Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 854 The Last Card

Chapter 854 The Last Card
The south bank of the Bihe River!

The battle launched at dawn has been fought for more than 3 hours.

It's 10:20 am!
The winter sun has almost risen to the middle, but the winter in Yu Province is still cold.

2500 meters away from the main battlefield of China and Japan, 1000 meters behind the hot artillery position that the Japanese army is bombarding, all the places that the Japanese army can't see.

Tang Dao rode on the bay red horse, holding a binoculars to look at the bursts of gunpowder smoke rising in the distance. Hammer squatted beside his horse, with a pair of big eyes staring ahead, as if he could see something.

The cavalry has changed from a column to a row. More than 190 cavalry, divided into two rows, tightened the reins, and stood behind their supreme commander. Everyone breathed white gas from their mouths and noses.

Horses, too.

There were nearly 200 people, but they remained strangely quiet.

No one neighed, there was no noise, all the horses were on the bit, and the horseshoes were wrapped in cotton cloth. All the cavalry, except the regiment leader Tang Dao, wore a black scarf around their necks.

There is even a hint of fashion in the coolness.

"Tuan Zuo, you are not good at cavalry, let me lead the team, and you go to the second row to command! Otherwise, if you have an accident, I can't explain it to Lao Lei, and the four-element regiment loses its backbone, and its combat effectiveness will drop sharply!" Gong Shaoxun Seeing Tang Dao put down the binoculars, he already wanted to give an order, urging him to make one last effort immediately.

Of course, the combat methods of cavalry and infantry are completely different. Without superb riding skills, let alone horses start running at a high speed of 16 meters per second, even if they are jogging at small steps, most people will fall over.

Knowing how to ride a horse is only the first step to becoming a cavalryman. To become a warrior who can fight on horseback, a cavalryman must be able to control the horse with his legs.

Because when fighting, the hand holding the saber has to use all the strength of the whole body. If the strength of the legs is not enough to hold it, the person will fall off the horse before he can cut himself.

When the cavalry charged and fought, falling off the horse was almost equivalent to death. The cavalry galloping behind them at high speed didn’t care who they were, in fact, they couldn’t. Even if you were the supreme commander, you could only watch in despair as the speed reached 60 A horseshoe weighing more than [-] catties stepped over his body, and then turned into a ball of meat sauce with shattered fractures all over his body.

Be it public or private, Gong Shaoxun is unwilling to see Tang Dao have an accident, although he is also extremely moved by Tang Dao's initiative to fight side by side with the cavalry company. It has been more than a month since joining the Four Elements Regiment, and he finally feels I and the cavalry company have fully integrated into this team.

Perhaps after this battle, the cavalrymen who used to keep their mouths shut will have fewer words about how awesome the cavalry of the 67th Army of Lao Tzu will be. Instead, the cavalry company of the Lao Tzu Four-row Regiment was led by the regiment chief to charge. What kind of guard company, Can the special squadron compare with me?

"Hehe! Lieutenant, if I say that I have undergone special equestrian training for 3 months and have a record of hitting a bullseye 200 meters away with a single shot on a high-speed charging horse, you may not believe it, but you have to believe me. Veterans who climbed out from the battlefield, from Sixing Warehouse, and from the piles of dead people in Songjiang Cangcheng!" Tang Dao turned his head, his face full of pride. "I survived not by luck, but by strength! Maybe one day I may die in battle, but I will never die at the hands of these dead Japanese devils."

Yes, the reason why Tang Dao can become the strongest individual soldier in China in the future never depends on luck, but on strength!
Fighting, Tang Dao, who has practiced hard for ten years and eight extremes, can rank among the top five in the army of one million; The record of running 80 kilometers on the mountainous road made the most demanding instructors call him a monster; because of the need for promotion, his superiors sent him to the Army Academy for a year and a half to study, but he used this year and a half to learn five foreign languages ​​without speaking , also took the No.1 foreign military history test, and the experience of walking on the line of life and death all year round seemed to open up his brain, making him stronger than most ordinary people in terms of nerve response, physical fitness, and brain memory. many.

