Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 879 The first meeting!

386 Brigade Department!
A middle-aged man with a medium build, a slightly round face, and glasses is writing hard under the dim oil lamp!

Since he received the mission from the political commissar of the division commander a week ago: 'The 386th brigade will launch a large-scale attack on the 108th division that is constantly attacking in Licheng and Changzhi, and destroy its arrogance', this middle-aged soldier can be said to have been strangled. I tried my best until today to finally make up my mind.

He understands the strength of the 108th Division too well, and he is even clearer about the strength of his 386th Brigade. The 386th Brigade has only 6000 people. It is an extremely stupid tactic to attack the 2th Division with a strength of nearly 108. , only by using the flexible and maneuverable characteristics of the 386 brigade to mobilize the Japanese army, and then use the geographical advantage to ambush it.

What this man didn't expect was that at such a critical moment, an infantry regiment with strong strength actually broke into his 386 brigade's defense zone.

The personal report of the first deputy head of the 772 regiment is very clear: the department has a strength of nearly 3000, and it also carries two artillery companies and numerous light and heavy machine guns. Its guard companies basically use submachine guns and semi-automatic rifles. At the first level, two all-Japanese infantry companies were given the equipment of the 772 regiment as a meeting gift.

The reputation of the Four Elements Regiment, this person heard about it during a meeting at the Group Army Command, is said to be an expansion of an infantry battalion from the 88th Division, which performed extremely well in the Battle of Songhu. The rest of the information is unknown because it has been in the mountains for a long time. .

He was born in the 88th Division and transferred to the 43rd Army of the Sichuan Army. This is quite normal for ordinary people, but for this very few lieutenant-level brigade commanders in the national army, he has to be wary. Really, He is too familiar with certain ways of his former headmaster.

Normally, he wouldn't be afraid, but when the war is about to start, a strong army with a bit of 'strange' color enters the hinterland of one's side, and it is necessary to be vigilant in his heart.

But he didn't have any reason to refuse, and he knew very well that even the 129th Division or even the headquarters of the group army could not refuse a friendly army's "supply team" to enter its defense zone.

Fortunately, another teacher of his happened to be at the office of the Eighteenth Army in Jiangxia at this time, and he could ask him for help.

"Chief, Director Zhou sent a telegram!" The brigade staff officer outside the door reported softly.

"Bring it in!" The middle-aged soldier in Fenji Jishu frowned, put down his pen and stood up.

The telegram from thousands of miles away was not long. Under the oil lamp, the expression of the middle-aged soldier changed. He didn't know whether it was surprise or joy, but his frowning brows relaxed.

"Xiao Li, Xiao Chen, go, tell the deputy head of the 772 regiment, Wang, to come over, I want to ask him something!" The middle-aged soldier's loud voice came out.

"The chief seems to be very happy?" The orderly waiting outside the house whispered to his companion.

Perhaps only those orderlies who follow the middle-aged soldiers every day can feel the chief's mood through the change of voice and tone.

"Is it the reason why Deputy Head Wang voluntarily handed over some medicines to the brigade headquarters this time?" Another orderly tried to find the reason.

"That's absolutely not the case. Deputy head Wang has always been the only one who has taken advantage of his virtues. Who in the whole brigade doesn't know? Some of the medicines have been handed in, so how many bullets will have to be exchanged from the brigade headquarters! Didn't you see that the head of the brigade looked at him? Does it hurt?" The orderly shook his head firmly.

Fortunately, Comrade Xiao Wang didn't hear it, otherwise I would have to send these two a word: Although I haven't reached out my hand, you are real dogs!

When Deputy Head Wang came to the regiment headquarters this time, he did not reach out to ask for guns and bullets. On the contrary, he came to deliver guns and bullets.

Just as Zhu Sanhei seized a Japanese infantry squadron's equipment but turned over 80.00% of it, he suddenly made a fortune, and the 350 regiment, which owned a total of 772 Japanese rifles and more than ten light machine guns, did not close all of them at once. own mind.

Deputy head Wang resisted all opinions, took a guard platoon and a supply team, brought 150 rifles, 6 light machine guns and [-] rounds of ammunition to the brigade headquarters.

