Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 800 Squeeze!

Chapter 800 Squeeze!

Without any mobilization, the marching military order was issued, and the whole regiment of the Four Elements was marching.

Up to Tang Dao, the head of the regiment, down to the recruits and student soldiers in new military uniforms who have not been awarded military ranks. Except for the wounded soldiers and female nurses of the medical team who did not meet the prescribed standards, everyone else carried less than 20 catties, and more The load is up to 40 catties.

This is also related to the policy formulated by Tang Dao, which distributes ammunition, equipment, and even horse fodder and grain that cannot be transported by the baggage company, and distributes them in units of infantry companies.

That is to say, an infantry company is calculated based on 130 people. In addition to each person's own weight of 15 catties, each person will add an additional 10 catties of weight. The entire company needs to allocate a total load of about 1300 catties.

If someone is sick or weak and cannot carry so much weight, that’s okay. You coordinate within the company. Anyway, the total amount is given to your infantry company. Even if it’s climbing, your infantry company has to drag the 1300 catties of extra load away.

In order to get rid of the burden assigned to them, the company commanders of each company also showed their own special skills. Some adopted an equal system and assigned tasks to each platoon and each squad. Rewards are awarded based on performance upon arrival at the destination;

Others adopt a reward mechanism, like Zhao Daqiang, who was enlightened after the battle of Laojinkeng. First, a base is set, and then no matter who the whole company is, whoever carries 2 pounds more than this base will be rewarded. 2 yuan, and those who carry 4 catties more will be rewarded with 4 yuan. With a heavy reward, there must be a brave man. There are many people who carry more than 4 catties, which happens to relieve a lot of burden on the body.

Whether it is spiritual rewards, material rewards or other methods, Tang Dao doesn't care. He is the head of the regiment, he only cares about the general direction, and only grasps the most important core qualities of the officers and soldiers of the regiment --- defending the family and defending the country, and prohibiting orders.

Grasping the big and letting go of the small is one of the most important abilities Tang Dao learned after he gradually became a senior officer.

Moreover, Tang Dao is well aware of the complexity of the North China battlefield in the future. According to the situation, the Four Elements Regiment is unlikely to participate in such a large-scale battlefield as the Songhu Battle. 80.00% of the battlefields are small-scale raids. These infantrymen under him The company commander, in the future, must grow into a chief officer, and must have his own independent judgment when he cannot contact the regiment headquarters.

To put it bluntly, this long-distance transport march is not only a test of the physical fitness and mental will of ordinary officers and soldiers, but also a training ground for 800 recruits, and it is also an assessment of the management capabilities of the company commanders.

If the performance is not good, when the Four Elements Regiment expands its troops again in the future, it will definitely be discounted by Tang Dao.

Of course, compared to the load distribution that each company tried to accomplish by themselves, the officers have set an example one after another.

Regardless of whether they are voluntary or not, the regiment headquarters of the Four Elements Regiment has also made rigid regulations. All divisions of the Four Elements Regiment, from lieutenants and above, should bear 5 catties more than ordinary soldiers, and school officers should bear 2 catties more than lieutenants.

The rule of the Four Elements Regiment is that since you are an officer and you get more military pay, you have to take on more responsibilities.

If you want to be a good officer, you must have a good enough body in addition to a quick mind. The new concept of Tang Dao was somewhat uncomfortable for the soldiers who came out of the old army, but after following Tang Dao for a long time, I have gradually gotten used to it.

Moreover, Tang Dao has never been a double standard of saying one thing and doing another. As the head of the group, even if he is not the first in the group, he is still the top two and top three.

Tang Dao helped Tantai Mingyue carry an extra ten catties in addition to his own equipment. No one could say that Tang Dao wanted to help his fiancée.

This is something that satisfies the handsome middle-aged guy who walks with sore legs and feet. Young, promising, and talented don't need to be mentioned. Just because he loves his wife, Little Butterfly from the future is definitely the best thing for old father-in-laws in this era. Reassuring.

Eating and dressing are very important, but after all these are needed, whether or not you feel sorry for your wife is the first choice of parents for their son-in-law.

The main reason why Captain Tang, who carried a weight of forty catties, was not number one was because of the perverted existence of Ming Xin.

Xia Dayu fell ill, he fell ill on the second day after crossing Mangshang Mountain. I don't know if he was too young. As soon as it blew, I actually contracted the disease of wind and cold that night.

High fever persists, fear of wind and cold, not to mention continuing to march with heavy loads, and even unable to walk. This disease will be nothing more than a cold and cold in the future, but in this era of lack of medical treatment, the mortality rate is not small. The special warfare squadron If he dared to be sloppy, he had to send Xia Dayu to the medical team for treatment.

But Xia Dayu's load was left to the special warfare squadron.