And equestrianism is just one of the many skills mastered by Tang Dao in his previous life.

Tang Dao had to practice equestrianism for a period of time in the western border troops because he had to carry out missions in the western frontier. With strength and body flexibility that surpassed ordinary people, Tang Dao could hit a target 200 meters away with an AK on horseback. watermelon.

Now, Tang Dao, who has completely merged with this young body, is even more confident in his equestrian skills.

"En!" Gong Shaoxun nodded heavily, and handed a black scarf to Tang Dao casually. "It's cold, this thing can keep out the cold wind!"

"Commissioners, pass my military order back to the regiment headquarters and tell them that the general offensive has begun! The first battalion and the second battalion tried their best to wipe out the Japanese invaders in the encirclement, and the third battalion continued to use firepower to contain the Japanese army in front of them. If they want to escape, they must chase after them!" Tang Knife ordered.

"Yes!" The signal soldier with the field radio on his back quickly jumped off his horse and began to send out a telegram.

Gently clamping the horse's belly, the horse took Tang Dao and walked slowly in front of the two cavalry. Tang Dao's voice echoed in the open wilderness: "Brothers, did you see it? Right in front of us, the Japanese artillery, Waiting for us to chop off their heads, tell me, you guys, are you ready?"

No one agreed suddenly, they just raised the lances they had already taken together again!
There are less than 200 people, but under the winter sun, there are swords and guns!
"Very good, follow me and Deputy Gong Tuan, go forward and kill all those wearing yellow uniforms." Tang Dao took the reins and entered the cavalry formation.

When the cavalry charged, it was cool to charge alone at the front, but it was definitely the one that died the fastest. That's what the so-called target of public criticism was talking about.

Cavalry combat relies on group strength and does not require individual heroes!

. . . . . . . .

The cavalry were all very close together, horse by horse, shoulder to shoulder.

In the cold wind of winter, the horse's nose sprayed white mist, and the mouth of the horse sprayed white gas.

As the horses took small steps forward, all the cavalrymen pulled up the black scarves around their necks to cover their mouths and noses.

This has a sense of sight of the Forty Thieves!
Perhaps, only those who have ridden a motorcycle in winter without wearing a helmet will know the sourness of the cold wind.

These cavalry from the Northeast are all old drivers!
"Boom, boom, boom" sounded the dull sound of horseshoes, and the queue began to move slowly.

It's like a wall slowly moving forward.

After jogging for a while, the horses began to speed up gradually, and the queue began to gradually spread out. The distance between each horse was about five or six meters. More than 190 cavalrymen lined up in two rows, and a row of more than 90 cavalrymen opened the horse line for a mile. Road, the distance between the two rows of cavalry is about 200 meters.

At a distance of 700 meters, the cavalry, which jogged for 300 meters all the way, began to sprint at full speed.

A muffled thunderous sound resounded throughout the audience, as if the whole world was filled with the sound of rumbling horseshoes.

The sound was so loud that it seemed that even the violent gunfire that resounded on the Chinese and Japanese positions more than 1000 meters away was drowned out.

In the future, China's cavalry has almost completely withdrawn from the stage of history. Tang Dao saw with his own eyes a company of [-] or [-] horses charging at full speed.

But now, what Tang Dao saw and heard was that nearly 200 cavalry were charging at full speed.

Although I have imitated the cavalry and put on face scarves, the biting cold wind is still blowing towards my face, just like riding a motorcycle in the cold winter, but this, and I can't hear any sound around me, only Compared with the sound of rumbling horseshoes, it was nothing at all.

Perhaps only those who have been there know that no matter who you are, in such a situation, you will only feel your blood burning and adrenaline rushing.

It is conceivable that as long as the cavalry are soaring, no one can stop their footsteps, and all obstacles will become powder.

