Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 852 The Last Card

Chapter 852 The Last Card
"We won, we're going to win!" Erya couldn't suppress her joy as she watched the fleet of Japanese planes in the sky flee in panic and disappeared into a small black spot in the distance.

"It's still early!" Tang Dao put down the binoculars in his hand and shook his head slightly.

"Did Gu Xishui send you the latest location of the Japanese Army's joint headquarters?" Tang Dao looked down at the topographic map of the north bank of the Bihe River that Gu Xishui sent him yesterday.

"The Japanese army headquarters is moving to the right, too far away from Gu Xishui's lurking place, only a rough location!" Zhuang Shisan on the side quickly replied.

"It's enough to have a general location. Gu Xishui, the special forces under him are all the treasures of my four-element regiment. In this battle, I only need them to be my eyes, and I don't need them to be my knives. If it is not necessary , all special teams are not allowed to participate in the battle, and keep a safe enough distance from the Japanese army!" Tang Dao nodded, specifically explaining to Zhuang Shisan, the chief of staff.

There are about 20 people in the special squadron, divided into seven or eight special groups lurking on the battlefield, and most of them are behind the Japanese army. Although they are all elites in the Four Elements Regiment, their number is small!

Although the main force of the two infantry brigades of the Japanese army were tightly surrounded, they were basically a turtle in the urn, but Ishiguro Sadazo was definitely not a bare-bones commander. He still had at least nearly a thousand infantry and nearly ten artillery pieces under his command.

Even if the special forces soldiers who were still at the initial stage traded one for ten, Tang Dao would be heartbroken, so he specially reminded Gu Xishui not to embarrass him when he is about to usher in a comprehensive victory.

"Tuan Zuo, don't worry! Gu Xishui is one of the smartest people I have ever met in my life. I used to be afraid that he would die because of Yaomeier. Whenever he saw a Japanese, he would get hotheaded and talk to the Japanese." People work hard, after fighting several battles in a row, I realized that I was really worrying about nothing, you should be sure if you are a group seat, this kid is very clear-headed, if he wants to avenge Yaomeier, he must first ensure that he is alive and well, I think he also lectured the special forces squadron in the same way." Zhuang Shisan reassured Tang Dao, and handed Tang Dao a cigarette with a smile.

As the chief of staff, Zhuang Shisan continued to stand firmly in the Tang Dao team for the battle of the 2nd Infantry Regiment, but he was still beating drums in his heart.

After all, this is not a mountainous area. In addition to hiding under the noses of the Japanese infantry and setting up an ambush, it is a surprise move. In addition, the continuous firepower output of the whole regiment of the Four Elements Regiment exceeds that of the Japanese army. The advantage, both the enemy and us are on the plain, once the Japanese army sacrifices air superiority, all the advantages of the Four Elements Regiment will disappear.

But now, as Tang Dao used the fake artillery position to exhaust the bloodiest fangs of the Japanese fleet, Chief of Staff Zhuang Da also knew that the Four Elements Regiment's battle to extract chestnuts from the fire was basically a sure thing. Nature is great!
"Tell Cheng Tietou that his 2nd artillery company fought well in this battle, but I need his 2nd artillery battery to continue to work hard. According to the military order issued by the regiment's staff headquarters, cooperate with the first special agent company to move to the rear of the general area of ​​the Japanese army's joint headquarters. !" Tang Dao took the cigarette that Master Zhuang handed over, lit it with the match that Erya was wiping, took a deep breath, and continued to give orders.

"Okay!" Master Zhuang nodded and picked up the phone.

Tang Dao cast his eyes on Yang Xiaoshan who stood standing aside: "Xiaoshan, this is your first battle as the commander of the spy company, but it may also be the most important battle in your military career.

Because this battle is the key to the final decisive battle between our Four Elements Regiment and the Japanese 2nd Infantry Regiment.I need you to lead your special agent company, launch an attack on the flank where the Japanese invaders' headquarters is located, and mobilize part of its forces.

However, although Cheng Tieshou's 2nd Artillery Company will mobilize all the heavy machine gun squads to cooperate with you in combat, I have no soldiers to send except your special agent company, and the communication platoon and medical team have their own tasks. Only with the engineer platoon.

And what you have to face may be several times the Japanese infantry of your spy company, and may even have enemy artillery to help out. Do you have the confidence to fight this battle well? "

"Report sir, Yang Xiaoshan and the secret service company promise to complete the task!" Yang Xiaoshan stood up and answered without hesitation.

