Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 835 Self-righteous

Chapter 835 Self-righteous
14st Division Command.

"Order the front line to step up the attack on the enemy in front of you, and send additional vanguard squads to detour and reconnaissance. We must find out the whereabouts of the Four Elements Regiment. Zhenzang Jun, you also know that the Division and Regiment Headquarters has promised you, Commander, that this battle will not only conquer In addition to the two big cities of Kaifeng and Zhengzhou, the Chinese are targeting the complete annihilation of the small army of the Four Elements Regiment. You may have said, don't look at the current small size of this Chinese army, but look at its past record and their presence in China. The status in the hearts of the people will sooner or later become the confidant of the empire, and we must kill it as soon as possible.

This time the division did not hesitate to give up the siege of the Chinese First Group Army, and specially selected your 2nd Infantry Regiment to hunt down the Four Elements Regiment. This is not only my trust in you, but also the expectation of your Excellency Commander. You have not Any reason for failure.

Do you understand? "

A Japanese soldier with the rank of lieutenant general on his epaulettes had no expression on his face, and said coldly to an army officer standing respectfully in front of him.

"Hey! I must continue to strengthen the search for the whereabouts of the Four Elements Group!" Army Colonel bowed his head heavily.

The sweat on his forehead slipped quietly.

Although the immediate superior in front of him didn't speak too harshly, the army chief was very clear about his division commander's temper.

Kenji Doi looks kind and friendly, like a nice gentleman, but only those who know this guy who came from a military family and has been working as a spy for 30 years know how sinister Doi Madoka is.

The brighter he smiles, the more he kills.

Since the battle of the 14th Division, due to the resistance of the Chinese, there have been as many as 13 massacre orders personally issued by the lieutenant general in front of him.

Because three soldiers who entered a Chinese village to collect food committed misconduct against Chinese women, the local villagers mobbed and killed the three in a fit of rage. This lightly ordered, massacre the village!

A large village with thousands of people was burnt to nothingness overnight, and not a single old man was left behind to a baby under the full moon.

That kind of indifference and contempt for life makes even colleagues who are equally murderous feel numb.

"The Four Elements Regiment disappeared from our army's reconnaissance field of vision, but chose to lie down at night and then change the marching route." Kenji Doi looked at his respectful subordinates, turned his eyes to the map, and calmly analyzed with squinted eyes. . "The Chinese played a little trick, seeming to choose the road that arrived in Jin Province recently, but in fact it was just a cover, they must have diverted near the front line in Xinxiang.

The north of Xinxiang is the area of ​​our army. Unless the Chinese are out of their minds, they dare to rush over fearlessly. There are only two directions.

One is to go straight away from Xinxiang to the south, and after a detour, go from Jiaozuo to Jincheng, and then enter the mountainous area;

Second thing!It is to turn around and return to Zhengzhou, and then choose the route according to the direction of our army's attack;

Zhenzang-kun, do you think he will make that choice? "

The Colonel of the Japanese Army pondered for a moment, and then replied with great difficulty: "Your Excellency, Division Commander, I think the first possibility is the most likely, and even my subordinates will think that the infantry regiment will do the opposite, and still follow everyone's imagination. Continuing on the nearest road, without engaging in tactical deception, is perhaps the most successful form of tactical deception."

"Zhenzang-kun, of course you have your reasons for thinking this way. If you switch to an ordinary Chinese commander, no matter the first option or the possibility you mentioned, they all exist." Doi Enkenji seemed to have already guessed Upon hearing the subordinate's answer, a slight smile appeared on his face. "However, you still don't know enough about the opponent you are about to face, and this is what you need to strengthen."

"Hey! I also ask your Excellency, the head of the division, to guide you!" The Army Colonel bowed his head respectfully.

"Six days ago, after I received the order to kill the Four Elements Regiment from Your Excellency the Commander, I studied all the information of the young leader of the Four Elements Regiment, Mr. Zhenzang, I don't know if you believe me or not. The judgment of the Imperial Intelligence Department for 30 years, but I have full confidence in my ability." Kenji Doi's expression on his face was unprecedentedly serious. "Your Excellency, His Excellency Teraichi Toshida, said that the young Chinese soldier would be a confidant of the empire sooner or later, but I think that if he is given more time, he will not only be a confidant, but he may even become the enemy of the empire. It is not known how many Imperial warriors will die at his hands."

