Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 839 Under the sword, there are all dead souls!

Chapter 839 Under the sword, there are all dead souls!
The winter in Yu Province is very cold!
Although it was past thirty-nine at this time, the temperature was definitely below zero, and the Bihe River did not freeze because the water velocity was large enough.

There are 31 people in the two Japanese squads, two officers of Cao Chang level with 24 infantry, 2 machine gunners with a light machine gun, 2 grenadiers with a grenadier, and a trainer The dog crew brought a wolf green dog.

Such a combination is more than enough to fight against a 45-man infantry platoon against the Chinese, let alone a Chinese.

The two Japanese army commanders had no fear of the coming battle. One squad covered the other to cross the river, and their safety could be guaranteed, but the icy river made them extremely miserable.

The icy cold river is not deep, and the deepest part is no more than waist high, but it is cold!
In order to maintain a strong enough combat power after crossing the river, all the Japanese soldiers took off their trousers and leather boots, bare their short legs, and crossed the river with their rifles and clothes in both hands.

Putting on clothes to keep warm after going ashore is the best way that the Japanese Army Commander Cao thought of.

However, for the sake of life, the first infantry squad was on alert as soon as they landed. Even if the cold wind blew and made them shiver, no one dared to put on dry and warm trousers and leather boots immediately. If there is a Chinese sneak attack, it will kill people.

Until the second team successfully crossed the river, the Japanese soldiers who were still bare and short-legged finally breathed a sigh of relief.

If there is a Chinese sneak attack, they have missed the best time. Don’t look at the 31 of them who are still naked, but the dozens of guns in their hands are not fake. Whoever comes to sneak attack is a big fool. .

"The whole army is in uniform! Go and kill that Chinese man immediately!" A man knelt in the grass holding a binoculars and looking into the distance, put down the binoculars in his hand, and gave the military order with a serious growl.

The upper body is neatly dressed in military uniform, and his expression is solemn, looking like an iron-blooded soldier.

If you don't look at his two big bare legs.

Hearing the order, the Japanese soldiers put down their guns one after another and began to wear pants. The coldest time is not when you go down into the river with bare PP, but when you get up from the cold water and be blown by the cold wind. That feeling is really sour. Cool.

Especially for the first batch of Japanese soldiers who came ashore, due to the need for vigilance, they didn't put on their pants immediately. In just a few minutes, their faces turned pale from the cold and their bodies felt stiff.

Perhaps, there is only one creature in the entire Japanese army that does not appear so embarrassed.

That is the wolf blue dog specially equipped by the search team. The wolf blue dog bred by crossbreeding the German shepherd dog is not only tall and fierce, but also has a strong ability to adapt to the environment. This level of cold is very difficult for the wolf blue dog Say, it's nothing to be true.

And the reason why the Japanese army dared to put down their guns one after another was that the wolf green dog that arrived with the second unit did not show any abnormalities.

The wolf green dog's sense of smell and hearing are far stronger than humans, and it will issue a warning for any abnormalities. This has been proved countless times in many village searches, and it has also helped the Japanese army avoid many fatal attacks.

So this time, the Japanese infantry habitually chose to believe.

However, at the moment when the cold Japanese infantrymen put on their trousers one after another, the wolf blue dog's ears twitched suddenly, and the triangular dog's eyes looked deep into the grass, and the muscles on the strong dog suddenly tensed.

It didn't make a low whine to warn at the first time, because it only heard the sound more than ten meters away, and the small dog's head was still making logical judgments, and the tense muscles were only derived from the biological instinct.

It feels threatened!
Indeed, the intuitive perception of many creatures in the animal kingdom is much stronger than that of humans.

There is nothing wrong with Langqinggou's intuition, but his intelligence is slightly lower.

So, it dies.

Became the first Japanese soldier to die in this battle.

"Aw!" Wolf Green Dog let out a shrill scream, writhing its once extremely strong body on the ground, struggling for its life.

A willow-leaf sharp knife broke through the hard skull of Langqinggou and sank into the skull.

The fact that the knife was not killed was not because the knife was not accurate enough, but because the tenacity of the dog's vitality far surpassed that of humans.

The Japanese military dog ​​trainer who had just put on a pair of trouser legs next to the wolf green dog was stunned. The man whose brain had obviously deteriorated after staying with the dog for a long time obviously didn't understand why his dog was like this.

