Defect another world

Chapter 127 Ability Upgrade

Chapter 127 Ability Upgrade
"You can rest assured."

Ai Yun saw their uneasiness.

"The materials and fuel I keep in this building don't last for two weeks, even ten years is not a problem."

While holding the wine glass, he smiled maturely and solemnly.

Meng Fei understood that the building of Ai Yun's housewife was prepared for the end of the world.

If it was the end of the world, he would turn on the ionization shield and enjoy life in the building while waiting to die of old age.

But this is not OK.Anyone who has watched zombie movies knows that there has never been a defense that can survive two episodes...

Even the tightest defenses still have loopholes.

Meng Fei looked out of the window, feeling a strong uneasiness in his heart.

"Why hasn't Ai Yi used the ionization cannon to attack?"

"Hehe, because it's useless to attack with ionization cannons."

Ai Yun took a sip of the red wine.

"Attacking an ionization shield with an ion cannon is not the same as bombarding it with explosives.

"The ionization cannon can tear a hole in the ionization shield, allowing the ionization shield to pass through foreign objects in a short time.

"But only for a moment. After a moment, the crystal nucleus of the ionization cannon will be destabilized and scrapped due to the reaction caused by the attack on the ionization shield.

"What's more, we only have two self-propelled ionization cannon prototypes on the entire island. It is meaningless to use one to waste the other.

"How can it be as simple as bombarding with rockets?
"If he goes on like this, it's still possible to destroy my ionization shield in a month, haha."

The blood bar of the ionization shield has almost stopped falling.

But after working in information security for so many years, he always subconsciously digs for loopholes.

Vulnerabilities?Will there be loopholes?

His strongest bug system can scan for loopholes, but this is limited to what he can "see", not including loopholes in huge systems like the entire building and ionization shields.

He can only summarize the information in his mind, and when building a model, think of the model as an object.

First of all, what exactly is Ai Yi's ability?
come back to life?
He crawled out of the morgue of Gray Magpie Hospital.


Ai Yun can confirm this.

Mind control?

He can control the board of directors, and he can also control the owners of the arsenal, and then use the people in the arsenal to control all the weapons.

Therefore, there is no doubt that he has some kind of mind-controlling ability.

Ai Yi's mind control is likely to be similar to his "repair", which is only effective within a limited range.

So he has never been able to enter Yunshui Villa.

How far can effectively control the mind?

Although I don't know the specific data, it is impossible to be as far as hundreds of meters or even a kilometer.Otherwise, everyone would be under control now.

So how will he break through?


Ai Yi has found it very boring after playing the game.

He watched the explosion scene on the big screen boredly, and walked around the big conference room uneasily.

It was getting dark.

"No, your damn plan D is simply letting me die for nothing." He cursed as he walked.

A voice from the other side came from the radio in the conference room.

"This is the only plan that we think is feasible after discussing it here.

"If you continue with Plan C, you won't be able to blast the ionization shield for two weeks, and you won't be able to escape when Zhang Island is surrounded by the fleet."

"I don't want to make this and that plan with you. I'll slip away first, and I can do other things for you later?"


"Headquarters does not accept that this plan has failed in any way."

The attitude of the other party is simply extremely cold.

Although Ai Yi felt chilled, he had no way of relief.His life is still in the hands of others.

But the other party's words made him keenly grasp a glimmer of life.This made him laugh strangely.

"Haha, good. Headquarters doesn't accept your failure.

"But I can easily fail you."

"If you follow our plan D, you have a 30% chance of surviving.

"If you fail us, you have a 0% chance of surviving."

That voice seemed to be aware of his gaffe, but he began to coldly calculate the most reasonable survival option for Ai Yi.

"Haha, sorry, I'm bad at math."

He took a breath of air, then wiped his itchy nostrils.

"I'm too lazy to count the probabilities. If the conditions given to me are not good enough, I will be happy to let you fail. I am willing to die, haha, you can figure it out."

The other party was silent.

About a minute later, the voice came again.

"After discussion, we unanimously decided to upgrade your ability to another level. After completing this mission, we will send someone to send you away as originally planned."

"Upgrade? Where is the upgrade liquid?"

His ability has been upgraded by one level.After that upgrade, he went directly from a corpse to a healthy person.

Not only that, but his abilities also mutated and became stronger.

The specific operation is that someone injected him with a liquid.When he woke up, someone pulled the syringe out of him.

The other party told him that the thing injected was called "upgrade stock solution", which could upgrade his abilities and bring him back from the dead.

Although he didn't know if he was still the same person before he died, but it didn't matter, it was good to be alive.He never wanted to die again.

Since the other party said to let him upgrade one more level, he must have another upgrade stock solution, which is likely to be different from the first stock solution.

But now that Zhangdao is surrounded by winter storms, where do things come from?

"It's in your phone, and you can see it when you open the back cover."

"After upgrading, can I live?"

"The probability of death is 0%. You can't die even if you want to."

He didn't expect to say that directly over there.

It seems that they are really well prepared.It's just that the things that may be used have been prepared in advance?

He took out the phone in his pocket and opened the back cover to replace the battery.

Sure enough, the phone battery was a bit shorter than normal.In the extra space is a tiny syringe.

The syringe contained a dark red blood-like liquid, but there were many tiny red fluorescent bubbles swimming slowly.

The whole tube of liquid gave him the feeling that it was a living creature.Each tiny, shimmering bubble resembles an eye.

The eyes became visibly disturbed and began to agitate as soon as he removed the syringe.

It also gave him a strong sense of unease.

Anyone who is about to inject himself with a living creature would find it a heart-pounding thing.

But for Ai Yi, the meaning is slightly different.

He used to lie on a hospital bed with tumors all over his body, waiting to die in despair.

He was injected with a similar liquid in a cold refrigerator in the mortuary, and miraculously came back to life.

Now the possibility of him wanting to live freely on the island no longer exists.But he never wanted to go back to the morgue either.

It is the same whether it is injected or not. The fate is in the hands of others.Only by continuing to live will it be possible to find a chance to find freedom.

So he only hesitated for a few seconds before stabbing his arm with a needle.

(End of this chapter)

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