Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 856 Accidental Death!

Chapter 856 Accidental Death!

The Japanese officer's tall horse suddenly rushed forward without warning, and it was already more than ten meters away in an instant. The speed was so fast that even Xia Dayu had to move the telescope.

Then, Xia Dayu saw that the 'mad' horse ran into several Japanese soldiers who were caught off guard.

The oriental horses ridden by Japanese army officers are hybrids of Arabian horses and native mares, with a shoulder height of 150 centimeters and a weight of 500 kilograms. This high-speed jump is similar to that carried by a miniature car in the future. The kinetic energy is not much different.

Not to mention people, even a solid wooden door can be smashed into pieces!
The Japanese soldiers who were hit were sent flying a few meters away, but the apparently frightened galloping horses still ignored them. No matter how the Japanese officer on top tightened the reins, they still rushed forward with all their strength, and even gave the officer on the horse back to the ground. Turned down, but for this Japanese officer, the tragedy may have just begun.

The reason is very simple, one of his feet is still hanging on the stirrup, his whole body is like a rag doll, heaving and falling with the mad gallop of the war horse.

The surrounding Japanese soldiers did not react until this time. Several Japanese soldiers subconsciously raised their guns, but perhaps because they were worried about hurting the officer who was still hanging on the horse, they did not shoot for a long time.

"If he can still live, I will count his life as a dog! Brother Niu, your shot is absolutely dead!" Xia Dayu looked at this scene and almost laughed.

He can assure you that the madness of the Japanese war horses was related to Niu Er's shot, otherwise the war horses would not have gone mad for no reason.

And Xia Dayu can even assure you that the Japanese officer whose head was hit by the ground several times in a row must be dead. That guy didn't wear a helmet, and even if he did, his neck wasn't made of iron, was it?

Xia Dayu, the youngest special soldier of the Four Elements Regiment, made no mistake in his judgment, not to mention that the galloping horse stamped its hooves in the air after galloping 50 meters, and even the horse and the people were thrown seven or eight meters away. Seventy percent of his lives were lost, and the few hits of the human body on the ground alone were enough to break the most fragile neck of the human body.

Seeing a group of Japanese soldiers crazily running towards the fallen man and horse, Niu Er also smiled slightly.

The rifle in his hand had a limited range after all, even though he tried his best, his shot was still a little crooked due to the deviation of the trajectory.

It should be the person who missed the horse and the horse, but the distance must not be too far. As for why the oriental horse went crazy, Niu Er guessed whether it was because of the ricochet.

Although it is a bit regrettable, the Japanese officer was not killed but also injured, and the goal can be regarded as achieved.

"Heavy Rain, don't worry about him, continue to look for valuable targets!" Niu Er calmly regained his eyes and ordered calmly.

"Okay!" Xia Dayu moved the binoculars again and looked at the distance on the other side.

At this moment, the two special forces probably only thought that they killed a very important officer of the Japanese army by accident, but they didn't know that what they killed was actually the supreme commander of the 2nd Infantry Regiment-Ishiguro Sadazo!

Yes, the unlucky child who was crushed by Toyoma's heavy 600 kg body 500 meters away is the sad reminder of His Excellency Ishiguro Sadazo.

His Excellency the Japanese Army Colonel is very brave, and he intends to stay and lead the regiment guard squadron to break the rear for the whole regiment, but the leader is just talking, if the subordinates take the leader's words seriously, then they are not qualified subordinates.

More importantly, the senior staff officers of the 2nd Infantry Regiment must also think about their own lives, don't they?Even if the captain of the regiment is not leaving, where are these lieutenants, captains, and majors going?
For your own sake, your Excellency the Alliance Captain has to leave here too!
"Your Excellency, Captain, you still need to leave a useful body to serve the empire. If you are broken, you will only make the Chinese newspapers smile!" A group of senior staff officers of the alliance swarmed up, and forcibly called their leader, the captain, His Excellency Mounted on horseback.

Ishiguro Sadazo really wanted to struggle, but the 'combat power' displayed by a group of staff officers was much stronger than he imagined, and the dignified army commander was like a weak little chicken at the moment.

Of course, what finally made Ishiguro Sadazo give up struggling may be the reason that the staff officers pulled out in a hurry. He, the head of the army chief, will definitely make the Chinese newspapers scream for a while, and it will become the 14th Division. shame.

However, the Japanese Army Colonel, who gave up the idea of ​​​​death in battle, finally died on the battlefield.

He was not brave by guns, but was crushed to death by his beloved war horse.

Ishiguro Sadazo had already lost consciousness after hitting the ground several times hard, but he was still breathing, but when the frightened and frenzied horse stepped on the air and threw it seven or eight meters, the heavy body of the horse was so dead that it happened to be crushed. On his already covered head.