This guy is definitely very smart. Before Tang Dao and the Four Elements Group won the trust of their superiors, these were all sugar-coated shells. He took a "small bite" and the superior took a "big bite". on top of.

However, to Da Congming's surprise, what the chief called him in the middle of the night to ask was not how big a sugar-coated bullet Tang Dao had given him, but Tang Dao's behavior habits and his perception of Tang Dao.

"This kid is a talent! He is no less than me in every aspect." Comrade Xiao Wang tried his best to think about the various confrontations with Tang Dao, and finally gave a conclusion helplessly.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Comrade Xiao Wang decided to put Tang Dao on the same level as himself.

"Oh! That's a bit difficult, isn't this a bastard!" The middle-aged soldier's hand holding the enamel jar tightened slightly, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This is a typical pointing at the monk and scolding the bald man!

Comrade Xiao Wang
All right!You are the chief, you are right in everything you say.

But I have to say that although I haven't seen Tang Dao yet, this genius general's first impression of Tang Dao
Too good to be true!

At the same time, there is a trace of curiosity.

The evaluation of his favorite general is not important, what is important is the evaluation of his teacher.

'China's current school officer No.1, brave and unparalleled! '

But this is just one of the evaluations of the outstanding man who has met most of the young and strong generals in China.

The following sentence was the real reason why this genius general wanted to meet Tang Dao.

. . . . . . . . . .

Tang Dao didn't bring too many people, so he brought Lu Sanjiang, a cavalry squad under his command, and the liaison officer sent by the 772 regiment.

The liaison officer was also an old acquaintance, and it was Battalion Commander Ding who was drunk by Tang Dao with alcohol at the regiment headquarters of the 772 regiment and did not get up all day.

Using a battalion commander, more precisely, the battalion commander of the main battalion of the 772 regiment as a liaison officer, in itself reflects the importance that the 386 brigade attaches to Tang Dao's trip.

The 772 Regiment did not have any special cavalry, but they still had war horses. Most of them were captured from the Japanese army. Battalion Commander Xiaoding also brought seven or eight people with him. They should all be selected by the 772 Regiment’s guard company. Immediately there was a [-] cover without a bayonet, and a box cannon was inserted in the waist!
Looking majestic, that is, compared with the professional-level cavalry of the Four Elements Regiment who are equipped with professional cavalry, sabers, and even light machine guns and grenades, they seem a bit huggable!

If you really want to encounter a war, even though the cavalry squad of the Four Elements Regiment does not have many people, it will instantly form a defense line supported by firepower points according to the terrain, and it will be absolutely no problem to stick to it until the large troops come to help.

Of course, neither of the two sides wanted to demonstrate. Battalion Commander Xiao Ding was 'educated' by the wine tank-level regiment leader Tang, and he had long been convinced.

The nearly 35-kilometer road was much more difficult than Tang Dao imagined. He had encountered at least ten obstacles, among which there were regular troops and militia organizations, which showed that in this area, the 386th Brigade had already established a firm foothold, but with the main battalion of the 772nd Regiment Long escort, that face is the most effective business card. After 4 hours, Tang Dao finally arrived at the village where the 386 brigade headquarters is located.

To be honest, Tang Dao, who was usually daring, was still a little nervous at the moment.

It is true that the person he is about to meet is too famous in Chinese history!

Perhaps in terms of military exploits, that general is not as good as the top-ranked general, but in terms of his all-round talents and his conduct in the world, among the future Chinese generals, no one can surpass him.

Just thinking about the fact that he is greatly appreciated by the top leaders of both parties can give you a glimpse.

Since the "principal" launched the white terror, the blood of revolutionary martyrs has been stained in countless hands. Because of the betrayal of the high-level officials surnamed Gu, Brigadier Chen, who was in charge of underground work, also fell into his hands. For his favorite and saved his life For the first time, the 'principal', who has always been ruthless and would never tolerate dissidents, hesitated for the first time. This almost conniving tolerance made a miracle finally happen.

It wouldn't be surprising if he was just let go by the headmaster he had saved. After all, the headmaster didn't want to bear the reputation of being ungrateful.

