Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 833 Young after all!

Chapter 833 Young after all!

Yes, Tang Dao was sure that his big brother Zhang dared to throw such a big bait at him.

I must have learned from Comrade Wu that he was going to transport a large amount of arms from the Jincheng Concession and was short of money to pick up the goods.

And the reason why Comrade Wu dared to reveal such a big secret to this man, I am afraid that this has a lot to do with the extremely close cooperation between the Northwest Army and the Northeast Army. The 29th Army withdrew from North China, and the wealth accumulated over the years was too late to take away. The top generals of the Northeast Army may have heard of it.

After such a contact, Tang Dao even dared to conclude that when Comrade Old Wu handed over the batch of arms orders to him, he had already made the idea of ​​the wealth stored by the 29th Army in the Jincheng Concession, but at that time he also had I didn't know how to open the breakthrough.

Unexpectedly, Tang Dao was much more powerful than he had imagined, and he 'hooked up' with Commander Zhang, one of the three giants in the 29th Army, without his being a great army commander.

Commander Zhang has a reputation for benevolence and righteousness in the army. Comrade Wu is willing to go all out for Tang Dao. He made a stud and promised a complete infantry regiment equipment, even at the expense of exposing the equipment of two pure German infantry divisions of the Northeast Army. big secret.

Then he succeeded.

Commander Zhang not only valued Tang Dao very much, but also a person who put the interests of the country and the nation above personal interests.If those 'dead objects' could be converted into weapons and equipment, how much damage would it do to the Japanese?
This is the underlying core logic of Commander Zhang's willingness to help Tang Dao in this way, not just the shallow level of brotherhood.

With such a tacit understanding, the two lieutenant generals are naturally sure that after Tang Dao mentioned this batch of silver, he didn't need to bother to transport it out of Jincheng, just digest it on the spot.

The remaining payment to the German arms company alone was as high as several million silver dollars.As for the rest, the two lieutenant generals of course don't have to worry about it. Based on their understanding of Tang Dao, there is only money that is not enough to spend, so what can't be spent?
The eyes of the two middle-aged uncles were of course vicious. When General Song was sighing infinitely, Tang Dao's head was spinning rapidly, how to wipe out this huge wealth worth 2000 million silver.

Westerners want money, but the place he is about to go to lacks everything, ranging from industrial equipment, weapons and equipment, to clothing, food, and salt.

As for how to transport these things from Jincheng to the mountainous area, the two lieutenant generals can't care so much. It is the limit of what they can do to give Tang Dao the right to use these materials.

This is both trust and a test of Tang Dao.

It is not their personal test of Tang Dao, but what is bestowed by this era.

In other words, tests exist for all current Chinese people.

Because, for China, which is already at a complete disadvantage at this time, only by making the impossible possible can it be possible to win this war.

Otherwise, the whole of China will sink in darkness.

As for Tang Dao, he is extremely confident because of the guideline of history.

His predecessors had succeeded, and he could do the same.

Don't look at the Japanese army advancing triumphantly at this time. In fact, they are not monolithic. While they have many internal conflicts, they will also look forward and backward. He is arrogant, but he is also timid when facing the golden retrievers.

If there is a flaw, it is Tang Dao's opportunity, and it depends on how Tang Dao discovers it.

Seeing the unparalleled confidence in Tang Dao's eyes, Admiral Song was even more curious, but his reserve prevented him from asking again, hoping that Tang Dao would tell him the answer himself.

Obviously, he was doomed to be disappointed.

"Mr. Song, Xuzhou is about to go to war. What are your plans for the war in Yu Province?" Tang Dao took the initiative to change the subject.

Hearing Tang Dao mention the war in Yu Province, General Song's face suddenly became gloomy.

It's not that he, the general commander of the group army, disdains to discuss the war with a little colonel Tang Dao, but that since he became the commander of the first group army, except for defeating the enemy in Cheng'an County in November last year, all other battles have been defeated.

In less than three months, the three armies under his command were beaten back and forth by the Japanese army. Not only was the vast North China lost, but even the Yellow River in Henan Province could not hold on.

