Defect another world

Chapter 190 I have seen you in my past life

Chapter 190 I have seen you in my past life

After about an hour, all the defragmentation had been tucked into the RV.

On the floor, on the sofa, on the bed, disk arrays are piled up everywhere, like a large warehouse, and it is no longer possible for people to stand.

Of course, the RV itself is largely enclosed.When the curtains were drawn, it was impossible to see what was inside from the outside.

Three people sat on the ground next to the car, forming a circle.There were boxes of lunch piled up on the ground.An Sheng ate box after box.

After eating about fifty boxes, he was finally almost full.

Looking at his own RV, he suddenly said with emotion:
"The negative entropy of this car is worth one trillion?"

"Glutton coins. This is just a conservative estimate. This kind of thing cannot be calculated with money. Even if you get a trillion glutton coins, people will not sell you so much negative entropy. This is a country's savings."

Meng Fei added.

AXA has never had much concept of money.But he also knew that even his entire An family's property did not have a trillion gluttonous coins.

No matter how much money a wealthy family has, it cannot be compared with a big country after all.

He suddenly remembered a song he heard when he was a child:

"I found a penny on the side of the road,

"Hand it over to the police uncle."

After hesitating for a moment, An Sheng asked:
"Then let's get this thing back and transport it to the presidential palace. How much reward will the president give us?"

"This one……"

Meng Fei thought for a while and said:
"Five hundred yuan, plus a pennant?"


Even Suzaku couldn't help laughing.

"Stop being silly, both of you."

She checked the time on her phone.

"It's three o'clock in the morning. We don't go there, just rest here for six hours and leave at nine o'clock in the morning.

"This road may be dangerous, you should take good care of yourself and don't lose the chain along the way.

"Come on, Meng Fei, you sleep here."

She had already taken the pillows, quilts and blankets off the RV and made a floor bunk.

"It's better for you to sleep. I can just find a place to lie down."

"You are the protagonist of tomorrow, you must rest well."

Without any explanation, Suzaku grabbed him and pressed him on the floor, covering him with a blanket.

"what about me?"

An Sheng said with some dissatisfaction.

"You can sleep in the cab, there is no hard drive in the cab."

An Sheng reluctantly opened the door and entered the cab.

Suzaku lifted the blanket and lay down herself.She was lying on her side next to Meng Fei, with her head resting on the pillow, her bright eyes flickering, looking at Meng Fei.

"I squeeze with you, don't you mind?"

"I am still……"

Meng Fei's mind turned sharply, wondering if he should just open a branch line and jump back when he's done?
"Without me, you would freeze to death here."

Suzaku said with a smile.

It was only then that Meng Fei realized that in this dark and cold huge computer room, he should have died of hypothermia long ago.

I don't know if he is about to freeze to death, it will work if he keeps using system repairs.

Theoretically, the system can only repair the damage, and cannot increase his body temperature.

Suzaku's abilities create fire and control temperature.He has been in the warmth created by her, so that he forgot the cold around him.

Before Liu Gang relied on military coats and kettles.Mr. An relied on the supernatural powers of his physical body.

The top of the head is pitch black, like a deep black space, without any light.The tall rack is covered with dots of stars.

The rays of light of various colors reflected on the smooth ground, forming hazy colored spots like nebulae.

The noise and cold wind are like the ubiquitous microwave background radiation.

I just don't know if the universe here is the universe in his previous life?

When he was tired, he noticed that Suzaku was always facing him, watching him from a very close distance.Her face was as beautiful as the bright moon, and her eyes were as bright as the stars.

"Why do you keep looking at me?"

"See if you are still the same as before."

"Speak like you've seen me before."

"Yes, I have."


"Your past life and past life's past life and past life's..."

"...Where do people have any past lives?"

"If you believe it, there will be."

"It's sophistry."



After a few boring but interesting bickering, Meng Fei fell asleep.


November 2080, 2 at 13 am.

Meng Fei was woken up on time by the alarm clock set on his mobile phone.

It's a pity that there is no sunlight in the computer room, and there will be no changes in the morning, noon and evening.

He heard the sound of boots, it was Suzaku walking over.

Today's Suzaku can be said to be dressed up and can go to the dance.

She was wearing a red coat, and a black skirt with complicated patterns was exposed under the coat.A belt tied the slender waist, showing a slender and graceful figure.

There are also black gloves on both hands, flat boots on the feet, a red lady's beret on the head, and delicate light red eyeshadow on the eyes.

The long dark red hair was not restrained, and was draped over the right shoulder very softly.

Two paper bags were hooked between fingers in black silk gloves.She threw one into the cab where An Sheng was lying and sleeping, and the other was carefully held in front of Meng Fei.

She tore off the tinfoil wrapping the burger and brought it to Meng Fei's mouth.

"Eat quickly, let's go after eating."


"Remember that no matter what happens today, you only need to do one thing."

"What's the matter?"

"Save your own life."


"Don't try your best."

"it is good."

"Don't be a hero."


Meng Fei thought to himself, do you underestimate me too much?


"And then the rest..."


"Leave it all to me."


When Ansheng's dazzling ultra-luxury car just drove out of the underground garage of the Bureau of Secrets, the atmosphere was far less tense than Suzaku had worried.

Like a relaxing outing.

If it weren't for the fact that the originally comfortable compartment at the back is now filled with steel ingot-like disk arrays, leaving no room for shelter.

There are three poles in the sun, shining brightly behind the dense branches and leaves, as if there are countless gems shining in the dense forest.

The morning air has not yet dissipated, and the cool wind comes in through the cracks in the car windows, making people seem to be able to smell the coolness of the mountain spring.

Countless birds were chirping or cooing along the way.

The wide road winds along the mountainside.On one side is a lush forest, and on the other side is a large lake that is as green as emerald.

With this brilliant spring, this pleasant atmosphere, and the company of beautiful women, one should sit in the car, sing songs, and eat hot pot at the same time...

Of course, a good-looking RV is stuffed with hard drives that kill the scenery, so there is no way to eat hot pot.

An Sheng was driving, and Meng Fei was sitting in the back seat, staring at the lake surrounded by mountains.

"This is the dense forest reservoir, which controls the water source of the entire Rongdu."

Seeing that he was very interested, Suzaku introduced him.

"Well, can you swim?"

Meng Fei asked suddenly.

Suzaku's face suddenly turned cold.She hates water very much.For her, Meng Fei's question was really a question of which pot should not be opened and which pot should be lifted.

She can bathe in molten iron from a blast furnace and swim in lava.

She's fine with taking a shower in the shower, but she inherently hates water.If she falls into a lake, she can't swim.

"Then will you?"

Suzaku suddenly asked.

"I do not know either."

At this time, there was a sudden sound of brakes.

"Fucking sick!"

An Sheng yelled.

(End of this chapter)

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