Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 798 The real killer of the 4-line group!

Chapter 798 The Four Elements Group is a real killer!
In this wave, Tang Dao was overestimated. He not only challenged a guard but failed to do his best, and even lost the ability to walk.

Of course, the injuries he suffered in the fight on the field were all superficial, and what made him unable to move was his exhausted physical strength.

The middle-aged soldier looked at Tang Dao who was being massaged by Ming Xin and Erya to soothe his leg muscles, and he couldn't tell what it was.

Although he and Tang Dao had set the main tone, the Four Elements Group didn't know that as time went by, the Four Elements Group had already made preparations for a full-scale attack.

The report from the front said: The four-element regiment has as many as [-] direct-pointing guns of various types that have moved to the mountain fortifications. Only one round of salvo can destroy all the heavy machine gun fortifications built by sandbags.

He really intends to keep Tang Dao here to finish writing the apology letter and wait for the compensation to be delivered, but time does not allow it!
And looking at Tang Dao's hands convulsed from extreme exhaustion, I'm afraid he can't take this sum.

In the end, Ming Xin had to write down the IOU in which the Four Elements Group owed the 89th Division [-] Yinyang compensation, and Tang Dao pledged it with his fingerprints and promised to deliver all of it tomorrow morning.

After all, the road for the Four Elements Regiment is still in the hands of the 89th Division, but the middle-aged soldiers with IOUs are not afraid of Tang Dao repudiating their debts.

After Tang Dao tried his best to agree, he fell into a deep sleep.

The completely exhausted physical energy can only be recovered with deep sleep. The military doctor of the 89th Division was in a hurry. It took a long time to check that Chief Tang was really asleep and not in a coma. His heartbeat was faster than that of the strongest soldier in the field. Be strong.

Ming Xin, who had given Tang Dao's pulse, also confirmed that Tang Dao was just asleep, so the Sixing Group and his party were relieved.

Erya refused the help of the 89th Division, and took a few soldiers who could still walk to the 89th Division to borrow a stretcher to carry Tang Dao on.

In his words, the chief of Lao Tzu's Four Elements Regiment will naturally have to be carried by my Four Elements Regiment's soldiers!Even if the old man's leg is broken, climbing will drag the old man's chief back.

This sentence made the officers and soldiers of the 89th Division admire Tang Dao even more, who was already exhausted and fell asleep.

An official can sacrifice everything for his soldiers; a soldier will naturally repay his life with this life!

How can such an army not be scary?
Fortunately, there is no real enemy against them.

Not only Tang Dao, Erya refused to let the people from the 89th Division help carry it, even the two soldiers whose ribs were broken, and the few remaining soldiers who could walk were also supported to walk back.

This is the backbone and arrogance of the Four Elements Group!
Perhaps only Tang Dao, who had woken up, gave Erya a headache, and laughed and scolded: "Idiot, it's not them, brothers can be beaten like that?"Wouldn't it be nice to let them make amends and be bearers, and let the brothers enjoy him?You are supporting the face of our four-element regiment, but the injuries of those brothers with broken bones must not be aggravated!
In the future, let me remember it!Those so-called face can't be eaten!The more unhappy the opponent is, the happier we will be.The tenet of my four-element group is that our happiness must be based on the pain of our opponents. '

It seems very reasonable!
Well, a talented young man who has passed away from the Taoist sect for thousands of years, under the guidance of Tang Dao, is going further and further on the road to blackening.

Ming Xin's name of 'Mo Dao' resounded throughout Northwest Shanxi within a few years!Whether it's a Japanese or a traitor, when they hear the name 'Demonic Dao', they all shudder!

In fact, this guy not only kills people neatly and neatly, but also has a variety of tricks.

It's okay to be stabbed in the throat with a knife while eating, and die before the meat can be swallowed. You have seen a sap in the toilet and you can be thrown into the toilet. The final cause of death is because you were full. Stuffed'?
For quite a long time, "Mo Dao" has become the ceiling of North China's large and small anti-rape teams. Those Japanese who have been publicly listed on the must-kill list and big traitors live in fear. They even sleep with their aunts and wives. They all have to stand on an infantry platoon, and there must be at least four or five people with live ammunition inside the door.

The esoteric essence of the future island country crowd-watching action movie is staged in advance.

. . . . . . . . . .

Seeing the persistence of the Four Elements Group, in order to show sincerity and the result of friendly negotiations between the two sides, the middle-aged soldier not only sent the captain and company commander who had fought against Tang Dao to lead a guard squad to send Tang Dao back, but also let Song Qingshu On behalf of him, Tang Dao was sent to the defense zone of the Four Elements Regiment.

This is also in case the officers and soldiers of the Four Elements Regiment see their miserable appearance, the 89th Division has something to explain.

Tang Dao's bruised nose, swollen face, and inability to walk, was really not caused by his 89th division, it was Tang Dao's own fault.

But the key is that the Four Elements Group has to believe it too!

In other words, an army colonel explained with a smile on his face, but Tang Dao himself did not refute. The officers such as Lei Xiong and Gong Shaoxun, who were furious at first, swallowed this breath with gritted teeth, but Tang Dao is not a single dog that no one loves and loves now. .

