Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 867 Crazy!

Chapter 867 Crazy!

"Hey, don't stare at me. This is me. If it's on the battlefield, you're all over." Tang Dao said with a cold smile.

The anger of the four regular soldiers was embarrassing.

Yes, what this demon said is absolutely right. With his skill, he restrained the lead soldier and snatched the gun. He shot three holes in the cap and killed the other three with no bullets in their guns. soldiers, just like playing.

And Chuanzi's little guys with bird guns and shuttle guns, how much effect can they really have on him?With the skill he showed at this time, it seems that it is very difficult!
"Come on, Xiao Li, right! Don't stare at me, do you already have a bullet in your magazine? Why didn't you shoot immediately when you saw me enter the attacking stance? Do you have to aim?

However, at a distance of 2 meters, as long as you shoot, you can give the enemy a huge deterrent, instead of letting him calmly hide by his companion during the half-second time you are aiming.

What's even more funny is that your memory tells you that your companion is sure that the opponent has no weapons after searching, but he still instinctively dodges when he sees a wooden stick. If at this time, you put your gun and stare at you enemy, there will never be such a passive thing happening later! "Tang Dao's words made the elite soldiers flush.

If it wasn't for the lack of bullets in the gun, the black wooden stick that Tang Dao threw at Chuanzi's feet really had the urge to let this elite soldier shoot himself.

Unexpectedly, the blushing person who reprimanded him didn't know whether it was an enemy or a friend at this time, and let him listen to the reprimand so obediently, proud and not allowed, so he could only fight back weakly: "My surname is Li, Li from Licheng."

Chuanzi stared at the elite warrior dumbfounded. Is this the elder brother Li he admires the most?How does this feel like the dejected self being reprimanded by the second uncle?

"And the three of you, yes, I used three shots to frighten you, and your guns should have no bullets, but so what?

Soldiers can't kill the enemy except with guns?Could it be that the bayonets on your rifles are decorations?
Even if I still have a bullet in the gun in my hand, but there are three of you, if you rush over at the first time, can I still be overpowered?Isn't your 129th Division known as the most elite infantry division of the 18th Army?Isn't it claimed to have climbed snow-capped mountains, walked through grasslands, and broken through the blockades set up by hundreds of thousands of enemy troops?Why, at the moment of facing life and death, did he become a soft-legged shrimp? " Tang Dao's merciless criticism made the three soldiers unable to lift their heads.

Even if they knew that what Tang Dao was talking about was their elder brothers and seniors, they were all newly recruited soldiers after the 129th Division arrived in northern Shaanxi, but that was their honor, but they were really caught by the precise Three shots frightened.

The opponent completely frightened them with three extremely accurate shots, and then went to deal with five younger boys from the mountain village.

To some extent, Chuanzi's performance just now is much better than that of the three regular troops.

From Tang Dao's point of view, he certainly knows that these soldiers are the bravest fighters in China at present. They never lack the courage to sacrifice, but they still lack the necessary combat skills.Just a few seconds after Tang Dao frightened them, they completely lost the initiative on the battlefield.

Tang Dao used actual combat to tell them that the battlefield is cruel, and life and death can be seen in an instant. Hesitating is a taboo!
Of course, if a few soldiers are really determined, Tang Dao will be in a lot of trouble. At least, Tang Dao will not dare to ignore the two bird guns over there. The little guy Chuanzi is doing pretty well so far. With such a mentality, let him fire a shot, and the blunderbuss that can spew hundreds of iron sand can make Tang Datuan feel embarrassed.

"And you, you performed well in the front, but you are a bit stupid in the back. That's it, what about the militia squad leader? You will kill your little brothers." Tang Dao cast his eyes on Chuanzi who was staring at him viciously .

"You nonsense, how could I kill my brother." The veins on Chuanzi's forehead popped up.

He has always wanted to join the army, but the regular army always said that it was not time to recruit soldiers, so he could only work hard in the newly established militia, hoping to join the regular army with good performance, but today was the first time he acted as the squad leader of the militia. This powerful guy came up and said that he would kill the little brothers, which directly touched Chuanzi's bottom line.

"Hehe, don't you agree! Then let me ask you, no matter who it is, who cares most about killing others or surviving yourself?" Tang Dao's mouth curled up slightly.

"If it's a spy, of course I'm going to live, but if it's me, I'd rather die than let my brother live." Chuanzi replied very firmly.

Tang Dao believed him, the youth in the mountain village had clear eyes, this was his sincere words.

"Yeah! Then have you ever thought that I am a spy, so I must want to live, right? How can a person who wants to live trade his precious life for others? Isn't that very Contradictions?" Tang Dao's series of logical rhetorical questions left Chuanzi speechless.

"So you have to remember that at any time, you can't drop your weapon, even if the enemy threatens your most precious person, only if you are alive can you have a chance to kill the enemy. Otherwise, you and your The brothers will all be killed by the enemy." Tang Dao still liked this brat very much, so he couldn't help talking too much as an instructor.