So, Ishiguro Sadazo died, died on the hard frame of his loyal subordinates. If it wasn't like this, even if he led the No. 200 infantry in a bloody battle with the Four Elements Regiment, it would take at least 40 days to stop breathing. In minutes!
Niu Er's shot, just as he felt, did not hit the man or the horse, but the distance was really not far, and it landed in an area less than one meter away from the man and the horse. The bullet just hit a stone, and the stone debris Bengfei, one of the fingernail-sized debris just hit Dongyangma's big eyeball.

That blow directly pierced Dongyang Ma's eyeballs. You said that Dongyang Ma, who was in extreme pain, would not go crazy!

If it wasn't for the damage to the eyes, Toyoma would not have easily hit the air with his huge body and dealt the final fatal blow to Ishiguro Sadazo.

If the "accidental" death of Ishiguro Sadazo, the captain of the regiment, caused irreparable losses to the 2nd Infantry Regiment, in fact, the biggest tragedy has just begun.

Among the several Japanese soldiers who went mad and flew into the air one after another, there happened to be a signal soldier who was going to the [-]rd Infantry Battalion.

The first and second infantry brigades on the main battlefield had nothing to say about the several military orders issued by Ishiguro Sadazo before. They could only use the radio to order symbolically. Whether they can receive them can only be done according to human affairs, but they still have the strength to retreat The [-]rd Infantry Brigade was damaged by the bombardment of the Chinese. Due to time constraints, there was no telephone line between the regiment headquarters and the [-]rd Infantry Brigade, so messages could only be delivered by manpower.

This is probably one of the reasons why the Western world looks down on China and Japan.

The Chinese do not have a navy or an air force, so the army relies on a few cannons to support its appearance. It just wants to come over and be a younger brother. The western world despises it, and the Japanese, who are attacking China with dimensionality reduction, are better than the Chinese in terms of navy, air force and artillery. , In terms of mechanization and communication, it is actually 50 meters away from China.

In the western world, it is as strong as a beautiful country. Not to mention that it is now possible to equip field radio stations to platoon-level troops, they have even begun to develop simple mobile and portable communication devices that can be distributed to infantry squads.

This is also the case. When the Pacific War broke out three years later, the infantry squad leader of the beautiful country could contact the division-level headquarters to request fire support by relying on individual radios.

That is the embryonic form of modern warfare.

At this time, Japan is nothing but a military power in my imagination.

Therefore, the 2nd Infantry Regiment at this moment has encountered the misfortune of underdeveloped communications.The messenger who was ordered to convey the order of the regiment leader to break out of the siege was accidentally killed, and the officers of the regiment headquarters panicked because the regiment leader was "accidentally" killed by them.

This delay is 5 minutes.

The situation on the battlefield changes rapidly, let alone 5 minutes, even 1 minute, which may change the fate.

The 6 infantry companies on the main battlefield launched a charge after throwing 3000 grenades, and there were less than 300 Japanese infantry who could stand up from the grass and tried their best to show the bravery of the Imperial Japanese Army.

More than half of the remaining seven or eight hundred Japanese troops were killed and maimed by irregular but overwhelming grenades.

This should also be one of the rare examples in the history of the Sino-Japanese War where grenades were used to determine the outcome.

However, this type of battle is almost non-reproducible.

One: The distance between the two warring parties must be close enough that neither party dares to fire. No matter who fires, it is a way of fighting to the death;
Second: There are so many grenades in the army, there are tens of thousands of grenades!Putting it in ordinary troops, that is almost half the consumption of an infantry division.

Who has seen an infantry regiment throw out 3000 pieces in a few tens of seconds?And the attack was only a few hundred devils.Putting it in that army, I am afraid that these hundreds of devils will be wiped out. For this huge loss, Tang Tuanzuo will also be demoted to the cooking class to take the blame!

But the Four Elements Group was not afraid, these ammunitions were transported thousands of miles away on their shoulders, and the slogan of 'sweat more in peacetime, bleed less in wartime' was miraculously fulfilled at this moment.

There were more than 300 Japanese infantrymen with rifles in their hands, who were about to fight with their backs. Normally, this was definitely a terrifying force. Even if ordinary troops had three times their strength, they would still have to pay at least the same price.

This has been confirmed on several battlefields, and the fighting power of the Japanese army, which was forced to desperately, only increased.

But now, these more than 300 Japanese troops are facing nearly a thousand elite soldiers of the Four Elements Regiment, not to mention that the officers and soldiers of the Four Elements Regiment have no intention of playing hand-to-hand combat with them.

Each three-person group starts with a [-] rifle, and two soldiers holding continuous-fire firearms are located on the sides and rear wings.

When encountering the khaki figure, the shell gun and submachine gun opened fire immediately, without giving the Japanese infantry any chance to rush over.