A willow-leaf sharp knife that directly pierced his trachea did not give him more time to think, and he lay on the ground clutching his neck, rolling and screaming desperately.

"Enemy attack!" Until then, there was the heart-piercing roar of the Japanese army.

Almost all Japanese soldiers subconsciously put down their unworn trousers to get their rifles beside them!
But it was too late.

"Da da da!" A series of bullets shot out from the grass.

At least four Japanese infantrymen fell down screaming, and their short legs kicked desperately to take off their pants that were not fully put on.

Cold, in the face of severe pain, is really nothing.

After all, if you are cold for a while, you can't kill someone, but if the thick bullet penetrates into the muscle, it will really hurt you to death.

This war is a stage of hot weapons. Mingxin believes in his great sword, but he is by no means pedantic. A shell gun that can shoot 20 bullets can completely replace his sleeve throwing knife within a range of 50 meters. big outside.

The strong recoil of the 20-ring shell gun will make the muzzle jump continuously and it will be difficult to maintain accuracy. It will take a long time to practice. Speaking, no difficulty.

In the third training session only, Mingxin's accuracy in continuous shooting with a pistol within 50 meters was comparable to that of a five-year veteran in the army. Not to mention hitting the bull's-eye with the gun, there was no difficulty in hitting all the targets.

Ming Xin is a natural special soldier, and even Tang Dao has such a high opinion of him.

Perhaps, Tang Dao can comment on Ming Xin not only because of his control over firearms and talent in cold weapon fighting, but also because of his judgment of the battlefield situation.

Ming Xin has been following the Japanese troops on the other side of the river. When they choose a place to cross the river, he will lurk near the place where they will definitely land.

Perhaps from the very beginning, Ming Xin never had the idea of ​​holding back the Japanese army just by relying on precise marksmanship like Shen Laoliu.

He let the Japanese troops go ashore, guarded, and covered the second group of Japanese troops to go ashore, and missed the best time to attack until the moment when the Japanese troops completely relaxed their vigilance and began to arrange their clothes.

Just like a tiger lying in the grass waiting for an opportunity, it waits for the prey to completely relax its vigilance, and then kills it with one blow.

Of course, besides relaxing our vigilance, there was another extremely important reason.

These Japanese soldiers were shivering from the cold.

When people are cold, this reaction will be much slower than usual. This is the reason why Mingxin let all the Japanese troops cross the river.

Because, his purpose was to kill all of these Japanese soldiers, leaving no one behind.

Although the fangs and sharp teeth of the wolf green dog are not as terrible as the rifles of the Japanese infantry, their movements are swift and fierce, and they will be bitten by them if they are not careful. A slight delay may cause fatal injury, so the wolf green dog is the biggest threat to Ming Xin.

The first thing Ming Xin wanted to kill was not two Japanese army commanders Cao, but a dog.

As for the dog trainer, he handled it smoothly. The Nanfang Fourteen pistol on his waist was far less threatening to Ming Xin than the 80-jin wolfhound.

After killing a man and a dog with two willow-leaf sharp knives flying from his left and right hands, Ming Xin, who rose from the depths of the grass, did not swing his big sword, but pulled out his shell gun. It took three seconds and emptied 20 rounds. bullet.

Kill four people!

Then, without hesitation, he threw the shell gun in his hand viciously.

The purely imported German-made 20-ring shell pistol, worth as much as hundreds of silver, was still shining with a faint blue luster. It was like a brick, and it slammed into the face of a Japanese soldier Cao Chang who was looking at Mingxin with fierce eyes.

This blow was good, all the fierce light was annihilated by this sudden blow, replaced by blood blooming all over his face.

The weight of the shell gun is 1.25 kilograms, which is two and a half catties when converted into the familiar Chinese market. Can you imagine what it feels like to be hit on the face by an iron lump weighing more than two catties?
Moreover, it has been blessed with a huge force of a hundred catties.

Not to mention the shattered nasal bone, even the hard frontal bone was smashed, and the blood naturally spurted out desperately.

But it has to be said that a thick skin is also beneficial. The shell gun worth as much as one hundred silver dollars also flew out a few parts under this terrible impact, which was obviously broken.

If Chief of Staff Zhuang, who was in charge of the logistics, was here, he would definitely scold Ming Xin for being a prodigal son, killing people as soon as you kill them, take your sword and chop it!Why are there still people using shell guns as concealed weapons, no, as open weapons, they are very expensive, okay?
It's a pity, for Ming Xin who has entered the state of killing at this time, as long as he can kill people, let alone a mere submachine gun, he has to throw out a more expensive submachine gun.

