Defect another world

Chapter 219 Another choice

Chapter 219 Another Choice
"Sorry to bother you. But I'm going to tell you three facts.

"Number one, the negentropy you retrieved is now gone. Those disk arrays now contain junk data.

"All the hard drives you and An Sheng put on his RV are missing. An Sheng is also under investigation.

"Second, Roan investigated the submission records of the code related to the BUG that caused the loss of negentropy. All the codes were submitted by you many years ago.

"Thirdly, our intelligence agency recently sent information that the Taotie people are actively planning to awaken the Taotie. The ceremony may be tonight, or it may be in the next few days.

"Young man, you have made a lot of contributions, I am very optimistic about you, and I don't want anything to happen to you.

"If this matter has nothing to do with you, and it is all done by the Taotie, please come to me and investigate with us.

"I promise to clarify all the facts for you, and I will never stop until I achieve my goal.

"But if you don't come, all I can say is that the country is in a very dangerous moment.

"Once Taotie awakens first, we will be in extreme danger. In this case, I have no other choice.

"You don't need to answer me, I'll give you enough time to think. Think about it carefully, and if you have an answer, just answer my envoy directly.

"You can come with them, or you can say no.

"However, you must think carefully and make a careful decision, OK?"

"okay, I get it."

Meng Fei hung up the phone.

Negentropy gone?Just junk data left?how can that be?

There are disk arrays full of junk data.

In order to attract the gluttonous people's attack, he spent a few hours filling some spare disk arrays with junk data and putting them on the RV.

But the disks that actually kept those debugging logs and could restore the negative entropy data were all left in the underground computer room of the Secret Bureau.

How could it be missing?
Someone just overwrote the data with junk data?
Fuck, it's really hurting others and not benefiting oneself.

But anyone who can do this must go to the computer room.

That is, whoever moved those hard drives in the computer room is the criminal?Isn't this obvious?

Won't they investigate this shit?Why do you have to get me there?
Then there is the second point, why did I write all these codes?

He has always felt that debugging information is always saved as much information as possible.

The debugging information caused the negative entropy data to be backed up one more copy, and he always understood it as a design error, not an intentional behavior.

So he didn't check who wrote the code at all, and it didn't even occur to him to do so.

For him, no matter whether the person who wrote these codes is Luo An, Liu Gang, or Meng Fei, it's all the same thing, and it doesn't mean anything.

But if all the debugging information related to saving negative entropy is written by one person, it is indeed a bit suspicious.

When Mantis developed the security system for the Bureau of Secrets, he hadn't traveled through it yet.

He suddenly thought:

Damn, wouldn't the predecessor, Meng Fei, actually collude with the Taotie people, so the seeds of stealing negative entropy were planted at that time, right?
If this is the case, even if I jump into the Yellow River, I won't be able to wash it off.

No, no, I read the diary of my predecessor Meng Fei.

He is a very honest and ordinary code farmer, and he does not look like a gluttonous spy, or has any collusion with a gluttonous spy.

Even if he wrote those codes, it is likely that the people above asked him to write them.

Maybe the boss said to him:
"Meng Fei, we need to fully debug the data decryption process to ensure correctness and ensure that there are no security holes in it. You can design the debugging information."

As long as he said that, he would definitely not have any doubts, and would only do it with all his strength.

He probably only knew that he was working there to decrypt the data, and he didn't know what the data was at all, and he didn't even think that it was a back door for Xuannv or Taotie to steal negative entropy many years later.

So who will that leader be?
The answer is almost there.

Who else, Ouyang Cong.

At that time, Meng Fei would not have any doubts about this person.And this guy was copied by Ai Yi.Ai Yi is a real gluttonous pawn.

But Ouyang Cong has been wiped clean by him.There is no proof of death, and there is no way to start from Ouyang Cong to reveal the truth.

"No, this is a giant pot."

After thinking about it, he felt that this matter had become a huge shadow, covering almost everything.

It enveloped him and Ai Ting.

A good date ruined.

Marriage with girlfriend is in jeopardy.

Resignation may not be resigned.

The cabins in the forest of Beixizhou, the reindeer and foxes on the snow are even more hanging.

Maybe you will be implicated and imprisoned, and you will sit through the prison.

"If I go to the Central Province for investigation now, I probably won't be able to get out.

"Then the next morning when my clues came out, Xuannv must be alert.

"By then they'll be out there and they can sweep away all the evidence and put all the blame on me.

"And I'm probably in a state of losing my freedom, and there's nothing I can do to clarify.

"No, a decision must be made immediately.

"But for now, I have only two options. Either go to the Central Province with them, or refuse!"

For him, the choice is not difficult.He can branch!

Here comes the bus.

He pulls his girlfriend aside.

"I'll go with them. Don't worry, you'll be fine."

Anxiety swirled in Ai Ting's eyes, but she controlled it well.

"Be careful yourself. I will go to Li Mu and Grandpa to ask what's going on, and I'll think of everything I can think of. Don't forget that we have an appointment at eight o'clock tomorrow morning."

"Don't worry, I won't forget."

Meng Fei almost forcibly pushed his girlfriend onto the bus.

There were not many people on the bus, but there were still a few people.It shouldn't be a big problem for this bus to take her back to her residence directly.

Looking at the back of the bus going away under the street lights, Meng Fei turned around.

"Let's go."

The two special envoys came back to their parking place, opened the car door with difficulty, and invited Meng Fei to get in the car.

This is a rather high-end commercial vehicle, with three rows of seats at the back, all of which are comfortable and soft leather seats.The seats are very spaced apart and you can cross your legs in each row.

When going all the way on the mountain, the comfortable cushioning makes the bumps extremely soft.

There are many mountains in Rongdu, with high and low all the way, climbing over mountains and crossing bridges.

Meng Fei took the notebook out of his backpack, put it on his lap, and kept typing on the keyboard, letting the time go away with the rapidly receding mountains, forests and city scenery outside the car.

Fortunately, he was not arrested, so not all electronic and communication equipment was confiscated.


He didn't need to take out his mobile phone, he directly connected with his brain, and while talking with Qingqing on WeChat, he continued to check things online with his laptop.

He had another idea.

"Well, I saw the invitation letter specially sent by the president to invite you.

"They haven't uploaded more information on the app, but I have a hunch you're in trouble."

"Well, I think so too. Can you check some information for me?"

"You said."

"Do you remember that we have been checking the encryption and decryption server in the computer room this afternoon?"

"of course I remember."

"There are many disk arrays on the nearby rack, which store a lot of encryption and decryption debugging information. The lost negative entropy is stored in it.

"Since I left the computer room at 9 o'clock this morning, has anyone moved these disks in the computer room?"

(End of this chapter)

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