Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 886 Each has a choice

Chapter 886 Each has a choice
East Gate of Licheng County!
Nagano Youwei stared at every Chinese coming in and out of the city gate. Behind him were a dozen soldiers armed with live ammunition in the sandbag fortifications on both sides of the city gate. Taisho 11 years light machine gun with a good magazine and two machine gunners.

The Chinese who passed by from now on, looking at the black muzzles of the guns and the solemn Japanese soldiers, instinctively showed fear on their faces and moved away a little.

Nagano Yuo was in a trance as he saw a woman with patched clothes and a gray face leading a three-year-old child hurried past his eyes.

One month later, it will be his fifth year in the army. From a 17-year-old boy to a 23-year-old youth, he has spent almost a quarter of his life in the army, so he is considered a veteran.

If he has been in his hometown and there are no accidents, he should now be the father of a 2-year-old child!

Thinking of this, Nagano Yuo was inexplicably worried. Hideko, who had made a private decision with him for life, had never heard from him since he came to China. I wondered if there was any change, and his face could not help but gloomy.

"Taijun Nagano, have you taken a fancy to this woman?" A Chinese man wearing a jacket and a pistol hanging beside him, with a flattering smile on his face, leaned into Nagano Yuwei's ear and whispered.

There was a burst of unhappiness on Nagano Yuo's face!
The man next to him is one of the Chinese who took the initiative to defect when the brigade entered Licheng County half a month ago. According to the words of the imperial army, this is a defector and a friend of the empire, and the Chinese say it more directly. , Traitor!

China is too big, and the Japanese alone cannot manage it no matter what. It needs the help of the Chinese who have surrendered. This idea was developed after Nagano Yuo set foot on the land of northern China.

The empire's hundreds of thousands of troops took half a year to occupy a vast area that was several times the size of Japan's mainland. As a result, it was rumored in the army that this was only one-tenth of China's. At the end of the collapse of the low-level officers, at this speed, how long will it take to completely end the war?
However, the war is far away, and it has nothing to do with his dislike of the so-called "friend of the empire" beside him. The Japanese nation has always admired heroes. He betrayed the interests of his motherland, Nagano Yuo Juncao instinctively hated him.

But for this disgusting man, even Nagano Yuo couldn't clearly express his disgust on his face.

Because this man is the youngest son of the richest man in Licheng County, and that richest man, when the imperial army entered the city, not only donated his sturdy and beautifully decorated house as the headquarters of the brigade, but also provided a lot of money. With Lao Jun, he adapted his private guards into the Licheng County Security Force to maintain order in the city. Lieutenant Saki Liang valued him very much. He not only appointed him as the captain of the Licheng County Security Brigade, but also guaranteed his personal security. industry security.

After entering 1938, with the smooth progress of the North China War, the North China Front Army Command also issued some new regulations internally. Without special reasons, destructive killings of occupied counties are not allowed.

Not because of pity for life, but as the war progressed, the economy of the empire itself consumed too much, and the imperial economic department criticized the behavior of the imperial army for only consuming but not producing, and the front army headquarters suffered too much pressure , So he had to temporarily guard the butcher's knife and maintain the normal economy in the occupied city.

Only in this way can there be output, taxation, and feedback to the empire!

This is also the main reason why the Sixth Infantry Brigade of the Xiayuan Infantry Brigade entered Licheng and spent three days to conduct a comprehensive screening of the residents in the city before fully opening the city gates for normal entry and exit.

However, an infantry squad was stationed at each of the four accessible city gates to check the city gates in shifts from [-]:[-] am to [-]:[-] pm to prevent enemies from entering the city and making trouble.

Although the supreme commander in the city, Nagasaki Ryosuke, the Sixth Infantry Battalion Battalion, believes that this possibility is extremely low.

The reason is simple. With the capture of Dongyangguan in the northeast of the county, the road from HD to Changzhi has been completely opened up. All the counties along the way have been occupied and connected together. Any Chinese troops who want to harass them will be defended by a county garrison. For the support of the other two counties, the Chinese do not have a force of more than 10,000 people, so I am afraid they do not have the courage.

And the mobilization of more than 10,000 people, is the intelligence agency of the empire a fool?Or are those eyeliners placed outside the city for nothing?
Licheng County has a history of more than 2000 years. This is a long time that makes almost all Japanese scalp numb. In 221 BC, Japan was still a primitive society. The patriarchal society had just replaced the matriarchal society. At that time, Japan was in a semi-ancient state, also known as the "Yayoi era". At this time, Japan had just learned to grow rice and use copper and iron.