The special warfare squadron currently only has less than 60 people, but they still have a cavalry squad brought by Lu Sanjiang with 10 horses, so it is calculated on the basis of two-thirds of the infantry company's transport capacity, with the horses to help share, but the special warfare squadron averaged out The weight of an individual soldier is also six catties higher than that of an ordinary infantry company.

Lao Hei, Gu Xishui, and Lu Sanjiang did not go to Tang Dao to complain. They were old people who had been with Tang Dao for more than two months. The sharpest knife?Can't bear the weight of a few more pounds? ' will block them back.

Therefore, a lieutenant captain and two second lieutenant deputy captains of the special warfare squadron could only grit their teeth and work hard. The two captains set an example and carried a load of 33 kilograms. I weighed 25 kilograms, and the average team member averaged nearly [-] kilograms.

It's just that Xia Dayu's illness was sent to the medical team, but the 25-jin load couldn't be sent there, and it had to be digested internally by the special forces.

Ming Xin took over ten catties of weight directly, plus his own epee, which was not counted at all, it was roughly estimated that it was less than fifty catties.

Really, when they saw Ming Xin walking on the road with three grain bags hanging on his body, three rifles, ten grenades and an epee on his back, the officers and soldiers of the Four Elements Regiment were shocked at first. Silently counting when this person will fall.

One day, two days, three days.
Until a week later, the number one hunk of the Four Elements Group was still walking in front of everyone at a constant speed, and the whole group was paralyzed.

Not to mention anything else, this stamina alone is more than double that of ordinary people.

For a week, the four-element regiment marches at least 60 miles a day according to the established marching speed. Some companies have too long a break in the middle and cause them to fall behind. 8 hours.

When they arrived at the camp, it wasn't that the whole army ate and slept immediately. Tang Dao's requirements were very strict. Each battalion and company had to dig field trenches and send out fixed and mobile posts.

It's not that Tang Dao is strict and doesn't know the hard work of the officers and soldiers, but that even though he is far away from the Xuzhou battlefield, this road to the north does not mean that it is safe and secure.

The Japanese army has already begun to attack Yu Province, which is part of the first war zone. The first war zone is resisting the enemy with the Yellow River moat, and Tang Dao can't guarantee whether a small group of Japanese troops will cross the Yellow River and enter.

If the Japanese army came to a sneak attack on his own territory and caused losses, the embarrassment and the newly formed Four Elements Regiment would suffer a blow to morale, not to mention the damage to the equipment that had been transported so hard, that would be unacceptable to Tang Dao.

Since the two countries are at war, they must be vigilant at all times. Tang Dao also hopes that his soldiers can maintain this kind of vigilance as a habit.

Therefore, the officers and soldiers of the Four Elements Regiment, who were exhausted due to the long-distance march with heavy loads and had to maintain the marching speed, had to build a field position after a short rest. It was around 11 o'clock at night after eating.

After sleeping for 6 hours, the marching horn will be sounded, and everyone packs up their equipment and eats breakfast, and embarks on the marching road again.

Repeatedly, using the original words of Li Jiujin Li Daliang after arriving at the destination: "This is a nightmare march that he never wants to experience again in his life. Every day he faces the next sixty miles. The long road seems to have no end. Even Even more desperate than when he was in Sixing Warehouse, the 400 soldiers were surrounded by an infantry regiment of the Japanese army!"

Even a veteran who has experienced countless times of tragic battlefields will have a desperate march, and for recruits, it is even more of a nightmare journey.

The recruits are all in the supply chain, and they don't have to build a field position like the combat troops, but they are not idle either.

After arriving at the camp and resting for only half an hour, the veterans will be assembled by whistle blowing, and the infantry platoon will be used as a unit for boring queue training.

Two hours a day, there is no rain or shine, because there is neither wind nor rain, and Yu Province in the cold winter has nothing but cold.

If someone falls down, drag it aside, have a few sips of the ginger soup cooked by the cooking team, take a rest, and continue.

It's not that no one wants to be lazy, but the veterans are so vicious, they even killed the devilish Japanese, so would they care about a group of recruits who joined the army just to survive?
Those who are lazy will be fined to stand in a military posture for three hours, and those who are not honest will be punished for one night.

Dare not to execute?The military law team of the regiment headquarters is not a vegetarian. For new recruits, they will not come up with knives, guns and sticks. It is recorded that once, the military salary will be halved, and the second time, they will be hit with ten horsewhips. Out of the four-line group.

In the twelfth lunar month of winter and in the wilderness, there is no need to be hungry, and the cold alone will not last a night.

It's that simple to choose between life and extreme exhaustion.

Fear of death does not mean that no one dares to violate military discipline. This group of recruits was a group of civilians a few days ago, and it is difficult for a god to make them immediately become a prohibited soldier.