Soldiers take following orders as their bounden duty, and Yang Xiaoshan didn't even ask himself if he could still get artillery and military support, and he just took orders.

As expected, he was right about this young man, and Tang Dao showed appreciation in his eyes!

At this time, what he needs is not a company commander who has a lot of tactical training and amazing command skills. What he wants is a company commander who executes orders to the letter.

Tang Dao's move around the flanks of the Japanese Army Headquarters is not simply copying the Japanese army's routine, but as he said, Yang Xiaoshan needs to mobilize the Japanese Army Headquarters' troops. Have a chance to really show up.

Only in this way can he completely annihilate this infantry regiment at the least cost, and slap five finger marks firmly on the clean face of Tu Feiyuan.

"Mr. Tang, Bai Sheng can lead two engineering platoons under his command to cooperate with Company Commander Yang!" The lieutenant commander of the engineering company of the New Eighth Division, who had been on standby in the headquarters, thought for a moment, and strode over to ask for a fight.

"The main task of your department is to blow up the Yellow River Bridge, and just now Japanese planes bombed a row of positions of your department. Casualties are inevitable. If you participate in this battle again and add casualties, Tang Dao will not be able to explain to your master!" Tang Dao After a little thought, he shook his head and refused.

Tang Dao was considering the truth. The engineer company commander in front of him was not bad. He heard that the Four Elements Regiment was going to fight the Japanese army. Not only did he follow the risk to help the Four Elements Regiment dig field fortifications, but he was also ordered to build a bait and fake artillery position. Undertook the most terrible aerial bombing bombing by the Japanese aircraft fleet. As a friendly army, he has done his best. If he wants to send an engineering unit of his to the front line to fight in the field, the new Eighth Division Division Headquarters will not think about it.

"Mr. Tang, don't say that. The responsibility of guarding the land belongs to all Chinese soldiers! What is the purpose of our Guizhou Army overcoming hundreds of mountains and traveling thousands of miles to come here? Isn't it just to fight devils!

I've read in the newspapers that you, Chief Tang, are good at beating devils. I, Bai Sheng, haven't taken it seriously. I just thought it was those bastards bragging again. But today I really convinced you. Brothers in the troupe are all like this! "Bai Sheng stood up straight and gave Tang Dao a thumbs up.

"It's true that my New Eighth Division is a miscellaneous army, but as long as the miscellaneous army has a gun in its hand, it can kill devils. If Officer Tang and Company Commander Yang don't mind it, I, Bai Sheng, will lead my brothers to fight the Japanese and survive. Now, Bai Sheng and his brothers can hold their heads up and tell everyone that it is okay for the Qian army to fight the devils; if they die, they can use these lives to tell everyone that the Qian army is not a coward and dares to fight the devils!"

The lieutenant engineer company commander has already said nothing!

Tang Dao knew that the reason why the engineer company commander said so was really related to the experience of the New Eighth Division.

This infantry division established three years ago is basically composed of security regiments from several counties in Guizhou Province. The treatment is also conceivable. The First Theater Command also has great doubts about its combat effectiveness. It's dispatched to the front line.

In the past time and space, this infantry division participated in two large-scale military operations in the first half of 38. One was to blow up the Yellow River Iron Bridge, and the other was the famous "Huayuankou" in the country. It became a famous "destruction division". !
It was not until December 1938 that the New Eighth Division, which was in charge of guarding Longmen, ushered in their battle to rectify their name. They blocked the Japanese invaders in the Longmen area of ​​Hancheng, Shaanxi Province. The First Infantry Battalion under its command successfully blocked the Japanese at a cost of 12% of the battle loss. invaders, forcing the Japanese invaders to retreat to the east bank of the Yellow River.

It is against this background that the lieutenant engineer company commander of the Qian Army is more eager to prove himself.

Of course, Tang Dao believes that bravery is contagious.

"Okay! Then two platoons of your department go to get the weapons. After the war, these rifles, machine guns, and grenade grenades don't have to be returned. They are right as a gift from my four-element regiment to your department!" Tang Dao stopped talking nonsense now .

"Yes!" Bai Sheng saluted excitedly.

The engineering company is an auxiliary unit. Although it has also conducted shooting training, the New Eighth Division did not equip the engineering company with many guns because of the shortage of weapons. The entire infantry company only has five pistols, eighteen rifles, and 120 grenades. Don't talk about machine guns and grenades.

With this equipment, encountering the Japanese is basically a group's life!
But if they are armed by the Four Elements Regiment, they can secure an infantry company and go to the battlefield in the future, and the chances of saving their lives will increase greatly!