The clear eyes that are usually harmless to humans and animals are full of murderous intent.

In just five seconds, as many as seven Japanese soldiers were killed by Ming Xin's men.

But this is not yet the brightest moment of enlightenment.

After Ming Xin threw out his pistol and killed the Japanese soldier Cao Chang, his whole body jumped out like a tiger, targeting five Japanese soldiers who were only seven or eight meters away from him.

The six Japanese soldiers picked up their rifles one after another regardless of wearing one leg of military trousers.

Facing Ming Xin who rushed over violently, the Japanese soldiers screamed wildly, and instead of raising their guns to aim at Ming Xin, they put on a hand-to-hand combat posture.

This is not because they want to show the bravery of the Imperial Japanese Army, but because their military training does not allow them to do so.Ming Xin was on the fringes of the two infantry squads, but behind his position, there were at least five colleagues. As long as they fired, they might accidentally injure their comrades.

Good military qualities forced them to give up this seemingly tempting idea, and instinctively pointed the bayonet upwards, squatting slightly, facing the rushing attacker.

It has to be said that this is the best choice for soldiers with strong military literacy, but the so-called best also makes them miss the only chance to slow down the speed of enlightenment.

The distance of eight meters was only 1.5 seconds for Mingxin who burst forward with all his strength. It was not a flash, but it was too short for people to think about it. The Japanese infantry reacted instinctively and faced directly The pair of bayonets thrust forward.

The other two Japanese soldiers jumped away and looked for another fighter with their guns.

The stabbing technique, which the Japanese army is most proud of, is already well-deserved for its tactical choice in such a short period of time.

Even if it was the masters under Fujiwara Senyu, facing such a few infantry who cooperated tacitly and had superb stabbing skills, they would probably be in a hurry.

Three rifles with a bayonet length of 1.7 meters suddenly stabbed at them, like a row of guns. Of course, ordinary people would not rush forward foolishly. The result would be to turn themselves into skewers on Japanese bayonets.

But Ming Xin is still accelerating!
Until the moment before the bayonet was about to touch the body, the body suddenly folded, the entire upper body seemed to be broken, and the three bayonets pierced through the air collectively.

The Japanese infantry were terrified and tried their best to retreat, trying to distance themselves from their opponents.

Unfortunately, Ming Xin was waiting for this opportunity.

An inch is long and an inch is strong. The Japanese army's rifle is 1.7 meters long. When the distance is long enough, people can only avoid it temporarily. A fire stick works.

Ming Xin, who folded his upper body but still slid his feet at high speed, took advantage of the situation and drew out his big sword.

The sword light flashed!
The three Japanese soldiers stared blankly at their suddenly cold lower abdomen.

A line of blood seeped out from the torn military uniform, and then, like a flood breaking a bank, some objects swarmed out.

Yes, apart from blood, there were more intestines or internal organs, as if breaking through some kind of restraint, rushing out from the huge wound.

That scene was definitely the most horrifying scene the three Japanese soldiers had seen in their lives.

That sword actually sliced ​​open the lower abdomen of the three of them collectively, which was much cleaner than the laparotomy they were good at.

What Ming Xin used was the sharp tip of the big sword, and with the strength of his waist and arms, he cut through the human skin and the thick fat under the skin at a very high speed.

That's enough, the intestines are exposed outside the body, not to mention the infection, just the severe pain can kill them.

The three Japanese soldiers had no threat other than crying for their parents and holding those intestines full of feces to report to their Amaterasu god.

Naturally, the Japanese soldiers on the side also saw such a cruel and terrifying scene, and took two steps back in panic to protect themselves, but Mingxin would give him this chance, and chased him after a roll, the sword turned into a stab, and unexpectedly Pierce directly into the lower body of the Japanese soldier.

With a slight turn of the wrist, he cut off a certain meat ball hanging outside and at the same time made a big hole in his abdominal cavity.

"Aw!" The terrifying howl made the scalps of the Japanese soldiers rushing over from more than 20 meters away feel numb.

But the killing continues!
Watching Ming Xin kill four of his own soldiers in a row, the last Japanese infantryman bit his cheek and stabbed the bayonet at Ming Xin who was still on the ground.