Pushing the time forward for more than 1000 years, we came to the Warring States Period, which is well known in Japan and Asia. However, compared to the war between the two powers of ancient Greece and Persia in the West that broke out in 500 BC with hundreds of thousands of troops at every turn, look at China. The frontier Qin destroyed the six countries and the two sides threw nearly a million people into the battle. The so-called Warring States in Japan was nothing more than a fight between a few small villages.
Why do Japanese people like beautiful Chinese people in the end, even if they are bombed by beautiful Chinese people with big fat bombs, does it feel like they are suffering from the same disease as beautiful Chinese people? Our two brothers have no history of football. We hold hands shoulder to shoulder and don’t look at the past. Hope to succeed in the future?
It doesn't matter how many years Licheng was built, what is important is that the walls of Licheng, a mountain city, are high enough and thick enough!

Maybe it was not long after leaving the cold weapon era, or maybe there are many mountains and bandits. In order to prevent bandits, the city wall of Licheng County is even more intact than many big cities on the North China Plain. The vertical height of the city wall is nearly 4 meters , the width is more than 3 meters, and even a Type 94 tank can pass through the slope in the city to the city wall.

It is precisely because of the protection of such a city wall that Lieutenant Saki Liang has enough confidence. Even if the Chinese have an infantry brigade to attack, he and the Sixth Infantry Battalion can stick to Lucheng and Shecheng for assistance.

The supreme commander could think so, but Nagano Yuo maintained his caution as always. The lieutenant sergeant could hide in that strong house when the battle was approaching, but he, the sergeant leading 14 soldiers, could not.

Otherwise, as the team leader, he is enough to sit in the fortifications, drink a few sips of tea and smoke the cigarettes just issued, so he still needs to personally supervise at the gate of the city?

At such a time, it is even more impossible for him to have any interest in a Chinese woman with a dusty face and a tattered body. Although he also knows that if the gray face is washed clean, it should still be pretty, but Does that compare to his show son?

"Wang Sang, when performing military affairs, please don't talk about military affairs!" Nagano Yuo turned his gaze back to the Chinese civilians who were waiting in line for inspection.

Feeling the coldness of the Japanese military officer beside him, the split-headed man was a little resentful, and secretly complained that the guy in front of him was ignorant of current affairs!

It's just a little sergeant, if it wasn't for his father who sternly warned him that he must have a good relationship with all the Japanese, which is related to the life and death of the whole family, why would the young son of his dignified Wang family come to the gate of the city to be a gatekeeper? ?
Then, Nagano Yuo narrowed his eyes, and he saw a little Chinese Taoist priest wearing a shabby Taoist robe and carrying a wooden box.

The little Taoist priest should have undergone all inspections and just carried his wooden box on his back.

However, this is not a bustling big city, what is this little Taoist doing here?Nagano Yuu instinctively felt that something was wrong.

"Your, come here!" Nagano Yuo was good at pointing at the little Taoist priest who was obviously nervous.

Being pointed at like this, the little Taoist priest's face instantly turned pale, and his body trembled involuntarily, which made Nagano Yuo feel a little more relaxed.

In front of imperial soldiers, this is the most normal reaction for the Chinese, especially for such a boy who looks like a teenager.

"Your, where did you come from, and why did you come here?" Nagano Yuo was certainly not proficient in Chinese, and after chattering, he looked at Wang Changshou!
Wang Changshou is soft-boned, but he still has a certain talent in language. In just half a month, he can speak basic Japanese. Otherwise, he would not have the opportunity to work as an interpreter at the gate of the city.

"I am ordered by my master to travel down the mountain, and the world is my home!" The little Taoist forced a Taoist bow, the fear on his face remained unchanged, but his eyes were still clear.

This look made Nagano Yuo, who had heard the translation, a little uncomfortable.

During his march, the Chinese he met were all terrified. Those Chinese who dared to look at the imperial army either knelt down humblely at the gunpoint, or because of this stubbornness, they became prey under the guns of the imperial soldiers.

Will this little Chinese Taoist be the former or the latter?Nagano Yuo couldn't help but licked his lips, a cold and cruel smile curved from the corner of his mouth.

"Wang Sang, help me tell him that I believe in Buddhism, not some messy Taoism. Don't use such illusory reasons to answer, just answer me honestly, where did you come from, and where did you go? Those who hide it are dead!"

After listening to the translation, the little Taoist priest finally showed fear in his eyes, and his thin shoulders trembled accordingly, and the surrounding people also cast fearful gazes here.

At first glance, the little Taoist was a wandering Taoist, either relying on fortune-telling or fortune-telling for a living, or relying on charity from believers. If he died here because of the Japanese staying here, it would be something that all kind-hearted Chinese civilians would not want to see.