It is strange that the engineer company commander of the new eighth division is so beautiful that his nose is bubbling.

As for Tang Dao, not to mention the generous capture of an infantry regiment that wiped out the Japanese invaders, just take the current inventory of the Four Elements Regiment, and the equipment of an infantry company is really nothing.

But if you add Bai Sheng's two engineering platoons, Yang Xiaoshan can command 130 infantry, and with 12 heavy machine gun squads, the strength of nearly 300 people will definitely make Shiguro Zhenzang shrink back in fright, and the effect is It must be much stronger than dozens of infantry.

Sure enough, half an hour later, Yang Xiaoshan and Bai Sheng led three engineering platoons and 12 heavy machine gun squads and marched to the right wing of the 2nd Infantry Regiment headquarters 800 meters away.

Ishiguro Sadazo must panic!
Although it cannot be regarded as the last support of his 2nd Infantry Regiment, the army aviation fleet must be regarded as the reason why he, the captain of the Major Regiment, is still standing on the battlefield.

It's a pity that the Luhang Malu disappointed him too much. They didn't give any support to the two infantry brigades that were surrounded. They just bombed wildly on the south bank of the Mihe River, and then they were beaten up by the cunning Chinese. ran away.

How can this be done?

The Chinese watched as the combat power of the flying aircraft fleet multiplied, and the Imperial infantrymen outside the encirclement and encirclement curled up and scolded.

Without air support, what was he going to do until dark?

"The leak in the house happened to rain overnight, and the boat was late and the wind hit the head." The bad luck only picked the hard-working people, and the guard squadron came to report again. The right wing found a large number of Chinese moving in the direction of the wing headquarters.

In the binoculars, I don't know how many Chinese infantrymen are sprinting in the grass with cats on their backs, but the queue of driving mules carrying heavy machine guns is very long.

For this battle alone, there must be an infantry battalion!

This is the rhythm of the Chinese people wanting to kill them all. There is definitely more than a small four-element regiment here, and there is even a broken soldier of the Chinese First Army. Stand up to the Chinese on the battlefield.

"Baga! Order the first, second and third squadrons of the escort squadron to meet the enemy, and make sure to stop them 500 meters away from the regiment headquarters!" Ishiguro Sadazo issued the military order with an extremely ugly expression. "In addition, notify the Mountain Artillery Squadron to turn the muzzle and shell the incoming enemy! Since the Chinese dare to adopt such a bold tactic, let them pay the price!"

Generally speaking, there is nothing wrong with Ishiguro Sadazo's deployment of troops.

The guard squadron directly under the 2nd Infantry Regiment has more than 220 troops, and the three infantry squads are 3 people. In addition, there are mountain artillery and infantry artillery to help out. Even if the Chinese come to an infantry battalion, they can hold on. Even, because Neither side had time to build fortifications, and they could use artillery fire to kill and injure their infantry in large numbers.

But Ishiguro Sadazo obviously forgot that the artillery of the Four Elements Regiment was not a vegetarian. Thanks to the fake artillery positions that undertook the bombing of the Japanese army aviation fleet, the 1st artillery company had no loss. After the Japanese army fleet left, the 1st artillery company All the mountain cannons and 150 mortars of the Japanese army were pulled out of the trenches again, and without waiting for the Japanese artillery to fire, they set the coordinates sent by Gu Xishui as, and fired!
The two artillery squadrons of the Japanese army, which had just stopped not long ago, had to leave with pack horses to pull the artillery away again. Without air support, the two artillery squadrons were the last hope of the entire infantry wing. The large-caliber mortars of the Chinese were really It's terrible. It looks like there are still hundreds of meters left, but what if it's right?

The killing radius of a shell is as high as more than ten meters, and the two artillery squadrons cannot bear the consequences of losing the artillery, so they can only run first as a respect.

Faced with this situation, Ishiguro Sadazo had no choice but to grit his teeth and watch the two artillery squadrons continue to retreat.

Anyway, as long as you run far enough, the Chinese large-caliber mortars with amazing destructive power but limited range are useless.

Although the full-force bombardment of the 1st artillery company did not cause damage to the two artillery squadrons of the Japanese army, it relieved the pressure on Yang Xiaoshan's department.

Don't look at him leading three engineering platoons and 12 heavy machine gun squads, but his combat effectiveness is limited, especially the two engineering platoons under Bai Sheng. Not much stronger.

