Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 98 Shame Records

Chapter 98 Shame Records
200 meters away, a bright yellow fireball suddenly appeared in the night sky. It was like a sun rising, but it was not scary. The scary thing was that after the fireball flashed, it was a sea of ​​fire.

In other words, the sea of ​​​​fire is not terrible. The most terrifying thing is that there are no less than six or seven khaki figures in the sea of ​​​​fire.

When I watched six or seven miserable howls could even penetrate a distance of 200 meters, the figures covered in flames ran wildly from the sea of ​​​​fire, some, trying to tear up the burning uniforms, some, rolling on the ground, some, When crying loudly to his colleagues around him for help, Captain Naoo Matsumoto knew that his infantry squadron would have six more wounded soldiers on the list.

Moreover, it is seriously injured and severely burned, and if it is cured, it can only waste the food of the empire.

Holding back, not crying, was the last stubbornness of the Japanese captain at that time.

In the terrifying afterglow of the flames, the Chinese demons who are still fleeing frantically are running wildly in various twisted and coquettish poses, like crazy beating notes, as if singing: Cry, man, cry!Not a sin!No matter how strong people are, they have the right to be tired
The last stubborn thing about defeating the Japanese captain was that, soon, he knew that he was wrong.

Wounded soldiers or something, non-existent, to be patronized by the flames created by that demon can only be reduced or killed.

He's gone half a squad again.

No matter what choice you make, no matter how your colleagues help you fight, the Japanese infantry on fire seems to have really become a candle, and his body is wax oil, which continuously supplies fuel to the flame, even if he has stopped shouting and writhing. His body fell silent, but the flames were still burning.
Perhaps, even the process of cremation, the Chinese demons who laid out such terrifying incendiary bombs, helped them to omit it.

Nao Matsumoto's eyes were sluggish, and the opponent only had one person to cause such great damage to his infantry squadron.

If the Chinese have this ability, how can they fight?
He finally knew why the so-called elite [-]st Infantry Brigade was defeated, not because they were too scumbags, but because their opponents were too strong.

This is just the feeling of Naoo Matsumoto, a distant observer. After all, he only saw the subordinates ignited by the flames being burned alive.

But to the Japanese army nearby, the flame was the opened Pandora's box.

A few years later, the napalm bomb, which has changed people's colors, shows its hideousness at this moment. It is impossible to put out the flames by beating with clothes and burying it with soil. The most terrifying thing was when the injured person waved their arms in despair, and the burnt flesh was mixed with indescribable grease splashing around.

The flames are actually contagious. With these mixtures with blossoming flames, whether they are brick walls, gravel or human bodies, they all start to burn.

The decisive point is to slash the flesh with flames at the fastest speed. It may be painful, but it will not become a human candle, and those who react slower will naturally only become a lump like their partners. bonfire.

Yes, it can only be described by the quantifier 'tuo'.

Because, only when you have seen someone burn to death with your own eyes can you know what it looks like.

The whole torso, curled into a ball, like a baby in a mother's body.

Perhaps, the warmth of the flame makes them feel that they are back in their mother's arms!

After two consecutive soldiers were ignited by this terrible strange fire because of their rescue companions, the Japanese second lieutenant who led the team finally gave up the rescue and ordered all the soldiers who were ignited and beyond rescue to be shot to kill the disaster. spread.

However, the tragic casualties did not break the Japanese army's will to fight. On the contrary, because of the brutality of the incendiary bombs, they resented Tang Dao, who was still running wildly, and accelerated the pursuit of Tang Dao.

So, before dawn came, the 3rd Infantry Squad under Captain Naoo Matsumoto created the 36th Infantry Regiment's most tragic and strange casualty record since its establishment, no one.

Painful, of course, the number of casualties is exaggerated. A full infantry squad of 54 people can finally walk back to the formation on their own, but only 18 people, and the remaining 36 people can still breathe, only 6 people, a full 30 people , was killed in this 54-1 rubble hunt.

But this is not important, even if the infantry squad is wiped out, the Japanese army chief who has been brutally baptized several times by the war can accept it. The 1000th Infantry Regiment has suffered more than 36 casualties, and dozens of casualties are nothing. !

As soon as one succeeds, ten thousand bones die, under the aura of that famous general, aren't there thousands of bones?
But this is not a battle at all!

From beginning to end, the chased party never fired a single shot, and all the casualties were actually caused by trip-type incendiary bombs and grenades planted by the other party.

Really, when Nao Matsumoto listened to his remaining 3rd squadron's highest-ranked sergeant reporting to him, he almost didn't think he was bringing a group of pigs to the battlefield.

The second lieutenant of his 3rd Infantry Squad did not come to report to him in person, not because he was injured or killed, but after gathering the soldiers, he found that there were not enough soldiers in a squad.

The second lieutenant, who had chosen to shoot his subordinates during the barbecue, was once again extremely decisive, and he took out the Southern Fourteenth pistol from his waist and aimed a shot at his temple.
The moment it got stuck in the famous Bastard Box, the performance turned out to be very good, and it directly killed the second lieutenant of decisiveness.

Yes, if the only bright spot of the 3rd Infantry Squadron of Matsumoto Squadron in this dawn chase, it may be that the second lieutenant took the initiative and bravely went to Amaterasu for tea.

At least, he proved his loyalty to the Empire with his own life, and not just stupid.

That's not stupid, what else could be used to explain it?

Starting from 150 meters in front of one's own position, it continued to 200 meters before the Sixing warehouse. In the depth of nearly 200 meters, incendiary bombs, hand grenades, and cluster bombs all kinds of tripping mines emerged one after another.

One encounter can be said to be an accident, two times can be said to be careless, three times can also be said that the opponent is too cunning, but the fourth, fifth and even more times, as a commander in the complex situation of the battlefield Instead of giving up, he blindly chose to pursue and kill in an almost gambling manner, which led to the Matsumoto squadron creating an extremely shameful casualty record.

He's not dead, who's going to die?Is Matsumoto Naoo Captain?
Nao Matsumoto even wanted him to be alive. In this case, His Excellency Wakiita Jiro, who had been waiting for his battle report in the rear headquarters, would have a punching bag when he let out his anger, but now, perhaps only he, the infantry squadron commander, took the lead.

Three sentries died, 14 people died in the trenches, plus five people died and three were injured by the tripping mines laid by the opponent on the position, plus those who were burned to death in the pursuit battle, the entire Matsumoto Squadron was killed in this attack. The casualties were as high as more than [-] people, which is equivalent to a complete infantry squad being wiped out without turning a corner.

The dizzying numbers made the captain of the Japanese army even prepared to be threw a command knife by His Excellency Da Zuo and cut his belly in the direction of the island.

Unexpectedly, Jiro Wakiita, who was holding the battle report, glanced at it, and in addition to making a few creepy roars with a slightly changed tone, and then coldly ordering Matsumoto Squadron to be the striker tomorrow, he waved Matsumoto Naoo away. .

Although the striker is extremely dangerous, it is better to die late than to die now. At that moment, the Japanese captain had the urge to hug His Excellency Da Zuo and give him a kiss on the forehead.

This may be the so-called when a person's bottom line is broken, there is no bottom line.

Since the battle yesterday afternoon, the Great Colonel has long been calm about the casualties below 200.

60 is a bird!Add a 0, and people don't have to panic.

(End of this chapter)

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