In the era of cold weapons, thousands or even tens of thousands of cavalry charge collectively at every turn. What kind of scene will that be?Tang Dao even wondered if it would be like a small earthquake. People standing on such a battlefield might not be able to stand firmly.

Even now, there are less than 200 cavalry in charge mode, and the entire battlefield is stunned by the thunderous sound of horseshoes coming from behind.

At the beginning, it was like thunder in the sky. In the end, the sound of thunder seemed to be ringing in everyone's ears. In the whole world, there was no sound of guns and guns, only the sound of thunder.

The soldiers of the two artillery squadrons of the Japanese army were working hard to carry the heavy shells, so that in this cold winter day, they even took off their yellow military uniforms. As for the steel helmets, they had already dropped them, and their faces were sweating , the head is also steaming.

As the last support of the 2nd Infantry Regiment, hundreds of strong men from two Japanese artillery squadrons are trying their best to show off their muscles and excellence so that thousands of colleagues can go home.

Then, the rumbling thunder from far and near shattered their efforts. In their eyes that shrank sharply when they looked back, a row of black "walls" jumped out from the horizon and moved towards their own position at high speed.

Of course, it was the error caused by the long distance. Only when they get close can they see the shocking dark blue!

"What is that?" Matsumoto Rightmon, who had just survived from the front line and was reassigned to the mountain artillery squadron as a supervisor, groaned dumbfounded.

The suddenly dilated pupils and the twitching muscles of the face vividly interpret the artistic conception of the words "unbelievable"!

"Enemy attack." The soldiers beside the Japanese army captain who was still acting dumbfounded yelled shrilly, as if they had been stabbed through the back door by a mace.

On the main battlefield in the distance, with three red signal flares hitting the sky, two infantry battalions, six infantry companies and three fire support companies collectively roared "Kill!"

No longer concealing their firepower, as all the light and heavy machine guns began to roar, the soldiers tried their best to throw the grenades around them that had already been unscrewed!

According to incomplete statistics, in less than ten seconds, the two infantry battalions and the recruits responsible for bombing dropped a total of more than 3000 grenades, which was much denser than before the war.

When the hooves sounded like thunder at 2000 meters, the officers and soldiers of the Four Elements Regiment jumped out of the trenches. The infantry squad organized according to the three-three system was basically a pikeman with a bayonet and soldiers equipped with submachine guns or shell guns. Form a fire group that can fight hand to hand and fire continuously.

There were as many as 700 Japanese infantrymen still crouching in the grass and shooting at the officers and soldiers of the Four Elements Regiment, but they were covered by 3000 grenades and sang their last elegy.

It was later proved that this wave of grenades, which made Chief of Staff Zhuang Da's grief, covered the fire, causing heavy losses to the Japanese infantry who were caught off guard. In the end, there were less than 400 infantry who were able to jump out of the grass and meet the Chinese soldiers hand-to-hand.

And you must know that the two infantry brigades of the Japanese army that were originally surrounded could have 8 infantry squadrons and 2 heavy machine gun squadrons. Although they were not full after continuous battles, they also had more than 1800 infantry.

But it only took three hours. As the Chinese soldiers entered the decisive battle mode, only a quarter of their troops were able to participate in the battle. This is extremely rare in the history of world wars.

The nearly [-] grenades dropped on the battlefield may be the decisive factor!
After the war, the North China Front Army Command also issued guiding orders to its ministries that the Chinese should not be easily allowed to approach the defense line by 40 meters. The German-made hand grenade with a long wooden handle at this distance is simply a nightmare for infantry.

Ishiguro Sadazo's expression at that moment was definitely not much better than that of Captain Matsumoto Right Gate who was facing the cavalry charge.

It's not like a mouthful of old blood spurting far away, but looking at his instantly red face, you can tell that this old guy's blood pressure was at least 200 at that moment, just a little bit, so there is no need to waste bullets. The captain of the elite Japanese infantry regiment of the Four Elements Regiment, the captain of the elite Japanese infantry regiment, will be bleeding to the sky, and his brain blood vessels will burst.