But this person is in the white area because of his long-term underground work activities, so he will inevitably be encountered by hostile senior generals. One of the three heroes of Whampoa is famous enough, and there are really not many people who don’t know him, so the miracle happened again, almost No one wants to use this head to go to the 'principal' to claim credit, and if they fail to win over, they will mostly turn a blind eye.

On the opponent's side, he has a wide network, which can also be said to be the popularity accumulated in the past, but in his own team, this person also interprets what is gold and shines.

From the very beginning of the establishment of the Eighteenth Group Army, he was designated by the commander of the group army as the commander of the most powerful infantry brigade under his command. Able to become the top three in a group.

Not to mention, in the future battle on the ice field, due to the urgency of the battle, the commander personally appointed him as his deputy, and created the world-famous "tunnel warfare" tactic! More than 100 kilometers of underground tunnels have been excavated on a defense line of more than 1200 kilometers, making the aircraft and cannons of the beautiful country lose their proud lethality!

In addition, he was named as the chief military adviser by the head of the government of the Southwest Jungle Brother, and successfully wiped out [-] invading troops, laying the foundation for victory
This kind of resume has already made anyone feel astonishingly talented and absolutely idol-like.

But in Tang Dao's view, most people in the world saw his charisma, but ignored his most outstanding military talent, and even thought that his fame was far greater than his military achievements.

Yes, this military talent is among the top in the entire Chinese army today.

As for Tang Dao, he is about to meet him, an outstanding figure who only lives in the history books of future people.

From a distance, Tang Dao saw a few people standing at the entrance of the village!
Without hesitation, he immediately dismounted from the stirrup, threw the reins to Lu Sanjiang, and strode forward.

There were three people standing at the entrance of the village, 'Wang Xiaoqiang' with the rank of lieutenant colonel on his collar was on the left, and a middle-aged soldier with a warm face and glasses stood on the far right.

Tang Dao stood at attention facing the middle-aged soldier and saluted: "Tang Dao, head of the independent regiment under the 43rd Army of the Chinese Revolutionary Army, report to the chief!"

Then, face another soldier.

As for 'Wang Xiaoqiang', his military rank is not as high as his!Now Tang Dao bowed to him, but he couldn't be scared, but where is the chief, 'Wang Xiaoqiang' can't show it in a hurry!

"Welcome! Welcome!" Seeing Tang Dao's behavior, the middle-aged soldier smiled even wider.

As the middle-aged soldier and 'Wang Xiaoqiang' and another soldier raised their hands in return, Tang Dao shook hands with the three of them one by one.

Another soldier is also an important figure in the 386 brigade, Director Wang of the Political Training Department, and he will also be a great general in the future.

However, during this period of time, what impressed Tang Dao the most was that these future giants were still young.

Even Brigadier Chen, the highest rank among them, said he was middle-aged, but he was a bit reluctant. At this time, he was only 35 years old, and someone like 'Wang Xiaoqiang' was only 23 years old!
Of course, it is Brigadier Chen's personal "charm" value that Tang Dao can appreciate personally!
That really refreshed his three views.

"Teacher Tang, you found me exactly when you came up, did you see me?" Brigadier Chen and Tang Dao shook hands and asked with a smile.

Director Wang also looked at Tang Dao with some curiosity. The two giants of the 386th Brigade were not as flamboyant as 'Wang Xiaoqiang', and they even wore military rank badges. Both of them were wearing the most common coarse cotton military uniforms. The leggings were worn, and what's more, both of them wore glasses. Tang Dao couldn't rely on this feature.

And let's go!It is estimated that this person planned to make Tang Dao difficult, so he did not stand in the middle of the Chinese people's "middle", but stood on the right hand.

"I have never met the two officers Chen and Wang, but I have heard the name of the Three Heroes of Whampoa from the daily teaching of several of my officers. I all know that you like to joke, Mr. Chen, so I was careful when I came here just now. Judging by the position of Deputy Head Wang, Deputy Head Wang, Director Wang, and Chief Chen, the order of left, center, and right is just right, so I boldly made this guess!" Tang Dao replied.

