkles.

The two security squad leaders tied for No.2, but the strange thing is that the two squad leaders didn't want the 30 oceans, and they all chose Tang Dao to take out the three-edge army stab.

The two veterans both knew how powerful this seemingly single-purpose military stab was. With just that stab, the three huge bloodletting slots could make the opponent lose resistance, which was much more effective than a bayonet.

The bayonet can be cut and hacked, and it can also open cans and cut barbed wire. It has a wide range of functions, but the only function of the triangular army bayonet is to kill people. It is more convenient and quick to kill people. It is the most effective lethal weapon on the battlefield.

In the end, Zhen Laya backed down and handed over the triangular army thorns to the colleagues of the 662 regiment. First, they came here as guests, so they had to show face to the owner; Put it, maybe it will become a four-element regiment standard weapon.

In the end, the 20 Dayang soldiers were cheaper than the soldiers of the 662 regiment who scored 83 rings. This kind of reward is considered fair. Two of the two regiments each won the award, which also saved enough face for the officers of both sides. Even if the Four Elements regiment is better, after all There is no all-round crushing, is there?

"Go, Brother Tang, I'll take you to see the mysterious gift arranged by my chief!" Gu Huize waved his hand, pulled Tang Dao and left.

The two guards followed naturally, but the ten semi-automatic rifles they had just brought out from Zhuang Shisan still had to be cleaned up, and the empty magazines left there had to be cleaned up too. Zhen Laya waved his hand, Shen Laya Lao Liu took the initiative to take the three of them to get the guns.

And the guards over there took the initiative to stay with the two of them after seeing it, otherwise these few people might not necessarily find a way to catch up with the officers in the relatively large Dalinzhuang later.

In fact, both sides just had a little bit of careful thinking, packing the guns and magazines was fake, and it was true to take advantage of this time to see the achievements of the two officers.

As soon as the signal soldier from the 662 regiment ran over out of breath, several soldiers surrounded him.

The No. 200 target paper belongs to Gu Huize. To no one's surprise, his marksmanship is astonishing. With that high rate of fire, and at a distance of 90 meters, he managed to score [-] points. Shen Lao Liu could only use gasp. He took a breath to express his admiration.

When it came to the No. 2 target paper belonging to Tang Dao, the eyes of the soldiers on both sides were almost rounded, and they couldn't count the real results at all.

Because, the center of the red circle belonging to the tenth ring has been completely shot to the point where Shen Laoliu shot the shocking 150-ring target 97 meters away, and the center of the circle is still rotten.

In addition, there are no more holes in the target paper!

Could it be that Captain Tang hit all the shots in the center of the circle, scoring a perfect score of 100 rings?

And it's still moving sideways, in just ten seconds?
This is a miracle!
Thinking of such a shooter appearing on the battlefield, the veterans who have experienced countless cruel battlefields, whether they are from the Four Elements Regiment or the 662 Regiment, collectively feel cold behind them.

"Fortunately, this is our officer! It's not Japanese." Shen Laoliu looked at the surrounding comrades and allies with wide-eyed eyes in disbelief, and said happily.

But he couldn't help but grow a longing in his heart, when will he be able to reach the level of the officer!

"That's right, that's right, no wonder our regiment leader Gu directly said that he lost! Mr. Tang is really good!" Two soldiers of the 622 regiment were having headaches.

They didn't know that Tang Dao could have such shooting skills. In fact, apart from the excellent marksmanship, it also had a great relationship with the performance of semi-automatic rifles than everyone in this era.

Although the Czech ZH-29 has a large recoil, the basic principle is actually not much different from the five-six semi-automatic, but the five-six semi-automatic bolt and gas guide system produced more than ten years later are more advanced.

When Tang Dao first joined the army, the rifle he used the most was this semi-automatic rifle that was only used for training. In the recruit company, Tang Dao, who performed well, was deliberately trained as a recruit in the infantry regiment for more than three months. Time, except for eating and sleeping, is to hold this rifle.

He once shot 20 rounds in 20 seconds in the internal trials of the infantry brigade, scored 198 points, and had to change the magazine in the middle.

This achievement broke the shooting record of the infantry brigade, but it was still a little short of the national army.

Because, more than 40 years ago, a soldier used a five-six semi-automatic rifle to shoot 40 rounds in 400 seconds, with a full score of [-] rings. As time went by, because the new assault rifles were gradually installed in the army, it was terrible. Not only has the record not been broken, but it has become increasingly dusty.

This is the training ground, and there are even better people on the battlefield.

In the jungle battle that broke out in the southwest, a soldier from Yunnan Province used this semi-automatic rifle to shoot and kill 132 enemies with 128 rounds of bullets.

Those two were the young man Tang Dao was chasing after, but later, because of frequent missions, Tang Dao used more sophisticated sniper rifles. Although his marksmanship became more and more accurate, he still knew that semi-automatic Rifle, he couldn't reach the height of those two seniors.

However, here, Tang Dao, who is very familiar with semi-automatic performance, has become an insurmountable mountain, but Tang Dao actually made reservations. If he wants, the target can be moved back another 100 meters, and he can reach 300 meters away. The rate of fire is 10 seconds, 10 rounds and 95 rings or more.

A round of marksmanship competition with the 662 regiment, so that both sides have a certain understanding of each other. It can only be said that none of the people who can survive their respective cruel battlefields is weak.

No wonder the battle was fought to the end. Even if the Japanese army still had the advantage of air and ground artillery, they never won battle-level battlefields as easily as they did in the early days of the war.

That's not how much the Japanese got weaker, but the Chinese army got stronger.

The battlefield is a cruel ecological chain. If you don't become strong, you can only become the spoils of the strong.

Of course, in addition to this harvest, Tang Dao already knows the performance of this ZH-29 semi-automatic rifle through gun testing.

This kind of semi-automatic rifle has a high rate of fire and strong firepower, but if it does not have a certain level, its hit rate cannot be guaranteed, and it is temporarily unrealistic to deploy all ordinary infantry.

Even if semi-automatic rifles were developed by the military factories established in the future, the soldiers would have to go through strict shooting training. Otherwise, they might as well hold bolt-action rifles.

As for now, it is better to keep 30 shots for each infantry battalion, 20 shots for special squadrons, 20 shots for cavalry companies, and 20 shots for guard companies.

As for how to allocate the guns to individuals, that is something for the chief officers of each battalion and company to worry about. Tang Dao probably already has a conclusion in his mind.

What surprised Tang Dao even more was the mysterious gift that Gu Huize prepared for him.

The six big guys covered by the oilcloth not only have a truck but also an ammunition truck. They are the things that Tang Dao was greedy for the 67 Army's heavy equipment, but he was sternly refused by Comrade Wu.

According to the smiling Gu Huize, these big guys, even in the Northeast Army, are only equipped with heavy firepower for brigade-level troops, and he didn't take over until the moment when the Four Elements Regiment had entered Dalin Village and began to receive equipment. I got a telegram from the chief, and if he thinks it's okay, the Northeast Army system will send Tang Dao, a small infantry regiment, to earn favors!
But this favor is not ordinary!
(End of this chapter)

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