What does it mean to hang aside, that is, when someone says "the military situation is urgent!", they don't answer.

Tang Dao didn't think he was disobedient. What kind of temper does that guy have? Not only the series that has been popular in China for more than ten years, but it has also been recorded in military history. It belongs to a friendly army, but more than a year ago, it was a life-and-death enemy. Can you expect him to leave his military affairs and run over to receive him as soon as he hears that the "enemy" is coming to visit the pier?
There was no excuse for the third company to send Tang Daoli out of the country, it was already because of the courtesy he had just fought side by side with his officers and soldiers to wipe out the Japanese invaders.

Tang Dao was not in a hurry, and sent two special forces to deliver a letter to the temporary station of the Four Elements Regiment, saying that he had already contacted the 386 brigade. Heizi and Shen Laoliu lived in the 3rd company's garrison.

The violent deputy head Wang can ignore Tang Dao, but Zhu Sanhei and Sanlian can't do it!

Not only is Tang Dao's high military rank, but he is also 'soft on people'!The materials seized from the Japanese army allowed the 3rd company to refit with Japanese-style equipment. More than 10,000 rounds of ammunition made the 3rd company confident. At this moment, they would not be afraid of another Japanese infantry squadron. And these, But it's all based on the fact that head Tang doesn't want anything.

Of course, it's more important than reaching for supplies, but Captain Tang saved his life.

Zhu Sanhei and the more than 3 commanders and fighters of the 100rd company knew it well. Although they invested more than 100 people to fight lively, Tang Dao and his subordinates were actually the best. Without them fighting hard, the Japanese would not They said that they had made dumplings by retreating into the valley, so they might have entered Beipo Village to burn, kill and loot.

Losing the geographical advantage of Yingtoujian, and confronting this group of Japanese, let alone only five of their more than 100 people were injured, the probability of annihilation of the entire army is more than 50.00%.

Yes, as long as this group of devils enters the mountain village, even if they know they are invincible, they must go.

It's not just emotionally that they don't want to see the Japanese army massacre the villagers. This is also a strategy formulated by the brigade headquarters. They must stop the atrocities of the Japanese invaders. Only in this way can they gain the firm support of the mountain people. The root of this mountain.

If the villagers were slaughtered because of their hesitation, and the news spread ten or ten times, the military-civilian relationship that the 129th Division had just established would be destroyed in one fell swoop.

It is precisely for this reason that the 3rd company, led by Zhu Sanhei, ran an exaggerated marching speed of 18 miles in one hour on the mountain road. Li Dadao alone is not enough to make an infantry company fly like moths into the flames. !

But because of the strength of Tang Dao and his subordinates, the Japanese army was completely blocked in Yingtoujian, and the 3rd company took advantage of it, and stabbed the Japanese army with a knife in the back of the already demoralized Japanese army. It was almost a bloodless solution. fought.

The only loss was the shooting of [-] grenades and thousands of bullets. It was said that there were five wounded, but in fact only two were wounded by gunshot wounds. The other three were either hit in the head by a stone, or ran too fast accidentally It was Zhu Sanhei's careful thought to report a few more wounded to Deputy Commander Wang after spraining his foot, and wanted to save more and capture them in the company.

According to the rules of the 386th Brigade, regardless of the fact that this battle was fought in 3 consecutive battles, all the confiscated goods must be handed over to the regiment headquarters. It would be nice to leave some canned meat for them.

Therefore, in a sense, Colonel Tang of the 43rd Army is the savior of the entire 3rd Company. Who dares to disrespect?
However, Tang Dao, Heizi and others didn't fight this battle in vain. They knew what it means to unite the army and the people, and they can destroy corpses and traces quickly.

In order to prevent the Japanese army from knowing that the infantry squadron was out of ink and came to retaliate, Zhu Sanhei sent people to notify the two nearest villages. More than 400 villagers came to help and carried more than 180 Japanese soldiers' corpses that had been stripped to the ground. A few miles away, the wild wolf ditch was thrown down.

