Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 898 Really refreshing!

Daya and Mingxin, one is an orphan girl in a small mountain city, and the other is an elite among thousands of soldiers in an elite infantry regiment.

The two people who belonged completely to two worlds would not have had any communication at first, but in the spring of 1938, 18-year-old Ming Xin and a 16-year-old orphan met in a dark hut.

There is only one word in China to describe this kind of unexpected intersection, which is called fate, which is accidental but also inevitable enough!
After all, it takes a hundred years to cross the same boat, so what if one kills and the other quietly watches and kills?It can't be repaired in a mere hundred years!This is the inevitability of fate.

For the two parties, the feelings are naturally different.

That kid won't be a burden to him, this is Ming Xin's feeling when he saw Da Ya for the first time!

In other words, he didn't feel anything at all. With his face covered in ashes and short hair, he didn't even know whether the other party was a man or a woman.

But for Da Ya, the feeling is naturally much richer. Ming Xin is a man who broke into her bedroom in the middle of the night and covered her mouth with his hand to prevent her from making a sound.

She has been running a family since she was seven years old and has to deal with her father who has been corrupted by alcohol all the year round. In fact, Da Ya is far stronger than most girls in this world.

According to the routine operation, she should now stab the belly of this "malicious" man with the kitchen knife in her hand.

This is definitely not the first time such a thing has happened to Da Ya.

On a winter night two years ago, at the age of 14, she was in the small courtyard in front of her, holding a kitchen knife and chopping off a Qingpi's hand who was trying to make a move on her. Qingpi's relatives and friends who came back to the place made accusations angrily, but the 14-year-old girl didn't say a word, bit the braid at the back of her head in her mouth, wrapped the handle of the knife tightly around her hands and wrists with cloth strips, and said nothing. This is standing at the door of the house.

If you want compensation, then you can trade your life for it. You can bear to be beaten and scolded by your father. Even the ordinary Zheng Daya is not born with a fiery temper. Well, this ghost world will swallow her and the drunken mother until there is not even a scum left.

It's just that this world is more cruel than she imagined. Her kitchen knife can only scare away little ghosts, but the Japanese devil finally took away her last warmth.

From then on, she, a little grass, can only survive alone in this troubled world, no matter how cold the wind is.

It was such a strong grass-like woman who, just as she was about to fight to the death with the searched Japanese army, was sealed by a man with his palm, but miraculously she did not make any resistance.

Just because of that sentence: "I'm here to kill the Japanese."

However, at that moment of confusion, Xiaocao had a thought that made her feel extremely strange. Relying on the tactile sensation from her lips, the palm tightly covering her mouth and nose was powerful but unnatural. Rough and thick, yet a little thin, they were different from all the palms she had ever seen in her life. His fingers must be very slender and beautiful!

Xiaocao, who has always been extremely strong, really felt a little ashamed at that moment.

At such a time, she can still think about those things.

Quickly adjusted her mood, put aside the thoughts of "immorality" and the fear of the Japanese army coming, the big girl blinked her relatively big eyes, hoping that this man whose face she couldn't see clearly could see, she could As a helper, she has a kitchen knife that she has sharpened extremely sharp in her hand, and it can cut wood as thick as an arm.

Because, the person who will search the house soon is not the footsteps heard by a little devil from the third aunt's house, there are at least three or four Japanese.

He alone can't deal with those jackal-like Japanese.

The light in the room was very dark, but for some reason, Da Ya believed that he would be able to see it.

Da Ya's intuition was correct, her blink was 'seen' by the young man.

"Understood me! Very good, don't make a sound, keep hiding!" Ming Xin responded in a low voice, letting go of her palm.

The room was extremely dark, if it wasn't for the little light coming through the window, it would be almost as if he couldn't see his fingers, but Ming Xin ran towards the door without hesitation.

Mingxin has been living in the homes of residents in the city for the past few days, and he has long been familiar with the characteristics of the houses of ordinary civilian families in Licheng. Familiar special forces.