In front of this kind of high-intensity training subjects, there are not many people who sneak, rape and cheat, some pretend to be sick, and some even make up their minds to hurt themselves, stepping on the air and falling into the pit, spraining their ankles and making them unable to walk normally.

Facing this kind of person, the platoon leader transferred from the guard company took thunderous measures. It is okay to be sick, or injured during the march, but they must be subject to review. They received 10 horse whips, and the recruits who were beaten did not receive any preferential treatment. After the military doctor applied medicine and slept on their stomachs for a night, they still had to carry a load of more than 20 kilograms on the march. Those who did not follow were naturally driven out of the army.

The wound on the back was already painful, and when the heavy object rubbed against it, the pain was even more excruciating, comparable to torture.

As for the instigator, Tang Dao did not say that he was killed with a stick, and that he could find a way to escape, which shows that they can use their brains, but their cleverness is useless. The training of recruits is not only to hone their bodies and wills, but also to let them find them. towards oneself.

The punishment for such a stabbing soldier is to withhold two months of military pay and double the whip. If there is no improvement, it is of course the strictest military law.

The principle of Tang Dao is very simple. In this era, what China lacks most is industry, but what China lacks most is people.

The recruits were like this when they were recruits, how could they be expected to go to the bloody battlefield?It is better to eliminate things early.

At this moment, he couldn't have any compassion. Even if he turned into a devil, he had to squeeze out the potential of these new recruits. If he couldn't squeeze out the potential, it would only mean that he was not suitable to be a soldier.

Tang Dao, who also came from the recruit period, knows that the potential of the human body is unlimited. As long as he doesn't want to die, a dog can also become a qualified soldier.

The hammer is the best example. An ordinary Chinese pastoral dog, after experiencing the precarious days of war, doesn't it also become stronger?Even the wolf green dog that the Japanese preferred genes spent decades to breed was killed?

After punishing several thorns in this way in succession, and dozens of recruits from several infantry squads were punished for this, the military discipline and military style of the recruits suddenly took on a new look.

Even if they are exhausted, no one dares to cheat on the seemingly useless queue training anymore.

In this era, Tang Dao used the simplest and most brutal way to quickly integrate a group of refugees who were not even close to the military camp into the army.

Of course, Tang Dao didn't just use Thunderbolt to train rigorously, but also to slap him with a sweet date to win people's hearts.

At noon, steamed buns and broth are the simplest and most convenient meals, but at night, the frontline combat troops are busy building field positions, recruits are training, and the cooking squads assigned to each company are not idle.

A large amount of meat purchased from Xuzhou was distributed by the military supply department. Every night, the whole regiment had three taels of meat, one egg, plus two bowls of rice and two steamed buns. The refugees, even the veterans of the Four Elements Regiment, have never enjoyed it.

This is also Tang Dao taking the opportunity to desperately supplement enough protein for these soldiers. Not only is it a lot of physical energy consumption during the day, but these soldiers from poor families are not bad at all but lack sufficient nutrition.

On the battlefield, the 'big guy' with 1.7 meters can't beat the little devil with only 1.5 meters. After all, he lacks strength.

Marching with heavy loads during the day is like a millstone, draining the energy of the entire regiment, and then supplementing it with rich nutrition. It goes on and on again. Tang Dao believes that it won't take too long, regardless of recruits and veterans. With strength, it is not a problem to fight a little devil alone.

The short legs of the Japanese are caused by genetic defects. Until nearly a hundred years later, the Japanese who have been fed milk to improve their physique since childhood have not improved much in size as a whole.

Compared with the 500 recruits, it was the 300 student soldiers that impressed Tang Dao.

These day's favorites, like the recruits, did not receive any preferential treatment. The 300-member student company was allocated 5000 catties of various equipment and ammunition. They did not have personal equipment, but they all brought their own personal belongings. Some students even He also brought more than ten kilograms of books.

That also means that the individual weight of the student company is more than 20 kilograms per person on average. For this group of scholars who still have many girls, it is an impossible task.

When Zhuang Shisan finished distributing the loads of each unit according to the military order, even Tang Dao murmured to himself whether this was too harsh on the student soldiers, and even ordered Erya to go and ask Mr. Lian can help them share part of it.

As a result, the student even refused, not only refused, but also persisted.

At least in the first week, they maintained the same intensity as the regular army and recruits and persisted smoothly.

Moreover, they also took the initiative to ask the veteran squad leader to conduct queue training for them, but in the end Tang Dao considered that they would not become combat soldiers in the future, so he reduced the evening training to one hour.

Sometimes, ideals can be turned into motivation.

This made Tang Dao have a new understanding of them.

These scholars are of great use!
(End of this chapter)

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