If he retreats again, he will retreat to the vicinity of Zhengzhou, where the theater headquarters is located. At this time, Tang Dao asked about the war, no doubt poking his heart.

"The battle on the front line is complicated, not only because of the Japanese offensive, but also because of the coordination within the war zone. It is not something that can be decided by my first army." Admiral Song was silent for a moment, and gave Tang Dao an ambiguous answer.

Tang Dao sighed slightly.

This one, after all, is still unwilling to face his failure, but hopes to shift the responsibility to the head of the theater.

Tang Dao is naturally not as interested in the war in Yu Province as he has shown. Of course he knows that the Japanese attack on Yu Province is basically over. In four months, the Huayuankou section of the Yellow River will be completely blown up , even if Zhengzhou is right in front of you, the raging Yellow River will engulf the corpses of hundreds of thousands of people and become a natural moat for Japanese tanks and artillery.

Tang Dao originally wanted to remind him that he must not concurrently serve as the deputy commander-in-chief of the First War Zone because of the favor of the man who took out the wealth at the bottom of the box of the 29th Army. In the future, the headmaster will disband the first group army on the pretext of losing the battle. At that time, the principal will completely lose control of the front-line troops.

The personal ambition of losing military power and the ideal of revenge for his family and country are all far away from him, which is the main reason for his depressed death.

But character determines destiny, Tang Dao can only be quite helpless in the face of this attitude of not wanting to discuss the war too deeply.

After all, no matter how famous and successful he is, he is only a colonel of the army. This is a general of the army. He didn't scold him for meddling in his own business. It was because of Commander Zhang's face.

"Mr. Song, due to military affairs, Tang Dao and the Four Elements Regiment cannot assist the friendly army to resist the enemy on the front line, but the supplies are still sufficient. On the occasion of the New Year, I specially donate 8 catties of meat and 1 catties of rice flour to the friendly troops of the First Group Army , and 4 heavy machine guns, 500 rounds of bullets, [-] mortars, and [-] rounds of shells!" Tang Dao thought about it, and could only express his feelings to this man from the material level.

Although there are not many supplies, it is enough for this man to reward the officers and soldiers under his command and boost morale.

Admiral Song couldn't help raising his brows slightly, his gloomy face instantly softened.

In the past, 10 catties of rice noodles, 4 catties of meat, [-] heavy machine guns, and [-] mortars would certainly not be put in the eyes of him, the "King of North China". At this time, the army was less than [-], and the foundation of North China had been broken. The rations at his disposal as an admiral commander were only enough to ensure that the soldiers under his command barely had food and clothing.

When it was Chinese New Year, he didn't have the ability to prepare a bowl of dumplings for each of the officers and soldiers, and each person was given an extra white flour steamed bun and a bowl of cabbage soup with a few leaves floating in it.

The morale of the whole army was extremely low. In just a few days from the new year to today, more than [-] soldiers escaped and were captured, but that only accounted for one-third of the deserters.

Tang Dao's gift was timely, and even to his first army, it was no less than the withdrawal warrant he gave Tang Dao.

After all, silver worth 2000 million may seem attractive, but it is surrounded by the Japanese army.

It's like a person who is starving to death, but there is a big piece of fat in the distance that can feed him and live happily for the rest of his life, but the prerequisite for occupying the fat is to pass through the pack of wolves and Bring the meat back.

To put it bluntly, it was just a mirror image. It looked good, but it was useless with the ball, even if Tang Dao looked very confident.

"This." Admiral Song stroked the thick beard under his chin that had not been shaved for many days, and wanted to express his gratitude.

But for a person who has been in a high position for a long time, it is no problem to say thank you because of brotherhood, but it is extremely difficult to say thank you to his subordinates who are several levels lower because of a little material supply.

It suddenly occurred to me that sooner or later Tang Dao belonged to sneak into Jincheng, so he had an idea and patted his head, "Well, the order I just gave was at the request of Chen Chen, and it was a preparation for my war in China. How can I, Song Zheyuan, take advantage of your young man, I still have two private properties in Jincheng, so I will take this as my gift in return."