It's not that he's not afraid, but that he has no choice. Facing such a master, once he loses even the courage to face the enemy, he can only die faster.

It's a pity that Mingxin's big sword was pulled out from the Japanese army's abdominal cavity to block the Japanese army's bayonet as if it had eyes, 'Pang! With a crisp sound, the Japanese soldier's hands were numb from the shock, and he could only watch in horror as the bayonet he stabbed with all his strength rose uncontrollably like being hit by a car.

Obviously he has two hands and the enemy has one hand, but why did it end like this?
The Japanese infantry couldn't figure it out.

Fortunately, he soon had nothing to worry about.

With a sudden swing of the Mingxin sword that swung the Japanese bayonet away, the head of the Japanese infantryman fell to the ground like a watermelon that had been detached from the vines, and continued to roll several times.

It wasn't until this moment that the bloody fountain spouted from the neck that lost its head, and it was more than two meters high.

From the perspective of another Japanese soldier, Cao Chang, it looked like a flower, a bloody flower.

It took Ming Xin no more than four seconds to kill the five Japanese infantry soldiers, and then, he jumped forward and disappeared into the grass.

The Japanese soldiers rushing over from both sides looked at the few colleagues who were still struggling for their lives on the ground and the blood all over the ground, and collectively fell into a daze.

Have they encountered an attack from hell demons?

"Baga! Find him and kill him!" The Japanese commander Cao, who ran over wildly and was still panting, yelled wildly.

That is, the two short bare legs look very funny with this expression.

It's just that no one thought it was ridiculous. The sneak attack in less than ten seconds cost them 12 people and the wolf green dog.

This kind of powerful combat power in close combat is enough to make anyone feel horrified, which can only be done by the top masters.

The icy chill that arises from the depths of my heart is far better than standing with bare legs in the Chinese winter.

If they could immediately wake up and hold together, point their guns at the same time, maybe they could use bullets to form a defense, even if they were as strong as Ming Xin, they would not dare to charge against a dozen rifles, they would be smashed into a sieve.

It is a pity that the 14th Division's victories in the Chinese battlefield time and time again and the massacre of Chinese civilians made the Japanese Army Chief Cao always put himself in the position of the strong.

The strong, when dealing with killing, can only fight back with blood.

The grass as deep as half a person was constantly shaking, which attracted the attention of the Japanese army, and the gunfire kept ringing, but nothing was achieved.

Without the wolf green dog, they lost any possibility of being one step ahead of the enemy, but the grass can become the best concealment for Mingxin.

Enraged, search teams in regular trios spread out over a 600-meter radius, with the furthest distance between them being 30 meters.

Mingxin is like a terrible poisonous snake lurking, but once it attacks, it is like a hungry tiger, even if it is accompanied by three Japanese soldiers.

The great sword that broke through the heavy armor of the Jinren thousands of years ago, in Ming Xin's hands, seemed to come from hell.

Under the light of the sword, a Japanese soldier did not attack but defended, with a rifle across his chest, but was cut in two by the sword, together with his body.

The destruction of a search team did not take more than 3 seconds. When the Japanese reinforcements arrived, even if they no longer cared about their colleagues, a burst of gunfire swept by, and Ming Xin had already fled.

Three bodies with bullet holes remained.

Originally, they could still take a few breaths, but unfortunately, their fellow clans did not give them the chance.

His pale eyes turned outward to their colleagues, as if to tell them that sooner or later you will be with me.

cold!cold!Bone-deep cold.

The short legs of the Japanese soldier kept shaking.

In fact, I haven't had time to put on the pants yet, and my brains are all wooden.

When the papaya-like Japanese army finally came to their senses, it was no longer that they were chasing and killing the Chinese in this battle, but the Chinese were hunting them, and it was after the three search teams were killed.

The Japanese army with only 10 people was timid, but it was already too late, especially when they formed a ring and tried to use this formation to fight against the 'demon', it was extremely stupid.

It can only be said that they were really teased by Dongxiu.

Two grenades tied together seemed to have eyes and were thrown between their circular formations with a radius of no more than 5 meters.

Ming Xin is already a soldier, not the little Taoist priest who went down the mountain with a big sword on his back.

In addition to shell guns, grenades are of course his standard equipment.

The smoke rose, and the three Japanese soldiers fell down screaming. It was the last lament of the 31 Japanese soldiers who crossed the river!
(End of this chapter)

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