According to the villagers, within a few days, the 100 catties of meat will be eaten up by jackals, tigers and leopards in the nearby mountains. No one knows that there are more than [-] people.

The women and soldiers cleaned up the battlefield thoroughly, not to mention picking up the useful bullet casings, even the bloodstains and the like were buried with dust. As for the bullet holes on the mountain wall, they can only prove that something happened here. The battle, the outcome of the battle, cannot be judged.

At least for a long period of time, the Japanese army had no way of knowing what happened to their infantry squadron.

This is indeed the case. In the past month, the 108th Infantry Regiment conducted a large-scale search for the infantry squadron that had quietly disappeared under its command, but they could not find their whereabouts.

The Chinese side remained silent again, and could not find any clues in the battle report about the infantry squadron that disappeared completely into the mountains.

The 18th Army is not any other Chinese army, it is a real monolith, not to mention Japanese spies, even the pervasive government department, there is no way to get involved, even if there are, they are just marginal figures and cannot make a difference.

It was not until more than half a month later that the Chinese announced how many Japanese troops they had killed, including the number of this infantry squadron that was completely judged to be missing.

It wasn't until then that the 108th Infantry Regiment and even the 108th Division completely gave up and decided to gather troops to report revenge. But they obviously didn't realize that another elite infantry regiment was stationed in the mountains west of Licheng.

The news released by the Chinese is more like a stimulating bait!It depends on whether the Japanese eat it or not.

Of course, that’s something to say later, at least at this time, the relationship between the 3rd Company and the mountain people here is extremely harmonious, and the progress of the work of destroying the corpses and traces is amazing, and it also made Tang Dao and several special forces deeply understand the importance of fighting in the mountains. Plain warfare is different.

The way of the 386th brigade is that we don't show off, we shoot black guns secretly, insert knives quietly, don't want names, I just want your dog's life!

This, in Japanese terms, is 'Old Chen, your conscience is greatly broken'!
Yes, it really works!

Witnessing this alternative way of cleaning the battlefield with his own eyes, Tang Tuanzuo admired him!
After cleaning the battlefield, the 3rd Company returned to the station carrying the captured items. Naturally, they wanted to celebrate today's victory. Even if Deputy Commander Wang was indifferent to Colonel Tang, Zhu Sanhei did not dare to neglect him.

Don't look at the celebration banquet in the evening of the 3rd consecutive night, which is gnocchi soup and freshly dug wild vegetables. There are wine and meat for Tang Dao and Heizi.

The wine is a jar of old wine sent by the village head of Beipo Village. Beipo Village heard crackling gunshots and received a message that the Japanese devils were coming. The devil got rid of the serious trouble, and the village chief was so grateful that he insisted on giving a gift to thank him, but he refused three times in a row before accepting the jar of wine.

The meat was a rabbit hunted up the mountain by a hunter in the resident. I heard that Sanlian had a distinguished guest, so I insisted on sending it.

On the wine table accompanied by the captain company commander, captain instructor, and three second lieutenant platoon leaders, this fat rabbit was the hardest dish, but none of the captured Japanese canned food was served on the table.

It can be seen that the discipline of the 386th Brigade is so strict that even if they seized it themselves, they would not move at all without the approval of their superiors. On this point, even the Four Elements Regiment can only come close!

Tang Dao knew that the four-element regiment would not be able to catch up with this gap for a long time, because the soldiers on both sides had different regulations and systems from the moment they entered the army. The group needs both time and someone to guide!
. . . . . . .

West of Licheng!
772 regiment headquarters!

A burly man with thick eyebrows and big eyes was sitting under a tree smoking a cigarette!

As the No. 3 figure in the regiment, he, the deputy head of the regiment, is the backbone of the 772 regiment during the time when the regiment leader and political commissars are rushing to the division headquarters for meetings.

Although this is only the deputy commander, the two chief officers are not there, and there is a big battle with nearly ten thousand Japanese troops, but the officers and soldiers of the 772 regiment are not guilty at all!