Tang Dao couldn't help explaining, returned to the desk, took out two land deeds from the file bag, and slapped Tang Dao in front of him.

Tang Dao saw that the two properties were located in the British Concession, and one of them was a two-story building with an area of ​​763 square meters.

If it is true, then for Tang Dao, it is the best place for him to send people to sneak into Jincheng.

Seeing Tang Dao's eyes resting on the largest real estate, General Song's eyes were slightly melancholy, and he said softly: "This real estate has 21 buildings and 8 one-story houses. The decoration also took my wife's careless thought. Enter the Jincheng stronghold, there is still an old butler left there, you take my land deed and warrant, he has been with me for nearly 15 years, and will cooperate with you very well."

Tang Dao didn't know that since he entered North China in 1932, the representative of the Northwest Army bought this house. The Song family has lived in this house for five years. Handing over this house to Tang Dao undoubtedly gave him his own home, which shows his gratitude to Tang Dao for giving gifts in times of crisis.

It's just that it's hard to describe how depressed a dignified army general can't even keep his own home.

Tang Dao got up and stood up straight to salute: "Sir, Tang Dao can't repay you for your gift, but Tang Dao can assure you that the Tang Dao of these two houses is only kept on behalf of you. When Pingjin returns to our country in the future, the two The house must be returned to the Song family as the original. Please also take care of your health, no matter how much setbacks you encounter, you will always remember the country, and you will be able to see with your own eyes when China is victorious and the mountains and rivers are safe."

"Hehe! As long as you have the heart, this house belongs, and we will talk about it when the whole of China is restored!" Seeing that Tang Dao said it very seriously, General Song smiled and waved his hands, noncommittal.

The defeat for half a year has already made this man lose his will to win. It is his greatest expectation to be able to defend half of the rivers and mountains, let alone counterattack the two big cities of Pingjin, so he does not agree with Tang Dao's promise. I didn't take it too seriously.

This also caused him to overlook a detail. What Tang Dao said was not to return it to him, but to him as the master. That was also Tang Dao quietly reminding him.

If after he has gone to all the military posts, he can calm his mind when he thinks of Tang Dao's words at this time, and he will not die of depression at the age of 55 anyway.

It's just that a person's character is already doomed, so how can it be easily changed just because of Tang Dao's words?
But Tang Dao attaches great importance to promises. The admiral who will eventually die of illness may not have thought that his house, which would have been a big hotel in China in the future, changed his destiny because of his generosity at this moment. It was kept until after the war, and Tang Dao personally handed it over to his descendants until it finally became a memorial hall, displaying all the contributions made by this army general to China's War of Resistance after he entered Pingjin, which can be regarded as the tribute of later generations. affim.

Life and death have not changed, but he has left his own name and his own story under the sky of Chinese history after all, which can be regarded as a kind of struggle against fate!

Tang Dao walked out of the headquarters of the First Army with the two warrants and title deeds signed by the general. Looking back at the small village where there were not many lights, he felt a sense of alienation.

Now, he has become a millionaire, no, he is a super rich man with tens of millions of dollars, and he even has two real estates that are even more powerful than villas.

Since coming to this time and space, Tang Dao has never been so relaxed.

From the very beginning, Tang Dao was a small army sergeant who stayed in the Jedi Four Lines Warehouse surrounded by the Japanese Army, and then finally escaped from the sky but fell into the small town of Songjiang surrounded by the Japanese Tenth Army. As for Guangde, which was attacked by the Japanese army, Tang Dao was like a super unlucky guy, fighting unremittingly for his own life every minute and every second.

What's worse is that halfway through, he is not only responsible for himself. As the military rank continues to rise, the more brothers follow him, he has to be responsible for the brothers. The ever-increasing responsibilities fall on his shoulders, making him almost There is not even time to breathe, any negligence, the entire army may be wiped out.

Until now, after killing, evacuating, killing, and evacuating again, he escaped from the meat grinder in the southeast, and was about to reach the north two thousand miles away.