The special squadron that grew up on the battlefield is no longer the grass-roots team a few months ago. Among other things, all kinds of tactical preparation meetings have already included various details of the battlefield.

Tang Dao said: When the two armies are facing each other and their strengths are equal, the details will determine the outcome!

Licheng belongs to the eastern Jin Dynasty, and its architectural structure belongs to the typical Shanxi residential style. Before the Eastern Wei and Northern Qi, the residential areas in the town were called "Li", and from the Eastern Wei and Northern Qi to Yenan City, they were mainly called "Fang".Before the Tang Dynasty, Lifang was closed, but since the Song Dynasty, it has become completely open.

Although there were differences in the nature of urban residential areas in the early and late Chinese feudal society, the shape did not change much, and they were always in the form of square residential units.

This kind of residential area is divided by criss-crossing streets and alleys. Since the streets are straight and parallel to the city wall, their shapes are mostly square or rectangular, and circles are rare.In the square residential area, it is divided into small squares of different sizes by many small streets and alleys.The usual plan is to divide it by the "ten" street first, and then divide it into 16 small squares by the "ten" street. Residents divide courtyards of different sizes in each small square, and open doors facing the street, and the shape of the courtyards is mostly square. or a rectangle.

Due to the scarcity of land in the town, the houses are adjacent to each other, and the back wall of the front house is the front wall of the back house.Neighbors on the left and right, houses connected by walls, also known as Jieshanlianqiang, live opposite each other, separated by a street in the middle.

Most of the single dwellings adopt the layout of quadrangle courtyard or triple courtyard. The main house faces south as much as possible. This is the main house of the courtyard. The east and west sides of the courtyard are wing rooms.

One can imagine what the family looks like in a family supported entirely by teenage girls.If it weren't for some old objects handed down from the ancestors in the family that could be mortgaged to the pawn shop and exchanged for money to subsidize the family, this simple small courtyard house would probably have disappeared long ago.

The heavy footsteps caused by the cowhide boots unique to the Japanese army have come to the gate of the courtyard. Da Ya bit her lip lightly, and did not hide like the man said, but quietly walked down with the kitchen knife that was polished to an extremely sharp point. He got out of the kang, hid by the door, and peeped out of the house.

However, the small courtyard of more than ten square meters was no longer dark. The torches lit by the Japanese army illuminated the small courtyard dimly. Two Japanese soldiers strode into the courtyard holding the torches, and there was still light from the torches outside the house.

Obviously, this was just as Da Ya expected, there were at least three or four Japanese invaders, two came in, and there was at least one outside.The Japanese army acted separately in this way. For the man with a pair of strange palms, the difficulty of a successful sneak attack did not decrease, but increased exponentially.

No matter which group he attacked, he would startle the other group, and the Japanese soldiers all had guns.

Perhaps, the best result today is to kill the two Japanese soldiers who entered the house!Da Ya's hand holding the handle of the knife involuntarily tightened two points. She was sure that she would not have to hide by the bed like the man said, whether it was now or when she was alone before.

But, what about the confident man in his tone?Where did you go?

The big girl who was hiding behind the door has never seen the figure of the man in black. If it weren't for the warmth of the palm on her lips that made her have weird thoughts, she would definitely feel that she was hallucinating .At the moment of extreme fear, I fantasized about a hero who would only appear in the mouth of a storyteller to save myself from fire and water.

The two Japanese soldiers were obviously used to this very northern Chinese-style hut before them. They kicked open the door without any scruples, and stepped into the east wing room with a faint fire, and they were greeted with a strange smell of incense candles.

It was a stuffy fragrance, and it also had a disgusting taste from the heart.

In front of a spiritual tablet, several dry steamed buns were enshrined, and three sticks of burnt incense sticks were inserted. The wind blowing from the kicked open door swayed from side to side like an ever-burning lamp that was bigger than a bean, as if it was facing each other. Two unexpected guests greet you.

However, this welcome was obviously not what the two Japanese soldiers needed.