"Artillery, it's over!" Shiguro Sadazo closed his eyes in pain, two lines of tears rolled down.

Perhaps, for this tearful but extremely clear Japanese Army Colonel, it is not just the artillery that is going to end, but also his entire infantry regiment!

The sprint distance of 700 meters is only forty to fifty seconds for a galloping horse that bursts out at its maximum speed.

Almost all the troops were transferred to the frontal battlefield and the Second Infantry Wing on the flanks of its own wing headquarters. In terms of the artillery squadron, only one infantry unit was left symbolically to reassure the artillery.

Ten rifles and one light machine gun can't do much damage to such a running target.

Moreover, when approaching 200 meters, the cavalry hiding on the side of the galloping horses sat back on their horses one after another, and then shot!
Accompanied by gunshots, at least two or three of the fifteen Japanese infantry fell down in the simple trenches, and the rest of the infantry subconsciously crawled to avoid them.

A horse galloping at a speed of up to 60 kilometers per hour is much faster than an Olympic 200-meter gold medalist. The [-]-meter distance can be reached in only twelve seconds.

About 100 meters before arriving at the Japanese artillery position, the cavalry lost their lances and pulled out their sabers from their horseback saber pouches.

Under the winter sun, the gleaming saber is much more dazzling than the bayonet.

Until this time, the cavalry in the front and rear rows roared in unison, "Kill!"

The sound of rumbling horseshoes instantly drowned out the shouts of 200 people, but that cold and fiery killing intent could stimulate the hairs of people even a hundred meters away.

Even Hammer, who was running fast with four legs, couldn't help but stand up on his back.

That is derived from the creature's fear of murderous instinct!Even those cavalry are its comrades in arms.

After paying nearly ten horses, the first row of cavalry rushed into the Japanese artillery position with a front width of 400 meters.

Those who have never experienced cutting someone with a knife while galloping, will never know what it feels like.

There are sharp blades and galloping horses on both sides, and the sound of rumbling horseshoes fills your ears. There is no room for any other sounds, and you have no time to search for any enemies. You only know that holding a knife, Skimmed past the enemy in your field of vision, and then, there was a bloody light soaring into the sky.

You don't need much effort at all, the kinetic energy and huge inertia of the horse's high-speed running are enough for your saber to split any hard object.

If the enemy is right in front of you and your knife can't reach it, then it's easier to hit it. The horse's strong forelimbs and the thousands of kilograms of kinetic energy it carries can knock anyone into shattered fractures.

This is how Tang Dao feels now.Even if he bravely won the three armies by force, he is confident that if he is under the horse, none of the 200 cavalry here will be the three-in-one general under him.

However, when the cavalry rushed up, Tang Dao, who participated in this kind of cavalry charge for the first time, realized that this was not a battlefield for showing personal force at all.

The cavalry, just like the palpitating formation they formed before, rely on collective strength, even though they are more than 5 meters apart, they are still like a wall, with a strong horse body, heavy horseshoes and snowy forest. A wall of cold blades that would destroy, all, any resistance in its path.

If he was facing this group of cavalry, Tang Dao's first thought was to escape, to escape to any place that could escape the attack range of these terrifying cavalry.

Even if you give him a submachine gun, Tang Dao has no confidence in surviving on this terrible battlefield. Even if you kill one, ten, or even dozens of them, the cavalrymen rushing towards you like a row of big waves It will overwhelm you eventually.

Those Japanese artillery soldiers who were almost dumbfounded and scurrying around like headless chickens, facing such an overwhelming impact, what kind of despair should they feel in their hearts?
no one knows!

And no one knew what was going on in the moment when the first platoon of cavalry with thundering horseshoes rushed over, and Captain Matsumoto Rightmon, who drew out his samurai sword and faced the Chinese cavalry's cold blade, was thinking at that moment.

Anyway, pretty manly!

However, in the eyes of the Chinese cavalry, that is the food delivered to the door!
A tender and tender Chinese cabbage!
(End of this chapter)

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