This is pure nonsense by Tang Dao. Anyway, he has seen this photo, just like on the battlefield. No matter what tactics you use, as long as you win in the end, that is the last word.

"Haha! Good guy, no wonder Wang Xiaoshan said that you are worthy of his rivals. You can easily pull out such reasons. I almost believed them." Brigadier Chen laughed.

What Tang Dao said was quite true, but in the eyes of Brigadier Chen, a thoughtful person who had been engaged in underground work for a long time, there was a huge loophole.

That is, what should I do if I guess the wrong person and perform the wrong salute?That is definitely a big joke for the highly hierarchical soldiers.

The most normal thing is to be personally introduced by Battalion Commander Ding who is following behind, and Tang Dao salutes one by one!

But if this is the case, Tang Dao will not be able to highlight his characteristics. This is actually the first question given to Tang Dao by Brigadier Chen, who is quick-thinking.

Tang Dao did not disappoint him. He came up simple and clear, gave the most correct answer, and then gave the most nonsense reason.

It completely fits the description of 'Wang Xiaoqiang' to his personality!

Of course, there is a slight discrepancy with the evaluation given by Mr. Chen Brigadier, but that's okay. This genius-level general valued Tang Dao the most, not those.

"I heard that you, a local tyrant of the Sichuan Army, met for the first time and gave Comrade Wang Xiaoshan 100 rifles, four machine guns, and more than 10,000 rounds of bullets as a gift! Then I don't know what gifts you have prepared for the 386 brigade!" Laughed loudly Brigadier Chen then asked.

"Hey! I think your cavalry don't seem to have a few guns? Don't even leave the horses to me! How embarrassing!"

Tang Dao
It's not because Comrade 'Wang Xiaoqiang''s real name is so close to making him explode, but because he never expected it!
Why direct?

How to say this?

It's like Tang Dao is still a pure as paper, nervous blind date man, thinking about how to show his "male hormones" to attract the attention of the woman, but the woman directly asks the room number.

However, there is another person who is more confused than Tang Dao, who has a broken three views.

Comrade 'Wang Xiaoqiang' winked at Tang Dao desperately at this moment. If Tang Dao hadn't been with this leopard-headed ring-eyed thief for almost a day, he still knew him well. He almost thought he had Down's syndrome.

Really, the corners of the mouth of Comrade Wang Xiaoqiang, who is not afraid of anything, twitched.

No wonder Brigadier Chen looked at the firearms he sent in a 'generous way', and just said lightly to put them away first, and put them in the military supply warehouse for now, dare to say that Brigadier Chen, who is familiar with his temperament, is here waiting for him Woolen cloth!

What kind of experience is it to have a chief whose IQ is online and EQ is online? Comrade 'Wang Xiaoqiang' knows better than anyone else.

His only savior can only be a certain regiment, as long as he understands his "winking" and slightly reduces the equipment of an infantry company, everything will be fine.

'Brother dei!We have run across a road, used a gun, and hit a helmet! 'Comrade Wang Xiaoqiang's strong brotherhood can be conveyed through the air.

The corner of Chen Dalvchang's mouth was slightly raised, and he didn't even look at the deadly appearance of his general.

He believes that as long as he is a smart person, he will make the most correct choice.

The Brigadier Commander's judgment was absolutely correct. At this time, Tang Tuanzuo knew too well who the thickest thigh was at the moment. The "big mouth" station he wanted was all tied up in front of him. On the Brigadier.

He said no, don't talk about leaning over to hug the thick legs, it is the station that Tang Dao has already aimed at, that is, just look at it on the map, after all, it is the entire Jindong anti-Japanese base where several big men of the [-]th Army will run in the future The location of the military factory that was just selected, even if it is not well-known now, is in a dangerous location, and it is by no means that it can be sent out easily.

Therefore, Tang Dao quickly woke up from the shock!

Then, it was the turn of the two giants of the 386 brigade to stay.

Comrade Wang Xiaoqiang, who was trying to wink, probably squeezed his tear glands, and the unstoppable saliva confirmed the symptoms of Down's syndrome!

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