Tang Dao has a fiancee.

"Captain Song, you mean that my husband, in order to test the combat effectiveness of your department, took the initiative to challenge a guard company of your department, and in the end he was outnumbered and beaten like this?" Tantai felt distressed after checking Tang Dao's injuries. That pretty face of Mingyue is really as cold as ice.

Facing the stern questioning of the pretty female soldier in front of him, Song Qingshu also froze.

Tang Dao is not only good at fighting, but also good at picking up girls!Where did you find such a beautiful wife?This is probably Song Datuan's first impression of Tantai Mingyue.

As for Tantai Mingyue's merciless questioning, Song Qingshu didn't care much.

First of all, that is the truth. If Tang Dao and his subordinates deny it, they can only lose face; secondly, a woman who doesn't even have a military rank but only wears a military uniform, no matter how beautiful she is, is just a vase. What about him?
Her husband Tang Dao is powerful enough!I can be called an enemy of a hundred people, and there are more than 2000 elite soldiers under my command, but in front of the 89th Division, can't I just swallow my breath and agree to pay compensation?

However, Song Qingshu obviously overlooked one thing. When Tantai Mingyue came out, a group of lieutenant colonels headed by Lei Xiong fell silent.

You know, no matter whether it is Lei Xiong or Gong Shaoxun, no matter the battle experience or military achievements they have experienced, they are all much more than Song Qingshu. These powerful soldiers choose to let Tantai Mingyue stand on the stage at the moment. Will it be just a vase?
Belittle women, and you will pay the price.

"Hehe, brothers and sisters, what a hero Tang is, no matter how bold I am, Song Qingshu, I dare not fabricate the facts! If you don't believe me, you can ask Tang's subordinates!" Song Qingshu thought that he had performed perfectly. The coordination with white gloves is also very military elite style.

"My husband came to this appearance at the invitation of the teacher of your department. Isn't it too ridiculous for you to ask me to ask my brothers from the Four Elements?" Tantai Mingyue raised her brows slightly.

"If my brother and sister insist on saying that, let my guard company commander tell you the real situation!" Pressed by a woman like this, Song Qingshu's mouth twitched, suppressing the anger in his heart, and said.

What he meant was that since you are so arrogant, it's okay to tell you the truth, but Tang Dao is overthinking his capabilities.

"Reporting to Mrs. Tang, Captain Tang did challenge my entire company. Although he failed in the end, the whole company still admires Captain Tang. He is really strong!" The army captain stood at attention, very honestly. Report the truth.

The officers of the Four Elements Regiment behind Tantai Mingyue looked at Erya and Mingxin who were silent over there, feeling a toothache.

This should be true, and only Tang Dao can do this crazy thing of challenging a guard company of 150 people.

Only Tantai Mingyue's face remained unchanged, and she looked at the army captain seriously: "The captain means that my husband challenged your entire guard company, and after knocking down nearly a hundred people in a row, he finally became exhausted and lost to the enemy. no?"

"Yes!" The captain of the army looked at Song Qingshu who was expressionless, and could only answer bravely.

"Then I really can't blame you for this. It's my husband who is too self-sufficient. He challenged a 150-man guard company by himself. Who does he think he is? When he wakes up, I have to talk to him." Tantai Mingyue's His face was obviously not good-looking.

Daringly, Tang Dao is a tiger, and there is a tigress at home!The captain of the army looked at the leader Tang who was still sleeping soundly on the stretcher and knew nothing about it, and he had a deeper understanding of the word hero.

Since ancient times, heroes have been saddened by beauty pass!

"However, my husband's body injury is not useless. A company of your guards against my husband alone is enough to demonstrate your strong combat effectiveness. I hope to use this as an entry point to publicize that the big battle is imminent. The Four Elements Regiment I hope Regiment Commander Song will tell Commander Zhang of your department about the efforts made by the friendly forces of the 89th Division and the other two units to improve their combat effectiveness!" Tantai Mingyue's face softened a lot, and her tone became gentle.

"Okay!" Song Qingshu subconsciously agreed.

"Then let me see off Captain Song and his party!" Lei Xiong quickly followed up.

Although Lei Xiong was only a lieutenant colonel, while Tang Dao was sleeping soundly, Lei Xiong was already the highest-ranking officer in the Four Elements Regiment, which was enough courtesy.

Regarding this, apart from being slightly dissatisfied with being questioned by Tang Dao's wife who appeared suddenly, Song Qingshu was quite satisfied with the rest.

"Deputy Commander Lei, when did your Commander Tang get married? Mrs. Tang is not a soldier, so how did she join the army?" On the way, Song Qingshu couldn't help being curious.

"Oh! Our group seat and Ms. Tantai Mingyue are engaged but not yet married. Although Ms. Tantai Mingyue is not unregistered, she is a war reporter recognized by the headquarters of several war zones! Battlefields such as Sixing, Songjiang, and Guangde , she is here." Lei Xiong replied casually.

"Wait, is that Tantai Mingyue?" Song Qingshu stopped suddenly, his face was even uglier than the guard company who watched Tang Dao quickly overthrow him alone.