"Don't you believe it, when you drop your guns, just you guys, I can kill you with one hand and one foot. Because, I have this confidence!"

An aura that was so confident that no one could refute it spread from Tang Dao's body. His pretense was very strong, but the 9 people on the opposite side all had an intuition that he seemed to be able to really do it.

Otherwise, how could he throw the gun back to Li Dadao at will, even though there was no bullet in the gun.

That is the self-confidence that Tang Dao has cultivated in countless battlefields. Those who do not believe in evil will die.

Of course, what made the regular army and the militiamen even more silent was that they couldn’t find anything to refute what this man just said, and what was even more painful was that if they followed what he said, they found that, as a result, Definitely better than this guy holding them back with an empty gun.

Even the gun in his hand still has bullets.

Seeing that several regular soldiers were speechless by what he said, Tang Dao also knew that the fire was almost over. He was not their chief. It was their chief who took him to find the regiment level and even the Brigadier Chen.

As for the headquarters of the 129th Division, Tang Dao knew that the 129th Division is currently stationed in East Jin, which is a large territory with an area of ​​tens of thousands of square kilometers. It is unrealistic to find those two big men immediately.

"Okay, don't always think that I'm a spy. Are the Japanese so stupid? In the territory of Jin Province, use a Sichuanese as a spy to make a hammer?" Tang Dao said in a Sichuan voice.

This is the most obvious truth. Even if you use traitors, you have to use the locals. Is there a DER to learn the extra skill of Sichuan dialect temporarily?
"Then who are you?" Li Dadao asked blankly.

"My name is Tang Dao!" Tang Datuan confidently declared his family name.

In the southeast battlefield, he has shown his face in front of the people of the country with a few tough battles and Tantai Mingyue's battle report, let alone a household name!At least a lot of people in the army know his name.

"Which one is Tang Dao?" Li Dadao looked at his comrade in arms with doubts on his face.

Should he know this one?Anyway, judging from this person's expression, he should know him, but he really doesn't!Never even heard of it.

Tang Dao couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth, a little embarrassed.

He obviously overestimated the media of this era, and underestimated the cruelty of this regional battlefield.

Since the 129th Division entered this mountain, except for being able to contact the headquarters, other news should have been cut off. Even the newspapers that are most easily read in big cities will become an extremely luxurious thing here.

"Lite or not?" Tang Dao had no choice but to lower his requirements. "There is my letter of commission! The other letter can only be read by the commander at the first level of your regiment. It involves confidentiality!"

Li Dadao hurriedly looked through the seized items that Chuanzi handed him just now. He was impatient just now, and only saw weapons such as pistols and steel spikes, and selectively ignored the others.

"Colonel, head of the independent regiment Tangdao 43rd Army, Guo!" Li Dadao read the words he could understand softly, completely stunned.

Before he joined the army, he did not know a single character, but after he joined the army, when he was not fighting, his company would organize literacy training classes. Although he didn't know many characters, he still knew two to three hundred characters.

The person in front of him is an army colonel?
Li Dadao and the three regular soldiers looked at Tang Dao dumbfounded. Does that mean that the person in front of them is at the same level as their regiment leader?That is, he belongs to the friendly army, not the 18th Army, but he is also a high-ranking official, a top-ranking high-ranking official.

At that moment, Chuanzi's head was buzzing. He didn't know what an army colonel was, but he knew the official position of regimental commander. That was when Li Dadao and his company were stationed in Xiaoshi Village. Above is the platoon leader, above the platoon leader is the company commander, above the company commander is the battalion commander, then the regimental commander, brigade commander, and division commander.
Secretly moving his finger, the head of the regiment is two levels higher than the company commander, so what about Bi Li Dadao?How much higher is it?The acting militia squad leader couldn't figure it out.

Chuanzi's brain exploded when he thought that he had tied up a regiment leader like a wild boar and carried him on a small mountain road for twenty miles, even if that official did it on purpose.

"Yes, my department was ordered to arrive in the east of Shanxi to fight against Japan. Because I knew this place was the 129th Division's station, in order to avoid misunderstanding, I went to the mountain to contact your department first! Because I didn't know where your department was stationed, those little brothers misunderstood me It's a spy, I didn't explain it, I just waited until the place, and then use those documents to prove it, I'm sorry for the conflict just now!" Seeing the unbelievable looks of several soldiers, Tang Dao could only explain.

"No, no, it's our fault!" Seeing Tang Dao's initiative to apologize, Li Dadao, who woke up from the great surprise, was even more at a loss, and immediately stood at attention and saluted Tang Dao: "Hello, Chief!"

"Haha, I can't talk about the chief. That's the name of your 129th division. You can just call me Chief Tang from now on!" Tang Dao smiled, and reached out to pat the senior soldier on the shoulder. "Where is your regiment headquarters, take me to your regiment headquarters to meet your regiment leader."