At this moment, the Japanese army commander can only respond with dumbfoundedness to his division head's evaluation of the Chinese soldier named Tang Dao.

Because, just as Kenji Doi is confident in his own judgment, Sadazo Ishiguro is equally confident in his immediate boss.

In 1913, he came to Yanjing as a member of the General Staff Headquarters and a captain of the army, and served as the assistant of Japanese spy leader Banxi military officer in the "Banxi Mansion" (that is, the secret service agency), and began his spy career in China for more than 30 years. Kenji Doi was involved in almost all conspiracies to split China.

In 1924, during the Second Zhifeng War, Feng Yuxiang launched the Yanjing coup, and Wu Peifu fled to Jiangxia in a panic.Doihara immediately manipulated the plan behind the scenes to stop the bank exchange as a means, causing Wu Peifu's banknotes to be turned into waste paper, and accelerated the downfall of the Zhili warlords.

In June 1928, he personally participated in planning the "Huanggutun Incident". The King of the Northeast was killed, and the monolithic Northeast lost their most powerful ruler, and the Kwantung Army had an opportunity.

In 1930, Doihara accepted the order of the Kwantung Army and set up a special agency in North China to disintegrate the forces of the Northeast Army.

If there is anyone in the world who understands Chinese better, there are few people in Japan who can compare with Kenji Doi.

However, his evaluation of Tang Dao was too high.

If Tang Dao was a commander of the front army who commanded more than 2000 people, it might be normal, but at this time he is only the commander of a small infantry regiment commanding more than [-] people, so what can he do.

"You can be surprised, but you have to believe." Doi Yuanxian's eyes were cold. "He was able to escape from the heavy siege of the empire in the Battle of the Sixing Warehouse. It can be said that he was astonishingly courageous and had terrain to use. But how can he explain the Battle of Songjiang? Heisuke Yanagawa is also a veteran general of the Empire, but The [-] army attacked [-], which still caused the Chinese to delay for four days and nights, making the strategic intention of the empire to encircle and wipe out its main force completely defeated.

Not to mention, thousands of imperial soldiers died in the battle of the attack, and even the reckless Tani Hisao died on the battlefield, and was fatally shot by the gunman lurking in front of the headquarters.

If it is said that in the early stage, I am still not sure that all this has something to do with Tang Dao, but after looking at his later record, I almost dare to conclude that the failure of the Songjiang Battle and the death of that reckless man Tani Hisao are inseparable from Tang Dao.

Regardless of the subsequent night raid of the Sixth Heavy Artillery Brigade, or the ambush in the Laojinkeng in the Guangde Mountains where the Guoqi Detachment lost troops, Tang Dao has used his weird and changeable tactical characteristics to the extreme. Even if it is me, If you don't know him, you will probably suffer a defeat like Ushijima Sadao, Ushijima Man, Kunizaki Teng and others.

This son's cunning is far beyond the age shown in the information, but he is only over 20 years old. Perhaps, this is the legendary military talent!

Tactical deception, for this child, is already commonplace, and doing the opposite is not enough to describe the variety of his tactics.If you only consider one change, you will probably be fooled by him.

Therefore, I have reason to believe that he has already predicted our prediction, and even when he marched to Xinxiang, a place that could not have appeared a few days ago, he has prepared a countermeasure, and now he should be turning around and returning to Zhengzhou. on the way.

When my 14th Division has completely conquered Xinxiang, the big city of Zhengzhou is right in front of us, and when the whole army launches an attack on Kaifeng and Zhengzhou, he will take the opportunity to move towards Jincheng. Temptation, he can no longer divide his troops to pursue him, so he can escape. "

"Your Excellency, Division Commander, must be wise and able to see through this person's tricks. Otherwise, it will be useless to send the search for the vanguard southward." The Army Colonel was horrified, and he patted his immediate superior on the horse.

"Tang Dao is a man with many tricks, and he has already surpassed many generals I have seen. Looking at his opponents, many opponents have been defeated by his changeable tactics, but changeable tactics are also a double-edged sword. The sword, especially after each victory, the surprise attack has become a personal habit that has penetrated into his bone marrow, and this habit, after being understood by his enemies, may become a fatal flaw at any time.