In fact, if this Tantai Mingyue is the other Tantai Mingyue, it will be a bad thing, and the consequences will not be worse than the previous battle between the two armies.

"Captain Song thinks it could be that one?" Seeing the surprise and uneasiness on the face of the calm infantry commander, Lei Xiong sneered. "Didn't Miss Tantai Mingyue fell in love with our group at the first sight on the Sixing Warehouse battlefield, otherwise, with her reputation, she wouldn't be able to go to that large battlefield, and why would she keep following our small army of less than a thousand people?"

The profession of journalist, from the beginning of its birth, is destined to be a profession in the hands of those in power. In fact, the pen in their hands is too scary.

There is an old saying in China: Many mouths make gold, and accumulation destroys bones!That means the talk of a crowd can melt metal, and the constant slander of a crowd can kill a man.

The public is a kind of creature with strong blind obedience. Without seeing it with their own eyes, they can form their own will just by hearing it, and the pen in the reporter's hand can become the leader of this blind obedience. The baton, the pen is slightly crooked, expressing another meaning.

And for Tantai Mingyue, a well-known national reporter, it is even more serious. She wrote a report on the battlefield, which attracted countless readers.

Not to mention ordinary people, during the Songhu War, even the 89th Division in North China had many fans of her.

As the head of the group, Song Qingshu knew too well the power of a great reporter like Tantai Mingyue, and what was even more terrible was that this great reporter was actually Tang Dao's fiancée.

Not to mention that Tang Dao was forced to sign an alliance under the city, had to write an apology letter, and had to pay money, but just talk about Tang Dao's bruised nose and swollen face. Can you expect his fiancée to be fair when writing this news report?

Even if it is fair, Song Qingshu's brain is buzzing when he thinks of the fact that Tang Dao single-handedly selected nine guard squads and only collapsed from exhaustion under the siege of the last guard squad.

"Tang Dao, the Colonel of the Four Elements Regiment, was forced to personally test the combat effectiveness of the 89th Division. He was seriously injured by one against a hundred!"

"Due to a dispute over food purchases, the 20th Legion overwhelmed people, and the leader of the anti-Japanese hero fell into a severe coma!"

"The war is imminent, and the friendly army will do more harm than the enemy army!"

Thinking of these headlines that could be published in newspapers at any time, Song Qingshu's head was no longer buzzing, but his forehead was dripping with cold sweat.

He knew one thing very well, that awesome boss was a celebrity in front of the principal, but the principal's subordinates were also divided into several major factions, and the leaders of the other factions wouldn't want to step on their opponents as their own card?

As long as Tantai Mingyue wants to expose this matter, there will be a lot of people who will push the flames to make this matter bigger, and the one from the theater command will be waiting for this opportunity.

Anyway, for him, neither the Four Elements Regiment nor the 20th Legion is his direct lineage, so he just took this opportunity to organize the 20th Legion for the convenience of commanding in the future.

What's the matter, the Four Elements Group actually has such a big killer, but they still want to fight and kill like a fool.

The distraught Song Qingshu ran quickly to report the unexpected news to the infantry commander who was holding a pot of tea on the small stove.

"Bang Dang!" A pot of tea fell directly to the ground, causing the lieutenant general to jump to the ground.

"Tomorrow, I will personally visit Commander Tang in the Four Elements Regiment!" After a long silence, the infantry division commander made the wisest choice.

. . . . . . .

Of course, Tantai Mingyue is not such an unreasonable person. The middle-aged soldier and Tang Dao reached an agreement with a smile on their faces. The previous so-called 89 ocean compensation was reduced to [-]. hard work.

The infantry squad under Tang Dao's command was compensated by the 89th Division for the damage caused by a misunderstanding. In addition to the medical expenses of Tang Dao, the head of the regiment, the 89th Division compensated [-] in private.

In the eyes of outsiders, the 89th division took off his pants and farted superfluously, but Tang Dao knew that this master was going to explain to the person above that the five thousand oceans basically had to be handed over.

As for the 89 oceans of compensation for medical expenses, the [-]th Division may have to bear it themselves!

Anyway, what Tang Dao wants is not face but liking, especially when the inside and outside four-line group has earned a thousand oceans.

As for the letter of apology written by Tang Dao, both parties agreed not to mention it, as if it had never happened.

In front of the infantry commander, Tantai Mingyue threw the manuscript she had written into the stove and turned it into ashes.

Only then did the infantry commander let out a long sigh of relief, completely relieved, and began to congratulate himself for his decisiveness.

Otherwise, the 89th Division will probably be nailed to the pillar of shame in history after this big reporter's pen is crooked.

. . . . . . . . . . .

PS: I'm not in the mood today. In the evening, I received a call from a close friend who told me that my mother had passed away suddenly and that I would never have a mother again. Hearing this sentence, my heart ached.We are no longer young, but if we walk into a familiar home, we can still call mother, how happy it is!But for Fengyue's close friend, this kind of happiness, from this moment today, is gone!

During the epidemic, Fengyue can't fly thousands of miles to accompany her best friend through this painful time. I can only hope that my best friend and his brother will be strong!

(End of this chapter)

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