"Baga! This family has just died, bad luck!" A Japanese infantry soldier with the rank of private second class muttered depressingly.

Not only the Chinese don't like to see mourning halls, but the Japanese also don't like it. Even though they have killed someone just now, the feeling is obviously different, especially in such an atmosphere.

The psychological feeling of bad luck makes people feel that the air here is even more unpleasant, as if the whole room is filled with a rotten smell of death.

Another Japanese soldier with the rank of first class soldier frowned, "The Chinese are very cunning, Mr. Zashi, open those boxes to prevent the Chinese from hiding inside."

This is the difference between veterans and recruits.

One is fear or disgusting death, while the other is able to face it calmly.

"Looking for death" showed a trace of hesitation on the face of the second-class soldier, but he didn't dare to disobey the order of the veteran. He cautiously inserted his bayonet into the gap in the lid of the wooden box placed in the corner that was big enough to hide people, and pried it up with all his strength.

Unexpectedly, due to the age of the wooden box, the lock had lost its function at all. The Japanese second-class soldier didn't use up a third of his strength, and the wooden box lid fell to the ground with a loud "boom!"

"Watanabe-kun, what happened?" the voice of the Japanese soldiers outside the small courtyard quickly and vigilantly asked.

"It's okay, something was knocked over. Watch the door and don't let the Chinese escape." The sergeant's unhurried answer reassured the two Japanese soldiers outside the door.

There is a pile of clothes in the wooden box, which are the clothes of Da Yajiu's mother before her death. According to tradition, these should be burned during the burial or the first seven days, but Da Ya wants to keep it as a memory and keep it secretly Some, especially the clothes her father wore when he was executed by the Japanese, the industrious ya didn't even do any cleaning, she was afraid that without the blood, she would forget the hatred, the hatred for the Japanese.

A large amount of blood has long been soaked in the blue jacket, after more than ten days of fermentation, combined with the already depressing scent of incense, it exudes an extremely unpleasant smell.

"Watanabe-kun, there's no one here. The smell here is too bad. Let's go to the next one!" The second-class soldier who covered his mouth and nose looked at him and couldn't help but suggest.

"Idiot, if someone pays homage to the dead, it means that there are living people in the house." The first class soldier gave the second class scumbag a hard look, and couldn't help shaking his head. smelled.

Listening to the movement from the East Wing, Da Ya's eyes were stingy. It was the mourning hall she arranged for her father according to the tradition, and she had to pay homage until a hundred days. I heard that this way my father would not suffer from going to hell. The damn Japanese want to break even this extravagant hope.

And the man who gave her a strange feeling is nowhere to be seen now, perhaps because seeing the many Japanese soldiers, he has already hid in a corner and dare not make any more moves!

Sure enough, the neighbor's third aunt often talked about the "man's mouth, deceiving ghost!" ' makes sense.

Since men can't do it, let women come!Hearing the sound of two heavy footsteps coming towards the south wing, the 16 years old girl tried her best to calm down the extreme fear in her heart. She was about to be lifted up to her waist by the kitchen knife. Just give her a second, and she could stab the kitchen knife into the small room. The devil's belly, if you stir it again, it can mess up his intestines, and he will die.

The girl's breathing was very thin as she tried to calm down her fear, but the senior soldier of the Japanese army who came over heard it.

There was a smug smile on his face. There were not only people in the room, but also women, women who had no resistance.

This task is very simple and very interesting.

Compared with those cowardly and ugly Chinese men who like to kneel down, on the contrary, Chinese women who like to struggle desperately have more desire to conquer.

However, neither the two Japanese soldiers nor the girl who was about to fight to the death knew that outside the house less than ten meters away from them, as early as [-] seconds ago, when the Japanese soldiers outside the courtyard yelled about the situation inside the house, a black shadow rushed like a tiger down the mountain. to them.

The Japanese soldiers did not pay attention, and the Japanese soldiers outside the courtyard did not answer.