In fact, this man with thick eyebrows and big eyes is known as the number one general of the 129th Division!

On the way of the great transfer of thousands of miles, this one is already the leader of a regiment. Due to an intelligence error, this and his subordinates were surrounded by a division of the Sichuan Army. .

Not to mention how famous the teacher is, one division surrounded a regiment, and 8000 people led more than 1000 people. At first glance, there was no way out.

In the end, this guy did something awesome, riding a captured war horse, carrying a ring-headed broadsword, leading the whole regiment to charge, killing the enemy army to the core!
Zhu Sanhei led the Death Squad to charge to compare with him, it was completely insignificant!At that time, Zhu Sanhei was just a small platoon leader under his command, just one of thousands of soldiers, and the one who set an example for him was the master.

'I've seen a lifeless thing, but I've never seen such a lifeless thing! ' is the definition Fan Haer gave to this iron-blooded soldier known as 'Crazy Wang' later.

The fateful ending is that an infantry division surrounded an infantry regiment, but the infantry regiment not only broke out of the encirclement, but also annihilated one of its infantry brigades.

Not only did his name spread to the entire front army, even the 'teacher' heard the name of the lunatic general!
The reason why I only serve as the deputy head at this time is because of the joint anti-Japanese war. The entire army system has only obtained three infantry divisions. The organization is too compressed, and everyone is forced to downgrade. Two levels, changing army commander to division commander, and division commander to brigade commander are all good, because there is no position and want to fight devils, many division commanders are even willing to be battalion commanders.

With this commanding ability, not to mention commanding a regiment, even a brigade is more than enough. With him in command of the 772 regiment, the two chief officers naturally felt relieved to rush to the division headquarters two hundred miles away for a meeting.

Deputy head Wang was sitting under a tree smoking a cigarette, so he was naturally on his mind, otherwise his thick eyebrows wouldn't be so tightly wrinkled.

"Old Wang, the battle report we sent to the brigade headquarters didn't mention the help of friendly forces at all, isn't it good?" A young officer with the rank of major came up to him, and while talking, he stretched out his hand to the deputy commander Wang. hint.

That means, the little brother is here to chat with you, big brother, why don't you show a cigarette?Facing a senior officer like the lieutenant colonel, the major called Lao Wang directly. Obviously, the two had a close relationship.

And what this old man called, to be honest, called the big man a little old-fashioned.

If today's Four Elements Regiment is very young, from the head of the regiment Tang Dao to the commanders of the battalions and companies below, the average age will never exceed 25, then the 772 Regiment is absolutely qualified to be compared with it.

Leader Ye, who is currently the head of the 772 regiment, is only 24 years old. The deputy head Wang, who is known as the "Mad Warrior", is 23, and the major who is chatting and reaching out for a cigarette is at most 25 years old.

And it is this group of young people who have joined the army because of their ideals since they were young, and have gone through nearly ten years of cruelty side by side, so their feelings needless to say.

Seeing the battalion commander under his command approaching so shamelessly, the big man curled his lips: "Your son just dug out my cigarettes from the devil, what's the matter, you have to find them back so soon? You are a typical Give and take again!"

That being said, his hand was very honest, he reached out and took out the crumpled cigarette case, and handed it to the capable man.

It seemed that he was ridiculed by the leader, but the major didn't care, he took out one of them with a smile, and put the cigarette case in his pocket without any psychological burden in the leader's eyes.

This trick was learned from Deputy Head Wang. When the brigade headquarters held a meeting, this man kept the cigarettes and tea of ​​the brigade political commissar, chief of staff and other heads, so that when the meeting was held later, the heads saw him coming. , all holding an enamel jar filled with boiled water, already frightened by this guy.

"I said, old Wang, if the brigade head finds out about this, with our brigade commander's temper, our regiment will suffer!" The major, who was happily smoking a cigarette, showed a trace of worry in his eyes.