If it weren't for the 12 heavy machine guns covering fire from 400 meters away, the three infantry squads of the Japanese army might have attacked a hundred meters away and discovered their "paper tiger" attributes.

The guard squadron of the Japanese army is similar to the guard company and battalion of the Chinese army. It has always been the elite composition of the regiment. Even against Li Jiujin's seventh company, it can still gain the upper hand, let alone the three engineering platoons. .

As soon as they came into contact, the Japanese army veterans' precise shooting skills made the three engineers platoon hide their heads. A few more courageous ones lay down on the ground and shot at the Japanese army. The final result was either death or injury.

Yang Xiaoshan was just a big soldier before, thanks to Tang Dao's appreciation, he was promoted directly from a senior soldier to squad leader, platoon leader and company commander in one go. , but he is very stable, needless to say Tang Dao, he knows that his mission this time is to mobilize the Japanese army instead of really breaking through the Japanese defense line to pose a threat to the Japanese army headquarters.

Therefore, from the moment he entered the battlefield, he ordered the three engineering platoons to play their own characteristics-digging fortifications.

The volleyball skills of the three engineers are naturally not comparable to ordinary infantry, but their skills in digging individual bunkers are excellent.

The sandy soil on the south bank of the Mihe River is also soft enough, and it took only a few minutes to dig out a 60-centimeter pit that can accommodate a single soldier to hide with a single-soldier engineer shovel.

that's enough!

The excavated sand was piled up in front of the bunker to protect against Japanese bullets and grenade fragments. Soldiers only needed to nest in the pit, place their guns in front of the sand bunker, hold them tight, and pull the trigger.

It may not be able to kill people, but as long as it can stop the Japanese army from increasing its speed.

What can really contain the Japanese firepower are the 400 heavy machine guns located 12 meters behind the infantry line of defense!

This is also calculated by Yang Xiaoshan. As long as the infantry defense line stops the Japanese infantry more than 100 meters away, then 12 heavy machine guns can be located outside the 500-meter effective range of the Japanese grenadier, reducing the damage of the Japanese grenadier.

The 12 heavy machine guns have an effective range of up to 800 meters. The firepower network formed may not achieve much effect in killing the Japanese army, but effective suppression is possible.

In this case, it will be formed, relying on the infantry defense line to extend the distance, and heavy machine gun fire to suppress the Japanese infantry. Unless the Japanese infantry rushes regardless of casualties, a stalemate will form.

And this, this delicate balance just meets the tactical needs of the two command headquarters.

This is indeed the case. The Captain of the Guard Squadron of the 2nd Infantry Regiment who was in charge saw the Chinese being blocked by him, and stayed in place to shoot at himself, just happy to see the success.

The meaning of your Excellency the captain of the regiment is obvious. His three infantry squads are blocking the advance of the Chinese. It is the two artillery squadrons that can effectively kill the Chinese. Just tactical ideas.

So, don't look at the two sides fighting like a raging fire, in fact, both sides are wrestling with long-range firepower.

The heavy machine gun squad of the No. 2 Artillery Company suppressed the Japanese troops in the distance with firepower, while the Japanese escort team used grenades to fight back against the heavy machine gun firepower points.

Although the grenadier soldiers are more than 600 meters away from the Chinese heavy machine guns, the accuracy is far from as high as the effective range, but they fire a lot, and eventually a few rounds can threaten the firepower of the heavy machine guns.

A heavy machine gun basically fired 200 rounds in a row, and immediately lifted the heavy machine gun to reselect the position.

"Damn Chinese!" Ishiguro Sadazo looked through the binoculars at the battlefield that was only 500 meters away from him, and cursed viciously, but his face was honest and relaxed.

In any case, the three guard teams he sent out blocked the attack of the Chinese, and he could continue to persevere to see what other cards the Chinese could play.

After all, he still has five or six hundred infantry and two artillery squadrons in his hand. As long as the Chinese's hole cards are not so thrilling, he can continue to persevere. This is the unique resilience of the Imperial Japanese Army.

The battered Japanese Army Colonel once again neglected one thing. His two artillery squadrons were getting farther and farther away from the regiment headquarters, and the only escort infantry squadron to guard the artillery squadron was also sent by him to the left wing of the regiment headquarters. .

That means that although his two artillery squadrons are free from the threat of Chinese large-caliber mortars, if a Chinese army makes great efforts to go around the entire battlefield, his two artillery squadrons will be as if they were facing each other. Machete villain's baby, defenseless
(End of this chapter)

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