Mr. Zhenzang, there is an old Chinese saying that is very good, "Soldiers are impermanent, and water is impermanent." If you want to be an excellent commander, don't let your combat characteristics become a normal state, so as not to be grasped by your opponent!Remember! "It was very comfortable to be flattered by his subordinates, Kenji Doihara showed a little complacency on his face, and continued.

"Hi! Your Excellency, Division Commander, I have been taught!" The Japanese Army Colonel nodded heavily.

"However, the reason why I said that if Tang Dao is not killed, he will sooner or later become the enemy of the empire is not because of his cunning and brilliant achievements." Doi Yuanxian'er's eyes turned serious. "After I analyzed his intelligence, I suddenly found that this son rose like a shooting star, almost without warning. In World War I, he was promoted from an army sergeant to a second lieutenant, then a lieutenant, and finally he was promoted because of the needs of Chinese propaganda. As a colonel in the army, it takes ten years or even more than ten years for ordinary people, and I can't find any other reason to explain it except luck."

"If it's just luck, this person is no match." A trace of contempt flashed in Lu Jun's eyes.

The Japanese are the most practical, and have never paid much attention to such illusory things as luck.

"You are wrong. Although the fortune that the Chinese often talk about sounds mysterious, it actually exists. Throughout the thousands of years of Chinese history, almost all successful people have fortune.

In the past, the Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty, if he had no luck to cover his body, how could a commoner become an emperor with a territory of tens of millions of square kilometers; if the emperor of the early Ming Dynasty had not had enough luck, how could he have changed from a small beggar to the man who destroyed the Mongolian Yuan Empire?Such examples abound.

If you still don't believe me, after Tang Dao was promoted to colonel, he was originally a false title with no more than a hundred soldiers under him, but when he arrived in Songjiang, he quickly gained the trust of the then highest commander in Songjiang, and his hundred soldiers instantly Swelled to thousands of people, from the original no foundation, with the support of military generals, and finally formed an elite infantry regiment.

The intelligence also shows that he maintains a good relationship with several Chinese generals. These people will inevitably become his help in the future. Is this all a kind of luck?
If you give him enough time to gradually join forces, then he will be the center and unite a force that even the empire cannot ignore. Combined with his original ability, do you think he will become the enemy of the empire? ? "Doi Yuanxian Er shook his head and explained.

"Such an enemy of the empire must be eliminated first and quickly! He must not be allowed to escape." The army officer gasped.

"Hehe! You don't have to face a big enemy!" Seeing that his subordinate was finally touched by his reasons, Doi Yuanxian smiled slightly. "The battle between the empire and China is like a rabbit and a wolf on the grassland. The rabbit can escape the fate of being hunted and killed a few times by relying on the cunning rabbit three caves, but in the end, it will still be found and eaten by wolves. This kind of relationship between countries The war in the end depends on strength!
Tang Dao is just one of those cunning rabbits. What we have to do now is to find him and kill him, that's all. "

"Hi!" Japanese Army General Zuo Lizheng nodded.

After tidying up his military uniform, the captain of the 14nd Infantry Regiment of the 2th Division turned and left with confidence.

Kenji Doihara watched his subordinates leave with satisfaction. He left the intelligence department more than a year ago and became the commander of the army's first-line troops. He led the 14th division into North China half a year ago. Many of his subordinates also questioned his command ability, but with the development of the war, he responded to everyone's doubts with his exploits.

The reason why the captain of the 2nd Infantry Regiment who had just left was chosen by him to deal with the Four Elements Regiment was not because of how strong Ishiguro Sadazo was, but because he was the first commander-level officer to join him. Afterwards, if he can make great contributions, he can promote him to another level of rank to become the commander of the major general brigade, and transfer the major general brigade commander of the 27th Infantry Brigade who sang against him from time to time, and the 14th division will be completely defeated. There is only one voice.

It belonged to Kenji Doihara's voice, even though he had only been head of the division for less than half a year.

Kenji Doihara's ambition is far more than a mere lieutenant general and division commander. His wish is to sit on the position of general of the army. China spared no effort to fuel the flames, otherwise, with his family background, it would be difficult to reach a high position in peacetime.

In the past time and space, Kenji Doihara has almost fulfilled his ultimate dream. After the Battle of Yu Province, he was transferred back to China because of his outstanding military exploits, returned to the intelligence agency, and established the largest intelligence agency against China in Songhu In two years, he will be promoted to general of the army.

