Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 84 You are so poisonous

Chapter 84 You are so poisonous (vote, vote!)

The idea of ​​the Japanese Army Major was not entirely correct.

The sturdy second lieutenant under his command who once slaughtered ten enemy troops was not only unable to go back, but he was also destined to fail the mission.

The Japanese commander in the distance is jumping with flames in his pupils, and for the Japanese army in it, the flames are jumping on his body.

From a few hundred meters away, it is a 'fire wall', only they know that it is a sea of ​​fire, and the whole ground is burning.

Nancheng Xinyi, who was not burned to death but was blown away by the explosive packs exploding around him, only figured out one thing just a second ago, why the Chinese are constantly fighting their own heavy machine guns and infantry artillery to put out fires in a tug of war. .

It turned out that their real purpose was not at all for the so-called lighting outside the warehouse to expand the field of vision.

Rather, to cover up.

Masks the strong diesel smell.

No wonder the diesel smell was so strong on their noses when they came over on their stomachs.

It turned out that the Chinese did not know how much diesel fuel was dumped on this piece of soil.

Second lieutenant Nancheng's brain seeds are very useful, neither as a barbecue ghost nor as a wronged ghost.

Although diesel is not as high as gasoline, has a high melting point and is less volatile, it still has a smell, especially when Tang Dao ordered someone to quietly pour nearly [-] kilograms of diesel on the ground in front of the warehouse in the dark.

So from the beginning, Tang Dao kept igniting a bonfire with thick wood doused with diesel oil to 'hook up' the Japanese army to shoot, mainly to prevent the awesome Japanese death squads from running away after smelling the smell of diesel oil. He had to get Find a reasonable reason for them to stay.

In fact, 500 kilograms of diesel oil is not much distributed on hundreds of square meters of land. The fire looks very big, but it is very powerful when the fire starts. It will burn up in a short time. If the response is fast enough It is ruthless enough to run out as soon as the head is covered, and extensive burns are certain, but it will never really be burned into a roast pig.

It's a pity that the Japanese death squads were too daring to die.

Not to mention the explosive packs, in order to show their determination to be loyal to His Majesty the Emperor and fight to the death with the Chinese, everyone still has a melon grenade around their necks!

That thing, throwing it out can hurt others, but putting it on it can also hurt yourself, especially in a fire.

It's really been a dog day!That was the last thought of Nancheng Xinyi, whose whole body was already in the air.

The Japanese second lieutenant didn't know, this is already lucky, he can still play a trapeze before he dies, and he will be able to fly.

Many of his colleagues were not blown away by explosive packs, but exploded on the spot after being caught on fire, just like a 'human flesh' N kicking their feet.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The constant explosions sounded, extinguishing the sky-high flames several meters around, and then the whole person disappeared, and the subsequent series of procedures such as collection and cremation were simply omitted.

What's even more awesome is that the air wave of the explosive pack was lifted to a height of more than ten meters, and the grenade on the body was detonated, and it exploded into a flame in the air, which scared the defenders behind the warehouse wall. He squatted behind the wall and dared not see it with his own eyes.

I'm really afraid of being accidentally hurt by my 'work'.

After the bone stubble is accelerated by the explosive explosion, it can also kill people.

This should be the most dazzling fireworks on the banks of the Suzhou River for many nights.

Don't care if it looks good or not, just in terms of scarcity.

The 'red lotus' dipped in diesel oil as the base, the Japanese army's body as the pyrotechnic tube, the explosive bag as the booster, and the grenade as the detonator's fireworks are definitely a scorpion shit--the only one.

The fire started too fast. Most of the pits that the Japanese army desperately dug had not been completed, and the explosive packs were naturally not put in, and they were basically detonated near the wall.

Although this level of explosion also has a certain impact on the building, it is only an impact. As long as the explosives are not buried deep under the wall, the impact of this explosion outside the wall is limited, and the most powerful is only the A hole the size of a washbasin was blasted in the wall, and a few sandbags were used to block it.

The face of Jiro Wakiban, who stood there for a long time, was more ugly than someone who knew that his wife had stolen an infantry squadron.

The Chinese people's thoughts are extremely vicious. Not only did they dig such a big pit to kill two infantry lieutenants and a team of more than 40 people, but they also deliberately did not attack the searchlight more than 300 meters away. .

Just let the huge beam of searchlight shine on the building shrouded in 'fireworks', the smoke filled with gunpowder, like a Qionglou.

Until the human flesh fireworks are over.

A torrential rain blows with the wind
I swayed from side to side and nearly fell over

Fortunately, I still have a little skill in
You can't touch my fatal point

You have to admit that you deserve it
You look so bad

You are poisonous, you are poisonous, you are poisonous!

Tang Dao hummed in a low voice a ditty that he had never heard of the words and tunes for the soldiers around him, while he picked up the gun and pointed at the distance, "Bang! Bang! Bang!" Three shots.

With the gunshots, the three huge searchlights went out.

"Okay, after finishing work, don't stop here and go to sleep." Tang Dao waved to a group of soldiers who had not done much to 'listen' to a 'fireworks show'.

"Platoon commander, what song did you sing just now? Teach us!" The white-faced and delicate signal soldier, who was usually dubbed 'Er Ya' by the veterans, asked curiously.

"That's the song of my hometown, calling you so poisonous!" Tang Dao laughed.

"No problem if you want to learn. In the sky tomorrow, I will teach you the Japanese version. Everyone will have a loudspeaker and let the little devils learn it too."

"Haha! How are you, sir!" Erya pursed her lips and chuckled.

Although I didn't understand the lyrics very well, just listening to the title of the song, I knew that Tang Dao was mad at the people. Ten thousand people shouting so loudly, it is estimated that the Japanese commander on the opposite side will have several heart attacks.

"You won't be learning from Mulan, right! You're not smiling at all." Tang Dao's eyes were full of suspicion.

"What?" Er Ya froze for a moment, then reacted, shaking her head desperately with a flushed face. "I'm a pure man. I've been in the army for two years, and the big head squad leader and the others can prove it."

"It's been two years!" Tang Dao finally felt relieved, patted Erya on the shoulder as he passed by, and said earnestly: "Erya! Tell you, if a woman tells a man that you are good or bad, she will It makes a man surging instantly, but if this is what a man means to a man, as long as the man is not bent, the emotions at that moment are really, very complicated."

"What is a bend!" Erya was obviously not prepared for this wave of new terms, and was a little confused.

"Haha! It's like turning into a rabbit!" Veteran Youzi thought about it for a while and finally figured it out, and burst out laughing.

It seems to be the case!

"Haha!" All the soldiers present were happy.

The ruthless Chief Tang on the battlefield turned out to be such a wonderful person in private. The words were fresh and yet so incisive.

Really, it's worthy of Chief Tang!know everything.

Of course, the reason why the officers and soldiers are so high is not all a joke about Tang Dao driving slowly, but the fireworks of the devils and human flesh outside the warehouse, which are extremely gorgeous.

Even if they were swept away by the terrifying air waves, no one of them witnessed it with their own eyes.

Erya also pursed her lips and smiled, and the moonlight shone through the gaps in the sandbag fortifications, shining on his somewhat delicate face, young and handsome.

(End of this chapter)

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