I don't know how many Japanese soldiers died in the unwillingness of wailing 'Chinese people don't speak martial arts'.

Of course, in addition to the 6 infantry companies, the 300 recruits who participated in the bombing also entered the battlefield immediately!

The 300 recruits in this main battlefield are considered to be the most damaged group besides the Japanese army. Because of luck and reckless bombing posture, at least 50 recruits were hit by Japanese bullets, and the battle damage was as high as 15.00%. Among them, there were even five Because of extreme fear, six people hid in the trenches and refused to carry out military orders to drop bombs, but were shot dead on the spot by the leader of the team as an example.

This is what Tang Dao had anticipated before the recruits entered the battlefield. Any kindness on the battlefield would put shackles on their necks. Tang Dao gave the veterans who led the team the right to kill deserters on the spot, but after the battle There will be special evaluations so that the privilege will not be abused by veterans.

Iron and blood methods are naturally effective. After three hours of trials on the battlefield of blood and fire, the recruits have seen blood and experienced life and death, and their temperament is very different from before entering the battlefield.

Just like the Japanese army who was ordered to follow 6 infantry companies into the battlefield to search and hide, the 250 recruits no longer trembled like before, and they looked good with guns. They even learned from the veterans and formed groups of three. The distance between each group does not exceed 5 meters, and they patiently search the battlefield after the veterans have passed by.

The veterans who lead the team are more nervous than the recruits at this time. They know the horror of the Japanese wounded soldiers. Not only will they secretly shoot black guns, but they will even quietly fire grenades when you get close to them.

"For all the corpses, the guns should be repaired first, and then the knives should be repaired!" The veterans roared hoarsely to remind the recruits around them.

Cheng Dakui is also in the search team.

Because of his good performance in the previous bomb attack, the veteran appointed him as the leader of the squad's assigned combat team in the trenches.

The battle rules of the four-element regiment are that in the battle of the squad, any officer must charge in the front. The gun walked behind him.

Because the Japanese army was completely crushed in terms of military strength and firepower, the battle actually ended quickly, and the gunfire on the battlefield has gradually become sparse. Searching for wounded Japanese soldiers and hiding soldiers has become a battlefield situation.

Cheng Dakui's team has inspected the remains of nearly 10 Japanese soldiers, all of whom strictly followed the veterans' order to replenish the gun first and then the knife, regardless of whether they were dead or alive.

Soon, he saw another khaki corpse with its back facing the sky. Cheng Dakui pulled the bolt of the gun, intending to pull the trigger.

Suddenly, the corpse suddenly opened its eyes and looked at him. Cheng Dakui trembled in fright. He was about to force his fingers, but he saw those eyes were full of pleading. The young ones, at most eighteen or nineteen years old, were younger than the fellow countrymen who had just died in the trenches after being shot by bullets crying for their mothers.

Cheng Dakui hesitated slightly, but saw the wounded Japanese soldier groping for his chest, and took out a black and white photo. In the photo was a middle-aged woman with a bun and a gentle face. Although the young Japanese soldier in 'MAMA' did not make a sound, he But the mouth shape can make Cheng Dakui understand, Cheng Dakui's heart softened for no reason.

Turning to look at the two companions who also looked hesitant, "What should I do?"

"Cheng Dakui, what are you bastards doing?" A veteran rushed over, glanced at the wounded Japanese soldier, his face changed drastically, he suddenly opened his arms and threw three soldiers under his command to the ground: "Lie down!"

A faint blue smoke slowly emerged from under the body of the young Japanese wounded soldier.

The last thing Cheng Dakui saw was a strange satisfaction on that dirty but young face, but unwillingness flickered in his pleading eyes.

"This is a group of beasts, a group of crazy beasts!" Cheng Dakui's buried head was full of this thought.

Although he threw bombs to kill the Japanese invaders like a lunatic, but after all, it was at a long distance, on the line of life and death close at hand, and the Chinese villagers who wanted revenge were kind after all.

But with this loud bang, that useless kindness was blown away by the Japanese grenade after all.

Kindness is for kind people, it is useless for devils!
On the main battlefield, veterans killed brutally, while recruits grew up in the killing.

On the other side of the Japanese army's regiment headquarters, they were in a mess because of the accidental death of their regiment leader.

However, the cavalry company on Tang Dao's side, after killing all the Japanese troops in sight, did not count the results of the battle, but drove straight to the north.

There is a depression there, which can be used as a blocking position.

And that was also the place where the Japanese army wanted to flee north. If the Japanese army ran away early, maybe the cavalry company would never have a chance to reach there, but now, there is enough time.

The cavalry company of the Four-row Regiment not only has sabers and cavalry guns, they belong to the cavalry, and they carry light machine guns and mortars on a daily basis. This time, they can be regarded as useful.

The end of the 2nd Infantry Regiment has come.

(End of this chapter)

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