"Regimental Headquarters?" Li Dadao had a look of embarrassment on his face. "The 47th Army in the southeast of Licheng fought fiercely with the Japanese army. The regiment headquarters and the main force went to support there. We are the only company in the vicinity for dozens of miles."

Speaking of this, Li Dadao exclaimed: "It's broken, a squadron of little devils is coming here, they are only ten miles away from Beipo Village, let them enter the village with the virtue of little devils, folks! All the food and livestock will be robbed, I have to report to the company commander immediately, Officer Tang, I have to go first, Chuanzi knows the way, let him take you to the company headquarters."

"Is there a devil? Return a squadron." Tang Dao frowned.

"How many people are there in your company? How far is it from here?" Tang Dao was pulling Li Dadao.

"Oh, Mr. Tang, if I don't report it, it will be too late." Li Dadao, who was dragged and unable to walk, jumped up and down anxiously, but he had experienced Tang Dao's strength before, no matter how hard he struggled, it was useless. Can helplessly replied. "The company headquarters is in Shangyao Village, 16 miles away from Beipo Village. Our 3rd company has 140 people!"

"In 16 miles, the devil only has 10 miles. When you run back, you have to prepare for battle before rushing over. The day lily is cold! It's too late." Tang Dao's face turned serious. "The four of you are with me, Chuanzi, the five of you immediately report the situation, and you have heard the situation clearly. Tell the company commander of the 3rd company that Tang Dao, the head of the 43rd Army's independent regiment, said it. We will choose to carry it back." Stop the Japanese at a dangerous position near Po Village, let them judge from which direction to enter the battlefield based on the gunshots, it is best to form a siege, let's kill these devils together!"

"What?" Li Dadao, Chuanzi and the others were stunned.

It's fine for a few people to stop the devils. In order for the villagers to evacuate, they are not afraid of death, but let the infantry company No. 140 surround the Japanese army and kill them together.
It's too whimsical!

The Japanese are an infantry squadron, and their 3 companies only have 140 people, okay?
If Tang Dao hadn't shown his skills and criticized everyone with strict logic before, the four regular soldiers and five militiamen would definitely have regarded Tang Dao as a lunatic, and he was still a Wu lunatic.

Just aiming at him with a small pistol, he is going to take four soldiers with empty guns to stop him.

"Mr. Tang, we...we have no bullets in our guns!" Li Dadao tried his best to soothe his heart that was about to jump out of his chest, and took out his last bullet from his breast pocket, his lips were dry and crying . "This is the last one!"

There is no bullet in the gun, which is the tragedy of all soldiers!

Especially, when he needs to be brave like this!
But what can he do?

Fighting for several months, the 386th brigade has not been properly replenished at all. The 6.5 rounds of ammunition carried by Huangtu Gaopo before are almost exhausted. Now the gun with the most ammunition is not made in Hanyang. It turned out to be a battle in Qigen Village The 30 caps and 5mm Tomosaka ammunition seized in the middle of the war can also be equipped with [-] rounds of bullets in a [-] cap, but that is a gun that can only be issued to sergeant-level soldiers. Soldiers with barrels, even in combat, can only be issued [-] rounds of bullets.

Just now, four shots were wasted, and they were still in his private collection.

Thinking of this, Li Dadao wanted to cry, if he kept it, he could at least kill a devil!

"No bullets? This is troublesome, but it's okay, you can just show us the way later. I need you to be familiar with the local terrain." Looking at Li Dadao's painful face, Tang Dao felt a little sad. "When this battle is over, I will reward you with a good gun and 200 rounds of ammunition!"

"We...?" Li Dadao was stunned.

He is a smart man, otherwise he would not have stood out in the infantry squad with nearly half of the veterans after joining the army for two years, and was even sent out by the platoon leader for reconnaissance.

From Tang Dao's words, he heard something unusual.

"Of course it's us, otherwise, relying on this small pistol, the devil who dares to stop an infantry squadron, do you think I look like a person who hates his life?" Tang Dao grinned. "Besides, I'm the head of the regiment after all! Even if I want to travel alone, they won't agree!"

Put your finger in your mouth, and a clear whistle resounds like an eagle in the sky, resounding through the mountains and forests!
Within a few minutes, I heard noises from the surrounding forests.

Li Dadao and the others looked over in astonishment.

A few guys in camouflage clothes filled with branches, their faces smeared in pitch black, and guns in their hands came out of the woods.

One of the big men had a big grin, showing his white teeth: "Tuan Zuo, you were so handsome when you were hung upside down on the wooden stick!"

"No, that means we don't have the camera of Tantai reporter. Otherwise, I can hang this photo in my main room for a lifetime." The other guy couldn't close his mouth with a smile.

All the weirdos laughed!

Li Dadao and the others were dumbfounded again.

Who are these people!Dare to make such a joke with their chief, are you insane?
Sure enough, those who followed this crazy Wu were not normal people.

(End of this chapter)

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