Although the mountain is barren and terrifying, the majestic mountain can give people enough sense of security. The narrow mountain road blocks the Japanese cannons and tanks. Both China and Japan have entered the era of light weapons on this battlefield, and their combat power is no longer As disparity as on the plain.

Tang Dao's special combat mode can be brought into full play on such a battlefield.

Of course, the most important thing is that Tang Dao finally feels that he is a rich man for the first time. With money, he can do many things he wants to do, and he can equip all his brothers with German weapons.

The [-]-style mountain gun is considered a DER. There are more than a dozen Bofors mountain guns lying in the German ammunition warehouse in the Jincheng Concession.

The 75mm Bofors mountain gun produced by the Krupp branch in Sweden has a range of up to 9000 meters and a total weight of only 700 kilograms. Two mules can be pulled and run, or they can be disassembled into 8 large pieces and carried by 8 mules. Running, the accuracy is even higher than the [-]-type mountain cannon.

At that time, the heavy firepower of an artillery company of the Four Elements Regiment can even beat a Japanese artillery regiment to tears.

The 92-type heavy machine gun is another ball!Although a large number of imported MG34 is not as powerful as its future brother MG42, it is far ahead of the current global machine gun. , can only be regarded as the little brother.

Moreover, with this batch of silver as a base, Tang Dao's ambition is not only ready-made weapons and equipment, he also wants to buy machine tools, planers, milling machines and other equipment related to mechanical manufacturing, and even researchers.

From Germany, from the beautiful country, from Yi Charlie, from Mao Xiong, from China, Tang Dao can keep a list of researchers who will shine in the future, as long as he has money, equipment, enough respect and Tang Dao believes that most people will take the bait of the temptation to leave famous names in history.

At that time, not to mention semi-automatic rifles, even fully automatic rifles, widow making machines such as MG42, and rocket launchers, these murderous good guys, will all appear on the battlefield in northern China.

Terauchi Shouichi, Binshan Moto, Tada Hayao, Okamura Neiji, Okabe Naozaburo, Shimomura Sada, you bastards, wash me clean PP and wait!Lao Tzu Tang Dao is here.

The few people Tang Dao chanted silently in his heart were the previous commanders of the Japanese North China Front Army, and none of them were good birds. During the few years in office, each of them left a huge trauma to the North China army and civilians.

Tang Dao dreamed of seeing them furious but unable to kill him. Of course, if given the opportunity, Tang Dao would not care about adding a few more names to the list of Japanese generals killed in battle.

Tang Dao rode on a galloping horse with small steps, and his sudden wealth caused him to be a little middle school, and his thoughts continued to spread like the thick night.

Erya, who was on the side with a flashlight on, looked worriedly at her elder's face, with joy and gnashing of teeth for a while.

Sir, this is not normal!Could it be that the general commander of the First Army gave him a beautiful woman?He wanted to accept it but was afraid of being tanned by reporter K when he went back?

Otherwise, why did the officer say that he would send meat and rice to the First Army? This is not in line with his normal behavior.

There are rumors in the army that Tang Tuanzuo has always been a brave man who only enters but does not spit out!

Er Ya couldn't help being confused, if that was the case, should he persuade him or should he persuade him?Reporter Tantai treats him so affectionately and righteously, the officer can't be sorry for her!

"Oh no! I forgot one thing!" Tang Dao suddenly patted his forehead in annoyance.

"Sir, let's hurry back! Forget about that matter, don't make Captain Tantai unhappy, Mr. Tantai is still in the regiment!" Erya persuaded subconsciously.

"What a mess, what does Mingyue care about?" Tang Dao glared at the orderly who didn't know why.

Looking at the darkness in the distance, Tang Dao gritted his teeth and muttered: "These old foxes like to dig holes to bury their own people. How can they deal with the Japanese so shrewdly?"

Erya looked confused, isn't it because of the beauty?
Of course not, Tang Dao, who was letting himself go, just realized that he was silently tricked by a certain boss.

He is still too young after all!
(End of this chapter)

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