It's just that his ambitions came to an end. As Japan launched the Pacific War, the originally hopeful war situation began to deteriorate. Kenji Doihara's dream of being an imperial marshal was completely shattered, and he became a military commander after the war. level war criminals.

That, is going to the gallows.

And in this time and space, there is suddenly the variable Tang Dao, and the original fate of Kenji Doihara, who has made contact with this variable, will inevitably change.

As for how it will change, it has to be like what he taught his subordinates that luck is an indispensable thing in a person's life.

When he ran into Tang Dao thrown into this time and space by God, he was destined to belong to the unlucky one.

Having worked in more than 30 years of intelligence work, he has already learned enough about Tang Dao, and he almost guessed the marching direction of the Four Elements Regiment.

That's right, the night general of the Four Elements Regiment promised General Song that after the supplies were delivered to the designated place, they would use the cover of the night to prevent the whole regiment from advancing but retreating. They did not light torches at night, and the whole army only used a few flashlights to lead the way, even if they only marched 20 miles a night Turtle speed, also resolutely retreat to the direction of Zhengzhou.

This is also the reason why the Japanese reconnaissance planes in the sky, motorcycles, cavalry, and reconnaissance vanguards on the ground are everywhere, and there is no trace of the Four Elements Group.

It's just that Kenji Doihara guessed right but misunderstood the process. Tang Dao didn't retreat around Zhengzhou as he imagined, waiting for the two big cities to become bait to attract the main force of the Japanese army before leaving.

Based on Tang Dao's understanding of the Japanese army, he knew that after he captured the two big cities, if the casualties were heavy, he would vent his anger on the ordinary people, so he would have to fight the Japanese army no matter what.

But Tang Dao knew too well that after the Japanese army conquered Xinxiang, it was over. It wasn't that they didn't want to attack, but that Commander Cheng broke the boat and blew up the only passageway on the Yellow River 30 kilometers away from Zhengzhou City. Iron Bridge - Yellow River Bridge.

Facing the torrential Yellow River, the Japanese tanks and artillery can only look at the river and sigh. The Yellow River is not the Yangtze River. Their inland ships can gallop on the Yellow River to help them bombard the defenders on the shore. Before they could find a good way to break through the Yellow River moat, the Xuzhou War was over.

Hundreds of thousands of Chinese troops jumped out of the encirclement and retreated to central China in great strides. The one who had no scruples personally ordered the Huayuankou to be blown up, and the crazy Yellow River flooded everywhere. The No.14 division who stayed there suffered a blow to the head.

It is said that Kenji Doihara was almost drowned, which shows the turbulent water of the Yellow River.

Tang Dao doesn't need to worry about the safety of the big city of Zhengzhou at this time, and the safety of the surrounding people can be guaranteed for the time being. The reason why Tang Dao returned to the surrounding area of ​​Zhengzhou was purely because he suddenly remembered something.

Because of the bombing of the Yellow River Bridge, the Chinese soldiers fought a battle with the Japanese army who also knew the importance of the Yellow River Bridge and rushed to attack. Not to mention the heavy casualties, there are still many people in Xinxiang who had no time to retreat. They were stranded on the bank of the Yellow River and slaughtered by the Japanese army. .

This time, Tang Dao must not let the tragedy happen, not only to save those people, but also to beat the vanguard of the Japanese army here, and then leave with his head held high.

This is the first battle of the Four Elements Regiment, which is about to arrive in northern China.

Take the 14th Division for surgery.

Kenji Doihara thought he knew Tang Dao enough, but unfortunately, that was just what he thought.

Tang Dao's personal habit is not strange battles, but, no matter how he fights, the dead devil is the good devil.

Poor Colonel Ishiguro Sadazo was led astray by his boss who had been working in intelligence agencies for decades.

Of course, more importantly, his luck is really not good!
. . . . . . . .

ps: Fengyue was completely out of shape yesterday. She clearly had an outline, but she wrote like shit. I couldn’t bear to look directly at it, so I wrote and deleted, deleted and wrote. I stopped writing and went out to kick a ball. I re-wrote it today, and finally wrote a "soil fat circle" in my understanding. This guy is a shrewd enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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