However, looking at the black muzzles protruding from the sandbags on both sides of the city gate, no one dared to go up and speak. They could only cast contemptuous eyes on Wang Changshou who was loyally serving the Japanese.

In the past, in this place where Wang Changshou hangs around fireworks, the people of Licheng just regarded him as a slutty young man, but now the whole family has turned into an abominable devil, lackey and traitor.

Now Wang Changshou couldn't take it anymore.

A traitor is a very strange creature. He hopes that others will be afraid of him, but he also hopes that others will respect him. From a psychological point of view, it belongs to the psychology of needing what is lacking more.

In the early days, many traitors still hoped to use the excuse of protecting their neighbors and neighbors to whitewash themselves as dogs. Later, they were despised a lot, but they were broken. The level of brutality against their own compatriots is even worse than that of the Japanese invaders.

Wang Changshou, who had just become a traitor, obviously still had this psychological need to be respected, so after the little Taoist once again repeated the reason of "traveling down the mountain and making the world his home", he actually helped the little Taoist to fool the Japanese for the first time.

"Taijun Nagano, the little Taoist said that he is from the south of Shanxi and came to this mountain to avoid the flames of war, but there is no food in the mountain, so he can only go to the city to tell fortunes for people to survive! It seems quite pitiful." Wang Changshou babbled.

Not to mention, there is nothing else like a swinger-type traitor, but Sharkey's bullshit is one after another, making it difficult to tell the truth from the fake.

The reason for being able to do this may have something to do with the fact that he put his hot face on Nagano Yuo's cold ass just now, and cheating him can also save Wang Changshou some face. Anyway, he is not afraid that these lowly commoners dare to report him Yes, the little Taoist who is harmless to humans and animals doesn't look like a human being who can make waves.

"Yoshi! Your ruler is such a jerk, that even those who practice Taoism can't survive, they can only find food in the cities under our empire's rule!" Hearing this explanation, Nagano Yuo showed a smile on his face, Nod your head and stretch your hand. "Go to town! You'll be full."

What made Nagano Yuuo change his mind was that Wang Changshou's explanation only accounted for a small part. He had been observing the reaction of the little Taoist priest. The little Taoist priest was obviously very afraid and his body was trembling, but his eyes were still clear. This is a practitioner. The reaction people should have.

The fear of the little Taoist is derived from the life instinct of fearing powerful creatures. His eyes are clear, but it also shows that he has faith in gods and he has the heart of cultivation, which completely proves his identity.

Moreover, with the help of the shortened distance, he saw that there were no calluses on the little Taoist's tiger's mouth, and he was definitely not a person who had enough contact with firearms. His fingers were slender and fair, and he should not be someone who often exercises strength. will be a threat.

Of course, the most important thing is that he sees the disdainful eyes of Chinese civilians around Wang Changshou. That is what he wants to see. The way back.

Since this Wang Changshou has said so, he doesn't mind giving this guy some face.

Before the little Taoist left, he took a deep look at Wang Changshou, and Wang Changshou, who had parted hair, curled his lips and signaled the little Taoist to get out of here quickly. He wouldn't help the little Taoist on a whim unless his grandma, who had passed away, believed him.

However, Nagano Yuuo is too stupid, so he can be fooled by any reason. It would be nice if the Japanese were so stupid.

The Japanese and the Chinese stood at the same city gate with their own caution.

However, they did not notice that before the little Taoist priest, there were old men with white beard and hair carrying burdens, woodcutters with fairly strong bodies carrying firewood loads, and young hunters bringing rabbits and pheasants they had brought and handing over a certain amount of money. After entering the city, enter Licheng.

The Japanese can't tell what is Licheng dialect and what is Chinese, and for Licheng people, there will not be too many surprises. The special squadron learned from the local guide as early as when they entered the mountain. Although the local dialect will not be particularly proficient in a short period of time, there are still seven or eight points.

On March 3, ten people from the special squadron entered Licheng County through various covers, including Uncle Han, who was seconded by Gu Xishui to Tang Tuanzuo.

Inside the city, the personnel from the 683 brigade who had already contacted them picked them up, and the certificates of good citizens issued by the Japanese army three days after entering the city blatantly became everyone's identity documents.

The various weapons and equipment needed by the personnel entering the city were also delivered one by one by the Wang family's carriage two days later.

The Wang family is the largest business group in the city. The main members choose to join the Japanese, but it does not mean that everyone will follow them wholeheartedly. Some people also choose to embrace the other thick leg.

When the crisis comes, everyone has a chance to choose, choose the right life, choose the wrong death, that's all.

(End of this chapter)

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