"43rd Army, friendly army?" The big man said in a low voice, with a trace of pain in his eyes.

Hearing the big man talking about the serial number in a low voice, the major couldn't help being a little silent.

He is too clear about this person's mind. The infantry army with this designation is a deep pain for him and this person.

He and deputy head Wang are not from the same county, but they are also from neighboring counties. They are fellow villagers, and they are relatively close on weekdays, and know a lot about his situation.

Vice-head Wang, who joined the army at the age of 15, actually has closer neighbors. There are actually 8 friends of the same age in the same village who joined the army with him.

But now, he is the only one!Two of them died in several "anti-encirclement and suppression" battles, while the other five died during the Great Transfer.

Of course he knew that the most memorable battle for Deputy Commander Wang was actually not a battle where he charged to the death on horseback with a knife in hand, but a confrontation with the 43rd Army Commander Guo Dajun.

If he didn't break through that line of defense, the whole division would be besieged to death. The burly man in charge of the striker had no choice but to give up the order of the whole regiment to attack the opponent's line of defense. In that battle, the last three of his fellow villagers all deserved to die!

It is said that the "crazy warrior" who has always been bold and unrestrained, cried for three days without shedding a single tear when a bullet pierced his arm.
Now, someone from his old enemy is visiting, how can he swallow this breath?

"Old Wang, maybe I'm talking bluntly! Don't you not like to listen." After a long silence, the major decided to speak bluntly. "Now it's a joint anti-Japanese war. The chiefs have said that our common enemy is the Japanese. Let's put aside the past grievances and wait until the Japanese are driven away."

The army at this time has lofty and pure ideals, and is more able to uphold truth and justice. Sophistication and personal emotions will give way in front of this.

"Old Ding, of course I understand what you said, I just can't get over this hurdle, I can't get over it!" The big man shook his head in pain.

But soon, the big man broke free from the pain, and his eyes shone brightly.

"However, there is a reason why I didn't mention friendly forces in the battle report to the brigade headquarters."

"First, the certificate given by the friendly army is just a letter of appointment. I can't fully prove their identity. If they deliberately sneak in or even have a big conspiracy, I will report to the brigade headquartered. Discredit it! Let me go to the 772th Army Division of the 22nd Group Army tomorrow to find out if there is really a part of their Sichuan Army marching from Central China to the Taihang Mountains, and then I will thoroughly confirm his identity.

If the confirmation is correct, I will telegram again from the brigade headquarters to explain that the exploits of these unscrupulous allies will not be missed.

Second, even if they are allies, don't you think it's a bit strange!He belongs to the Sichuan Army system, but he does not directly contact the 22nd Group Army. Instead, he ventures into the mountainous area to contact our department as the leader of a regiment. He contacted the high command of our brigade and let the brigade chief worry about everything. What do you want us to do? "

"Then you ignore him and just say 'military emergency' to prevaricate, is there something to say?" The major was slightly stunned.

"Of course, I secretly sent a telegram to Zhu Sanhei, asking him to observe carefully in the past two days. If this person gets impatient, he will reveal something that you couldn't see before. Even if he is evil-hearted Not at all, I also vent my anger for my dead brothers! Letting him dry will only benefit us and not harm us!"

"Old Wang, I really have you!" The major was stunned, and gave the big man a thumbs up. "It is said that your Deputy Head Wang is Black Li Kui, and you will die in a war. I think they are all wrong. You are Black Zhang Fei, and there are details in the thick and thin. As far as Zhu Sanhei put it simply, you can't be killed. Let you see so much."

"Hey, otherwise! Do you think that I am the chief for nothing? Besides, Battalion Commander Xiao Ding, remember to call the deputy commander in the future, don't call me the old man, call me old, come on, come to the chief A cigarette!" The big man grinned, reprimanded the major pretendingly, then reached into his subordinate's purse, and returned the pack of cigarettes that belonged to him.

Old Wang, you have changed. It used to be the autumn wind that hit the chiefs, but now you don't even let the brothers go.

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