Perhaps, it was the dull smell of incense that made his head faint!
The two Japanese soldiers standing at the gate of the courtyard did not keep scanning the dark alley with their rifles as they imagined. Instead, they carried their rifles on their backs and held a torch in one hand. He was smoking a Japanese cigarette.

Apparently, although the sound of gunfire and cannons in and around the city made them anxious, they had nothing to fear in this area where there were only Chinese civilians.

The sense of accomplishment of continuously smashing open the door of the house to drive away the Chinese civilians who were like pigs and sheep with almost no resistance lowered their vigilance to the lowest point.

Here, they are the highest level of the food chain.

After hearing the loud answer from the Japanese soldier in the room, the Japanese soldier let go of his worries and threw a cigarette to another companion. Seeing that the second-class soldier hadn't connected the cigarette because of his sight, he looked for Wei Weile on the ground, and then turned his head sideways and lit the cigarette. The torch lit his own cigarette. In the dim light of the fire, the Japanese soldier took a greedy puff of the cigarette. The smoke and fire, as well as the dark face under the military cap, gave off a sense of vicissitudes after the war.

If someone took a picture of him at this time, he would definitely be on the front page of the "Asahi Shimbun". The title was already thought out, and it was called "Spring Dawn". The Japanese army couldn't help being silent at that moment!
What's the matter, dicks are ridiculed for daydreaming, and they are not allowed to dream when they should be sleeping?

Then, this may be the last time in the life of this Japanese corporal to secrete dopamine.

Because, a seemingly slender but extremely powerful hand stroked the back of his neck.

Palms are warm, especially in this spring dawn in northern China.

But the people who are touched are obviously not so happy!

At that moment, the hairs of the Japanese first class soldier who was dreaming at dawn were covered with hairs. If anyone can take a close-up of him with a camera at this time, he should be like a terrified hedgehog, with hairs and eyes. Protruding, and the muscles on his face are distorted as if he has fallen into hell. With this ghostly appearance, he is precipitously enough to be selected on the front page of "Asahi Shimbun".

It was a great feeling of fear that cannot be described in words!

For a veteran who had undergone a year of recruit training and at least ten battles, the answer at that moment was crystal clear.

There are people behind, and they are enemies.

He didn't let out a scream like a weak chicken to vent his fear. He bent his arm as an elbow and used the tip of his elbow as a gun to slam his back. The reaction of the Japanese private first class who was greatly frightened was fast enough.

But, it's still too slow.

The little Taoist priest, who is ranked among the top three in the entire Four Elements Regiment in individual combat power, is a super murderous man who has killed thirty Japanese invaders with one sword. After the great sword of the master's gate, Mingxin's combat power has increased by at least [-]%.

Such a super murderous man, even if he didn't pull out the big sword at this time, how could he let the prey he got escape?

With the sudden force of the warm palm, the five slender and slender fingers like a pianist suddenly tightened, and a huge force that was completely inconsistent with the appearance spewed out. The human cervical spine, which was not particularly strong, issued a "click" like a broken walnut. Rub" with a soft sound, it was completely crushed to pieces.

Not only was the shattering of the spinal nerves caused the Japanese soldiers to completely lose control of their bodies, even their throats were unable to make a sound. A cold and cold military thorn shot out directly through the skull, directly destroying the last sliver of life of the Japanese upper class soldiers.

The terrified eyes gradually became dizzy, and the green smoke that had not yet been exhaled was blown out along the corners of the Japanese soldier's mouth and nostrils with his last breath in his life.

The out-of-control sphincter also made the Japanese infantry who had become corpses burst out with feces!

Fortunately, the Japanese army also had the habit of wearing leggings. The military trousers were wide enough to cover the dirt, and the smell did not start to disperse so quickly.

It was Mingxin who was very interested in the military thorn equipped by Tang Tuanzuo, and specially asked Xiao He's team to help him build one, and it was also the first blood of the military thorn in his hand.

Judging from the ending, killing is really refreshing!

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